HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 335 Special Assessment for Improvements Within Special Improvement District Number Four; Supplementary Council Resolution 335 Additional Assessment /3'-' ~ ,- , .., :,~~,,~~~!~~~~-~-~,~~:--"~._~'-:'m~~~~;;~~~~=~:~~~;~,c,:~::i~;~;~::~I~;~~'~;,~7.'~:~~~~~;~~~~~::~.:.===-;::--'~~~'0,.:'::~:,::~:.~:..~::.~~::.:~::~::':~:',~:,~':;'.~=~~~~:~:~:~2:,_::::.:.~:~:,:::~:_'.._. c:".,~.,.. _-: u_ n_. ..__._.....__,_,.'._..'m_..'_..,...._~..M""'"._ ',':';',',:"; r.,,,;:!.~~,:'::::::: .':',',":'::::::::~""'-::::::::.-:::::~,,~:::::-.:::::::.::,:,::',~:,',':~I/~J'. "., "...., "'."."".'W ....__.___._.~'__~ .... ___"'__.___ .__.__._~-~. . e, , , . COIrIC:I!" pr,CJ,;':r',:er (). " ... , ..:.' ~~/ . -*- ~i\ COmrCIJ1 Rrtr-::OJ.,..:'?;'~J(j,:.~. .1.;]€'tlYI:rr:,'1 /1. H1.'JIiiGI..":\]J .:I\nn}~s::::',::":':r(~,..:.;."\; O."F't 1~~.A~{I~t~~:~ I 1'0 :mWHi\Y ';rI:J; con:r ,AJ:j) };~;U'JLir,~,; ::)"':,' (~O>.'I[..~ ';::r< ';,;<:'.: i' I ',~,:C~. eel ~:''','~;Tr~:,.'];::I.:.; ~~, I'~~~:F,~- WAJ;;{S kr:"D Cllltjn; O}';)()TI' m:n:r::: or.' W}:S';::}',!" }rrH };iJ.~ ~'3T:~r'l}f.:p~~~,~!<' '.t'lT.8 CJl;N'1.'RH ],I1':I)1; O'? T:R,\r.y A'vE .A(,1'D '1:n:F: GJ"'"'''J.'Y';:R IJ::;]i' 0" '70 rm~l.'n AVE. WIT!!I}; l'RE notnIDJJW 1,I"TF:Fi 07 GPJW I ,hL UCPTIO\i"i'; :;: n :r;~:':;' :: :'~ 'J '0.4 01~ ~:tHJ<~ cr:rv OF .B02;Jl;:,AK, wur.u S7"Ji~(::tIJ, I;:PRO'}J:(";;1:TPIf;l"; :U~:t' };0. 4 WA"3 (l:rw,ATE~:) ?mm,,fiW~' TO nOiF':eD" R~'T:Ol,1i',rJ OJ} ~"O. ~~': ~~,.: ? 1,'''jV'' 1,J Y PASHRD BY 1'm,; ml'''." q('prr::u, (P' 1; '!'TTG SAI Ti :;n'X' OIi 'J?;:; ;,; ()? :i'':'V' O~~ I .rrrLY, 1905, u;'~m,;n AU"I'}fORITY li:D I::, CO']}'O}UI1'Y W'W'l'T' T"? .'.'n()~ VIn:tn1fr; 01" In~GTlCl,v:fl HO. ;J~i TO 37, X:.: r-:],'c7,S IV};, C}";.' "'~(')~];;'rr~' '~)Tj,1. ~",Tn . 204, O";i"XF'Il 'Fn'TE IJ;:Grt~J,{,'n\rg A,,;;;};;;::;n,Y OF 'I"';;:; ;<:,'i'A~2:;.: 01" ":,Ci'''):,'!''A, AD rRO V1~D MAR Gn a t lA9?, AS ,J\ ."}:?:':"0JC1). ..*- 1~}" ]'.1' 'Pi'::)OJ)r,.:n itY TI~'j<: 011'v COT'r:n, ()"'i' ,~,:,},; (::1 tn" .:'lI;;::':'- "'I,:~ . -"- rt@c'~~ ~1.,on 1. - I'll t V":.e !~ i t.~i c; fn;y,,(J,i 1 of t.!:I\?' ej, t,. 'nf ',\: (.j ~,~~~T'.}.fi.~"~ by 0oul"'.c:i.l rhHwl"t;;l,(,n 'i:o. 2'n, f1n~11y pKti38d on the Z;O'i'l; dn~r of .:r1.l.l~". 1'JOI5, cr';fl.l-lo'l;fJd. :'11"" (l:l. .0>,1 In~rcvef~nt niltr1nt r,h{j. I(, (~f the, \.: i~y of }3" 1,;ftrrAn.~nct th$l-",in lil"ovided for j;htt Otll'l,.;'!:rHct5 Dt" of. concrete aid~w~lk~ ;:\.nd our"b&; \").0 'huh a:idt'!il nt"'''":::>!'. :'o,:i.n f~t . be tNllIl'l the C4ntar 1111~) of 'J:racy Ave. .nd tH;:nt<',r 11,'(.