HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 338 Levies Special Assessment for Work in Special Improvement District Number Twelve aommIL RES<lJJtlTION NO. SiB 8 ~ - ....... -.*. A. comwu REI'lOJ.Tl'!'Imr l..:ItV'Y:tNG A. SPECIAl, ASSEflS101tTT OF 'l'.AXX8 I TO DEFRAY T1tE eOST A},'J) RXP'F:1Hm OF CONBTFHmTJ;NG OONCRETJll SI])E- I V1ALKH JJJD CUr:UI8 ONJURT SInE Ol~ BJ..AOK AVENtm. SOUTlI, 'N!TurN TRE :BOtffiDABY UNRS OF SPROUL INPRO'i!Jn>lR.h"T DISTRICT liO. 12 OF I'm: CITY OF BOz:EW..N.Wl:IICR SPY-CIAl. I}[l?R()~NT D!S:uqC'l' )fOe 12 "A.S CREATXD' pTlRSUANT TO COUNGll.. JUl1SOJ..tlTIO:N NO. :,)34,lI'INAl.J.Y , PASfL'li.:D BY TIm GITY cormen.. OF THE BAIDer. 01; TIUll4'1'H nAY 0' ~ J ' ,. O()TO:I'\XR 1~.;06, mm::E::R AUTHORITY AND IN COJ;;?ORMIXY YlI'rn; Tn::JtPJlO.. VISIONS OF SECTIONlt NO'. 33 1'0 3'7 ,I1WLUSIVl~ OF ROmUi: BIlJ.. NO. 204, OF Tm!: :FIFTH l.Jl:G;~SJ..A'1'IV:P.:ASSmt~J.t OF 'rIm' 8'l'ATlC OF MONTANA, APPFtOVJl;n UARCH A, 189?, AS .A)lmNIl,,"ID. ...*. BE IT REBOJ..VZD BY mE OXfi OOUNCI).. OF 'Tnr~ CI'ty OF B07J'lM1J1: " Section 1. - Tlmt the City Oounoil of 1;11.. Oity of:B(Jzeman by Cnuncll Ruolution Ho. ;;34, fim..l'1y 1'1.....4 on the 4th dAy ,. of October 1900, nrfla1;.c\ 8p~n:l.~.lIml)rOV4t:roent Diltl"ict No. 1201: i the CH;y of llo~m.<\n And thflr01n 1l1"ovidec1 for 'the oon,.truotJ,on I of oon.of'et. aidewalk ..nd ourb t on :&..at ,1dfl fit Blaok Avenu., SQuth, wi thin the boundtA-ry lines (It said Special Imllr0VEll?lent i Di..1;1"1ot, O\nd for the auenmentof the 003t and ':lI:ptnae of the I awn. . \ S.otion 2. .. Th/Jl.t the sa.ld oQnor.t. dd.e.lk and o\l.rb, within 1lIl\14 8pl'toilil.l ImprOVftllumt 1>illt1"iot NQ. 19 M8btenQfm... s~ruotod andOQmplet.ed at a. ooat ot $34{'i. fl>4, thfl tott\l 4r.. of ,;,.id Speoial ImI,rovement District No. 12 btli,ng 18,402 eq.tt. liUla the OOltlt Her 8'l.:t't. being $.OlAfl:l. S,oU()Jl '3 1- Tlu~t, PU1'sl."n1. t<l Oounoil R.s()lut~Qn NO .:S2$4 , the ..veral l!IU1Il8..t OPIlos1te the rta.tlJ.<<tB of the Olmftr8, lall, I I W'ld par.o.la or. h1'1d, AS the .a.m. appeare in 1l114t.oh.,~. hnetQ attaohttcl R.adll'lad.. Apart h.r.,t, be an4the .NO,," J",.peot-, lTftly levifld And. ........clthtr..n 'to aetr"JI' ~fl 008t And .xp.n.fl \ >~ / " u.___.,. 4()2 ~__..d .~~~'_;~';::.: ',':::'jfii,,,'::;':' i'~';.:'~'~':'=:~~~;;~'~i-":'~~~:~:'~;~~~'~~~!:~:;"~';':;~~';:"::"" "~ ...,'.' .__.--tl~,.,",~.".,-- N' ,.,.,_ ..__. _".. ,......_"'on...,.,.....___~_'~~_ ".. -' ". . . "",- ',. ;:!~!':,?~.,:~::","..... ..!);.'!!'