HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 342 Creating Sewer District Number Sixteen :~~~~ ~~~~"';;":",:-~::;~:,: ~~::";.!:~i;'_\l:~?, ,:.,:,!,:~,::~;:i~~~':"::~-'~\'"~~:'tii~".i::':;,:;~~~;;'~~~':;:::,,: 'i::::.:",;!;".z..~':::":S:~:::l!:;:::':'::';;:,:'~~~~~::::~~::.~;~.;o:;;,:'_::,~~M.r.:l:r."J.,.:IC<,;.''':i;/.:!.,..",.;:>::,:_,!".::-::~:.":,,,:,;:: .': .",: ._,.."..,.,..." .- .... _.~ ,:' ~....~, , '"'''''''' '.',', :":".~" -_...._-~iI!Er. '!";:',::\~~~~:..~.,:.>L.:':: ; "":;'."':,':;~", "~.>~,f',o:i"'''',!I,,..'~irr.IE.'';I^\~;,:.JIlI.1i ."'.. .". ..~,... .......'H -r- .. -....-,..--,.." ,.".,,~.,~'" .,.---. -- ~ COlm(;IJ, HES01."\JT.IOl\f ~NO.;.142. -".. A Gou:;r:~n milr;OJ,U'J::tON CHEATING A ~)'J!:,,1':?P DTF'J.';<:rr:':l' Pi 'j~m~ ~::t'.t'y' m'BOZJ<;U~N TO '~E KNOWn AND D};<-;ICmKCJi]J) AS m!JlJiIJ<;}';( DIS~HH)t(' :!\jO. liS, TIm BJOO~ TO ~AJlJ GONF;:rpUGTKD 'j.'i.'}oJUr.IN '.:~O .rni: Tc:;rOl)!rN A:m !Jj;:SIGHATAD AS DIS'tRICT '"p:>11Jn NO l'i 'lTJ) n:p'r.J ~Tlrr(' J:" 'i'Of''!/: '!''''.", TN'I'IDTTION 01l' ';eFE CITY ,J.I '. J '. ~ jJ.~.:".~, -'. "',~ J.",..,' J' % .,,1, ',. ,'.,_.1 1, ,! 1 iii _~. ... ,'" , ".". 1,:; "J 'd" ' '10nNn!1, OF T!r~; SAID C!1'Y '1'0 eOHBTHUCT A PORTION 01" SAID nISTHICl' :n~"V.'f::Fl liQ. 14 Mm 'Xo F)I'ECIA1~.Y ASHE3S 'J~Im:::lli'TIR:F; COS'r . .!\ND D::P1':NS}1, Q}' r.OW,TRf1\:'J;JNG 'l'T':E BAi{g AGAIlm~' ~~ro, PROJ'},-:RTY, , WHICH IS fWli;\:IA],J,Y J~:mJ;;PITBD 'i:IlERID3Y., IN PROPOn'l'lON ';:0 THE ]...nnr,,A'H FRRT lWRm-;RDm O:M Gl',:m FORl'lON OF flAID DIS1'lUflT SEWlm NO. 16, tJNllF.::H AlJ'I'EORI'fY AND IN r,ON:f.'ORMITY WIT.H THE PROVISIONS OJ<~ F}~C'rIOrrG NO" " AIm 7 OF- ROU::;:F: liILL NO. :';:04 OJ<' ').'1<1': FII<"rlI LEGISL.A'nVl~ M~:m\([B],Y OF :C'1l.F. S'j'AT}~O]i' MON'l'ANA, APPT~OVJIT) MARCH S'l'B: 18~1?, AS AMXND}ID. _.~ , I , BE n~ HES01JYlm JW ~r't[F r-ITY cOrMen O:F' 'rim CITY OF BOZEMAN: ! , Seotlol1 1: ";hat I.. "we%" niatr:\.ct for 'the purpose of oonatruot1ng f\ Distriot s"wer, her.1natt~r m.orEl I)art:tcul~l;r loj desor:H)<!)d, 'bl'! ';;';''1d1;.he r,UJl).C't iflhflreb~1 ore&ted, the fJ1:4!'llfl to be krWM'1 ;,.i.ntl d~flj.t';m;tf\d r..ll r,flWflr D1atr;!.ot }Tcl. 16 of' th.. City of nO~,e!!lf~n, Oount::, of (\,.ll<:.U.n, ~g...t,fi of Montmh'''', ~nd 'I;h~t the ni6triot; SEIW8l", h'~6;inaf't.~}r dOiorlt'.d , shhll be k:1'lOVo'l'I and r l'!lH,ign...ted i4.fl :Jll9t.r:ict 3,~wAr :'1'0. le~; I ~ I seOU(Ul 2: That the .aid sewflr Dbtr1ot, }To. ~f) 5-8 htlrltby " desoribed"" 01.5 tollows, tO~'Il1t; ,~.d"d S.