HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-2015 Archive City Commission Minutes "dog BOZO, ,► t fH co.M THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, June 15,2015 Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. A. 05:02:21 PM Call to Order—5 p.m.—Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. B. 05:02:26 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 05:03:20 PM Changes to the Agenda Deputy Mayor Taylor asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the Agenda. Mr. Kukulski emphasized that Action Item 4 is a Policy Discussion only. Also, Mayor Krauss's absence will need to be approved. 05:04:16 PM Motion and Vote to authorize the Absence of Mayor Krauss. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta lo�pprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Page 1 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes D. 05:04:39 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods & Services (LaMeres) 2. Notice of Award to High Country Paving Inc. in the Amount of $224,620.88 for the 2015 Street Improvements Project (Kerr) 3. Notice of Award to Saunders Line Construction for the Total of$104,245 for the 2015 Montana Avenue Fiber Optic Project(Gamradt) 4. Resolution 4607 relating to the $1,815,000 Stormwater System Revenue bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2015; Authorizing the Issuance and Fixing the Terms and Conditions Thereof(Rosenberry) 5. Resolution 4606 Change Order No. 10 for the Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project (Murray) 6. Justice Assistance Grant Application to the Bureau of Justice in the amount of $15,481 and Authorization of the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Agreement with Gallatin County allocating the use of those funds (Crawford) 7. Montana Department of Commerce Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Contract, Sub-recipient and Business Assistance Agreements and Authorization of the City Manager, or their Designee, to execute the Management Plan, Signature Form and all other additional -" Grant Documents required to Facilitate and Manage the Grant Award to Montana Instruments (Fontenot) 8. Three Memorandums of Agreement with the Gallatin Local Water Quality District for (1) Fiscal Year 2016 East Gallatin River Water Quality Sampling, (2) Fiscal Year 2016 Urban Waterway Stream Gages, and (3) 2015 E. Coli Sampling(Heaston) 9. Agreement with the Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2019 for the Purpose of Impounding and Caring for Animals found in Violation of City of Bozeman Ordinances (McLane) 10. Signal Maintenance Agreement between Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman for Repair and Maintenance of the Traffic Signal Equipment at Amsterdam and Thorpe Roads (VanDelinder) 05:04:45 PM Overview of Consent Items Mr. Kukulski gave an overview of the Consent Items as submitted. 05:07:37 PM Public Comment on the Consent Agenda. Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Public comment closed. Page 2 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozentan City Connnission Minutes 05:08:01 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-10 as submitted Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta. low r Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve E. 05:08:22 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened general public comment. 05:09:01 PM Derik Strong,Public Comment Mr. Strong spoke regarding his concern of downsizing the Historic Board. 05:12:52 PM Jan Bergman,Public Comment Ms. Bergman asked if the Board members involved in the Community Involvement discussion will be involved in the process. 05:14:37 PM Public Comment closed. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. F. 05:14:39 PM Work Session 1. 05:14:42 PM Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID)Presentation (Daryl Schliem, President/CEO) Mr. Schliem gave the presentation regarding the Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID). He highlighted the market, demographics, what has worked in regards to advertising and social media, results to website visitations, campaign performance, opportunities, marketing strategies, tourism techniques, leveraging tourism, bed tax implementation and efforts, public comment, air service, the Only in Bozeman campaign, the budget for the TBID including, consumer advertising, airline marketing, tournaments, administration, airline guarantees, event and grant programming and legal and accounting costs, the CVB budget related to consumer advertising and marketing support and the amount of tourism dollars spent in Bozeman. 05:31:45 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the appreciation of how this all works, the success of efforts, where the consumer advertising will take place in regards to print and online, administration costs and what the funding is used for, what the airline guarantees and how they are transferred, the demographics and the majority of the consumer advertising through social media, targeting share of intensity areas vs shoulders, summer hotel occupancies, a message that has resonated well or not so well, restaurant times not being long enough mid-week, businesses that have come in due to the airport, advertising and Page 3 of 15 Jane 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes marketing and that Montana is not well known in foreign countries and how to target this, the $667,000,000 spent on tourism in Bozeman and what it is related to, the scenario of a local option tax and what it would generate in regards to tourism, and the amount of people who works in traveling tourism in Gallatin County. 05:48:50 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment on this session. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 2. 05:49:09 PM Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds Budget Work Session(Rosenberry) Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry gave the Staff Presentation regarding the Fiscal Year 20 t 6 (FY16) Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds Budget Work Session. Ms Rosenberry spoke regarding the water fund including increasing, the addition of a water conservation technician in Fiscal Year 2016 and change in allocation of other positions for operations. 