~~:':,:,,~~,:..?!!!:!',','..,' - 2 - Or constrtJeting ,aid ooncrete side_Ik ",nd ourb, within sa.14 S!)8c1a.l IJn;proTuent Dhtriot No. 12 anti 1:ht.t th4l .enral 'IUd be ,oolhoted. from th"rIH~.:p.otiYe ownttra of. 8a1d loh or plil.1'o8le of land. duor1bed in '<1\1<< lIahedule RB re1luir4Hi 'by lfl.w; thl.,t the p6l.Ylu8nt of flt\ld fl1lJll Iht'l.ll be Il'lade in 1nata.llro~mt.8 ...nd tXlliOt 1;he I })~/'ta(tnt (If aa.1d inat..llm.en'f;a alll11l e:1\:tl'lnd over " period of 1':l.veyelil.T'i Th&t,the first 1nfJ1,I'l.llnlflut. .hlll1 M fur 1/6 of the to1.d t\.U~6m.n t" whioh in.tall1\'l6lrl t s}u..l1 "'.coxne ch~. and pa.yabll on or. before the 20thd.&.y of ntlo4l:mber 1),06, ~lpon whioh d.at,ethlil 8ame 6'tl~1 be"ome (i.l:\nquMnt, if not 1,a1d; TMt thfl seoond in.ta.l1ment .h~l.ll become duft ant pay....bl. on the :iOth <la.y Or DfQ.~.ber 1901 a.nd thAt (ljn that date IiM1'1 'bflCtul1,...l1n,u(tnt. 11.' not pa14". TM.t iM tb1rc1 1n.tallment 8.h.&.l.l bel)OlU4t du/Jt and p.!ll.y~bl' on the 20thdlll.l' of nI6emb.,r 190t a.nd shall bloom. d.elinquent on 1;hAt,4at<< it. nett fidel J ThQ.tthe, fourth :\.nl!lt~..1ll)1.nf; 6h~.1l be00me (ue and I,tl\.yable on the SOt..h a.....y of. D'Olllmbflr 1999" Md Shl~ll beaOl1l8 df)lin1pIf!nt on that data . if notpMoid. j , . That t:net:l,t'th lnatl\l1mont oh;'!.l1 ll(ll.O('l!l14l du.. and pa.ya.ble on thit, ttOtJl day, of neo,mb,r 1910, "-nd '111.\11 beoome ddin(lUent \ ' ' ~" ' " \ ,..... . on 'thi\ t dl.\., it not pa.id; , , ;lw- t the dxi)l .1'1<< 1.1.\8 t 1.n.tallmAln t am..ll btl oomfl d 11'" and p"l4\ble on the:eCth d.ay o~ n,.o.mb82'" 1911, and ahall beOOl'lle 4.- Hnqmmt on that late, 1:t' l"l',ot p-.14; Th~t up\'ln IIIll 1natallUlAlnta lotti'll' tha lit, t.he 01 t,y Tnu'-li" I Ural' shall (lnn.at 8:1..1~1. :\.nttlrtlll>t' lil.t thfl rll\.t8 ~f B~ per oent I' per annUlJ!. from the (hilotll when -t,lle first in8tal11l\flnt b_(lQ~IHl de- linquent, a.nd almll raoeive Iih;ll'tTlent in full l.\nd g1ve recoilltfJ I thereto" tor 'tho on1.i1'o &.IiIHHilll'llflnt on an~;. p1"<'Jpe...l,y, with in- ter..t. to the d~ to. of the pl\ym~nt, a t an~' tiDlll the al\tlUll may be ,tendered by the own.r or a3~nt; I . I -'::='.""~""'-"'==-:----_. ::=--.-:-~,=~ ..-=:~--:-=~.T... Ii " 1',1 . .. I, Ii J - 3 - ~l Ii , 'l'hatwh.n M1:r one 1..,t" UlUfI nt b.OO-"8. d;d"nqt\Qnt, the b_bnoe of t,he wholfl.l\1iI8fasn>>l'lt shdlb.Qomt lIIO; that aperlAlt;r of ten peT o.nt.ll~U be Ad(le~ 'the:r<<to 1.,& pvt at thea'ee,,- men1;; and that the Oity rreft.8Ur\lt:r ,I\J1dC1ty Ql$rk ,hall pJ"..... to th6ClOllect1on (}t ,1loh delinquent .a8.....,lJt.