<" o:t 4t:h Aye. w:l.t.ld,rt the bou.nd,~:ry 1 in,~,' of ....1.1d nfd1ciL~1 II,,~,r()1feJn-:' n1; ;J;,H :,r:1ot t i~:nd 1:'or i;}.'1l '-'1'1 fH~ ;';fi!::l:ln J, oJ" the cost ..'\nd exp"lTl.lHi {If th<' I~ ,..n61 . naotion }:. .. 1'f}td.'l; 1;hv 3~dd c()no:r@,:.~~ G tdt)w",l'" I~ ".J'~.cl (~: 1l'1~ iii ; w:l.th:in. (mid. [;:('101,:>1 Il'"P'OV6"..I;\rl,t. Dil';'/,;!":1.ct. ,:'0. 4 h'/.vehtHlr! Qon- "l;'ti,o~,illd Il,nd 00l)11Ilet;~cl a'i. cx.' ~. t of f~7 ,'120.27, .~j}lA tClt"l ",.r,"Ii~ of $(..1d r; I: t'.l 0 :1. ;,1 J:J;"l.trOV'''''I'':nt:\:hd;r'':i.(::l'!. 1"0. 4 iHl ing :;;,;t~, 1::;0 :':;'io:i"t. A1'\d tJ~e CUllt I)I,~r~,q.. :f t. 1Hd n c;~;: . 0 26'U:~'S" . ". .'. f;e~t:lon ;';. .. ~~}:.liv t,;. t c ur 1'11l{~n t ~(l GoUncil r:th;(,l:,t ;,o!",(). ~.~9 .. th1J (;l!I,!'" t' (1(1, SlU,l> b~t ()r.lJ';,()~;;,itt;1 1:1:;.", r:\~t1.i'~ ~~ s of t"lh (l '1Il',''''1iI , lot." , ;).n.1',r'rt"lb oj> L,~: d, ....E; )J~ 'i.':~ hat,,;;! '-~, .1"'''I~r & in t.h" 1;H:'lf.!e<!.'ilfi hi~r(" !,O J',...."",- ,li'> 10 J. . , '.. -.:.-:-::;?---==---~..~'~~ ____~,~~~::::':;;;;:-.;.;;:=-~~~;;~::.~-=,~~~~':':i~f8.; "ll,maIi11'!"!!B~." -.. ':_-'.'.._.'=-"..~E-g~~~~ :""W: .:.~~~ . -----==-~''''. .. 2 .. ! I <.l.ttaohed Il;nd made Cil. IllU.t herf-of, be ~d Utes.-.tl1ll! are relllp$ot.1v.- ly- levhd .nd l:ll.Ull\! fiNd. thtllreon 'C,I defray 111\, oc.t i1md flIxJlenee ot oonatruoting a.td.ooMreteddewalksand ourb.; 'frlth1n fl..:tfl S:pec:1d ImplrOTliItlumt nht~1et No. 4: and that thlll ....,...1 a.s be 001,loot04 from the rupeothe own.rs of' ea14 10ta cu. pt.rOftle 01' la.nd dut>r1'bed :1n sddlohedul. .. ".qtI1red-by 1a.w; 'thlli.t thl;l p9.Y'll1ent of' 8a:t.1<l l'Il1U't\. lith'll be l'Il.\"l.dtt in 1n8~l\1l!\'1tnt.' and. that l the payment ('If SAid 1nnhllll'lfJn'h Bhall Utend o....r &. p,rlf1d 'Of - live J'llHl.raj thlii.'I;the first inlSt.allment .hat), be fc;r It+! of' th$ total a.u8S&lUent, whioh 1nahJ.lment .bAll bCtCQme due <<nd JJ&Ylable on or before thlii Urd. day (It November 1906, upon lIit:l.1oh datil the $ame sh.al1 beoo:rne del1nquent, :U' not :pa1d. That the IlftoQndinata.llment ahAll become due l!l.nd !)(t.yablft on til,: >3rd dC,:," of No1t~mb(tr. 1907 and that on that date sl:'lAI.ll becol'le delinq,laent, 'If not, Judd. ~rh",t the tM.rd. inata.l1ment .h<<.ll 'bttO<'H,... due 'an4 l').jll~rl!l,bl. () n the 23ro. dl.:, otNoTem'be", 1908, and. lIha.ll b.co~ delinquent on ',h.6I.td~l.te it !lot paid; Th8ltthe fourth 1n.tall1'1EI\1t ShAU become dn. und pttyab.le on the 2~~rd dn.j" otNovemblt1', 1909 imd .hall b4lCo. d.l1nquent on tha.td~te. if' not IJI;I,id; '1'hJ~t the rUth installment shall become dl1111 ~n. tJ<\Va'ble (1:'1 tho!) ;;J3rd da:r of :rl'cvllImber, 1910 andaha.ll 'become delinq,uent on tha,1; date, 1f not lHdd. That i.hlll s1xth and It!l;.st ln8t~41lment.