HomeMy WebLinkAboutFour Points Minor Sub 475/ FINAL PLAT· CERTIFICATES -:-:-FO-:-U:--R---::--PO __ I_N-=-TS=--M_I:..:....:N::....=.O..::.....:R;.,....=S-=-U-=-8-=-D :....::...IV-=-=IS:...:..::IO=....:..N..:....__ll-7 5 A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF A TRACT 2A1 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2202C LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5-LOT MINOR SUBDIVISION THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED FOR OWNER OF RECORD: FOUR POINTS MT LLC CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, roads and alleys, as shown by this plat hereunto included, the following described tracts of land, to-wit: A tract of land being Lot 2A 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 2202C, on record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder located in the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana (P.M.M), Gallatin County, Montana. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Four Poinls Minor Subdivision City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included In all streets, avenues, alleys and parks or public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein, the lands Included In aU streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares dedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the City accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The owners agree that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands Included in all streets, avenues, alleys and parks or public squares hereby dedicated to public use. The lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys and parks or public squares dedicated to the public for which the city accepts responsibility for maintenance include: Cattail Street, Kimberwicke Street, Ferguson Avenue, Mllkhouse Avenue, Veronica Way and Blondle Street. The undersigned properly owners, hereby grant unto each and every person, flrm or corporaHon, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, electric power, gas, Internet, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other faciliUes In, over, under, and across each area designated on this plat as 'Utility Easement" to have and to hold forever. ) s.s. Countyof '5t!Kh t.rk.rA ) Onthls 7-1-L. dayof z4cr;l .2015,beforeme, a Notary PubUc In and for said state, personally appeared Luke Tracy, known to me to be the pelSOR who signed the foregoing Instrument as Michael Tracy of FOUR POINTS MT LLC. and acknowledged to me that said L.L.C. executed the same. Wllness my hand and seal the day and year herein above written. ~a4-Signature signature 1falv .. printed name Notary Public fill' the state of Ca. f i faY 11 i a Residingat Sa~~tta 'Br..t=~Yt$t My commission expires ,Mt;~ !J ~ , '201 (, CER'nFICATE OF COMPLETION OF PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS I, Luke Tmcy, Subdivider, and I, Chris Budeski, a registered professional engineer licensed to praclice In the StaiB of Montana, hereby certify that the following improvements, required to meet the requirements . of this title or ao a condltlon(s) of approval of 4 Points Minor Subdivision, have been installed In conformance with the approved plans and speclficatlons, orfinanclaUy guaranteed and covered by lhe Improvements agreement accompanying this plat. The following Improvements have been financially guaranteed In accordance with the Improvements Agreement for 4 Points Minor Subdivision: 1. Cattail Street, between Ferguson and Davis, Ferguson, between Cattail and Kimberwicke, Mllkhouse, between Cattail and Kimberwicke, and Blondle street, Including sanitary sewer, water and stonn mains and services and roadway. 