~t. .. f,lT(lV1d.4"y ~rdln.~o. No. :'..~4 t\t'\:t~.Ott:/'Of R\'l);l81~n" and.th~t:~})rQP.l"t:r _hilll be f:>old the 8~if a.B oijher r;1'(')PIIrty.~,).it tOIl"'I~... '~,i\,h '.".':,' SllCUon 4. - 1'ht\T, th." apeQia.l"'8.~luf~ri1; Ntn'by*,. at'ld Inhd ~g....1n$t1;he r,ropertY\IIJ:Hjhin llatd'''gpeoi4lt.l I1npr(1V4nn,nt D1atriot Nn. 12 to dfltray the oostandoxp.nli. of'o(IJn8tnlQt1ng the oonore1;~8 idewalkt"nd onrb the. rein. t9Bit'thftll" wi thany l11!lrcontage 1I11po8~d1"or~ftlinqu.nBY. and tor the e.lJto~ OOlleot- 10n, shall oonst1tlrte 1\ Hen upon and l:l.g..11'1~t the property uponwhioh th1Jl aueS8IU1&nt 111 mad. "-nd.l."1U'd, trom and Mter I the date of' t.he It!tvy of this AUU3fsament a~\t1na.1J)Q..ag," and. avpro,vll 6f. this RP.Bolut.:\.on, whioh Ihn 'lIit.a,ii1be enf'orQed by , \ th'il 51JIWl ry sallll of liIuohpropllll"'ty, and ther ~~~.ut1orl and ,(iel:l.nry .:\ of' neOl!! s8/!,ry (,HU"1;1t':l.Ot\telJ and 4u4. thd'flIt<t'\un.4..r .uch 1'''811- ' , I; .:'\ ': la. t:i.ons <.\.$ nay 1)1lt 1)ral.Hlr1bfld by oJ"d,i.nlilJ1n~"(')~ 'by aC)t1on in. I\.lV , oourt of om:'lpetent jt~ri/Jd1ot1(')n to foreolo,.Mt'\, 81l0h 114n" but ~ ' ! . tl.l1y prOlJSrty tH)ld 1;.(') lJ4tht'y ,l.lQn 1l.riAAA~'i:be8u'4.ot 1;0 T',~d(1n;}: 1,ion wi thin th(l timt &ntl in t.h.'ma~n'~J"\l:JrC')'!ri4fld or tlu\t (. ':, ,; ,\' may herfla.ttl-lr be provided, by lAw for the t~<l"'l)UOn 4JtpJl'Op- 'j' , t erty Bold f.or 1;;;.xen. I, , S~ctj,on 5... ("'10r6.~. Niob.nb lll,nd .T,nlnllll!;.\~bin.()n, ownlltto. i ; . ot ...11 the vropp.rty within "a.id SPflt'}1.IJl,~:'Iri1p*(lveri\ftnt D,i.$'l;riot ~:(l. 12 which ill hwreby ~\tulfl fHHld to d':1,')"ay. the cost l\nd "Xlltnse ~ " , ' , , of the <HlnBt.rHot:tQn of 1l1l.1d 6id<'lWI'lolk and/qutb~ h.Y111'l'r;".tgn.d _ .,. stillUlo.tiol1 wa;l.v:tnt:~ noUo. of MM.r1ng ~lJld' :rf.q\~Gl8t1n~~"'\,~~4- ie.te V~tJIH4i. of. this Rft801ution, '\fh1oh/lJt1~I.i.la:U.on i~' ,~'f""4t' " f f I' , I _._,..,_no ----.- ;~.=-, .~-r=:......",;~~:::--~=;:;;~,~~:.~ ~~.JIr:~ r.. _'_~~,,-._- -- _'.__ _n _ ~~,.:==~~~~'l;":;;;;';':;'rf~!"':"!""::;:"<;!"\'~~~"~"~Y:ll,!.~~I~;~~~;:'~~;"::i~'::.,::"~ ~:::::!;':~:':;"';";~:"., ;~:;:-':",2:'\"1:" IUI'..:!. -~_... ~._~ I: .. 4 - a.ttaohed and made 1.1I. lll-l.rt h4!lnof. tha l~SUAlllUbHcJl,tion of' Notto" .nd Da.y of Rea,ring 18 her0'bV d.ispena4td with. hutd O~tl)b.r4th. .1~06. i Appr...400t...r 'tl>o 1906. ~~ . ..........................rk MI\Yl'l!'