$h~,11 becO?l\~ due and P"',:7able On th.2~rd day of November 1911, and .l':u~l1 beOfl1".l6 dd1.nquent on that df4te. if not Jl~1d.J 'rhi~t upon all 1nete.llm.llilnt$ a'"tflr the lat, the 01t~r 1'r...s- urer .hall colleot .impl. lnt.r..t at t.he rate of" .ix per cent per anntvnf'rOlll the date whenthlll first :i.n.tal1ment b'llOome. de1in4u~ilt, and shlil.ll ,.eo",i". p<<~J'lllllnt in full and. give: rl'llch1il)t ~f tlwr4\for tor th(ll enUre a..BeulIien'l; on ~ny property, with interest.; tb 'the d.to of t;he p~nll, at any time the .&mII may be1;limd.flred by tht ftm.r or &s\\tt'!t; 38() !~ !Wi'~ .~~_. ".- " - ~.- T:h,".t whllll1any on~ :l.nat~dl!lt$nt ))800111.>> delinq\.tl'l::ot, the bl\l.ll.'~no. ofth@whole EUIIl'l'" rH; Mli 11'1, shall beoome .0; til'lAt ,\'~ peltb.V.y of t~n percent $1';",).1 be udci6d th~t"et() l!l.lil It l'~?l.rt 0.1' the aa.elUl!"\frntj lAnd th,r,i.; the '1:1 ty Tret,,,,url/:lr and t t3' elllt!"k lSh...ll proc\!tfld ,to the ool10ot101'\ of' liH\Oh d.el1nq,uent allUileslII:mltmt, as provtded byOr,tUn- , , r. ,~"" ,~~ n&.ce no. 2<54 of thO! Ci.tyof J~O:&e17~liVl. and th-[\,.t.'I,h~ pT/:1P$ rt;.v' ' '.", ~. lilha.ll bit .old thCt aaIM tu other l)ropd!ll'~Y 60),e.\ for falX... I :~t:lot.:l.on4. - :L'htt.t:. th8 spi'!oiMl &liii8SllllWn1, hereby m.'l.dtl!l L~nd levL,d. ng,41nl'lt. th(~ Jlt'OIJ<I'.lx'ty within Ba.id ;;peo:lal :'rnIH'(),'e~j,mt DifltriQt ~;Q. 4 1;0 defray the cost a:id expense 01' oon sl;rHo1;ing 'I;;h("t concrf,te l!lid.Elw~i,lkll f.l.ud our'b. ther+lin togl"j,h~Jr w5 t,}-, ",T'7 percenl;Ol.ge ~Jnl;Oaed for dlllJ,.1nquencjt, and t'or the \lOet ot . i.~ . oolleO':hon, shall oonet1tnt.(I ,~ lien Uf,Oll Iil.l1d ag,t inllt the pro}).. erty upon wh.toh t.hla foSIl€l/UJlllent 1& t'llll.de &nd levied, from a.n<1 a:t"';~H' tlt., d,tfl of t}16 10Vy-of 'thifl ~U.6e&k)ltl.f\t and t1n.1'\1 p~l'l'ngf! ~~ "":~ "<'. " ": ~., :" lAnd approval o:t.'thh Rt!l60111t1'Sn~'whicl1 lien ahl~11 be ilt\ro:rc~d by the dmmullU"y .~dl'\ of $lloh proper ;:.y ,<md the llutec\it1C11;1 and dlll11veJ"Y of neoeS8ary oerUfj,c...tEl8 a.nd d.udu thU"l!.d'o:r. under . such teguatJone a.flI may 'be l)r",.crfhed by ordinanM or-by f4ot:J.on 1nl'l,rlycQurt of oomt8t61nt Jurisdiotion to foreclose such lien, lmt iJI.'I"lY IJro!