~.'ftt.... ,nht,dct. Irn!, 16 .hall 111cluQ.tl' 1ii,11 prOl'flr,ty abutt1ne on S:l.xth Av~nlle, south., bllltween the Qantet' ;U',"le of Olhe S tn~t OJl.n(i the cen tIer line of 1,1nooln S tre',! t; Section 3. 'l'h...t the liIu.id Dh trio.t S"'nT No. 16 :l.hereby diucr'i1JfIld w.tI fellow., 'to-wi t. ,Sn1d D1striot seWfir }To. 16 ah..ll lHlg1r' ,d; D:1.r~tr:Lct sewer No. 13 a.t the lnt..ruot1c'm of the , oenter lines ot Sixth Avenue ,. louth, an4 OliTe street, IiWin1,tlg _.~~~ ,- -...--.............~~.. - - - ~, r 4 '~ .~ ',. ~, "'" II .!~":::.::- -~ '-....._~"~ ~ -~ :_-= ~~:- ---:_~~~~-,,~~;-;, ',.-,..' .."~--, .-................:............., --= Page 12. thene6 south Along t118 oi!lntttl'" Un., of Sixt.h Avetl1l~ to the cent6r 11n~ of Lincoln gtre~t; qeot:l.on 4: Thu.t 1 t :1s hereby t\eolar6ld' ~;he intenUon of' the City (':cl1lnc,"l of: thl't 8..14 oity t;(') o()nstr'lot f~ por'I,10rJ. of satt District S.wer ]G'o. 16bag1nn1ng at District, S.Wl'fl' No. 13 ,,'J: the inters"<ction of the canter hn",. of'. s1.xi;:!'l t\vlilnut' .md O11'Wt Rtreet, nAnning thtmcw lJonth 01'11.'1 blook to ~h8 c6ntRr l!n~ at Curtis Rtr~~t; and to Rpecial1y a3Sft6S the Antir~ QDBt and eXrenf,e I)fCOP131,rvcting ~1!d.d portion of fu",id n:ldtr:'1..oi; r;.Wftt" No. Hi i;l.~"ii\.1na t; the }JTollerty wi th:ln Si1.1d sewer 1):\.8 tricrt.l'To. 16 ~~nd bordr~ring on. l'l.nd 6Ileaial1y 11eYl,,:r'1tl!ld thereby in prnport,1on to the lihflt\r fee~ hord.erlng on 1lfl.:1.d port:l.on of lm:l.d. D1~.tr1ot Sewer NO. 16; . '.. , seotion 5; '1'hnt, the length. of u.id portion \"If Gaid. riistr1,ot S'Wflr )lTQ. 16 is ~fi? f~et; t.hl>.t the total f'rantage'! of property, ,\!" \, bord.{u.i,ng on said PQl't1on afIU\,ld n1atr1e't. ~ft"(!r '~o. 16, speoially b"n~fjted t'h(freby Md. 1;0 bfl IlF~l(:h.lly 14fuuuuu..4 there. -""....... -for is 550 rA~tj that the est1n:J...ted ooatemd .Xrenfl'~o:t' ' construct.ing aaid por1;lon Ot: fiaid NBtr:\.ot Sewf,r "'TO. 'ltS" i. ." J '" ~380.erl find th'" elst.i.llll:l.ttld cost lJl'lr linfel~r fcott,o thfl pr{li)~ty bordering th411rflon i. $.6" oents jl;hAt llI!l.ici lior1,iMl of' l>ftid '. '..A , ! Dit>t.rlct f)f:W\l<J' ']\jQ. l~) 15ht4.l1 boll com:t:ructeo. of e; :tncr: vitrif1111d " pipe and in ;,l,onM'dh.noe with thft plans a.rHi iiipcc1flIH,:.t:lontl on '~l: " fn~ in thtl: 01'1'108 of th~ Cit,r J~l1gin\'\l!lT of 1....1<1 C:lt~,; SlflctiCln cl; Tlw.t 'L'hur'adt.y, i;hfl 1fith d.ay of }TovemlHtT 19'05 . , ,;;.t 7;'''0 o'olook :P. M. of lla:l,d ch.y, "l,t tl18 G()l,\Ucil (;h~UllbeT at the City :FHdl in tlw City of Boy,,"'man, b6 l.