HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 335 SID #4 - ~'.':':::,~=,-;:;:'::...,...:~~.,~ ~.",'" "",,,.,,,~..,... -.mII. ~~';;~';;:~l'~'~~'~;~.,.,,_'~ .. ., """ ~'......- I ..-'...,....'::~-~"7'-.~-'~'''"~''-~ ~'-,.... -. <.'~:~::~{~,~);~':>' =; , ". I , . , I SUPP~TAlY Ct>U!'fCI:L ~.'..T1TI())T .1ro.31~ .. (,~ \ Ii ~ ' " .,... II 'l::" I'~ Ii' A. OOtJliCI:LRESO:LU'J.'ION :LllVYi:NG AN AS1s~mm-m MA:msr CJr1t'rAIl't I[ . ' .. . . , ......... ... "t . "- !. PROPERTY WITHI:N8l?BOIJ..l, IMPMOVlW'Jli1N1' DISftICT N"0; 'TO_AY I ii ... ( ;",1 Tn COST AN;olttPlCNQ OF, :l'im CONSTRUCTION OF o.())fmt~ ~.O.A.CltES, ii PltIVAU Ixn~AlXS.rm~AY8 AND, a~ W%THIN IAX])~~:~C~ Ii \ i YFrICR WORK "AS FERFOlUOm AT T1IE REQ.mtS'1' OF tRl RAIn ftO~,~\. J OtnmR$ lilY THE TWO X!RAOlJl8 OONCUD 00. .A}tt). P~:roR,DY'l'D. CITY O~ ~OZJDIAN. ."- \;'~, :BE ITmt801..VJlID :BY TITlIl elf? COUNCIL 0'11' .,~~. eI'1'YOJ!':nO~AN: -"- \ 1'I!J:S mumEAs o.rtL\ln property on.re,.r 1;hdY Agfln tl ~ cnm1ng ar repr...nUng propertyw"- th1~' $;p.o'....l ImprawMentDt... tr10t No. 'of the City of :aouman, haft re.u.atect theOitYQ't Bozeman tohaV1lcflrtlA1n pr;lvat4oenortll,tI work O'R.tI"\lQ~." bY' . the'!'". Mir&olu Co .,th. .aid prlll.rt)" ...r.. .'F' t~\.g"M'.: a.gredng to r....1Jnbur.. the GUy et BU.emanfor the OQst ..4 . expense or the $~. '\ AND WlDCREAS, the 8l/I.j,d pr1'Vah oonlW.te WCIIr'k,to..wU, con"', orUe apprQAoh.., privAte s1d.e.:l.1Q,4rtyewaY8, al1ii!ourb., with- in aaid. Sp.c;1al lr~pr()ftment Dbtl"'1ot no. 'havtt b...n Gon.truott' by th.. 'J:WQ l4:1raolt Cenareh Co . and h.". be.. paid tor' by \h. Clty of B0Z4tllUUl.. i NOW TI-tPltFOU, 1 t 1. h.r.by 81"4tr.4 ~,. th.' ca. tyCcnina:U. ,I of th8 City of ll()z.m!\J'l that th.' '1""'1"..1 eua at. ,tt.pl)O"t.t'ithlll .. ' " ' '", ,1,\ . '- nqese>>t the ,:.o~.r. ~ lob 1Vld. pf;.TQtl..t l~nd.,... ~ ...... .pptl~;11n theIG.d-ult hereto attaohed. Nli-.... a~m.r~,_r..t. ....." '. .'.:........,,'. b. and the S.''''l rospeoUvfl17 _..eased. thflre.nto "fray tlle cost and .;,ep'ln.eot conatrueUn<< '''1cloonor.te.pproaeMa, prlTate sidoftlU, drivewa.y. an4- 01U"\t '.Uh1,n.a1d. 8})eolll1 Ie.... pronm"nt lli.tl"1ot :No. .. and 'hat ~. .~...ral.um."b.o'~.Clte4 tromthe rep.ouv. ownere of tht .Atilth ..Aft4 >>aro.1. .t 1aJtcl (;;',.' ~) ~ (' :1,. 'be;J i """f, , i! ,. II Ii r II I II ii I' ..........--".-- r. "-.- . '~ "-".'.., , "..",",".-:.;,..'~,"",,"''':..'.' '.._::...,.. ...... . ...... . "~il;~t"':':'.c:~ ...........::"'.'ii::i,,": :.,.:..::::'"':",'-'3",,,.:'" ...-""" . "",~"...'... .C .'