>e:r;y .old t4!"H~t1l\1fY .uoh lbn shall be subject to ulllttmption ..1 tl:'i~,,~~:,;t1.r::~!i 1n the rna.nner prov1dilld ':'.1. ' " ''-, ~ ". .'''' '.." '-.', \. VI: .' , . or !;.hat :l1l.Q.;Y hereilli-ft.er b. }"T0'vided, b;)' la.w tor" th", rede!a:r~t1Qn of prolllu'ty .old. :ror t~Xf... S.I\'lCt.i(lrl 5. - 1'hM. 'rhuriday, the, 4th d&y" of ootober 1906, IA.~ 'l:~,O O'Qlook l).M. of the 8~.4 day, be f;m"(l the PF'ItI1tl is her<aby d811gna.t;tIld f\S the tiIlllm Md tho Council 0.hIH!llH'lr in th~ C: j ty of Be ~.l!Inla.n IlIofJ :~hl\ll ,I.' laoe, when and whare laid. t~:i. ty (1mmoil 01: ~&\.1(1. C j. ty ,,1.11 b. j,n liAu:ion and will her ob.j~otjona, it ..,";'I tlli,r6 l:J~, to the t1nitl 1)1\.&81;\,811 Md. l:M'llJli'l;iMl or thiw rOIilO- lub:!.on .mdthe le...y:lng of thi,$ $11ecial 1~IiHUHHl1l/jCml;. and a.ny pereoq or' ;pfjl'"$ons, wh<, <,i.l*e .:4gent,a or own*ra of ,,,ny lot or ,ptreel of I land in tilltd.d ~~l)$O 11'\.1 IrnpJ"('lTfI:ilemt Die t,r1ct Ho. 4 811/;\.11, at G$.:l.d tilne and pIa-ee, havll the r':l.ght 1;.0 <~ll}lt'l,'lIl" in person or h:y oounsel and, .how QlA,uae, if lI'4ny thtll"e be'ii \4fhy thi. iIll'lc1a16Ul8el5limen"t --":::::;"::!mj _~_._~_'____.____'~_~n~'"_"~"~_~~, -~-, --~- .,'-_.". --- .. " ... I I should not 'be roM- tmd. 'Why this ReiOlu't.:l.nn ahould !'tot 'he I I t:\.nlllly POii.jjlllifild. And adopte(\.. Seot 101'1 G. .. That the City 111t'!rk bfJl !'U1d hlll 18 he:re'hy ~.n" atru.tt'ul by the cat~' C()llnO 11 to g:J.ve nqt1ee of' ~;h~ time a.nd ,u1n.oe of filt1.id hell\r1ng and of' the tinllll p~flllage 0'" +,n1.tl R~801ut... ion) b:,i IJUbUsbing $. no1;1c,fl th!'lr~or. in tll", T;ozeman lTh.ron:l.ole.. ~ 'If~"'l;,lJ' llew&p.aper. printed and pubH8h~d :l.n the laid r1ty of :.'~n ze;:rHil..n, 11'1 Ol'1,e issue thereot, and not l"sa t.han five dl'-?s b,l:fore the time set for the he~r:l.ns ot objeot.~\on. to the final p!'~6sag\;l ~nd ,..doption of th1tJ H~.ol1Jt1.on. p"".. september 2411tlilO.. ~ ~ r AJ' cov", ".pte,"er"",, 1906. ()/. . . . . '" . . " .. .. '. .. .. . .. it . ., .. '" . .. . . . . .. " . . . . . )f.Ayor. At'cut: fT () t1 PubHl":I!1ecl. !iel;t,flImbl'll:r 2dth, 19M. ~1""lly l' ...d '0c>_.r,41lli' · 1906. I~r p in&lly apPrnv..~41lli..:. ~~v!.~:.:.. . . . . . . -'~14 Ml~yor . At-(;,Hl!;.: I I I .._.. .."'.. ......11..... ...'. .... qj.t.y r,ll,u'"k. '. , I .~ If. o3N"" ,. "iI,..,1. .. ,~ SOTIC.