HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 337 Assessment for Improvements Within Special Improvement District Number Eight; Supplementary Council Resolution 337 Additional Assessment ~',-~,::==,""---:-:!~:" -:'- "':.......-..~ , :'i! .~'~~~i<~:~": - ~.-..;..._. " ~ II OOtm'On.RESo1.UUON 10. il'. '1 : 1 .i, .-'lIIII I Ii , ~! A aoUNOtJ.. .bSOLUTIOlf,I.JiVYXN()AItl?l!l(n:.u.A8~W't . 01!'TAUI II I, !: TO DJliB.AY .!t'1!:i COST AilD :mxn.N8:E OJ OON9Tl'mOTDlI .oo:rmUf.1'JI.amlll... if ~ WAlJeS AltD Ct1R:BS: ON BOT);t SIDlI8 ()'g GRAND AVlID"U);'.IOtJ'm, WITHIN' :1 I, c THE llOtlIfDAlfY 1.11>TEB OF SPlICIA1. I)(PlflOVEMJllN1: nW'l'RIO'.P. ,NO. a ~i i OJ,' 'l'lm eI'I'Y 0')2' BOZmtAN. WHIons'?XeIAL IMP.ROV~ DIS'l'RXqfl'iTO.8 ,. h " WAS dR~T1llTJ PtlRHtJANTTO COUNCIl.. USOlj(J'J.'IONNO. '23. 1I'INAM.Y Ii h )1 ,I PASSED :ay THE CITY OOUNCIl. OF TIDl RAIn CITY., (')lim ?'!'II :DAY OF ~ I 1'1 II J11NE, 190~. t7NJ')Ji.;R A1J'1'1IO:RITY AIm INCONJl'ORMnY 'WITH :1.11}] PROVIS... I, '!I IO:NS OJ!' SECT 101'<"$ NO. i;1 1'0 ~')7. INOI,ua;rn ,"ROUSE BIIJ, .NO., 204. " I, ii Ii OP TR'R; T,'r1i"l'TI 1..JWIHJ..A'1.~I\m AFlRJilJ,mJ.Y OF TRE r<r.t.A'.P.Jl: or MON'J!AJI'A, I'; ; ~ " APP.'ROV'ED :MAR CH fj, 1M\<? J AS A},i):'::1'1)J'i:D. Ii .... - BE IT mi;~;nV:;;m;:;y 1'T!J: ern conScn OF ').'1'}; GUY OF 1l0ZEl'iA,AN" I ~ - fjeo1.ioIl 1. - 'l'hat r,!lh :;:tt,y Council oft,flE! City of B(laQ~n by Cr.Juno:;~l Httt>olution No. 323, fi!l~11~, }llJ.l;l'ul'd Or! 1;h8 7th da.y of ;;');(1 l',';O~J. an,li'4ted Spflc1.t:-.l ImIlr()V~'r:j~nt Disia'1c)1; No. a of 't.he J.ttyof:BoZ<"lmatl and therA1n prov1.dtld for t,he cO<lsi.rUction of oonOr'ftt. eidewa.l:ks f.i.n<'( ollrhs, on both 61d.iot GrllUld Annue, South, within the 'hound..n' .l;l.lltls \,f 1,0000i,1 $11..,01.41 Iml)l"(J'f,Huflnt. D1etr1(lt, lMtd for th. alletU1Blllent of t:h. COlt Wlc\ f!Xre:n&Et of the lilw.ne . ,,~ .,. Seotion 2. ..:J;hat the 8a1d oonor.t..1dt1nlJ.lt:a N'ld ClU'l>I, ,"i,~in: fj~id Sl'eoi~l Iml)rOvoment DlItrlet No. a _an ;bun COn" ,. '."..:.r:.,..' , ,.\'~..i " ,'" " Itrucii'4,,&n:l Qomplet.d ~:l.i a oo.t fir .7.029.75, t13.. t01;altf.a ,'t'.hid S;PUi14l 11ll11r'onmtlntDhtrh':t No. f~ bUng 5S'l,481Sq.tt. and. the oOlt p.r I,. ft. being #.Ol~W. Seotion I. ... That, PW"IUNt1Jto CouncU l't.QluUon No. au, the 8'VoiIr~1 'WIlS ut O!iPOa1t;_tht n&l:ll!Ia .r ioN! .wntr., 101,', and. parcel. Qt lAnd. a. the fJWllI. ..wear., 1n ....,.h.d.u1.. hereh II II !I 'i Ii c.-:.:") I' I:, I ~f-~'=~?~~!i~;~\~:!';';;~;;'=::--:-'~.~:~"=:~~"'-:-::::=~:-:;':. '- ~..... .~!~~~~~~,;':':':'~~~~~~,:'~~~:::l::;:', :"~'.';,'X~,; t '. 2 - !; " aUa.h.d. an4lUl4e.. part here.t. be and. the BtiWU ar. rupeot1'Vf!- h " " 1.7. levied an. .......tel 'th4ireen to 4d'1"a:r the Goat And exp.n.. ~i Ii iI Ii 01' OOilatrl,.tet~ng 8a1d oonoret..l41.walk...nd curb a , ""HM.n '11.14 :i I, II 'p"1a1 Improve.nt nis'tr1ct )To, 8 and. that th. ......r..1 lum. 