05:57:34 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed reductions. 06:00:18 PM Continued Staff presentation Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Capital Projects for the Water fund 06:01:04 PM Commission questions on the Water Fund The Commission and Staff discussed the cost to the average water user, the 3% increase and the reason behind it including funding the CIP projects and making the associated debt payments, and the fact that the amount does not increase reserves, the costs related to a water tank, impact fee projects, current water storage capacity, what a new water tank will assist with space wise, the benefits of the increase in capacity, the limits that we currently face in regards to water, the Conservation Tech and the reason why this is important including the importance of engagement, the current successes in our current conservation program, snow impacts and the current plan for water conservation, the toilet rebate program status, education efforts, irrigation, nozzle rebates, what the Conservation Tech will do and how the position will benefit the City. 06:23:58 PM Public Comment on the Water Fund Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment on the Water Fund. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:24:15 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding the Wastewater Fund. Ms. Rosenberry gave the staff presentation for the Wastewater Fund including the 3% Rate Increase, reserve levels, coverage requirements, the budgeted amount of$9 million Page 4 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes to be spent and the elements within that figure, the addition of a Water Reclamation Facility Service Worker and changes in allocations. 06:27:33 PM Commission questions for Staff None. 06:27:42 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding Stormwater Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Storm water fund including the new fee schedule implementation. 06:28:47 PM Commission questions for Staff None. 06:28:51 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding Solid waste Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Solid waste fund revenues, and expenses, tipping fees and vehicle replacements. 06:31:10 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the increased rates for totes, the fact that the customer base has increased, the amount of residential use, curb sorting, commodity prices that have decreased and how it has affected the budget. 06:35:06 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding the Parking Fund Ms. Rosenberry gave the Staff presentation regarding the Parking Fund revenues and expenditures. 06:37:15 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commissioners were introduced to new Parking Manager Thomas Thorpe. They discussed the surplus amount and how it will be used, free parking downtown, future needs, discussions at the Parking Commission meetings about revenue streams for surface parking, and the stimulation of business around the community. 06:41:45 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person spoke. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 06:42:04 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding the Community Development Fund Ms. Rosenberry gave the Staff presentation regarding the Community Development Fund including the general fund transfer and the amount of support from the general fund in the past, the cost related to the overall Unified Development Code Update and the increase of the Planning application fees. 06:45:37 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed securing outside funding for the overall Unified Development Code Update,the estimated cost and how the TIF Districts may impact this, Page 5 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes the decrease in salary and benefits with the reasoning of salaries being spread across the Departments, the movement of the Neighborhood Coordinator position and the advantages of doing this to the Administration office, goals related to this position and the metrics related to the position. 06:58:43 PM Continued Staff presentation regarding the Building Inspection Fund Ms. Rosenberry gave the Staff presentation regarding the Building Inspection Fund including revenues and the fact that we are not trending as we have in the past, mid-year hires, and how the expenditures will be impacted if the Stiff building remodel is taken out. 07:02:19 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the need to see how this month closes and then consider adjustments, the amount of vacant positions currently, the ability to adjust staff wise throughout the year and the difficulty of this but the fact that it is possible, staff being added upon demand. 07:07:41 PM Continued Staff presentation on the Tree Maintenance District Ms. Roseberry gave the Staff presentation on the Tree Maintenance District, the 2% proposed increase in the Assessment this year, the tree share funding portion and that they are located in the operations area. 07:09:35 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the cost-share program, the amount of trees that have been purchased and the fact that they are all sold out. 07:10:47 PM Continued Staff presentation on the Workforce Housing Funding Ms. Rosenberry gave the Staff presentation on the Workforce Housing Fund, the 3 mills proposed for this area and the expenditures related to this fund. 07:14:30 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed that this is a tax supported area, the CAHAB specifications, housing ownership and predictability, ways that the City can save money in regards to all of the increases proposed, the need for affordable housing in Bozeman, the option of a voluntarily tax free donation by rounding up payments on their water bills, the need for a majority of the Commission, can we do it and a logistical standpoint, the need for the mechanics and how the funds would be used, the fact that this needs to be clear and someone that knows how this works if participation is low, is this practical, can the billing system figure out the difference, participation is low on other like programs, possible encouragement and publicity for fundraisers. 07:36:04 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. None. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment Page 6 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Conuidssim Minutes 07:36:49 PM Commission discussion None. 07:37:03 PM Break Deputy Mayor Taylor declared a break. 07:51:20 PM Meeting called back to order Deputy Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order. G. 07:51:29 PM Action Items 1. 07:51:31 PM Conditional Use Permit to allow On Premise Consumption of Alcohol and the Reuse of an Existing Building for artisan Manufacturing for Craft Brewing, Bunk House Brewery, Application Z15012 (Quasi Judicial) (Rogers) 07:52:04 PM Disclosure Cr. Pomeroy disclosed that she had an interest in this property in the past but is no longer there. 07:52:31 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Tom Rogers gave the Staff Presentation for the Conditional Use Permit to allow On Premise Consumption of Alcohol and the Reuse of an Existing Building for artisan Manufacturing for Craft Brewing, Bunk House Brewery, Application Z15012. 07:57:20 PM Commission questions for Staff None. 07:57:31 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave the Applicant Presentation for the Conditional Use Permit to allow On Premise Consumption of Alcohol and the Reuse of an Existing Building for artisan Manufacturing for Craft Brewing, Bunk House Brewery, Application Z15012. 07:58:44 PM Commission questions for Applicant The Commission and Applicant discussed the Staff Conditions. 07:59:00 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 07:59:19 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15102 and move to approve the Bunk Page 7 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes House Brewery On Premises Consumption Conditional Use Permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd 08:00:02 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Cr. Pomeroy wishes them good luck. Cr. Mehl stated that the staff memo was sufficient Deputy Mayor Taylor emphasized that this is not a bar but is a brewery with different criteria. 08:00:50 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15102 and move to approve the Bunk House Brewery On Premises Consumption Conditional Use Permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta l�pprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 2. 08:01:01 PM Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the Construction of a 21,053 Square Foot Multi-Tenant Commercial Building With On-Premise Sales and Consumption of Alcohol, Associated Parking and Related Site Improvements Located at Northwest Corner of Resort Drive and Huffine Lane, Ferguson Farm Market,Application Z15101(Quasi Judicial) (Davis) 08:01:42 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Heather Davis gave the Staff presentation for the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the Construction of a 21,053 Square Foot Multi-Tenant Commercial Building With On-Premise Sales and Consumption of Alcohol, Associated Parking and Related Site Improvements Located at Northwest Corner of Resort Drive and Huffine Lane, Ferguson Farm Market, Application Z15101. 08:08:45 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed regarding the different types of stores proposed in the building, the fact that the CUP is for the first floor and part of the second, which stores will be selling alcohol, ingress and egress, the pathway locations, the definition of street furniture, and access from Huffine Lane. Page 8 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeniamt City Conuitissim Minutes 08:16:37 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave the Staff presentation regarding the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the Construction of a 21,053 Square Foot Multi-Tenant Commercial Building With On-Premise Sales and Consumption of Alcohol, Associated Parking and Related Site Improvements Located at Northwest Corner of Resort Drive and Huffine Lane, Ferguson Farm Market,Application Z15101. 08:17:27 PM Commission questions for the Applicant The Commission and Applicant spoke regarding alcoholic beverage sales throughout the building, what the vision is with this, the staff conditions, signage, siding, timing with construction of the buildings along Huffine Lane and egress from the property. 08:22:26 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:22:38 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15101 and move to approve the conditional use permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. " Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 08:23:16 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Cr. Mehl stated that it is a nice building in a nice location with a nice Master Plant. He spoke regarding transportation and the need for this type of establishment. Cr. Andrus stated that this looks fabulous and wishes them the best. Deputy Mayor Taylor thanked the Applicant for doing this. Cr. Pomeroy stated that this is an excellent project. 08:24:42 PM Vote on the Motion that leaving reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15101 and move to approve the conditional use permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Page 9 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 3. 08:24:57 PM Preliminary Plat Application to Subdivide an Existing Parcel consisting of 0.27 Acres with Two Existing Homes into Two Single Household Residential Lots, Kaiser Minor Subdivision, Application P15015 (Quasi Judicial) (Rogers) 08:25:27 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Tom Rogers gave the Staff Presentation for the Preliminary Plat Application to Subdivide an Existing Parcel consisting of 0.27 Acres with Two Existing Homes into Two Single Household Residential Lots, Kaiser Minor Subdivision, Application P15015. 08:28:46 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the alley location and the reason this is on the agenda. 08:31:16 PM Applicant Presentation Ms. Kaiser gave the applicant presentation for the for the Preliminary Plat Application to Subdivide an Existing Parcel consisting of 0.27 Acres with Two Existing Homes into Two Single Household Residential Lots,Kaiser Minor Subdivision, Application P15015. 08:32:02 PM Commission questions for Applicant The Commission and applicant discussed the conditions,the age of the plat and future selling of the properties. 