& OF SPJ;:CIAL ASSII;~SMENT. --- On MOOUlIt of t,he oODstruotion of 'OODorete sld~w..iks lIud ourbs. on both Clilrt 1f1o(~i;ElI of Citj" Clflrk. sides .of ,}Vll,et' Main street. betweotl the oenter'Jlpe of Tr8QY av.enne ..rid ...... ,<'leuter line of Foartb' avenue within i the bOll-ndal'Y l,lnesJ of SpeOil\1 Im- t;;t:ce of ltQntaM, ) I pr.ovetli.ent Distl'ill~No.4, City of Boze- man. ~ ~;S. Pursuant to ~e' O'l'der of tile City aunt,y of Gf~llat1n. Oounoll Of tbe Oity of Bozem..n.oon- tinned In Counoil ltellOllltlon No II ;rUKt:tl'l M. Smith, City nJ.erk of '005. pa$S9d by the said tJ.ty Couuoll o~ ,the 24th d~y ot SeptemlMlr, A. D. 1906, C $ ri~ :tfY' ' NOOIClll: Is i1En!lY OlVlllN, Tbat at a 1:h8 r! H;l fit '})O.(.t~J(l~m f 1:>;.1d C'1'I1.n'1;~' ~md. st;a t., do ht'trttb;? ,slleoial sell&ion of the City Counoll of ! tho City of Bozeman, hold' on the 24th..' , . ,. " l' , . . 't t f ; day of Septembor, A.D:llOO6,Couuoil th~H ",1:; a. sp.oi~ S~l'Jl'Iian of the O:\-I.y 001ID.o:tl of thfl C. ,y (1.. I &llOllJtion No. 335, entitled." A Coun. 'eil R~stiutlon levying a speelale.ssess- PQZl:'If1t.;.n f lield on '~h. 24th de,;}' of. serd;~ll1b_r A. D. lS:'Of), 1,h. !ment of taxes to defray th$' eost and ;e",peuse'of 6onstruotingoonC?ateatde, foregqlng and ""nn~x$d Council HflBolnM,on :\ITg. 3:11) VTas (l1l1y .\\I'd.ka amll ""rbe on both.s!"s of W. ., I ' :Mal.n' str....t, between the oenter'liu... <If d .... ,Tn.oyAv...ndtheoenterllneofJl'Qurth,Ptil.SSa . by 1;11" $,.14 C:tty connc11 and was a.J)N'oved 11:)' ;;htl }fiO.i.yor a,ellUll" wlfbln the b01indatW linea of, . , Sp6llli'l1l'mi'\'ovementDlatriotN.,d,ot of the liUlr:~d. Cit;:' ('It! 1';\."I.1.d c'lr.tei the l)lty of BOlllell1an, whloh !.1;psoill} , ImWfOVemel>IIDi~l'lIJt,No. 4 wU"1'eated 'I" " t ' . t. ,.... . > 't'i .. ~ l' th ft:td C 11 ~Ul"'lUlol1t tJoo Coul1cllResolutlolll No. ' ~,.1,,~ !n.rflUIlUt, 1,0 f">',.O ,.,Ol'lJ'n. () . ., l!l. mme. 291; i1nally w..;.1by thll aal& City i OounoUoUitbo2OthdayofJuly..Al,D,;:R6so1\l.t,:!.Qn No. 33f" I-!oi.;lop. of t,hlll ~1?'.1'le t'lnd Pla.o. of 9(7\:l.(\ 1905/, uuder aGthorlty and In ooutor-: ;~~,:;:t~ :"}'r~VI:ions of SaotiolliS h~f.;.:r:tlle; ;,l.rl(1 ;';1-).0 fin,Ll l>a1JliU,g. of. flfdd Counoil J!UHullnf;icm N<l. . ,. 0." no us ve, of Housa Bill . No, :lO"" ot\tb PifthLeglslatlve-AsolKD'.. ' bly of the 8t8te of MOntana" "'p' 3&5, hEtr$tQ .:..1;i;Q.(l1l'ltd, Wl.\lI& l:lUh11shp.d in thfl ]1o':E'marl Chron;.clel, proved Maroh 8tb.1897, as amaUdwd," ..... 1l0000ed,. a WI/Hildy ne',YSI'a.Pll'l...., j,)J"':l.n1;ed 0~nd r:'\l})), ll\lh..d :tnl;h. ijaj,d 01 ty of. That the totaJ cost and expen.... of lOnstl'lllCtioi said oonorete Sidewalks i:l. .... t h f t ,.' t '<I" I) (j;1 d r f llldollllhsinMldSpecl..lImprOvellJi9llt Bo~er1Ol.n, . n onEil "1~1:\& "iilrE'lO. ,,()"W.l, on 1,.t'l ~.)1 1 b.J' 0 )Ietriot No 41..fi,72D,27. ThatpursunttoCounoilRasolu.tiou $liIptl1illlibflr, 1>.. D. 1906, ."I1".1oh d,J,t,~ Wt1.6 at lCHq,t t5c'ITEl (lO.yl'l l")~:fore S'O,2\l1;the'elltlre oost IIlld expenee- of 18o1d hn...