'I I; I' b. oolleoted. trom the respeo1;lvtl owner. of sald lote or parools " ~:I ot land. cltlu:1beC\ in .mid. fiohed.ub a. raf(uind b:s' law; that I' ? ;i the p&7ment of' .aid aUJr1lhalJ., },.l Mort. in :l.n.stallment. and that i I, r I: the payment of said In.tallmantA Ahall ftxtend 0""'1' a perind tlt II f iVlIl yeli.rtll; that 'the f'1rat 1nr,te\llme:nt th..l1 he tor 1/6 of' p " il the totltl 0l.l\188.wlent, wh~,oh 'nstallIl1tlnt. shAll n<llOOllle due an4 Ii ,I ~ p',.y....blA on or 'hefore t.he Ath de.3r ot T'lfH""nt'hflr, 190(;, I1prm wh:"nh I :' [\ date the 1I>Q1E1 abal1 beom:l1& dfl11nquent, if, not. ra.id; " 1'h",* the ~leo()nd installr:l~nt :shnll beOOtTlfl dUA and r)/"'Jr~bl.. 'I ~ on the 8th daJr of ])ecnrnhE!r, 15i07, and thf\.t on tht~t dS\tfl shall Ii ii I, become del1nqnent, if ,n01; pu:l.dj That the third 1nl'S'aIlment l'ihf4J.l bliloome dUli! /~l1d lHWlitbl. an the 8th d.ay ot hcembCllr, 1908 and eha11 beoome dl'thr\rlllent on tha.t datA if not po,1d; 'J:h.<t tht"l fCllirt,h installl"!<Hl't. p,haU hl'lcnrnl'l dllA and !""yahle on the 8th d~'Jr of Dec"rrlber, 1909, t1.nd IIhall hl'l0nJ'W (\~l:i.nt1'lflnt on that date, ~.r not r;aid; Tba. the t1fth 1nat",Uh.ifint .hall b. CCl!tW, dllfl fl.T:rl pRy1tt.lt onth.8t.h \lay o~ 1>eoeJlJb.r 1910 hnrl flhal1 henaN cld1nquent on that date, if not paid. 'rhat the 81xth a.nd 1$0 at tna\allun' 8hall beGG_ dutlllftd payabl..au. 8th ~.r Deo..~.~, 1911, ~, and .~1 b.oo.. d..11n,.." 8'ft 'U1a'llAt.. 1tno' pa14; \ \ bat \!:POll all lnai..11M.,.. .tte.r 'ho lat. Ul. City :[11"'0&8. " " ""1" .Jlaall .eU.ogt '1Iq)1e lni,....at -", !:.he rate Gf ,ix p.r uni Ii Ii per ann_rrom th, 4At. whan the fire' in.'allman' blOom.. t; Ii (.l1n'Q.~t. and. P.4Ul r,odv. Jl&.7Mnt in 1'u.lland c1ye r80811't. '. 1;.heret.r torth. enu,..........'1i$.6,n,clLn..:n.rop.rt'. with ii Int.raat,," .ihlI.. <<ai.'.r 'the p&yIUnt, .t any t1lt.e1h.. ..... BlJI.y fi , I: 'ba '.R4.,.,4.b;y1m. 0.'" Gr acln'; I' i! , 'i it I' ;1 ~: I '....... -~ ..~~"-~,~ ."'~-~,._~.,-.-..... ..._--,.~.........~'. ..'-~..~,_.~..~-_. I ....-.......... \ ".........-".."~,-~.","~"~.,~._--~,,.., -- ,"- --;r.----- . .-".-,--,-~-_._"-._,..,..,,--- ..-,.-- :::=:.::,::!.:-::~:;!!".~:,:;r~.I:~':..J_n ~~ -~-, ---'... -'" \ ,- -- , - -, ~~~-T ~ " Ii ... a .. II ' I II il I r That when hn:t ori. 1nltallmon't \U'IOOllMl,"t:u._,-llt. t:nO balAn.. i I, II : " ot tholl Whole IU!l"JflalrnC!ln'!; $11:"U beoome B'l _hq,t .. ptl:AMo21ty ,t bn ii ii :1 Pfl1'" osn tflhl1\ll bl ,,-(i.d4td thCllr.to a. a. pa". .t t....'ument; ..nc1 ..,.hilt the IJ1 ty Trfll~"mrill1'" 14nd (t1 ty Clerk .ll&3,). proo.eet ,tt the oolleotion of GUO~ delinquent a.'.8.~nt, a. prIT1c1t' byOrc1in- anctl Ko. 234 at tht'l City of Bozeman, and tbAt \ht property ehall be sold the lSamil! aa other prep.rt" .eU 'tot,.... S.et ion 4. - Thatth. '1'101..1 .......n\h.,...by mad.e llUHt bvif!d Q.gainat the l)roperty .!thin .i.~'i Speob.l Ir.a;prov'mIlnt j)J, 6tr1ot ~~(). 8 t~ \1-efray "the OQfft and ~xp.nl' ,ofcon.trtu'lUng tho c.mer-to .,d...,k. ond 'urbo .hord.., ....