08:32:59 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 08:33:11 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials public comment and all the information presented I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application P15015 and move to approve the Kaiser minor subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 08:33:37 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Cr. Andrus stated that this request meets the criteria and Growth Policy and makes sense. 08:34:05 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials public comment and all the information presented I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application P15015 and move to approve the Kaiser minor subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions Page 10 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Absent Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 4. 08:34:16 PM Analysis of Community Involvement Processes (Thomas) *Please note that this section of the video contains a gap due to technical difficulties. Please contact the City Clerk's Office to obtain the fidl video of this meeting. 08:34:54 PM Staff Presentation Mr. Kukulski began the Staff Presentation regarding the Analysis of Community Involvement Processes. He apologized for the lack of communication with some of the Boards related to this discussion. This topic has been bouncing this around for 18-24 months. Ms. Thomas continued the presentation regarding this item highlighting that The City of Bozeman has created and implemented successful programs to provide ample opportunity for citizens across generations to engage and participate in their government. At the time these systems were implemented, in person board/committee meetings, public meeting attendance, and written correspondence were the way for citizens to engage. The City Commission should consider evolving local government engagement from this traditional form of seeking input and feedback to a form that aligns with the needs and preferences of generations that show strong preferences for different methods to communicate and engage. Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment Kevin Thane,Public Comment Mr. Thane sits on the Community Affordable Housing Board and poses that a broader look be taken at all of the boards, feels a sense of frustration in that there is not enough direction given, how to engage folks. Lisa Voris,Public Comment. Ms. Voris spoke regarding her concerns of lack of communication and feels that this would damage the momentum on the board. Public Comment closed Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. Commission discussion and direction to Staff Cr. Mehl stated that the Boards should have been noticed about this and apologized for that not being done. We do want to have a transparent debate. He wants to step back, he likes the idea that staff is thinking about how we communicate in 2015 and going forward. Some boards are more proactive, there are a variety of ways to accomplish the Page 11 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes task. There clearly are issues on public involvement, some boards are not working as well as we hoped and there needs to be recognition of why Advisory boards were there in the first place. There is a buffet and some are correlated with direct issues, TOPs group as an example. What is the task we are trying to accomplish? Online City Hall may spur a task force. There is difficulty of attendance and we lose and gain. Staff needs to have a suggestion of what will replace the boards and we can't just stop. It is important to him that we come up with what will replace this. He has concerns with Neighborhood position, intensity of use and what we have to replace the board needs to be thought of. The Commission is not consistent. The concern of the amount of boards was brought up when the Commissioners were assigned as liaisons last January. This is a discussion that has been going on for some time. He has concerns about going back to the Boards and asking the suggested questions listed. Cr. Andrus apologized that the boards were not noticed. Some boards work well and some don't and some lack quorums and lack focus. She would like to get feedback from Boards so we come back with unified information about how the board is functioning, purpose and mission, and how is the board going to help her make the decision. Boards are a means of communication, different from public comment, she has questions related to the Inter Neighborhood Council which is not listed on Website. This should not be a need urgency and money and staff time shouldn't be a driver, Cr. Pomeroy stated that Citizens just want to be involved. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that good cities that work well, capture, encourage and have great community involvement. Online City hall, public comment etc replaces real" conversation and real dialog. This is important how the City connects with the residents. We need to look at how to strengthen the ties, and how to bring them into the conversation. There are certain boards that care and keep us in touch with what is going on, and if we move away got to have something he has concerns. Task forces are not the answer and we may need to figure out how to staff boards better. The first question is how to make a board better? We need to be efficient on how we do this. He feels that there are more staff attending meetings sometimes than what is necessary. Some boards it is hard to measure ethnicity of. Take a step back and look at what some of the goals are. He would like the Commissioners to look at what the purpose is of each board, and is that what we want or is nothing from the board? Direction In Summary, the Commission directed Staff to schedule a future discussion about this item in the fall. The Commission urged the Staff to look to prior board members for some input, to acknowledge the vision of each board, to ask each Board what the board can do and how it contributes. 5. 