~elllent8 Is lISeassed"p....su" 8bl.:j.<l d,'~:,T of,' hEF,r ins. mt t..., Sllold City Council Reaolliltlon ' No. 335\.to tbe sntira district e....I>'lot" . '. . 'rpar/Jl8~ of Illolldwlthlnsald. distrlot '.!)l.t~t 'on ':,he 4th (\,~ nf 0Qt.0bflF A. D. 190ti, 1.hfl said Ct1;y belog: IIss..osead tot that part .01 tha wboleeostwhlohthsareabe...stothe Counoll, f\.t H !"$(;ultU" ..."sionthftreof, t:\nally }")6\.'.d It~:td aree..oZ 'be entire dlstriot, exeluslve of streets, alleys llolld publio ple.cee. Oonnail R6801ui,:l.on No. 335 "md thtt t t,h, 8Mift W,,~$ tln".J.l~,. Th..t said City Counell Resolution N o. 33~. .Is now On file In. the.li>ffIOll of :,<.pprovtlld 'by the ::1i~;ror ~f. said Oi t,y on .H~:\.d da1,.. tbe s..ld City Clerk of said e!.ty. and Is open il>.lnspeotlon to tha puWio. Tbat pUrS\laut to said City Counoil I'N" '1Irr:N"?~fln l~V;rRFtl'l~rrril, X h,~VI'l h~rf/llnto @~t; my h.mel t1.l1d ltesl>iutlou No. 335, Thursday, the ~th lay ot October, .A. .0. 1l9IOO, at 7:30 ,d'f :i,xed 1;11." iHH\l of i,h~ C1Jty of TI021fllYlN'l '~tR. ~~~" ~:J'- ,r:f' ~ jfJ ). m. ot sald,day, the Slime being the date of a re/ruI"r seaslon. of' said 11. ' t" /', ! I - ' 1) City Coutloil, at tb.. oouneil obamber ,.~i~t~,;,v);j' ~ // Ud :',t.' vii 1,/ in the oltyhe.ll In the salde!ty, is d~s" 1 ~ 'gllated ..s the time and place of heM- ......~.................... .. ."8' l>bjootlons. If any there be, to the t;, aJ.e,rk. lad . passage . llolld adoption of said :)ollllOil ~olution No. 335, when and ",bare aDy li.nd' all pallMlna wbo are )wnem or lI,IIenta of any lot orparoel )f land wi.tbiIl said Spac1s.l' Improve-' nent DIstrict No. 4 ahan have the 'Ight to appllQr. aither In ptll'SOn or by lounsol, and lIhow oausa.lf any there Ie, why sal4 IISlI9ssment shali not be / oade and why Mid Oouncll Resolution <10, 331i Shallll'llt be finally plISaed and ,dopted, That it, Is th..,intention ot the said )lty Council" e.t .....id time, to lW.ally ,ass alld e.diQpt se.lill Counoll RasoWMoo <10. 335. levying llllid ..soassment .... toreaald. That eald UIlflfillMnt is made PUJ18l1- ,nt to Council. RlI/l<l1ution No. 297, lI.ll.d lnder authority 'an4 In. eontom...ty ,Ith..tbe pro'l'lsioo8- of Seeth/tls slito . 7. Inclusive., of ROlNe B11I No. 2D4. er he Fift.h Laiisla.ti!v... Assembly of the ltate of MOlltan....lOPPI'oved MlU'eh 8th, 897, M lIIl1ended. \ By order of the CItlJ' COllnoll. D..ted this 25t.b. dA)I' of S..pt.....t....., \:. D. 1906. JUS:rliN)\II. I:lMITH, City Cl..rk. .