~th .",. pereert t",ge :lin:pol~d fr!Ir dellnqultnoy, and, for ... ...,#,.1\01 oolle't-- 'r~'~'i)');{~~'i oOri.t{,.tlte .. lien upon and ..ga.1.n~'-t: thfl" ......~ller'tJr ulon wh4ch tr:~1iI MH;enfl(l:t'lnt ifllllade f~nd., :t$yit'Ht" frpt'l..nd ;;;;!'t0l" the d~"tE: ('If tJ'f! llllV;r of' th:l.n &b15e8Sliljilnt I.\rtd ,finli\.l pa<'lfJAge 9,nd. AI'IT(PHll of t1,5.H Rfif;nlH~,ior".w,h:\eh lil!lfl,ah.a.l1 bf! enforcedl);?, thi!l :nmnr.i),ry f:fl.ll'l of SlIO!l I:Toll0rty, t\.r,d the 'X4Hlllt:t(m a.nd deli ve- ery of nflc.,sw.ry c~rt:;f.:tl)$t"-H.. ~nd de8dl4~h"re!or, nndri:r finch . rei;\ul~~ti(mf) Ol.smayhe I>r~'fjcribe(l by o1"d1111llonoe 0 anyo&uJ\t o:t: r:oIDpft'l;nt ;111rir~d1(~;ion to fcu..olo but .,,~j,: '., ,,,,~,, ",,' ~'",~. \ " a.n:/ prolletr'ty 1I()ld to I'lnt,i8fy ~\lah red(:I'l:ptj.on wi ';hln the title and in thll m&npflr pro-vtde:a' or.rv,~ t may here...ft",r b. ))1"ovidftd. bJr 4",'(01" the r'd.nl-}~ticn of prop- erty Ewld :for t14.XollH. Seet,:1e>n B.- Tha t 'l'hund6loY, t,!llll 41;hclay << O(rtober, 1906, ...t '1:30 O.olook P. M. (lr the 81"414 day, b', .l.tld the s-.me 1. here- by des1gnL\t4!d ". tn. Ume a.nd. t.hfl CoulIlcil Chuber in th.01t, of 13ozeIl1flon.It the p].aa., wllen.\nd ....r..ald OUyOoundl ot, . .aid Oity will b. in I6A5S1on~d will h.ar I.lbJe,,1;itullh it an;:/ there be t h the final p~..", _it ....p'!ihn .t th1s "e.oJ,u,... ion (md the lflvyinS (If' th:l.a .pU1~..,.,..ent Ant ..n",per"., , 'i"') . or pl!l.raons, who ar. aeent, or 9lftUtn ftt an,. lot o.t 'Pa.rcel ~t llUHl in .aid Speoial ImproV'fJmttnt 1)1It1"1Ot No .e/lhaJ.l .t .al4, tillll'l and plM., ha.... the right to ap:p.ar in' ,.:raonJ'r "by 00U118.3; and .how oaulI', if any th~r. b.; WhY' th1. .p:'o1'.l .......aunt --.--..---..,- - '........;,,',;~"" ."'."_.'''~''ft,,_,W~_'''_' ~ ~" - ~-~_~~:~~~:"~~""i~~~~'!~;'~~'i'.;~;~:'~,~:,_.._"~:::i;~~:;"";;;~~~lP!..::==:_~~ -- (- .:::;'~- ,- ~-~ ...... '~ .. 4 .. I .hOuld net bt .e and wh~r th18 :Runlnt:ton .hould not bt "f1nlllol1y panlt4 a.nl Adopted. $8ot1on 6. ~ Thatth' Oity Clerk'b. _nd h. 15 hereby in- .. . t,r,1<ljr'cl bj' the <':1t7 CtunQ1l to gh" no t.10e of the t1.m.e lion4 pla.Olt .r 8aS,Cl hAtarlns ddt:o,the final p....a8. of thb Ruolut- ,l'II, b~t Jlllb 1:1. I h:tnr; a no t1 o. ther.ot t 1n th.:B<u5..man Chron101e, _ a Weekly newspaper, printed and PlIbU.httd 'in tho 1ia.1d C1. ty of B~zel~, in one i.aue thereof, and not lea8 thAn five daya b.t'ora the! time "lilt for the h.ar:lng of. ob401lQt ion," t()1;h~~ final pllr.l!l$Aee l..n<\l\dnll'h10n of this ReS(lhrtion. P~s.d S.pt.",,"" 24th, 1006. . ~jr-. September 24t;h, 1906 . " . ."~.."""""''' ,-j .:....... .'. . . . .. ., /I . . it III . . Ii . " . . ... . .. Ii II . . . . . · . Ii/. . . . _Dr , ."1'.... -,p' , ,,' '. Att~,llJt: , , " ~ .'. . . . . . . . " .. (':ltllrlc . ~,---- . ..... " . ( ) , ~, / /". ".- '., ----.,-. ,) 39; - ., _,m__,... .-..., -:7............,..,-.,...--._'-"..--- .. .,._._-'---~,.---.------,.,-_.,.., ".,..