09:42:11 PM Recommended Incentives to Create Affordable Housing(Thomas) Staff Presentation Community Development Director Wendy Thomas gave the staff presentation for the recommended Incentives to Create Affordable Housing. Ms. Thomas stated that this is a follow up to the City Commission request in February 2015 that Staff return to the Commission with incentives that the Commission could consider for inclusion in an Affordable Housing program. The recommendations are based on meetings with not-for-profit and for profit Page 12 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes developers and builders. The recommendations largely mirror those included in the Workforce Housing program in Chapter 10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). The incentives are based on three primary areas: expedited timing, financial support and flexibly to standards within the Unified Development Code (UDC). 10:02:39 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed the 3 median income levels, AMI numbers, the SWMBIA suggested lot size changes from 2500-2000 square foot, how to write a code with flexibility, does it matter if incentives apply to everyone, would waivers be available to anyone, the two income levels, parking requirements, the time frame for open market sales, park land dedication and the differences of the Werwath and SWMBIA recommendation, the need for some kind of a tracking system, the current housing that have been built at to 100% AMI area, the Director's concern of giving incentives all of the way to 100% and flexibility of what can be counted towards parkland dedication, buildable lots, concerns that we are not sure how this is going to happen, quantifiable amounts related to infrastructure and the fact that there are some unknowns and the Affordable Housing Budget. 10:23:35 PM Meeting extended to 11:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor Taylor extended the meeting to 11:00 p.m. 10:23:44 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 10:23:50 PM Luke Howard, SWMBL4 Government Affairs Director, Public Comment Mr. Howard feels that there is room for negotiation and spoke of county surface water, water ways, impact fee subsidy and the parkland as the biggest cost driver. 10:28:07 PM Justin Tribit, Public Comment Mr. Tribit stated that he is in support of the town house exemption and spoke regarding creation of fee simple units. 10:31:05 PM Jan Berman, Public Comment Ms. Bergman spoke regarding the difficulty of financing townhomes and urged the Commission to allow a longer marketing time for reduced income housing. 10:32:07 PM Kevin Thane,Public Comment Mr. Thane spoke regarding re-writing the UDO and how this plays a part in this. He supports Cr. Pomeroy's idea of gifting. The City could possibly seek donations for land, and spoke regarding the CAHAB's 3-3 Vote. 10:37:00 PM Public Comment closed Deputy Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 10:37:04 PM Commission discussion and direction to staff Page 13 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes Cr. Mehl stated that he likes the 4 recommendations by Director Thomas and he has an interest in Cottage housing. This is harder because comparisons are not exact. Financing, and waiver of fees make sense, but likes more direction on the affordable level. The parkland is worth a lot, and spoke of counting wetlands and lot sizes. A master plan or case by case is an idea as a universal way may be a shock to the system. Look at way for a sliding scale. He spoke regarding simultaneous infrastructure up to 100, parking per bedroom, expedited review, open market sales, 30 day time frame and demand. He would like to see Staff have an opinion on ADUs and RI as ADUs are an issue. He urged Staff to accelerate this and tell us if we want to go to this in Rl. He spoke of the long term issue of spending public money and how long these units last along with the return for the first buyer but should it be second or third. Consider this. Cr. Andrus agrees mostly with Cr. Mehl. As far as the parkland reduction, she doesn't feel wetland should be excluded, she is willing to go to reduced lot sizes, but we have to be able to get the lot sizes down to a small amount. She agrees with the comments made about parking and expedited review. 30 days is too short and she would like to see this go to 90 days. She spoke about ADUs and conservation overlay information. She agrees with the time limit and stated that we should set a time limit but is not sure about x amount of years and there should be some bind of limit there. She agrees with Thomas's bullet points. Cr. Pomeroy stated that she agrees with Cr. Mehl and Andrus, but has concerns with the reduction of parkland. She recognized that affordable housing is a community problem to solve. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that there needs to be three tiers, lowest being townhouses, up to 70%, detached housing up to 80%. 80-90% or 100% and each level would have different levels of support. How much are we willing to go? The target is the 80% and under and he sees the importance of some subsidy. He is not in favor of cutting neighborhood parks and he likes Thomas's ideas but they need to be quantified. He is willing to look at growth size because it has some value. As far as ADU's, he does not see this as a great thing. There is a need to quantify lot sizes and he would go to 2000 for townhouse and as far as the expedited idea, how do we do this? The UDC will help somewhat but it serves a function upholding standards. The time on the market he likes Werwath's approach and we need to provide this someway to people that can buy these. He would like at least 90 days, everything that is subsidized there needs to be some type of standard set. Come back with goals based on what the incentives prices would be and what the budget looks like. The incentives would be aimed at the lowest level. H. 10:58:19 PM FYI/Discussion 1. August Commission Meeting Schedule (Kukulski/Ulmen) 2. Early Start Time Reminder of 5 p.m. for Commission Meeting on Monday, June 22, 2015 (Ulmen) 3. Senator Steve Daines visit for Bozeman Watershed Project(Kukulski) I. 11:00:32 PM Adjournment Deputy Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Page 14 of 15 June 15,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes Car an Taylor Deputy Mayor ^` 0 ® 14 ATTEST: r , cy Ulmen, CMC City Clerk P ARED BY: N& Mel Stacq Ulmen, CMC City Clerk Approved on: Page 15 of 15