\.nd the t,Mfl is flt.'lNlb;r de1ll1,enE.t"d a." thl:l t,:lm0 ttnd iilf.l.c(~, when u,m1 where H<:41d City "Councll (It Mioid Cit;y will 11f! 1n seu1Qn and will hef;.l" objection. if ',,,ny to the final l)f\.i>t;age and adoption of t,llls Reaolut;1oa; and any per.on or" persona, who fl,rll as.nt~. or own.'" 01. any lot , or pu..l or land with 1n ...it! g...,. ni'trlct NO. U, b~"dflr Ins i on,a14 porU,on of ...U Distr,:lot S...,. N'o'. 16, .hall hav.. the .. 43:3 I T I, II I! II ~,i i; I' , ii " " \, i! i; P"I- P ii 'I r1gh~. at illl.t.cl tilllt lItoIld }'I1.0., "0 4111>lll.,. ",'.."cti:pn:lc1J" Ii :1 I' 'I' e:\ther in pltY'llC'm or' by oQ1m...l ~rut Itl.ow .'.'i.,' .U".,....any th.... b'. Ii I' I; why.aid perUon of ,...14 D1atr1,ot seftr }iQ. leahAll not b. 'I j, !; ;! con,8tructed Qr wli"v this :p'flfJolut1on ahdl not; 'b, t":lndly ii I, p~s.nd un Ii adOll'ted. " " !~ , Sl!tot.:1.t>n ". T)),iiO.t the Cttybe and. he is hflt".fby in.tr\u/lte" by the 01 ty doulIen 1;0 have thi. Resolution puhli$hed in thl, B,ozerr;':tn r,hroniclfl, n weekly nflw8p&.per, printed. Mld.}Jubl1el1... i in tM City Or Bv.t6nJ&n, in OM 1l$utttherflo:tl\t lAIIl.A'/', :fIve ...,.. 'befQTe \.1l.1d 4...., Qf' hearing, ... rn qMr-e4 by law'. pa"e. llf..,.mbe:r M 1W06. ...... :Novtlm'hc)'" 7th 1906. ,.;-.. . F1m"l1y Paeeed Novftmbftr 15th lW06. ?:lm\llY A:p'proved~ro"l'~m1)~rlfi \'. X' ',' , .,~ .,' .. I, ,;\ I ~t; .' . ii I ~ "" r 4a4 "~,~~_ ..... _._._..___...._._.... ,..... ..~.,'"' "''''~'''~~ ....". """,",..",w..,~_._._."""..~._,.,.,._._,,_~,. ..... .._ _".."." "_'___'"''_''''' n. ._._........__ ",.".._ .. ..___........._..._...'. , - ,...----" -.... ~." ..,,,' .'",.~". .. - ... ---......-.... """"-,;:::";,;;::.~ ~:;',:~;:'=':~~:~,:.':~:;',:":.-::~~;::::::~:',::~::'.:...:=:'~,.::~~::':~.':,:~,:~:'::_..~,~~~::':::':::::;::.i.~;~.:~.:~:':..~:;:~.:,:o. .;:~~=.':':::;:.:~:::~~~':'::~_C-'~~'~'":~~'; "_:'::':. >,::~::'::'::";':'~.",'~::,':~. :';:;=.~~:~~:::' ::~::::'~'~'~ '.:;' '~~ ~.~:.,::~... . ... .. _m ",~.':~.::~:~~:::~: ~_~~.:~;~:::~:'::.":~;'~::~:. ~: ',' ""0,:0' ,,~.: : ~::~~=,~;::;"="~'~" '" :C:;:':.:"" '-', ,. i j I I I aft r t, if i 0['41;6 of () i ty Clerk. t ........ gtp, te of' }-{ontanlll., ) ) i County of' Gf1.lV..tin, ) SSe I ) City of nOZell1lO.n, ) , ,~ .....,............-...