2. Pub riC Park (Lot 1) and adjacent boulevards and sidewalks. The subdivider hereby warrants against defacls in these Improvements for a period of two years from the date of acceptance by the City of Bozeman. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure Improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure Improvements, subject to the above Indicated warranty. ~ L ::r-,2015 ;acy Chris~E \.. ,}-,; ~ < ....::iJ g /2015 Registration No. 10825 PE {_~ 12 C/>{:/' 5 ,_1_/2015 ~·· ---·--· ·---. . -~------·. ;~,_· ;-; ;·.._., ·v:.:... ..-,.,.._ .. ,_, .-,_,, 1.\.. CERTIACATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW Four Points Minor Subdivision, Gallatin County, Montana, Is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, a first-class municipality, and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth poficy which was adopted pursuant to §76·1-601 et seq., MCA, and can be provided with adequate stonn water drainage and adequate municipal facilltles. Therefore, under the provisions of §76-4-125(2)(d) MCA, this subdivision Is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. DATEDthis __ 4.!__ __ dayof N\~ L7~ 12 ?-J.---r/ Director of eublic Works City of Bozeman, Monlana CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY I. Oirectcr of Community Development, do hereby certify that the accompanying Minor Subdivision Plat has been duly reviewed, and has been found to conform to the nequiremenls of the Subdivision and PlsWng Act, §76-3·101 et. seq., MCA, and the Bozeman Municipal Code. DATED this~ day of J>4A..:.J , 2{)(5. CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I, Director of Public Works, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify lhat the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to the law, approves it, and hereby accepts the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. DATEO lhls _g..L._ __ day of f{) (bt c . 71 t-J" d---f' Director of Plbnc W;rlcs ' 6!.0!5 City nf Bozeman, Monlana CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER RfG-4%0 I CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, MichaelS. Lapp, the undersigned, Reglslllred Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that between March 22nd, 2014 and J"\A.l=H ~ 1 .,.. 2015, I surveyed and platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described In accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act (MCA §711-3-101 through §76-3-825), and the Bozeman Municipal Code. Dated this 31st day of Marcll, 2015. ~/?--::::? NHchaeiS.Lapp,PLS Montana Registration No. 18,342 I..S. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER I, t!C.a..Jotf• .dM.lfl', Clark and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby cartlfy that the foregoing Instrument was filed In my office at at I 0 : 2J o'cloCk ...a_.M. this l '1 +i-1 day of , ) l d ~ and recorded In Beok ffi \ o Q c of Plats on Page ~ "J 5 Records of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. 