~ " ' ' " ~, ','::'''~ ;':" ': ", ,", " ::'," ,,' :"', " "~ ABSRSSDNT LIST FOR SP:ECI:AJ.,:tdtO~1bIsr:RicT NO. 8 FOR ie ' .' . ,',':,.'.. ,',',,:' "r.,",,' ',,'" " !,.', :". ,,",,:-, WALKS un C.1JRB.S ON GlWm 4v:a. fif., ~!' " ':1 p D.... Ad(i.TOlllU. B.1,on Ster". Jr. ...~~;",l,i. MArt A. Wylie, 1$, 16, 1'tu.teee t1hUf"oh. ot 01:1."1,1;. ). . Mr. .1'081e Oorbett 1'& a. c. )(al1.1aa.a 1.,w1" 2$ &I 4 It , LaoV' E.Ga.go 5, :U," ,t.1IT. of .. Jao20 " Lu 116 :E. a_Sf 'l!t tJ" .ot6 it nail 5 " BOb tirt J .'I7'Ue s t" &, e " fI /tgGL~.l~h & t .. 10 " .. ,. ,. , 1, e I.t is J :B:. ~. Rott-.n ,,, 101.11 ... 1'..' 8.t a, . .. 6. n " .'. ~., .1ft.;'" :Burl" :Fieber :UU.H .'.... . if. ~ U1il.e ," , ..,. ..14.0 OurS' 'F1Jildl40:r. 6.',8,9 Ie 10 D *. I .aso " I(Hi . tJ. 1. c. Stewart 11 1# 1.2 E .. '800 It 1'hoa. J. Fowle,. 11 l4 & ;&;6 " ..It , 11100 .. l53.& , ,:,,'i Wnt. D4*1. .us ~17 It .' '~ '. loa.a :K. ~I'. K!dd 1$,19, 10 It . 'fho$. Lew18 11,1., 3 B' It >c.. ..~,', ~, " '..... '.... '1 . , )boa. LO&..,".l~i;' .. 14,10 .* u. " " ]f.... 1:4;1'7&8. elf 16 " &0 .;$6 MAth,w n. W:1laon John T. Work ..t 1,&,,9 ~. ao .11 " " I. F.lor4 Gar4ner 1 I,a ,4 i If. i. J.. Staat. .67, " . ll. 1'. No l'rlOn $,9,10 " " JolulW. Yergey, Et ul 1,11, 11 2 " Jj .~1. :arO~)k8 1480 15 " :aet.-,Hof Geo .."11(lr se;}' 10,11,18,1 '" 20. II XtaJ"oY' C. Dade 1 & .2 I ." Henr'.Y UeUinger 3 II C. M. 'rhorpe ,,'t 80 It. I &6 .. " Jamell E. MArt1n Pt. . &: Ef, , 6,9,10 .. It I, .. F. K. 4rm.~rong :,.4 II J ..H. Bnw.n. 20 ., ~I. II '1 II .j -....- .or__ _ .n__".,. ~ ~--_._... -.--.- ,.. FOR SPECIAL IMPRO~T ~+STRICT NO. 8 FOR CEMENT .ON GRAND AVI. S. '. 0'. ~ 14. ). 7. II .. lJ:) &eo " " '. .. 1 & 2. e ., .. &: 4 .. .. t.N. of 1/ .. l) .01:"[5 .. " 4522 5 .. 8 " " 6076 " 9 &; ).0 " . 8,1.00 II ..t :3 D " If , & l.). n II &: 10 D " 11 &; 12 E . 7800 It I 14ft U . .. ,11'00 " I I .. ,~ I 16 &17 .. '1eoo '. " lQ2.3S 20 .. . '1170CJ " 153. fJl :$ PI .. lUOO I .. 1.ea.51 I .i u. It " 9'60 .. 18 .. " Cr. t, r, &o.a:') '800 20 II " " nflO , i " U2QQ " " .. .. I 11U.W<' .. .. It i .. F ,jon"e" \ " 14 ,& l:i .. . " & 20. It It " 202!3,Q II ). &; :0: I v. 84000 I, .. ,\ i 3 II " . .:eOO .. " . , 8,9,10 II " 14 .4 " II I i ! I !; I :t':~.'(; .. I Ml8JI81),(BN'r _tilt ]!'OR _CIAt t>>PRO~T :rtIS'lRIC! 1'1'0. . ,"*..~t"Alifctf AN:nCURB6 i ,. v _I\,';~ 'I), '. C.\~, ..-. ..a.. .. ....er, 11, 1 ..t lt1.14'af~ot 'i ,.,0,,16,).1.'11:), .. a II l~, .. ill MaOOllU a t II " ., " 1 &I $, 'Ii 1't. J l() If " <"~le .1___.rry "1'1..S. of 1&4. II It ."1 . ,""d::"'" " ',. t ";I:.', . ;1:;'-, K. ..."1'14.1\ I .tc 6 II It .- nJ ;r::::J~,',:;~:? ~,,; ':1':;,,':':, ::~ :,."..r cro,t., ,.. II It .. UO I &; "10 III .. -8400 .. l1J 11,'l$12 11, II :8100 " ).3&14 : .. . 8100 .. ..f..-. ~,. i4 ).fI\\l\ 1$ It " 8).()C II I ~ ',.!_ho" " 8100 ~.: 17 .~ 18 .. . II 1'lor.,,:.01l. W1n.01'11 : (:t!.oo " .~... 3; 6.391 .. -i',i i~!" ,",' " ~' " ; ,~" ,:' ., "\' . ,l- e utO \ C:L..rl~"..