-~ - ~ ,\,~"~,t'!l".bl'JO,,,:No.lJn., 'No. 16 shall beiliu at Dletlot Sewer ume.11 hereby deslllnated aa the tlmetv Clerk of 1J:Je a1 ty ',(:'<klQnjlU':~esolut1on l.'ll:jlatlnB a' No. IS at the Intersootlon of the oen- and plaoe, when and where said Olty, .. , '~ll~~ilICl'4!ltheQlty of Bozemanter lines of Sixth Avenue, Sonth, and Oonuoil of laid Olty will be IUll8'~ ",,' . .'..' ,~~i\)\iQla*d";Pl\BjlJDate4 'as; S8'\'~er Olive Street. runnln/( thenoe south liOI1 and .wiJI hear objeotlons, If aDY, ,'..' Ge r t, :tfy 1, hh I, R. t a '~~~~' :~o.~6.~,l>eSewedo be Oon- alonll the oenter line ~ Sixth Avenue to thetlnal PlI8Salle and adoption of . , . ' ""'~,,'X~,~r.lp'tobe KnoWD, {and to the oenter line of Llnooln Street; this Resolution; and auy prelOn or G;t.;:i of .Ho;;m1iil.n , P!liodi;'~:';,I>lltrlotS.werNo'- 16, Seotion 4. That It Is hereby ~e., perBons, who are allentl or OwnerB of ' 'flOli"II1Il;~~~ob.al~~'tlon olared, to be the I~tentlon of the (:lIty any lot or paroel of laud within said') re ,,'0 ~"n' <,' l '":,~~:;'Qltl~P'l'lJlPll of,'~jd. Olty Oonnoll of tbe sal(l C:lty to ooustruota l?e.:wer Dls.trlct No. 16, bordering on. (, . I,. DC, annflxed 1~{91~ij!l~rUOfl\,:~ortlflDI or< Id Dill- portion of said Dlstrlot Sewer No. 16 ~ald porhon of said District Sewer "",' , " . " . 'g~"1~~!lti:,~'::l6<and:.toSpil~al1y belllnning at District Sewer No. 18 at No. 16, shall have the rlllht, at laid 0.: I.he Ii<;,.ld (! 1 I;y , "'I~'!."i::'QQe~)'lld 'ExIleJ1se the intersection of tbe csnter lines, of time ~nd pla.ce, to appsar at .ald. 'eS' .",,"t.rull '. '. ,~h~Iil~I1l~A~ainl!t; the Sixth Avenue and Ollve Street. run- slon, eIther m person or by oounsel of H,t id r.l"~' v on sa id ",:. :""',~'I#"JI,S~,~)IIUY Elene- ulng thenoe south one blank to the alld show oause. If any therebl!, why ,. " J_'!l"P;~(lPll'UIm. top the oeu~r lIno of OurUsStreet; and. to said portion of nid Olstrlot Sewer ,0', prdsrlng',pl1,Sald'Por- speClany auellll tbeentlre oos~and ex. No. 16 shall not be oonetrnltlld or , " 'lif/blitrfob'BeW{lr NO. 16, pense of. oonltructlnll said portion of why thl." Resolution shall not be ',:i.al1di\lQonfo~lty aaldDlstrict Sewer No. 16 allalnst the tlnally palllled and adopted; COHn oil ne Boillut.ion /'i~soti!elJtlonIt'NOll. property wltbln ,said Sewer Distrlot Seotloll 7. That ths Olty m.rk be "'\J3,iW,J(o,'1l04/Jf tile No. 16 and borderlnll on ,,"d speclallv and he Is bereb, Instrnoted by the 2 wasp 1111 1 i she d in ""'~~bl:yofthe benefitted thereby In proportion to the City Oounoil to haV8 ,thlll ,RellOlutlon . .' '. , ' ':'!A~Yed Maroh 8, lIuear. feet borderlnll on said portion published in theB02Ie'11an Obronlol.,' ,. ' " . , Ill' of said. ~istrict Sewer No. 16; . aweeklynewepapar, prllltedal1dpnb. pr:ll1t\.d and ,,,'.. . ',~:~~ll OltyOOUllCll Section 5. 