2517465 Page: 1 of 3 07/14/2015 10:27:49 RM Fee: $12.50 Charlotte Mills -Gallatin County, MT PLAT llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll G:y 1--:orm~y "' ----".':"": --) ;::;\j:"•\,~ 1 -,,, ,,,_., _ _, /"l~' >'-'I ._.,\ld / MADISON ENGINEERING 895 TECHNOLOGY BOULEY ARD SUITE 203, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 1406l 586-02621 H06l 586-5740 FAX x1/4 rn EB EB Sec. T. R. x1/4 Sec. T. 34 1 s. 5E. EE EB EB R. MERIDIAN LAND SURVEYING~ INC. 1970 STADIUM DRIVE, SUITE B, BOZEMAN MT, 59715 MIKE LAPP I 406.579.1746 TOM GNAUCK 1406.580.4495 e-mail: merldlansurveylng@yahoo.com www.merldlanmontana.com ~ '"-o..! ~ PROJECT SURVEYOR: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: . ' / TG TG ML DATE: 4-1·15 PROJECT NO. SHEET 1oF3 4 POINTS 148..()4 LO I' ~ 0::: 0 z ~ SUBDIVISION AREAS CURVE TABLE FINAL PLAT-BOUNDARIES Wetland Open Space (Public Access) 21.368 acres CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH FOUR POINTS MINOR SUBDIVISION 475 --------------------~----------------------------------------------~ A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF A TRACT 2A1 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2202C LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5-LOT MINOR SUBDIVISION THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED FOR OWNER OF RECORD: FOUR POINTS MT LLC ,f.'' f!.l'~~ ''"'"'~~ ~,, ... "'"'~S' "' o'<.::,'f Dedicated Parkland 5.359 acres Residential Lots 20.247 acres Road Right-Of-Way 7.304 acres Total 54.278 acres C1 280.00' 22' 40' 22" 110.80' S11'20'11"W C2 220.00' zzc 40' 22" 87.06' s 11' 20' 11" w C3 220.00' 22" 40' 22" 87.06' N11'20'11"E C4 280.00' 22" 40' 22" 11 0.80' N 11' 20' 11" E C5 178.50' 24' 17' 11" 75.66' N 77' 51' 25" W C6 118.50' 24' 17' 11" 50.23' N 77' 51' 25"W C7 180.00' 24' 17' 11" 76.30' S 77' 51' 25" E C8 120.00' 24" 17' 11" 50.87' S 77' 51' 25" E C9 17.50' 90" 0' 0" 27.49' S 45' 0' 0" E C10 148.50' 24" 17' 11" 62.95' N 77' 51' 25"W 45' STREET EASEMENT] I DOC. #2074573 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J ----------·-························· N 89" 51'42"E-2648.41'(C) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... -----·········--················ I ·· · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · ·-· · ·-----.-..... -.-... -.-................... j .............................................................................. -N '89.-51; 44.-E-:2648.43; (R') 7 110.08' 86.49' 86.49' 110.08' 75.10' 49.85' 75.73' 50.49' 24.75' 62.48' -----------~--------~=---------~,----------------------------~----~--------------~.~.-----===~====-----=~-------------------------------------------------------------------=~ • H ""~=~,.,~~0~ . w ~ "ef:-r_;;;;;;_;:;c;;;;~t~:___: __ c __ ;;:___;~;,;y;;_:;;c'"-'~i:;;~;~_~;;_~~~~::::;:-:~f-'f:_'_" -~1-~-~~=::;_,;c.;~;=~;~c,~C~~~--=-"-~~c-~-~--~~_;.:;~,;-~__c;;,_;~~--~-~--~~~~~;",: '' ~~ ·:--;;;---- lL~~-~~'C[sSSTRIP , 1D'UTIUTYEASMENT 6~~gA!fEosv XL~~-~~tcsssTRIP ~ : I : 1D'UTILITYEASMENT I,; I :c CATIAIL STREET ! PER THIS SUBDIVISION THIS SUBDIVISION CATIAIL STREET 60.27' II 1 I ! ! PER THIS SUBDIVISION I ~ ~ -------------------------------, N ' ' ~"' 0 {)o-'i--.}~$-SJ ~y<l:-~K-"-bnJ .f; 0<() .q ':!Oj C¢ "' ,:; ~ 90' STREET EASEMENT ---1 DOC. #2103143 - ~ §g ai ;...eo ~ N :::> cciaj <:( NN m m ~ ' ' LULU 0 b~ !g .... "' " " N N (!) 0 0 0 0 Q: 0 0 ~ z z FRONTAGE I FRONTAGE • 'I . ·---,---~---r--...1 , 1 [3 ~ I . l \ \ : Q~ I ~ \ \ SEWER&WATER& I ritlj ,__ ~ '" ro ro ' LU 0 .,. 