~~ '8r,ueQn ' ). . : "..", ~~; ~;J QJl.arl..:m. Roy ':" ,19 &: aO a .. , ',<.', c -- ~ .._..., .._..... ___,_' ,n i_,.... /. _._-_...~ . ._,.. ;' II ~ I. J ~o... ~.. .....;~T irAW'.DJj d_01FG!km}~'UJIl,,\'Qm.. r ,:':" ",' . \,' '., ..':(' ,'" " .,':,;" 'j ,.1,',,',. , :j '~CATE 01<' CItY.' C I .It.. ~3. .., . ..14 al.l I, luot1n)t. &.'",3.1'.:' '11.7*.";: ~:.' .\'.4. Otu.n ty and S . ..,,, "'1"'" . qnof,' the 01 t)l I .. .... 1'.....'.1 U'''' )., .. , ~. I 4ay ,of S.p tfl iii I'" "141 \.m.U :ect..olu'U " 19'71 1"1 .. . ... . , ~QunOll awl WI . tlltUI a.,s. ~t :Ise 114 41\. tt . .. 367. 367."6'4 $4.4 'Uon NO. 6 of I:' " 2' &6 2'0' 2'06 2"1. ;.6 pe of th8 t.w I, t .._ d7 ao.' .., 20. ,.., ~.A6ft of: IInU .16..' 16.0':1;.6." II pub11ahtd it .. 111. 1'" 1.81718,.'1 ~..4 And. ImbU, II .. 110. a 18 " 18.'7 1'. ''''I ~r.ot. to..w1t .. .. 11';'2 18 a7 181' 18..;ff I.oh dat.. W'AI · Ii ..' .- l' '11 11 '1 l'7 71 11. 1 .11 17'71 1'7 '1 17 '71 1'1.' 1 ~ounQl1/4f~t .. 81.00 .. 17'1 1''U 1'71 1'.. l' ~t.Ob'~lftn~.U.J .. 6100 II 1'1'1 IV n1"1 :t'I. J' ~t tlut 8N1lft , "8100" 1'7 .71 17n 1"1 1'1.1" ~y 018,,14 4A1 63il .. 1+\'81'.. la96 115.*' I hfl'll'l'l hl'lrfITD' rT " '1 tJr of BOlll.uno II i 6590!. II 14 n 144). 14.41 11;]. II ..., I ~\rT::" '" alOO I -1' nun 1:7 71 1'1.1 I /.~g/I: i pt. -lth. "1 I If , . I I l I .J'~ -.'- i, I - -..." - ! i,,'.1 , .. '-';~im.iJ ! h-iIll _ -' !itl.,- lit<k "."J". "" 'XU .'"!"'~. . """JOi:i r",:, .."f"h ,:!~~~''.''\~'''.,~~~il: ..'.ii'll \.i ..\"W~',t'fi~I!1i'J~I~,$~i ,,~"< " ," '."w.'.'. .~... '.tUilt-: II 'j:'iJ"II'Of' cieRi '~!\."/\' ,~~":I(t, ,:"~, ~~:',:":',: r.: :',:< ':" ",':": ',',,",', " ",.", :'.:',:'J~':}~:'~! ::':.,': I, ',,':" :'.' ': ,,'" r 11:":; i, ,., ,:<''',t!':'~'~~Il''t)tlil~~<'he...oity ii Pr~~",;.<.ttbllpl~;Y oJ: ,B,~~aD.COD. i1t'~l~~'1 d ~,,~, I: )lag- " . . .lllhild oltj> OllllDdU oll'tboi CEH'l'IT'ICATE OF OI'rY Cl.JllRK. I \~4t,l*l'I ,,!dtS8PtelDli~r A,.'D.;'ill-OO." "":"N:<i ~":,filaeteby<1lvlll:li.1''illJatllt a' _f1.. I '~~i!t,':~t'ge8lilodilfth~bi~I~~ilDClrof '~llWt) ~fI:lO~elllall.lillt4'~.~[the'24tli Stli\te of ,ontana., ) ! '4~r:i~~r... ..sePtelDber........,:~~i~:~\:...........1906.. ,'GoI1DGl:l RellOiutIQD~i).,V~ ~velltlt.led ~ 88. ii~.\A,Op,~Il~q. .Re80i~~~9i:t.;~1~yl Ilg; i.~. County o~ Dallat1n. '~peOla.l> Aell!lBSulell~~ftl>j(illIi\t(j de(iay . I, ~he .oost,aDd'. e!ll:p~~iIIE' o~ olfulitrllotlDIl It Justin M. Smlt~t C1ty018rk of :~onorete eld<lwal!l:eiMo:tI~b" on bOth I lelde"~Gra~d A:'!e,uqe.,~nth.wlthll.l t,h.- qi't.;!" of Eo zeman t R~1dC('mnt~r and st,~t.t do hEIr_by cl:lruty . tile .. bdtllldary . IIn.~I...llf .' Special. 1m. I :.ptove';\ent . Dletrlct Nb"a oftheO!t;t that ato. S~.01al S.Rs1on of. th<< 01ty OQ\1"011 of th. 01ty ot \ .cfBozeman;w bloh ..'Sf>eolallmtlro:ve' 'iIl,en~, !)j~tti"t N o.Swal or.eate.d 'pqr- !"UallttoOotllloIlRlleolotion No,l!~8 B()MJ.l"..n~ held on tn. 24th di\yof Sftl)tflJnlH'U. A. D. 19Qt, . th$ '/l~~Hlpaee~d bytbe,eaidOlty COIlD- 'oilontbe7th $y .dt. Jorie, .. A.Dc for.go1~8 smd Mn..:ud oounoll RttilOlutton Wo. ~S:S7 WOIo" du).;y' .190tl;~nd.r!,llthlltlt~':'Ilnd. iu . COD- JOtlllfty. w!tbtpil;Pl'C1~llloll~ .ofSeo, ,~llllle~~,. 