__n -~_&- ,..-- ~ ---_._---_..,..~---~---~- , ... "'-. .. .....' .,t" ..... ASSESSMENT LIST FOR SPECIAL IMPROVE:MENT DISTRICT NO. 4 "EST MAIN ST.' :li'btl CEM&:NT W -,-,.._~~-~ - ",.-.,~~---~=-~~ -- - .'..".'.'. '-..''''''--''.--''.-.='-'-'""r~-"''.~~-~_.'~"~--'~_.'-'""._~,~~-~~~~--, --.~~--~~~-~=~.~...._.,-..- , . .. I ......F.<.,.tll.... III TQt",J, Ar.. I I per II":!. I! , I i I~t. ~ I ~ j S tt. liTk:/t " Name Add,...... Lot. A a1tint'l. q.f't i.. II ' ,~~="._.,._-._....;~.~=....~.~~-,.._,-~._".,.".~'"-,,~'"~-.~~-~~....- -~"--- . . ==jj="--.--...--....-...-....... I gA" 1 ''''nk ot GAllAtj" V"ll.y ~i;'" . 1 1 4tW I t.o~"i';;P 1 " I 14. 3. '. 1.1 : . I I ..O'IIvr. ..~hh.er. l2.8 :;.,';'41 .,31..4... & A -ft \. " 112'.~ ~ &3,^,Ra1.o. II I Mt~:rU n & Hi;;.ll _ .0.3 X 14 } . ' .. J I II ,~t-.. l,ct .. A · \ II \ I r. 42 .. I ~.) 1 I I :i t i VI. ,A . Clark . ,.1 24. I) Y. aid 6. 1& 3 fl. A.'''" '''''0 1, " II ZOli. ~ I i:R sid,(t B. J Ii:! i ~ 'l 'j , I Neh;(lin :Jtory II 25 ft.W.a1 e 8 & 9. .l 7420 't "'!I 1tl(i.~ I I II I 'I 1 ii' fHtE V Ell& 'l1.Martin ao tt. j.. 1&00" I..~ '1'9 ~ :t;f I oretUt walk.. ourl.~al"" II -- , .' ,. , "13.1 i " ' I , ,', I . jl ,i " E. Brlll)Jt M'i\.rtin I :; ft.W . III ide A II II 86BO I; It II 229 .< I I 3 E I II' ," :; i R~ptlnJ.1ol4npr1nting IOo.2'tft.:.iI,~~ , A I " 3500J It Ii 'H!.!; t~lf8. Ilhnche A. 610""1'.0 ._ 11 8~ 2 113 I " 11784011 .. :1 20'1.::: , -. I .1 . '..... 'I 'I I I Wa.lte:r' Cooper I ,I. .6&: 6. I 13 f\ 11tJ680I"" !I 414.ZI ChQ..$ ..1,1Jnd..W.D.ll (JS)'Ot1rY &leq lItn. L.S. 7 .1:: 6 1\ " ""'1784.0. '....:.., · '...1 .)O~.:;: . Koterer.} II' ., II . j J&1'1U Walker. Jr. 1} &: 10!~ ",7640 II .. ! 20'.:C~ I 1lJmU 1-:tUerer. 1 (1 .11111:'601,1" II 45rLa ., I I' . I I 1'1. il :1 , ~ I, ,! I Ha.tt1e A. Townsend I 40 t't.N .end 1&2 C .,~240 I, " Ii 591.2 ! Jonas,Honder-son Ie" ..:1920,1:" II l(Mi.il' : .. .. .... .... ... .... ..1 ..... . .. I':; I ( IL/Ulll"ne -'~nl;l"te,(E.'B.j~,J'~ t,J'\lJlltee) 7.8.9 10 j II 15680 II~ " il 414.139 I GA11Atn Gunt; . ,. . '. Itod Hi . n .. · H.&4al1 ill · l 67'.' 0&11.. tin GO"'" 1 to 5 & all 014. . 6 . n !StOl"y" · !li..as Ii.: 641.89 N'.leon Story Jr. 1 & 2 0 r .. 1,!s880 II!. 218.83 I II ,[ 'R . C' th l' "'". , III .. ft iilI I.. 1'. '" I ,~ .., .1 I', O~l\ ... 0 1(1"...8,1 1- tit"', 'tV....\: 11'. "20700:" 547..07 C.O .J~1Jll!llr (Dr .W"te "Ii, Agt.) ~ C II I:i, ;.1.40. :1 109 .41 . .. II, , '1 ',. 1'j,J.:r'$. 1.u1l1 B.i.l. A. Dhr .. C n;1 4140 \: ., il 1()9i.4~ \ ! F. 1.. T}enlltlle ].';:; 26 . \. 111.. IU .. !, ?590 I !! 20060 , :f1 . " 'I . \ ' I of 2 ,i !I 11\ Ii I \\:::----------11----"-.