0 N . 0 0 z -45'R.O.W. DEDICATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION LOT 1 PUBLIC PARK 5.359 acres • ~ I ACCESSEASEMENT ;! ,.:oc ! -30' 30' SANITARY SEWER 1\ \, PER DOC. No. 2117814 , , I 1--0 ~! ! EASEMENT R=200.00' • b \ I;_; I g~ 8lo0o ll=26.53'34" \ \ ' •' ~ ~ o•~ N L=93.87' \ '\-t-\ , i ;: 0 ~~;; $ '\ '~ \ I :. oo"'<~" C'? \"" 'I I ' \ ~I \ ~'<& ''i : ' , ·,p\<> '• I \ I \ :.>,,-v,. i' : \ ~ • \ \,Z. I \ 1' NO-ACCESS STRIP ----1-- <ri I CURVE \ ' I ' ALONG ALL \._---m , \ \. • \• DAVIS LANE .... I R-200.00' \ Q, I , 11 = 26• 53• 34" \ •\ FRONTAGE I L=93.87' ' I \ -:-r---------- i IT 10' UTILITY EASMENT \, \ \ ! L ___ tr-:~~~~~~~~~IV~~~:__ -~~b~~~~~~~EMENT I \ \1 I • • ....... FOR THE FUTURE EXTENSION i ~ _ 144.81' C5 -~ OF BLONDIE STREET 1 ' ' 0 • .. I I I 9---~-~Q:._q~·ao:§... ___ -<>--................. ! I ! LUi g 17~!1:81' ~ ~lD--o!!_et~~<· i'--------------------------! i ~ ~ig -• ----------------~----~~~~-6~1·8;:~-:s~~~s ~ N 9~"6~~:~·o .. E ~ • .=---~~g~oo:oo~E-----------------------~-:~-:o~~~.~ ----------------------------..J i ! ~a~f;.oo· oo" w o•o o 98· --o--------------><-----------BLONDIE STREET------------------------------1..;._ 0 1;:::: 6 : .... h..... • 161.92' a 621.75' r _ 01 oo 60' R.o.w. 1 ............ C7 161.92' M ·· N so~ oo· oo" E-574.25' _ >-I --z I DEDICATED BY l ......... ___ • • • Ct9 ..r I (• ? o)i THIS SUBDIVISION ! -- -- ---------------:.._ _______________________________________________ t--------------------------~~·) 3:: i ' i N16"37'51"E L· .... ' I I 107.93' 101 UTILITYEASMENT I c) t ' ,: I PER THIS SUBDIVISION : :::;: : 1,1 t ' I co. I i : o: ----115' 15 30' SANITARY SEWER @ -+1 Q: I 0 ·"' / ,i ,I EASEMENT _ ~ 1l• :i----60' PUBLIC ROAD o ; " -AND UTILITY EASEMENT fa ~ 1 • i j ~ ~ 11 l FOR THE FUTURE EXTENSION ~&tfo • 1 ~!~S ...t[$: I OFVERONICAWAY "'."I;} lit ' LOT 4 <O•· I ' • tj'C0J5'!' :~ N49"31'26"W ;1?1~~ ~~ 1 1::. so.84' • 4.423 acres >1811....:: ,r ·v LOT 2 ! ~ 8!c,,~l I ' 2.659 acres ! ~ LOT 3 ~~~~ I ti ! ~ , I 2.838 acres g I ' ! : z• 'I I I I"' N02°06'15"W I 1 185.02' --I LOTS 31.694 acres 50' 30 OiY gl ::---::---rn . ·LIJ <.0 N (!I ~~~ . :::: ;:: ~ ~ :C"t' 0> 0> 0::: •I ...... a:Ja:J...t' ~I .,J. ...... .! ; iil!! Nl ;(/) < : I.L ::"'[ i~~ ~ 0 .,., -...... , . :..r ~ .,. !2 " I . ......, ...... .,.... r.n 8: ,:Clo o ~ Cf.lJ 0 0 '·' r/}(/) I: • I:' : I'' ' i '; : I, '. l :i I •: ' I : ij I .. , I!· ' i 50' R.D.W. ---j.. DEDICATED BY 1] THIS SUBDIVISION e--r------- (• ? • ! ,-45' R.O.W. "' ~ i" " s 21" 06' 50" w ;>r;.-:~::-~::i::: §!::J:o: ~::1::: :::~::·~~:~ ~::~~::~:':~~::t'=~·=-LM:!!l.::-::-~=-=--=--=-=-=--=-=-=-=:=~-=~-~~~;;~~~~;;;::~::~~:!::~!::~::'~::~:I:. L_::l::-::-::, 1 ®:1:-:i!,..J..L~::--::-::-::-::-::--::-::-::--=--=-=-=--~-i;--~-;;-,..------------=-=-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=--=--:;-r:-=-------=----_--_-_-_-,~_---~-~-~-~~--~-~-~-:'__~~-~~-~----------_-_--_-_-,-~-"----,-;:--:;;--;;;-·_iii_i:_7_1i __ i"'_>ri_I _______________________ ~-~-~-~--~'_T_~-~-~~-D~-~E_'£_'~--~----_l ____ o --'®A: i 50' S 89" 41' 46" W • 45.00' (Cl I / s 89" 41' 57" w-45.00' (R) -10 a:J 50.25' / --r· • ~is,~~ 1}:<;/ ,._ 284.36' •30.00', 367.68' S89"41'30"W-716.2D' -.:~ ~ gl~ ~ ....... s_ 89" 42' s4:_w_~ ?