. , ----,,-~...,.. i 1 ASSlSSMINT LlS~ FOR SP.ECIALIMlRQVEMEN! DISTRICT NO. ., ..,.t: '.,'.."... )\ff'.'" ....". ~ ! WALKS .AND OUDS ON :BLACK AU. ANP BABCOCKS't. AWNG T , ""~"',:""l:ll I '1ohol& &I RobSnson Pt.15, ~11 16 & Pt. B I j I( il &: .;;0 il\n4 t.ract 20 X ,I I; I '. ! i ''',.\.it:,.. ctob.. 4, lilq . , I :t ,..,~ . '~:~', ~: peOl ." " 1 tull: wd, n aoo unt .r I i "! il I I ! I i ,I 3 I II I .u II I, II 11 ; ~., - - . ~ I ._ ... .... ....}; ....,..... .,: ..... . .. .... :a....... ." .' ......... . @I- .. '"...... . . ~ ~." ~ - ~ .. .. ". " ~ .~... . ~ ~ . ~ ~ " " .. ~ ~ CIS I. ~. '. '. i. .. ~ ~" -i :4 ~: ' .. " '.5 . 1t ~.. '.. _~.,' .. ... ? · s.- '" ..... :t .... _ " ~ !!.. ", ' ".... .~ ,," ~ III . \ol. () .. . .. , .. ..... ' .,. .. , .. - I.. ~l I ;' " i~-~ . I. '" '.' " " '" "t ~ · ~ .. e - .0 ';.! _____,._._ " ~ '- - l:t ~-- ~ ~'.:l ,1. -'. ..r:l... .~."_ ! ,,~ .. "- _. .' '.' ..... . ,., "". ~~ " , .. .. ,"". "..- ... !l', _."" _.' tl ~ t :: '11 ". "";;l ... 0 .. .. o .... 0 '!If .._,_."~~... ; .- - .:<!l.;a _ ~_ ' ....L.~lJ _ =_~.~c ~...... . . .. :_~_"_~ "'= ......!II Q , ! . . . ~ . . *' . eI " '. I .. ~ ': ;~ ~~~~~_~~~. ", [ i ~ "~~~'.T ~ It . __.. ."'....,. ::l_4:_~:-n_ ' ;:;.. -.. '" ,. ." .. :!I . ,. .,. , ' I!l 8 "'" " . . .. . ,_... .,.: · ;; ,,~~J j'1tt+.~.~~_.~, " '~"., ..."' .. .. 11 ~~ "" - H ,!j " "~ _,,~,_ o " .. '" ~ "" ~.. ., : ~ ~ ". j,-'~"'CV"T~-J-::f' ; {' ~ o~ '~ .. .". , H . '~~", :I. .. " .. f:5 8. ~ ..... "".. u;l Cf.l ~ H ;.:: <<> A' ~.'l I~.g ... e;l g~. , .__ ' Ii! ".5 . '~ l..,p '*l;: I ."7"< -~. ~. '":'...t. __~,___ I ...... w 1.0 II) ~__ ' ~ 'd --0---+:--- '~ - · 0 _ H. ~ ... .. _ ~ -< g jl) --.-.- :4 .-.4 -.-------::J\ Uc; -,- .-.i re < _ fIl ~ '" Pi rl $ lZl. * ; of rr; 0 t ...._: E-4. ~ .; H.' ttJ 'f:'3 ~"' ~ c m ~ i t S G _. ~ ~ llli .... u ~ g 1"1 e : I.~ ~ ~ ; '. trr.. .... fIl iii A:; 'Cl. ~ ' ..... ..... "" . . 0 ~ . N '_'__ . . . , ' '.~ ~ . i ""1:. ...... .. .~ :. -----.--- \ . . :>. I... m~__.m . +-' .'<'lC :0\." :i . a . , . p "" - r2 , I ~ . ,..'~. II ll:l '_. . '6 '-'i: . d " . '0 '. · ;!' J '-__ "" C -t- 1" I "" ii I . '. =11 ,.:::::"~;::~ .'. "" . ,.. . . "" " ,. , ".' '.... . ...... .......... '. ". ..... ...... . .'. ..' ......,'...,...,.,.. .' .." I "" .', . ", .1 ...-.--- -':.;-1 --_"_~""'~.~,.".~.,~,.~ -~~: ~ -~~~~.:'-^~:-=~:::"'~ .j~.:i~~~ -- ~~::!.X:~=:~ '~.. ':::_ ,.':_ ,,,.",.:~;,~~~~=-~ ~ II -- Jt..,~,~,;,~,,_.:,.- , " [~~~.~~~~ 1/ , 11 II !I 'i !i ,I 8tlp\4.ti.n'lt,y Pn'"r." 0...... :.: of ....Dr 4ft. li, U,. ,'fB'.~. ..'