HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 334 Creates Special Improvement District Number Twelve 372 . '. -' COUWott RESOLUTION Q. 31M. $DClAL X1l1'1I0V'EMD''l'DIS'l'RIO'1' ~ 18. ..it .. <mIATING A ShlOUL n:mO'V'l!:MENT DIS:rRICT, IN ~EE CITY OF :BODMAN, O()UN!'Y()P' GllJ.A'l;nr, STAn 01i' MONTANA, ll'O:R THE Pt:I:RPOSJll OFOONSTltUCTING A OO~O!lIn tflDEW.u..t<: JJt.D CUlm 'lXTlIINTHE :BOUN:PARY LXUs OJ' SAID SPECIAl. DlPRO:v:B:MIeNT DISTRIOT. 'UNDER At1'tllO~I:t'Y AND IN OQHJo:mun 11TH mJll PROVISlc>>rs OF~C'1'IONa NO. 30 TO 14. lNOLUSIV:I, OF lrOUSE BIIJ.. ~o. 204, Q,]' 'I'D FIJ!'TR LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF TIlE STAl'E OF l1iON'I'ANA; APPROVE!) MA:acm: 8TE, 1891, .AS .AMJilNDEO. ..* .. :aE IT :RESOLVRD BY 1D OI'l'YIIUII'OIL OF '1'1tlt OITY OJ' Bb!J1llUA.1l': Section I, ... That... S)IChI I:pro,..mlltnt ])letrlct tor the purpose ot making certain Unpronme)th 1n the City fAt Bozeman, County or Gal;J..a1;1n, State or Montana, her e1nrlf'te:r 1I10re part1tu.. \ larly de,oribelilt be (met the _. 11 hereby orea,te" the sa. to b,ltknown and. designate4 al 8p.o1a1 Improvement Dhtrlot, N~.lI fer the eenstrucUon ot a OORcret. 11dewalk anti O\U"b. SeCUoll 2. - :rut the b.'tIl4aP1., ,t laid. 8pt01;..1 Im:N.OV$,..;e; Il.ent D1atr1ctNo. 12 art paru'ol11arly '..,ribe'" &. hl1Qws, to-wi t:.. Beginn:tng ;,~,t a Ilo1nt in t,he c~ntl'lr line of'~h,ck Avenue South, where the "&lna h tnteraeote" by the oenter Qf West Babooek Street,thenoe nOl"'thaloag the ..nter ot 8..1d :Blaek ATeRue, South. ~a7t.tt. more Or 1181, to a point 43 feet aouth .r tho .outh ~ allJY in nook:S. lll-igbal "'_to, 'th........tl . ,th.n.. Berth 43 te." to the aouth. Un. of' I .aU alley, then..'A.t 34 teet ,th.noe.ou'hh 180 fed ... the !' center .t .....t kbc.ek Strut, thenoe "ut to the pl..e of 'bollnn1ag. n.. .bOT.I...rib.."..,.,.t,. ..cl1.la1T' ,tr,tt.eta ! blb.g the property In :Ble. ]I). Original Townait. ot Bozeman, '''..by Nt.Mia hit Blbb.on.. I ---.------.-...-.. 37:3 ,~ ---._~..- -. .-. . .. a .. ..ot10. J. .. D.at the .that"a.t.i' .t t:ht_""_nt.1IhlOh aN to bo ... w:1t:b.in .aU. 8p.01&1 IlIIPr.,....t D1.trlot It..ll aro ",oTtb." .. tdle.., t,-wt it.. Tb4 .,1I.tl'..\1011 .,. a 10 tt/ ..ntrote.l,.1NJ.k 0.. o~ On 't1l.. ...t 11441 ot :BlaokA.,.,.".., South, w1t.h1n tht alt$T'."lor1b... &)Hial Xm.pr'e__n,:n'lltr;l.Qt, I. ., No. 12. Sutton .... ... 1'ha:~ tho .ppnx'-mat,i ..Umah. ot the co.t 01 the lmprovemenh te bo ...4. wi th.1n ...14 t\tJHW4tlol XllprOft:mertt D1.tr1ot Jro. 42 10 a. toll.... t.o..w1t;.. hr oonetruet1ng tho conoret. e:1dO""1k and 4urb, the cOlt of which 11 to b. 'bone and paid for by the prop$rty owner, wi thin the 'bounda.rie. ot .aid Special Improvement D:l.str1ot }!.o. 13 11 $350.00'. 