'rhat the lenllth of said lIshed In the Olty of Boaeman, In one .. ;,..It;,~,....,:~~.IUl: . portion of .ald Dletrlct Sewer No. 16 Illllue thoreof at le".t five' dayI before Ine i [i Him th er eot ,.ijijtltlxd.''''.Thata8ewer DI.tliot I. 857 feet tbl\t tho total frontalle of said day of hearing, 1111 requlrad. by , :.::,thepurpq8e (ltQoD-stlrllCtIIIl( a DIs- property bordering on said portlou of law, linh i t~' '. t. 'lptl:!ewer,bsrelna.f,tell'mOrepar.llllld District Sewer No~ HI, specially Passed NOV8lDber 8,l1l0ll, ., (d. .1. W",,(i ~. ~1~p.(ar1y ~811e.b8d, be aDd the slime Is benefltted thereby and to be specially .A,pproved NOV8mber 8, 1906. .. ~l;\\~Yoreated,tbasl\me to be ldlOWU ,,~selllled therefor Is 550 fset; tbat the NELSON STOR~, Jr.. aa r(~ qn.J. r<':d h;V H ':~i\.,I'l'\II~e~'lls.'BeWel;' Olstrlc~ Nil. estimated ooat and expense of. co.- Atteat:. . MII)lor, I ,1i~te<.'lI~i"'l<lfB.",eman,Oolinty of struotlnlllald portion of .ald Dlstrlot . .TUSTIN M. SMITH. . .' 190:'.\ of the stt:tt" o:f i !o: !liat..~:Q:t.MoX1$ana, and that Sewer No. 16 Is '880,65 and tho eati- (IilBAL) 01$y Olerk.' " i :;I\~!~~i~!~~W~~.l1e~eil!llf$er dBII- mated ooe' per lI.near foot to the pro. Pnbllllhed NO'fember 7, 19O1l. ,\ 'AA~,;~.i.'li:ii~'I'Jl andd811lgpated party borderlnll thllrson Is ,. 690ents;. -;--- ~1lt.S~we~.wo,'16; .' ' that ."id portion / .of aald Dlstriot Sta" of Alontana, } ;'!!Di,,>>,;''J.'lpot,tb8~d Sower Sewer No. 16 shall be. oonatruoted of OolUlty of Gallatin,' Ie. val> f :\nRll:;r r)ftssed by Jf\l;;~6'~..liHl!1dBeQribtd: a. 6-lnob vitrified pipe and In aooordanoe Olty of Boseman. ,~;~~.~I~li<Sa!,4 'S8wel".Dlitnot wltbthe. plans and speoltloatlollB On I, .Tnstln H. Sml$h. Ol$y Ol.rk of! :i iJ: d' <. v 0 f IT ove :h ,~~I'i~,J!Il>l,ij~l!allP1'Op6'l:'tya\IUt. tlle!n th" oftloe. of the Olty Engineer theOlt, of Bozeman, aaldooun$y and' ' . .. ,. , .m e r (Gn,Sl~~A.~eDl1e. Souib, between of said Qlty; s.$8. do hereby 08r$Uy $hat the., ' ';_~~Oll~_"'~' -. .... .