_7B_.5?:.1~l.... .... ;-/ I s 89" 41' s7" w · 203.06' (RJ '· ·••. s 89o 42• 1;, .. w _ 682_03• (M) . KIMBERWICKE STREET 30' 0 LU § 11. z ::0 3o z,,i,30' L~-~-·R_u~_L_:~_u_~~-M_'~-~-~N--. . S8~41'5TW 2m~~) ' / S4r21'~"W-9~1Srol \\ ·······································K-·f·M-~8~E~R~~1'C'~K-~E~iSjT~R-~Ej·E-·T···········N-·0·0··.-1-3·'-33''W-·-·44···.8·9··.--M~-----·~~----~---------~ss~8899s:~442f1:*o537~:~wW~-~77~115~5·.88~3o~;~(~MR~~)---------------~~-~ . l ___ j_, -----+-; +---,-·:·~-----------------~--~----------~:·>(}, I S 48" 25' 27" W-90.20' (R) ••• ' IMI / t y • • , • B5~ PARKE,BAXTERMEADOWSSUB fm I 1 N00°18'03"W-45.00'(R) I 589o 42•03.,w.so.oo•rc1 , I , 248.24' .. ·· zg94 ·-L_ ___ PHAS_E6_PLAT J-466 ___ _;"'~, I I 1 60' R.O.W.] -------1-223.96' fi>.O.B. ! S89"41'46"W-532.20'(M) '. ' ,-----~---------------l S89"41'57"W-50.00'(R) ! I ~----~~---~~------· -~--w_ .. s_·a-·9;41'57'iii.'~-~-i9-~~ ~----~~~----w·~--ro·~---------~---ro-l ~ I ~~~:;~:~~::;:;:~~:~~:\~! ~~~! I ~ I ~~,\'~LX'i J-506 o~;!C¢ :<.":<Pf~$ 50'STREETEASEMENTJ L , ' KIMBERWICKE:STREET : .,row I I onOJw I !!:! I w"'ro lw"'rolw"'rolw"'ro I w"'w I :<( O::;' 1 ~ J 9 '1<3 'v~~qS' DOC.#2103143 i k r ~~~ I I ~~~ I ~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) ~~~ I ~ I§~ I j I .0"'~!fi cof:~~"'"J> i I -r--------- ---n-----1 I ~o I oo~ ' I ;2oo:C I ~:S:r I '-'o !< :5 ~11. ffiifiu r-:~N f-OCLU QLU~ ...J~5: "' ill Lfi o.. co Lfi o.. ~ ifi o.. ~ lfj o.. ffi ifi o.. ffi ifi a. allfi o.. 5 w~:Q LINEAR PARK "" (Q~~~ ..,...·::2:coLU ::·::2:coLU oq; -::;!1.0 ·:2w ·::!w ·:2r.o ·:2 10 Q o::r: BAXTERMEADOWSSUB 0 ..t"-:.-.''"""' • lU ..,.... llJ C\1 UJ M llJ -=!" UJ ID UJ .:;( Ll. ~' ..J.'<;" !-O::Cf.J 1--0::w 1-0::w t-rfoo 1-0::roi-O::oo 1-0::(/} CQ .,a. PHASE2CPLATJ-410 YJ~ ,0 QW<( 0 W<( Cl) QWc( QW<e QWc;t Qll.l<( Ql..Uo:( v ...J~5: ...J~5: :> .J~fi: ..J~fi: ...J~B: ..J~i[ ..J~5: C:LU ::5 Ill c:c 0 cc rornm cc g 0' ~ ~ § :::! ~ ~ 5 ..,J ~ TYPICAL UTILITY EASEMENTS AS DEDICATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION: FRONT ~ I EXTERIOR BOUNDA~~~-~------:::J10' f--BOUNDARIES LEGEND " Property Boundary Line Easement Line Adjoining Property Line 1' No-Access Strip i -l<imi:ICrwick-e S! ----""'io=••<<eS.' I GillltlWOJJ'St- -n 0 " c ,, "'-ErJues~icllll.JI " 0 oc. '*" 2. 5lll.\-~5 2517465 Paga: 2 of ~ ~7/14/2015 10:27:49 ~M Fee· $12 50 Charlotte Mllls-Gallatin County MT · PLI=!T 1~11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII 11111'1111111 1111111111111 11111111 BASIS OF BEARING The Eastern Boundary of Lot 2A1 (As Noted) • Meridian Orange Plastic Cap Found Property Corner Calculated Corner Position I' ? c w ~ -~-c· ~ < " x1/4 Sec. MADISON ENGINEERING rn !:.~~ ~'-' ;_,-, 34 c ~ T. R. X 1/4 Sec. 1 s. 5 E. EE T. R. MERIDIAN LAND SURVEYING, INC. PROJECT SURVEYOR: DRAWN BY: ML TG SHEET 2oF 3 0 ' "' 2 NOT TO SCALE X Calculated One-Quarter Corner Position •J--VICINITY MAP Scale1"~ 100 1 895 TECHNOLOGY BOULEY ARD SillTE 203, BOZEMAN. MT 59718 EE EE 1406) 586-0262 11406) 586-5740 FAX EE EE 1970 STADIUM DRIVE, SUITE B, BOZEMAN MT, 59715 MIKE LAPP I 406.579.1746 TOM GNAUCK 1406.580.4495 e-mail: meridiansurveying@yahoo.com www.meridianmontana.com REVIEWED BY: ML DATE: 4-1-15 PROJECT NO. 4 POINTS 148-04 FINAL PLAT· CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL _FO_U_R_P_O_· I_NT_S_M_I_N_O_R_S_U_B_DI_V_IS_IO_N __ 4 7 5 A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF A TRACT 2A 1 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2202C LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5-LOT