. ._..._..".. .,,'.,... ~- ,I NotJee of 8pecl.lJ1 A.AeB~:meDt. . On aocount of ,theconstrootioll of' cOllore.te sidewalks on Weat l\1en~en- I SUrPLF.NENTARY CbtmcIl, m';.J,T7:::J:mr "0. I. hail~treet. within the bOllndar! hne" ~:~'f1 ~ ofSpeolal Improvement Dlatnot No. 11 Oitv of Bozeman.. . . ...... 'pur;uallt to the order of ,the Oity OouncIl of the Oity of,Bozeman. oOn- talned in Oouncll Resolotion No: 39.9. A COlJN'r:n, ?J~S(;],tn'IO-"T I,J~rnl'G- AI;; M;fmtl:-n.:,:s:;~l.' AGAIi passed by the said Oity Oooncll .On the 18th day of OctOber, 1~06. i PROPI:RTY WITH:!!;; flPB(JI;iJ, !J,'f?ROV}i;}'l:;;'N:r. DJ:B1'RIl':T NO. 4 TO Notioe h Hereby Given,' .That at a regular seealoD of tbe OIty Connoll of:. l':rfP; CORT AND XXl'RrmE 0;;' :mJC CONS'l'RIJ(:TIOJ>.T OF OmWRRT.Jt J the Oity of Bozeman, held on tbe 18th, day of Ootober. 1906. Ooon~H Resolu, i tlon No. 839, entitled, 'A Oounnll PRIVATE SIm1'WAlKS, DRIVEWAYS AJID CTJRBS WITRJ:N" BAID TIH Resolution levying. a spMlol as.ess- ment of taxes to defraY the cost and WHICH WORK WAS p,impOR]Dill AT TIm REQtTF.ST O? 'l'FE flA:m :p:f expense of oonstruotlng oollorete olde. J '''.''.~T walks on West Mendenholl Street,' ,,(... .',', 'thin the boundary line.o! Speolal OWNERS BY TIm TWO MIRACJJJ:S CONCRETE no. AND PAID FOR :r ..-'" WI 11 f the Improvement Distrlot No. .. ~ , ,'!i n "1 of' Oity .of Bozeman, which ,8psclal Im-" CITY OJ;' :a07.1>IT1;\T. provement Dlstrlot No. ll:WO' .oreated of pursuant to Oo"noll RssolntlOn N~. .."- 8S0 finally passed by the Olty OouDoll . of ~aid Oity OD tbe. 16th day of A~- . 3.')9 gust, 1906, under authority and 10. BE IT Ii,,;;;:\01NS:n :BY J.'im CI1"Y COlJ1JGIL or 'T1TF. 0I')?V 07 j~()::~r oonfOlmlty ..ith the provUlons. of Seo. , hv '~hl'l tions Nos. 88 t.. 37, Inclnslve, of -*. . House Bill No, 204 of the Fifth Legis, lative Assembly of. tbe Stats of Mon' : taliI', approved Maroh Sth. 1897. as 1'11 ,.~: WHERE.AS o",r'tilin P"(lI)tu'ii~( OW11'1'I'l' Or' ':ih~:l,l" ; amended.," WI'S passed; That the total oost and .Jpense ~f ow'(!,:i ne or' r'i"li,rft ijEln 1;:l!ti;: 1:'J"Opfl r' ty W~_lihi{l ~pl/lrd.<itl Il~lJro VE oon.trootlnll said oonorete .idewalk lD., 'tnd said Speoial Improvem~nt DIstrict trict, nO. 4 of 'I;.htll (a t;y of Bozftm~n. have r8 qlhHl tied !'.h€ ' No. 11 is $1. OS8. 9S, the total a:ea of ., ., said Special J;ll1provement Dletrlot No. BOZell1,~n ",u:~J-.!'