-~. ~. _.. .. . -'''--In:'~e )'"or of I ~telJID8 ofLlDaoln Street;: " 16th day of Novemb.r, 1906, at 7:SO of Oonnoll BBlIOlutlon No. UI palled I ',j$e!ltlllD 8. ' That tb...i4 Di..trlot o'olook P. M. of said day, at the by the Olty Oonnell of the ..Id Olty SilWi\1':NG, 19 ia herebY 4_1be4" Oounoll Ohamber at the Olty Hall in on the 8d day of NonlDber lllO6 and f~IQ!W"W-'II'It; Said DI,'rlclt Slr''II'er the Olty of Bozeman, _ ~e,'" a~d t~e ,lIpprO'fed by t~. 1\1.,.. tb.;"t o~ tit!. C 1. .. true and ~01"1"eot I. same date. oopyot...~ In Witneall Whereof, I have here. a. ... thee... , UDtO aet my hand ,and affixed the sea 1 appears i'rom the reel of the 01ty of Bozeman, thls6thday~O* Ot: the O1i)' of November, 1906. .', ' Clerk ot ..1cl.tt1\1 1 JUSTIN M. SMITH, I ., . (SEAL) Olty Olerk. .. ,_,...Y. ,f IN \fl~ u:DEOY, t haTe :bent"W ..t mY ~~., ..~ &tt'~e4. toM .eltJ. itt the city or 10 tld 16 01 NOT_bel" 1996. ..t.,....~.........,...,",..t... , ,0'1 t7 C1e..._~ . . ... ---. -m&IiI EJ':". Cl'lrtifio!'l.te of (::\. ty Clerk. .....- Sto. te of ~{ontana., ) ) County of Gf~ll/il.tin, ) SSe ) 0:1. ty of Bozeman, ) I, Justin M. f5mith, r,ity C16rk of 1he City of :ROZP.lli1iU1, 81'1.1<1 C0l1n1;~T f.I.l1d 8t'l.tfl, do her~l)y certify tha,t a.t a rftg1.l1clr 8988:1.on of' tbe Ci ty ~ounc~l of tho (')it;v of Jlo"fll'1an, held on thfl 3d da~r of' N'ovemhRr ).900, the fClregoing i:i.nd annexed Counoil nesolution No. 342 wtu; cluly paned by!;l1.8 i;~~id City Council and wae duly l>.PllrOved by t:hE': }f("l.yor of said ai'l;y on .a1d da. 1;$ ; Tha.t pursuant to Rl!IJGtion ? of the sa id (Jollnc:!z,J. 1'l8l:loilmt1on No. ~42,thft said (]ouno11 Resolution Uo. :342 wu.a publishfJd in the Bozeman Chronicl\'), a weeklynewapaper, printed' and published :l.nthl!t said ("!:I.t~r of Bozeman, in one :laSlll'l thereof, to-wit, on the 7th day of Novemp.br' 1906, which (tata was at leu-at five da.y,s before 8Cil.:ld ct'-Y of TIl!'l<\r;tng, as required hy , qC'lot:lnn :4 of r.haptel"" CXXlll of tbtt J,a:ws of 1903 of the Stat. of Montana.; Tha.tttaid Council Resolution Ho. 342 waR f:tml.ll~r pftB..d by '. ~, the .~1d 01 t~, /':olmc:l.l of sa.id 01 ty on the 1,')th rlL..~rof JlTovembp.r 1906 a.nd th6l.t ~he sttme waR finally a.pproved by Ull~ M.i~ror of said City on the 15th 46>>'" of ITovcmber' 19M'; ~" X t\lrtber.o.~utf't_.., t.U t.....tr&c 1.&~rue ~ ,~."",O1; oOP,Y ,Qr..- (knm'OU, ltHOluU..lo. ;MII.. the .... appears, t~C)m th.....r4.8 _ r!jM in ill. ,,"l1e- ot ~ ~s.t1 ,. Q~rk ot ....U,t 1il~ .. . ~ , " . , ;.. . . . ~ . " D WIftlP U8EOJ', I an be,.... ..1; m.Y ,"~4 * ,.~ ,or the 01'1 or :10 " . 1!rOT-~ J996. .. " ,~ .~'''l''' u u'., ........ ij- ~~l'~' ,., .. . CU....,. """','" , ..'!",' I