8,l!t6'87..lnq,lllISve..~fHblle<l pau..dby thE! ,~14 C11;y ccmno11 and was duly ELV1)1""Clyftd b~r thAt I!JI~l!~(). <2~iofth"ll'I.ftht,egllltllthe ,.A"~~p,ly~ ..the... .St~te.of~~lltaD"; :u:_yor .14-r.... ea.1d 01 ty on 864014 de~ te . ~ppro~edl\l:arcb8th .1897 .aeallleild' .d,"\Vl\~Pl\eeedr .' ..... ... .....' , ~h~~the~?tal lloe(and np~neeof That liursuan t t,o fleotion NO. ~ ()t the! 8~~id Counl'l::U oQlletrllctlng. eaid.. conc~eteeldewl\lkli alld~n~b";. III IMd . 'Speolallmpr~ve' ~(II8(tlution N9. ;-);.,,7, not1oft of th8 t1Jna and pll\Oft 01' I'lt~1d lllEolltDletrlct No.S Ie ,17.629. 73; '.Thll~PllienBnt .to OonnolLReeohl- 'tloIlNo. 828 the el1tirecost lIndllx.' h~tt'/.r1ne; anll thft t::\.nal pAflle\gft of R(t14 GounoH :ftflllolul;'.cm }TO. ipfwee' of. eal(1 IWPfOVllmlmte :Ieae- !eeesed. ,~~~~1iallt ....... td .. ~ald .. cltyOoullcif .'. 3;$'7, hel"~t1.9 u.",tII,oh<<d, waR publhhtHl 1n t.h.- 'BO'&ftl\'l,Q.n Chr'cmj.l'llill, .RellOltltlQD .~Q.. 8117"tothe entlre1':lle-' !t~lot~aohIbt or pllteeL of land .witb. .. "('Ikly n.w81)~p.rt prin1;ftd a.nd pUbURhftd :\n t.1H" f;,id Ci'j.y ot hleald Dletrlct. Mi:l\ltaeliellll~dfoHhllt ;pllrt of tl111whllleooBt whloh the area .beare tQi~he.are.... \lr;~lle,i'eDtll:eJ)I". ,.'.:Bozeman, 1n O~ 1.81l1 tMr(llot, to..wi t on thfl 26th dlty of :trl"t; .. e~6.l:,,!lf~.dt ,'.t~.tei~I!~le '''Ild ';PllbHd'p~aoee; ...... . .......' ..."'i ...... september A .n. 1~06.'''h1oh dat. W~8 at It'tL\lIIt t:tV6 d"I.YR beta" '.....,Thll~:IE~ld l'lh~ qo~nllHReenl~tldi1 .;N o:'68tJSllllwoll'fUelll 'tbe . oftlee ot ;t!'e:'sil..ClI.t1,dlerlt~flilld OltY,l\!Id ' .a.id clay of htAr1ng. Ij.'o:\ilin''tu'.h:lIlpe''tIOlitQtih~Pllbil';; .' .' TI\~:Pllr~QlI,IIf'ci..laOltydoutibH Tha.\t,ht ...1d City c(')unOll/~ o! rl"lgul~r Jlus10n th4lr9Qf IlellOlTltlon'.No, 88T, Tb Iltllday. tbe4th dllyotlo"tobltr,'A,b;1l106'at.7:80P. M.ot"lalddll'f.the.eame belng"tbo hdd on tll4' 4th dAY of OQtobC'l~ln,nnJ.lY 1)li\...~d 1iI.::~td conno1l d&teofaregulaueeel.oD of the. uld OIty OOllllollatct\leQollllolI Ohamber It..oltlt1on No. 337 a.nd that thfl t1Mlft M\e duly 1'1nal1y a.pprCl'V'ad. IDt.he,'OIt'fHa~l.illt,lie~al'dd1ty. .h deslg~lIted.allth\l tillie-and. plaoe ..of by the ~vor ot ,aid O~ty oa eA14 dat.e. , h?rl~lfohjelltiOll8.' If' al1rtb~ be.' to the lIlla Ipallsagel'i1d adoptiol.lot' IN WITNESS \VHXR];()F, I h&v:fI hflrfl12nto fiAt tl'J;jr Mnd and ,.IlI.~po!l~aIlReilolultll)",NI).887.~lle\l. ..IlD,d..",~~re .~~y 'tld llllpllrll(lhe",bl) ; , . are~w.or .allleD~80t' llil)' lot' (lr . att!xtd the .eMol of the C1t:lr of BoaflJl1N\ th:tll M.h da.;lr- Gt Pllroel,jpf'li>ndwttlilll,lI'ldSPll\li.rbu; I i pro.-:e*ellt"l>18tri.ot ".,~6: ...a..ehal1b~va: .. 190fi . the'rtih)l taappelltiliitherinperl.ah;' j 'or, }'!;~~~,eeI"lIolldllhd'W' Olll1ee Itll~&-I I~~~,. ,,~e.whye~da8eeBili:tietl~allit~ 110t. be, lIiade aDdwhyealddoriildil ~lliiill~~l.';rtNo. 387 shlll1 ni>tbe 'finally.paseed ~d adopted;. ..' ........ ........... ..... Thai;, it Ie the lutoiutloinlt the Il\Id 01t,y Clerk. OIty 9~unQilatBaldtl.lll<l to' .flDally , pa~$; "l!d ;1I~QPt . ell{dOo\lllCU. Heeo~Q. , ",tlOll N:,Q.3871e,ylrtg 'lid. a8seesllle ..,,' ~. , 'as..(,,)'esald ; .. '.. .... , I 'Tb~~::811ld,l\IIleeemelit Ie made pllr- ~ ,/ ,~naDt~~9Qlll:!cll.ResollltlonNo. .828 ; / alldillDd~rl\uthQrlty; and Incl-Inform- It>> Withth~Pto:VieloDeofSlletione80 . !to/.87.,JDPlllsivll.. of Houee EIU No, \ '2()4jQf.,~ljElfl,tth Les!elatlveAlllielllbiy . 1()f;the."'.l1~~,of,~o,,,tl\Ill\..apprClnd .i ,March$th,~89l!; aSlW1~llded. . '., . ..... t . t,_,,:.\!~~~Il,~ot;thedit:VOOll!lOI,L,...... ." .... f\" :~l\~~~;.t~~a':~t,b.llay:of ..... Sep.tem:ber. I Iif;:';;~'(~'~Rf",;;\,.. ...................il.....~>'I, ,:":"'.,Jitl19'tU;M.,SM.tI.!:. .',' ... ........,.., I". ., ('(",.";":'..". ,', "... ,. 'Gll.ty't:j(' Ii:. j ~ ~",;,~._~~",/:::" ,\,:::':::-",':' :~: ":'I",~"li''','' ':'1).'. ',',::-'" .' ': ".",",:, ,', ~i.':' ,'<:, 'j, I i; ...... :39~ :~~~~~:~~~.+,2::!~':~~I.~~~~~'~;~"~;:,~~":~"'~:'~'-~-";~,'.:~~.~~:'~:I:~.~~~~.~\~~,~:~~~;i':#:;~!~::~':I~'::~~::~::,~T::'~(":':"'~:~"\!:',;..~~:, i,-;:" ."7-' ~:~';:'~';" -,."", -", r STJP1lJ,::J:nW.rARY COUNCIL R:!ROJ.11T1.0N 1'10. 337. . _.~ A COUN()lJ4 :RJ!;SOJXTIO~'; ],EVYI1\G AJT Aflfi.F.i3f:i',:KKT AGArr(f1~r (J}i:n i)~' A It>: 'ROPEnTY wJ:'l';n1~ SPJ';CIA1, l:'CPHOVYli[i';,!,', '1' n:r.:g'.cYUr::;: :Ho. f;. TO n}i':?P~Y ~~lr.": ,~NtT .ND Ex:PXN"SJ>; OJ;' 'rIm GOnOT.pl;;:s:::e,' O}' no:::rmE'l'E APTlROA\1ITF.:S, PPIVI:.1'J~ l<ilJlE- lALKB, DRIy~,1tAYB AND \1TJRTm WI'l'HXI{ SAIn DIG~:nH~1:, ',VIUal! wnR' y,w; PP'RT'ORN- .~, !lD .AT THE RRQ.1JEal' 0:" Trill SAm Y.-\OPJll'itTY (')W1r}t~,S BY Tn.E TWO M.J:RAC1.J~a mcltJllTE 00. A~m PAIn Fon :iW THE. CI'rY OF J30ZJilillt"N. -*~ " -j 3Jl IT Rl'~BOLVIiJ) 1!Y TI;Jr 1111"'': COUN()IJ, 0-' TIm r,X':r.Y OF Btl7.Jl::oiA:;!: ~ _.~ 1'EATIil'ID:R}.:AS OArta-in property ()Wn~l"B or their ar"f'nts, owr.ing )r reprll!lllilin1.:'n,\,; Vr(;pert'J' w.lth.Ln f;:PfJoh..J. ImprClvem~nt Tl:i.fltr:!ct. 11'0. fi of the C1.ty of BO:-r..~:lt hQ.v,~ r.quell'tetd t.!J,E! r::H:i of :B()z~n'1@.n 1;(; hf..w'cflr1;ain prlvattl conorete work ~on16tru('lj.f1(l hy thE' Two l,;);r"olftu r,o. , thfl said , property owrl/tt's I or their as""'l'lt.I, ae;:r€l'!i.ng to r8~b.l.l)1lr~le the ~:j t;;',f of BGzeman forth" Clost (tnd l'lxp<,'mall of th~ name. MID VmJl'..HF;AS I t}tl) eaid privat.e (lnn(lret~ work, M ~w1 t, oon... orete u.pp:rO~l.Oh<'lB, pr:tv<J.tl'\ ~idewlo.n:s, dr {v_ways, t\ndclll"l1t" wi tL ~ 1'1 si,td Speoial IU1Il:!"oVOl:)Wnt Dia~d.ot No. €I h,;,\,V$ 'h....n oOl1Bt.rltot.~. 