MINOR SUBDIVISION THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED FOR OWNER OF RECORD: FOUR POINTS MT LLC FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 4 & LOT 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all potential purchasers of Lot 4 or Lot 5, of the Four Points Minor Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, that the final plat of the subdivision was approved by lhe Bozeman City Commission without completion of on and off site improvements required under the Bozeman Municipal Code, as is allowed in Chapter3B.39 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. As such, this Restriction Is filed with the final plat that stipulates that any use of these lots is subject to further subdivision, and no development of this lot shall occur unlit all on and off site improvements are completed as required under the Bozeman Municipal Code. THEREFORE, BE ADVISED, that Building permits will not be issued for Lot 4 or Lot 5 of the Four paints Minor Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana unW all required on and off site improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. No Building structure requiring water or sewer facilities shall be uWized on these Lots until this restriction Is lifted. This restriction runs with the land and Is revocable only by further subdivision or the wrtllen oansent of the City of Bozeman. • ----·-----------·---·--------·----------.---------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------·-··--------------------------.. ----.. ---.. -------------.. --.. _ .. _ .. __________________ 1 I I I I L ____ _ N -----------r--------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------~c~~~~~=-L-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~c~.~ SEC.35 --------------, : t I I I !~ ~ oa: ! iJ:t: lie I I I -------: KIMBERWICKE STREET! I ---r---~ I i I i LEGEND LOT1 PUBUCPARK I I I I Lot #1 #2 #3 #4 115 See note 1 LOT2 BLONDIE STREET LOT3 , , , , , , , , , , ~~ ~. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 50' WE'nAND -..J SETBACK : I I I \ ' , I I I I I , , I 1-------------1 I I I I I I I I Four Points Minor Subdivision Park Space Requirements 5qlllft Feet Aaes Units per Units per Lot Proposed Required Palk ' Aae Usage · Space per Unit 233,438 5.36 0 0 Park Land 0 U4,040 2.62 12 31 Multifamily .03 acres/unit ' 123,623 2.84 12 34 Multifamily • 03 acres/unit . 206,911 4.75 12 57 Multifamily .03 acres/unit 284,540 6.53 12 78 Multifamily .03 acres/unit 30,000 0.69 0 0 Park Land 0 Total Required Palk land ~ Required Palk Space In Acres 0.00 ... 0.94 102 171 2.35 ... 0.00 6.03 \ ' I LOT4 LOT DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT TO FURTHER SUBDMSION REVIEW \ I LOTS LOT DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT TO FURTHER SUBDIVISION REVIEW KIMSERWICKE STREET 1 0 ~ r---------------------1 I fG~S" I I I I I I I I I ~ I I 1 § I I I ~ I I MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. Due to !he potential of high ground water tables In tire areas of this subdMslon, It Is nacommended that residential dwellings or commercial structures with crawlspace&, full or partial basements not be constructed WithOut first consultinG a professional engineer lloonsed In tire state of Montana and qualified In tire certitlcaUon of residential and commercial con$uction. 