.... . The' 01t1 Olluno:\.l ,f'1;ht att.T ot 140'...... having , pUJ'1nM:t t. 09un0111...1uUon1l'. 3~. t'lnaU7 JlN." btth.. .14'01t.7 C.unol1 ,nth. 4th4lt.y otOotob.rl~06, or.teIlS,..1"" :tapro.,....nt 1>".""1" J.. 12 an" _Tins oon.llMte4 the.'RoNte '1cl,waU: '41401:8'b, ., th.rdnpr.'V.l...... an4 ta...IAC,,_ C.unoU, b.1q ..bGlIilt ,. """,," uept,aO.unol1. :R.,-,ut-t.. 1''9)'111 et.n4......_ _ .nUr. .,.i M4""J('.Qtl...t"'U.t~ . ,""', ""i,,'" ',' ,;' ," T "'ins...U 0'.':1"" .~.n.1k .n4"u"'WI.W~ thi propel't, wi thin .a14Ip..1a1 Jm:pr........n t ni. tJ"to.tWo.l', - ~,. Nft' ~.DO:R:m 'Wti, (J40rSI ,1t.:N1~18M4 J~ l(. :ftObtA80ll, .\ the owner. ot all thl jll'.opeTt,rithl....1..Sp.t'1..1 Impr......' D1litr1ot .No. 12 wh10hwUl b, ....H.... h ..tray th.out at ",tn... ~ ..,,"truQt1na '1014 COJll.Quu,U_.llt aJ:!l4 ow1t, htrl'by wa1"1 U7 :lettit. of 1ieal'!ng whieh ..,.. wqlA1red-.. .. Olln41UoII frt.d...t to th' ti:n.iU. P....a.<<. d..i4 o.unol1 Il.ulu.Uoa lfllVy1Rg and. ...UdBI the,<,>.t _4 .:q.,n.. .f ...- "aU. O(lnaT.te.UewiIolk and Ql1rb i\15 atQT",a14, iionA ... hereby r.quf!dtb.t 1ruu,ul.iatl final palJll~' .t.a1d C.unol1 ~'..luU" u 1,"1DS -.n4 ..."'.~ a_ill. ,..t an' .~n", IN WI'l'NltSS ~ t:n....U, Gurglt :R. Xiohela ",n..:roh1t .. l.b1n.~n ~V. he.$unto :I., 411l ..,. ot Ootober l~O6. I I I , I 40fj J ~""""""--'-3"=:~_t-:'::=~:~:~~~:!:";:~~;'=Sji~:~;~;;~:::::=:'-::':~;=~~!.'.=:::_~ ..~,:,.'Cc:'"'f:';;i:'."''''''''';''~''''''~''";''''~",:,~,,;:~,~,~,:':':';~''''~;;;;~:':::'~.~'' .....,:':"",.,",,,',,.,.'.,',.'2';,. I: , " 1; it II Ii . i~ alrtlt10ate Q1: Oity clark. i' I, ........... i' Stat, Qr Mofttana) ~ Oeunty of Gallatin, ) sa. ) " 01 t,y of BoaeJna,n. ) I: r X, .1\l3Un M. Smith, C1t~, Clerk or tho 01t.y h " q ot BO....". aa14 a Gunty a,nd state, flqn.nby '.rtityth&t the '<' t.,..'d..... I" .-"'.....oon-.c1o Q'P~ .t O.unou H"trscll1U'. 'ot 1".oor. lio · U$ ...th..... .Pllt a:l".in the t)'ff;l.o fJ (/ t the C i t;y Ole rk 4t1' the City etae.taM; t.t \h, ,aUOolmQil RUoJ.ut.1"n N". S38 va. f:1.n~lly p...... by tn_ 01 ty Co uno ~l c:r t.ltIt 8~ U C j,~y oj the 41lh uy of OOtO})4U. :190t.l an. wa..&pPI',,,,q by the *'Y<lr theruf on the 8&.T41 4. t. . That 'thea-tt.._ IISt1pul...Uon "tit property OwntU'!iI of .....S.,....t.Jf,~t..o;t H'U'1.Jlg " 1a (.tr". and oorr'(l'~ oopy '.,. t1'.l..n,8#., the .... AP!46U", of rocord in s{1.J.d Offioe of sa.id OitYOler>k" IN.WUNll1SS WllEREO'F I have hereunt.Q 8$t my hand. ~d. (It 'the 01 tiy or BO'&tIuRa 1906 ' .i .. , /I' i) ".~~'"'""", .~".:~ / , I I i ..' it 'I I; I: Ii I Ii .1