'hy thE! Two .. Miracle Concret<< ~o~ ,'md haT~ ol!len IIMdd .'or by tihe c:tt~, ofnO~~~T1FJJ1, 'NOW ~1n'()R:re, :I. I~ isharfl'by or('htred b:.r thlil (':1 ty 1101lnoU. of th.. ." .. ~, . . ,,~ ',' Oity ()f lioi~l\Inmif/tj.ia:t l;h!" <l'Teral Burns S~t; "ppo8itfl th4ll nN.'lfll'$ of t.ha owners, lotu Mid. par::\h. n'f lrmd, a. tht'l sarn.appear" in thE! Hoh_dlll.. hereto ,::u..tij,l.Ch.Hd and Ir..:.,(1a ~~ }lil.rt hereof, i" iLnd the Stuns ill rE!ilpl'lQt:l.llely I a".8liledtbereon tc ct.t\tra~r the coat and. .xp~lnf;fl of oQnatrnoting Ql:\1d ooncre t. i41Jproachl'S, pr~.vL\t,ft fttd.ewalk8, driveway' and 0Iu"1)8 wir,ldn lIla:l.d SptUal IUii>To..,e7'l.mt l)1$1;riotllTo. n iU\r;'t 1'.11.. t ';hfl FleTerlAl 11W19 'bfl !loll.ot- td from the nbpt'lct:,ve ownerl'l of. the lil6l.1d lots a.nd 118.r001,,' of lane. clesflt'fhed :\n Blll.id lob.dule. T113t th.. "'IDlll her.b~r &111'1'&80\4 all ))8r RIi'.1d schedule ,han b.come d.l1nql~"nt on th. 8th 1ay tit necUlIllber, J.9od. I / II ~, ",.,.,..:_.,.. __ '.".~".~W-~"~.~T""";".."'::'..': ,__...~~ '..: "_,_.. ~~,~. W~ _,,~.. .~..........~~ "".. r - 'I I' ... 2 - 4th, l~oei. f4 i I . .. ,. .. .. " -, ., . . . . . . . . . .. . " . . . q:tty Olerk. Cer'1tlOat. .t 01\1'..1"'11. --.. State of }1,ont.'l1~, ) )56. Oounty 0t G".ll~~Un, ) I 1, .:ruHt.in M.. Sm1th "t. the Cit~r of BOOl"""n,$1l1io14 Clo\U\ty and St4te, 4.0 h..rebyeert1fl titii.t th4l f",rel101ng and anne:T.8d SuPVlftmentary CounQll Ru olution Ho. Z~", _It .pall..db1' the C1 t1 Oo~o:l.lafthf. C1t.~' Qf :Bu''''''- on the 4th d.~ .r octCl'b.r, /I..' D.. 1906. and PI J~~uly .ppnnd by Ute }J.fJJor tlU')t:'ec! cm5n.id..t.:. . !N WI1tNESS WHEREOF. Ih~!'.unt...d .my h&nCl. ..nel $-ftt,,,; thll!' ,.&1 of the C1 ty ot nO~e_n, ,th1B 1\)1. 4&Y of O<:ltob't". l~Cle.. I ,i/ ,..'~ 1 I ro., --.------ -- ("'Of "" \"., " \.~ .\ .I/'~:""'. .1. /i, ) '-'f' , .J" 11'000 --- ';';~I31'RtowJ~IClI' 0l0l' "'AS~3 ~ LIlT YOR .!ltA 1DRK ON" GltllfD Ad.. I. tl1' 81':EQIA~ IKPa~)il~I\.:NO':('~I4S:S I . . .' ,'! .' '. . .', . : . AS oRDlllREtJ ~y ~Ol'JllRTY: OWNRP.fh. ' ~ I". I " I i' \' Bamf. Lot. . I I I liar';' A.WYlie U,lG 8,.. 17 13 tfUl1&J1:l J)aT'.18 16 &I 1"1' ]I W. }It ..0 .Ste WW'" 11 &I 12 J it John .,.".r~ Nt 18. 1 .il 20 'R .. *s. 1.. Wh.Ue U,U5 &I 8 t 16 H " O. D.. 'tleer ' 'N* 16,1I~~.r1 "1 ,1.6 ,19,~. " I 'It " " " " . .. " If Krill. .bma H'. :t>a.vle. l'i .. 11, 4, lilt U t:I 1I 1I 1I " II " " " Ii " .. " 8~.r, 1.1 It .:. t "o,....r'. u;t;10 ~ c. ,lot",; ~". : . e' I Ge.. 'If", 1'1&nltn, n 'Io'bt.. J. "",U.. 11 .,. IS 0 ., . t her 4tO . ........-.. .. ....., . ''',' .--.-.... ..u.~., ,. ~~l;nCJf. ... . ..' ~. ,":"",...:" HU:].,I~,:,;'l\,J.(O.~fljt"'" ,,'AIn ]l"O! :BY 'D!I OI'1'1, TOB. ...tfllliftl"4~ ~".' . ' ~: ... AS "ORD)lREI> ,~y ?M$lERT;iowmmfh. :"!I!".' I I ~43 8 I 9tf,rr i as a 21 N." ~ IAJ. J l1a'rIl'i ~ r )I ovr 1l1t1 & . rm. ~ ! .. . " '" . S TR :r.c I H. .. " .. .. .ft IF.}lT m I !, II " . . .. .. fNo. :>; .. " 15 'Pi.:tr...~~w, I iCI'),1( ( 'II" 'If' C " ,t.ra p~i'ORM: drl isIVJ~ ( U 0 or T.lr. .. " rbe :5 lit ~m or [) 4 of 1; w~ (i :!l .. . lla... !l to "m~nt , I 0 " M 11 MtI Ii for .1dQ ~ SlH' oo.t , ,',"'"/ 0." U .I'!) en. pu'll f. ",. . , sid I ~ N' (h \. &4 I .r 1'12 t , \ i I i Ir01J 1:,' lot 1 11n ~h' ! lay 1