2. AU downstream water user facUlties will not be Impacted by this SubdMslon. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A 1-foot wide vehicular No-Access easement exists lor Lots along Davis Lane & cattan Street. If a utility easement is greater than tire building selback required under Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (B.M.C.) said easement shall apply. City standard residential sidewalk$ shall be constructad on all pubUc street frontages of a property prior to occupancy of any structure on the property. Upon the third anniversary of the recordation of the plat hereon, any lot owner who has not constructed saki sidewalk shaD, without further notice, construct within 30 days said sidewalk for their lot(s) regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. AU Public Parks ana dedicated to the city, but maintained by the property owners' association (Four Points Property Owners) and/or future park Maintenance District. All Open Space and Public Access areas ana to be owned and maintained by the property owners' assoclaHon (Four Points Property Owners) Areas designated as WETLANDS on lot 3 are subject to a 5Q.foot setback . Future trail easement(s) location to be finalized and dedicated with future plat(s). x1/4 Sac. T. R. X1/4 Sec. T. R. KIIIBERWICKE STREET CER"RFFCA'IE OF CONDmONSOF APPROVAL r----- I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ '---- ...,-------- 1 I I I I EXISTING 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER MAIN +------- I I 1 ' I I , I I r+---- The text and/or graphics shown henaon napresent the requlnamenls by the governing body for final plat approval and all conditions of subdivision application have been saUsfied. The information shown hereon Is current as of B-1 11-14. Changes to any land-use restrictions or encumbrences may be made by amendments to covenants, ZJlning regulations, easements, or other documents as allowed by law or by local regUlations. Four~PolniiiMTLLC By:_ ~~Tm~cy~--~------------------------ RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR REFERENCE: Building Panni! Restriction Document Number 25 I J '17 o Document Number .::2 5 I"=J "+ (.,9' Agricultural Water Users Facilities Easement Improvement Agreement Document Number P14058 '2. 5 n "'t..S 0'0c:. it-251 l"tCS 2517465 Page. 3 of 3 07/14/2015 10·27·49 ~M Fea· $12 51il Charlotte Mills -Gallatin County, MT · PLRT . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' --. ------------. PROJECT SURVEYOR: TG SHEET BASIS OF BEARING The Eastem Boundary of Lot 2A1 (As Noted) Property Boundary Uno -.. ---Easement 1. Future parkland will be provide in lot 115. Location to be determined at time of lot development Total Provided Palk land 6.05 MADISON ENGINEERING . and Community Center 895 TECHNOLOGY llOULEV ARD rn 34 1 s . 5E. EE MERIDIAN LAND SURVEYING, INC. DRAWN BY: TG 3oF3 2. Lot areas shown are based on developable area and does not include future parkland and wetland areas. SUITE 203, BOZEMAN. MT 59718 EE EE (406) 586-0262 114061 586-5740 FAX EE EE REVIEWED BY: ML 4P01NTS DATE: 4-1-15 PROJECT NO. 148-04 -----.. -Future rrail AIJgnment ----Adjalnlng Property Uno ·-------SetbaokUne 1' 1\lo-Aoo>ss Strip II:IL •5Z·~~~~-J~~~· &; -• 1!1:11 .. Scale 1" = 100' 1970 STADIUM DRIVE!, SUITE B, BOZEMAN MT, 59715 ~· MIKE LAPP I 406.579.1746 TOM GNAUCK 1406.580.4495 e-mail: merldlansurveylng@yahoo.com www.merldlanmontana.com