-.-.......,....- .,...".. .....'-,.."--.---".---+---,,-----~---...--.,,--..,,,-..;..1i-~- i..:- ~4t OJ --'i+ht. ?-I ( ?~,~",.", " j \ ,:~'''~':;; -." j1 II 1) 'F~-:-:-~'"--",;,~,2.:,..'.;"'" ._ . "._I.'...""'~"_'"_"='=____~+_~~_"~-." . __~'_'+---=---_ I ... , ... : .~: .-L~;.":;.,"'".=..;,~,_-~",,.."',..,..,..,,'..,.~"~,,~,_ \ \ .~ "" ... " . ~MENT DISTRICT NO.4 .'EST MAIN ST. FOR CEjl,1811T W.A:bKS .AND CURBS. - ..LA t . I, I 'I, I I , 11100801 ' I SA 4 8.: A. If If 28~.' 4440 44. lllI .' . i 0 .:~ X 14 .~ , 'Ft.. l,ct ) A '" I 4211 \ Lu ,;I " 19 ..19 , . I '17'7011:, , * 6,7& 3fJA ,If .. ~to4 . 35 $42..; $4 82 U,. . I I l I Ii : I 'e 8& 9.1 Jt It II 7420 Ii " ,". . .. l\h.i .10 0)2 68 ,12.61 Ia.6 . I h II " ! !I II .:01.6 10 . ~ A "!I ~500 11 " ,,'19 ~ :'ifj I' 2 19 2. 9 ft.l ; ,I Sq.ft.! wa1k ~ Curlj\~&~ "II · il 13.15 I I ',', I, .0,11 Ill: l' It. , " II B6BO Ii: " 22f~.40, 38 22 38 22 I Ii !j,.. 9~. ~>o1 " '. A i I II !i 3500'!i.\ JI 15 .., 16 4.2 15. I /.0.0 Ii . I ! ). ,;, ::; 13 " .. :;,'O'~ .;:'0 34 0& :1463 I " 4.1$ & 6. , i Ii :n ! " Illi680 f'. If 414.19 0\1 06 09. Q.O 17 8: 13 Ilil D If 'I. 7MOr . 20?i.20 M 03 14. 4.5 Ii II: 20?!.~~o! :.l4 5& I 9 & 10n n I 7840 f " &4. IJ Lot. It'' " I I ~ ) ii II !117360 Ii .. 45r, .I){'J !1'76 47 ?e.4? 76. 6.4 ,I, 1~4 t,c 5. ' " II Ii I i 59'.2011 ]Jote 1&2 ! C \II :!2240 " '# Q .6"1 .O? ~I '" : q : ~i C If :1 3~20 " 10;:.1.001! 17.27 ',a i Ii 15680 i II ~ 10 /I " :i 414.139 I, 69 06 1169.06 9.0 i lor '7. I! 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".......,' .. , 41':" "_c,, \' ,_" .AS8.e:l.1~ 1tI~T1I'OR8PJ!i(lU!- I~BQ~~~"-1t~!7J'I;'I9t'Jllt-_UJIIC,~JiL>"!Ola,"M~~ '. I I \ II ' i . !I ~ . i. .,\Rtl.'t'.. \.:TO,a1 I 'lATfI&, I. "'81" I I I Lot. I ,1'11' ,I ' ~ -" -r- r" ~~...........n'i..^;''!1-'~ l !i vI J ii ..., George w. 1l'landIU.. 8 'ft. W'.a14_ 2, \1': . Ii " . n. :I. . d. ." StOry'. I &51lOL.....i. $141)..6: ~ ,I ...~.ii.'. !I .. 'I . I H,1&on Story 25 tt. W. Ide <4. 5. :a ,,1i15670 il · . 6~1'. .,. .~ . II, , James Kay I 8& 9.:8 "1: B,2f::.O 1 It '. .. . t 1 . I . i' .1~ ;I l' I ~ .. :Kr s. El1zabe th B. 110 f. man ' 1 to 5. .A. It \(2070,) Ii.' I I. 'I I. . .. ' ! i II I Ii 'I I'....E. ,J. owiNhouse, . . 6. 7 and! ~.. f't .'1. A II' '!~'. 9108 II'... II .' I .ide o~ 8 Ii . 1\ . . . . I '. . i.' · I i! It 'I i ",1 , ' .. I; '. Charla s B. Anderson 9, 10 Be 11 A. ". ~\.~... OlS150 l.f ... ~l I I , Il-V-OII 'i " ii II I' 11[:" ii', i 'II ..\1 . Ii ISeIJt.ll, 19O~. ,I i !it , I . I . I 1 : Speo 1~1 Im.pr~vllf ! 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