!d, 11 being 82,820 square. feet and the tohnve c0rt",,:\n pr:1vt-4.tfl ClOnCr'e iil1!l w('Irk CClnlilt nlC cost per square foot beill~ '.01262; , n ted /ul,d That, pur"uantto pounoll Resolu- I the'rwo J;ars.ollll fl CO" , the sa! Ii rr'ovftr.ty ()Wl'lC'Ir' a, or the. tlon No. 380, the entire oo.t and ex- '-'\"w1. t pense of the eald oonoret~ oi~ewalk is agrtleina; -:;0 re'oinihurali'l City of I~Cl.~t'\l(I<Ul for ' .. , a.sessed pursuant to OoaoOlI Reaolu- the'! (;hcll (; I); . tiOD NO: 889, to the eotirs. D~strlo.t, ;I.".rf'! ctay l!l eaoh lot or paroel of land wltlun saId, e.x 1l e MHI Or 1.!1," liWnl!l. Dlstriot being asseseed for that pa,t of the whole cost whioh it. area bears Aim WFam}~AS. thE! fltdd priVldie oonGre'l,e work J t(l~ to the. area of the entire, Ol.tnot, eX- \ oloslve of streets, alleys and publio " :''101' ere t. a:d,1"g4Cha to J rr1vat.<'l flj,dl?Wil.lk$. dr1, ,r,l \f,IlY". ~md places; 'l . . 01. That the said Oouncll Reso uuon · "loJ.'l t.. No. $89 Isnow on file III the offioe of in ,....:\.d BrElr:1,..1 InIll'OV&lUen1; D1Btr:\.ot, no. 4 he1.1Te nEllm C the Oitv Olerk of eaid' Olty . and Is i " of open to-Inspeotlon to the. poblio; , Two M1r-aolll That pursuant ,to said ,Oounoll Res': bv t;}U~ ~onorflltll CO.fmd. hnTfl beAn 1)('.:\.<1 for olatlon No. 839, Thllr6;day, the 1st; day of November, 1906, at 7 :SO P. M.. City 01' 1'10 ;~cIlru,j,l", J of sBoId day, the same being the date, of ths next regular sesoion of the saidi }JOW T:D-:RF:?OIm J 1 I, ;lij hereby orcter/lld b:r t,ht! (~'l ';y Olty dounoil, at theOO<1noll Oham-, , . ber In the Olty Hallin .oid Oity,is! If) r designated as the time and plaoe of, of t.hl'l 01 t;,,' of B01.EHll"1.J'1. th~t i;hi"1 FUl'rBral stuns IUt t; (l Jll ,n Ii f hearing objeotions, If fIJlY there be'i to the final passage aDd adoption of! n1.ii.l!1('! t: of th<") ,owner''' , 10tH h,nd Il;,r:)elH of land, l:l.li tha said 0000011 Reeolut\oo. No. 839, ; ; W hen and '" hers allY and all pe,.ons I who are owners or agents of any lot I appears in thtll sohedule herata attached Mdvlll1ade a. pt~r' or paroel of laod wltbili: '..1<1 Speolal, , . . . . Improvelllent Di.triot ,No. 11 shanl ..,., have the right to app,.o" eithsr ini be a.nd the fH,wie-i'tl' l"CU3IJe ot :\.vp.ly a.lilfi\~ Bsed th~reon to d, per.on orby oounsel, al)d show oause" OOl3t .'<,nd t.xpenS8 of COn&trlloting said Qntlerfttlll l1.\.I)lll"06\oJ .-- If any. w.hy saidspeol~l asses"ment: .ball oot be made. and why aald i Ooulloll Resolution No.,sS9 shall not, priva.te a i dew.,.lks, (:r:\. Vl'lWloI.y4t a.nd cUrlJ8w1thin .c,d,d Sri"" be finally paesed and adopted; ,: That It i. the Intention of the 01ty prove~ent District No. 0\ a.nd that thfl ".v~rlil.l S\.Ill1B bfl , Oounoll at eaid time .tc tlnally l)a.s: and adopt said Oounoll 1\"olutioo No. , f'romthe lots and parQ~16 889 levying said as.essment as afor~- i J"t)lH" c ti ve ownerl$ 0'" the s,~id J, said: , That said aaee..meqt I.. made pur., .uallt to Oounoil Resol,j'tlon No. ~80 I and under authority a~d In oouform,\ ity with the provislol),' of Seotlo.n.: Nos, 30 to 34, inoluslv".of House BIll No. 204 of the Fifth Legislative; Aaaembly of the State of Montana, ap" proved March 8th, 1897. a. amended. Dated this 28d day orOotOb~r. 1906. By Order of the Oi tv Couoo. t. JOSTIN M.~r,llTH, Clt'\' Olerk. ' k, 'f 414, .. ..'.- :,..':,:":"'''''''~:~~ .. 2 - 4e.oribed in .aid soh,dule iit.i requlred.by lawj Thatthlll IilUWi hereby ,-~a'81'd AIi per said .,ohadu18 s r..tll becoI'lfl dl'll ~,nquent on the~{ diil.~r()f Noveulber, }.:,O(',. P~'5aEld Octob~r 4th, 1900. -" . . t GAr I;ifj.Cla t;~ of (~:I.t:' r.lflrJ{. f --- State of ~~nt~na, ) )53. Count:" of (hlJ.htin, ) I, lTt~6 tin Vi. SIlli th, City C':lerk d' the I~it~r of',oeman, .a.id. Counl..y and State, do hereb;)! cer1;ify thILt thfo fnrl'go:l.nr; .',nei annexed SUPIllerlentary Couno:il JIlel>ol\li;~,on Ho. 335 was paRsed ny the City Caunc.\.l of the Gi t:,r of ]',oJfll,mn on t.he 4th d;,,;.' of Oot- ober A. D., HIOG. ~nd W!.loa d.uly a.pprovt:d by the :,,~,.:ror thereof on .aid nate. I I \, ., IN WI Tlmr'l8 WFIRR]<iOF, I h&....11l hereun1.;o >>et; FlY lU.'1.l1d &nd affixed the seal of i..hR C1 t,y of 30 :r,81'1,m I this 51;11 da.;'/ of 007.alH'r, ,/ 1901', . 14 ./ .. "~;k;"" ... .",." . _"..._ ._...__....n.".. . . _..._"...._.._....."......__.__.__. .. ._".._..._...._..., ., ...~..,.. ..._~____.._...__._...._ n .. _,. ,I . I.," - I ,",'._:0,... t ' /.1' .\.' I~ .: [. ./ 4, ......nt Lia. tor .___ ... f.n8,.Olal X.pl"o......n'.b_i, 1f...'. .1'11"..' )a.tnlhl ~"':~~:;:::::~'i';" .'i i N.... a,llon 8..l'7 II 't. W.,id. ft' .11 ,. . tonl" a.stel.r.on . C :B . Ktt 1;' r'F lOC) f1l .8. ~,~, 10 . 1&1 .., 0 .. ~l ... u a. 4 . O. III . " ft. .. 19.4 Geo. R. ,ately 15 t,.y.,id' 8 A ..01",'. ' . . III . '... of '. ' '1,: .. , ; I I ! i , I ! 4; 1906. i I X h. ! .. lip.. " ".~~""- ~ .,.. . . , ,. ' .....,.,-".".....,.'.,,_...~:.......~ I . : ..~. .....-.".--.,....-"."...,., .",...." ,. I ~.. ..... I. " .:' ",""'" " /" ',".', .'. . 1 ImproY<</Ilunt. lU,a,-r-t.' lITo. ... on! W." kin str.,et. I , Ie 7. D 8tCl1"Y1. ~as.. 15 C ,1'P..y. . a$ I',':' . .141& (} .. " 1 n. ft. our'b ",;": .. 19.4 ot 4.64 ..'. q.tt. t ..t .n .. 8 A Stor,.',_ " . 1ft 1ft. .1, nil I, i , I i " I 4' ~90($.. i I X h. .1> I tor ..xt....iwork 1 S:pao I I t. orreo. I