8eotion!.'J. .. That the enUl'l out /il.nll txp.nse o,f $a1d G01ll0....t. 814ewalk an4. Gurb .h.a.ll be borne MIll paid. for by 'tiN 'nUl" 1>18tr:1ot, herce1nb.tore oreated and. b.er:1bed, .aoh lot, or :paro.l, of la.nd wi thin .a1d Speoial XmprQ'1emen:t Distriot No. 12 to be .u....4 torihat part otthe whole lost wh:1ch 1101 ..rea b...... to the ar.. of the enUre D1stl'1ctj .xoluslve of ,tre"t., .111Y'1 and public 1'1..0..; 'tha t all the .".t an" .z... pens' incur..., in oonatl'ucting .aid oonorete lid, walk and ourb, her'dub,fore ..t forth, in said Spec1t~1 Improvement D5striot No. l2 ,h,..ll be p'~1id tor by S})eoial Improvement Wa.rrants I dra.'I'Ql a.gainlo1t .. fund 'to l)tt known and deaignu.ted /il.S Speoial Im}:rov'fl:rnent D:htrio't No. 12 Fundi '''14 Warrant. ,..,U 4raw,impl. bater..1o ..10 the rate_t lilt per cent pel" ann_, .~ 1nt.r..t~~m tat 4at. ot the regUtrat10n of th.n.rra.nt until ae 11r.t p&y''' ment be.Qmt. d.lin,uent, shall b. oona14ered.a ~rt ot the oo.t ot .aU .~nuu!"et. d".walk 1U14 curb i :ibAt '" oOlt and. ..n.. of oonstructing .a14oonorete :;r~~~7" e" by .pe dal ,,,..,...nt; tha.. the PNllHJn'A.hal1 bema'l. in 1n.tallment. ",n4 t.h..tilt. p..,..tJl11ef....14 1:n.tal1Dle:a.t. .hall exhn4 .....r a~uh4 .1' tift year.; that the t1~.t payment Ih&ll I I I j 374 . "-:;.==- -- .. 3 .. " tor on....ixth of th, t.C\l tf&J. .......ment i 'h~t \11>01'1 all pay- tMtnt., a.ttA1' the f:!.rst, the Cit;)' ~,'r4u,.W".r f.h(l/l.11 Qol1t\ot; a1ii.lp14 ll1hrut at thera'te tit ab: per oent :per ~'I.. from the date when the firet }:ll1l.ymflnt 'beoome. d.11nflu-entand .hlAll rftodvl! p&,y1>>..nf,j.tl full' ~\nd g1ve raGe 1I-'tlS thel'l.'lfol", tor the I1ln.t1rt t./P: on an:'!, 1Jr'ope:rty with ht"ntt 'to the date (If tl,1l liaYl1"ent. ~'.;. iJl.rt;y t1JtUl thtt '&'l.m.6 m".y be t{\n4,u..41 by the cUlm.er or t\gent; th...t when CI1~ pLl.~"1l'lent bflOCrrll61i/ d(il1nql1.n'~ the w!1.Qle ta.x IIhall . beoQJ:.<!4'I I.H'l t and 'lih41 prQI)erty 8l\liIlJ.l be I~Qld ~s other vl"orer'r.;y sold fortU:tI. f Section 6. .. 'L'hiOt Tl1Urf:JtW.y, the *>>th d.AY of ~iA:pt;l'Irl~1:'l/Ir, t A. r,., 1901l, at 8c 00 Jl .14. of U1G 1lI,-I;,1d d,a:"" bOIl "'rid the a~' 111 ~I,' t . b..reby dUlsnata:C! aa 1;h- U.' a.tI.Gl th6 CCluno1~ f:ha.:mbt'll' in tht~ C:lty of J!.g;lflfi'w,nuthe 111'40., ~('lrl 11,nd lllherit .aid C:tt~r (l(llme11 of fla. id C~ ~;y w11:], bq!1n ji.lc'Hulicm ,~tl,,!'i~ll htH.l'" abj !'lot Ion", it arS, t(l tl,lI): flneJ. pa.Ull.ge ~md. Morl;ion of this FeSl"IJ.:l'thn; and ,myplllTtlon, or l~~rnon', who ~r. ~~g6nt;1') or owners of 1tl1~i 1<1'1; or 'pi.rcal tit l~nd wHh1n p!lISped...l llUI,lro:yemtUlt Tl1..r.;td,ct )'0. 12 ehall,&.\ srdd. till'lf!l ;nc:l pleull.. Ni.vt the right to ':~'N'l'uil.r .1 thtU' ~n :person flJ" by 061m8e1 U&Ci .how Otl\llal8, if u.l13' tber.~ 'b*', wh;.y \ t.he conch\t. .1{~.wa1k' Jll.nUcl'led hel"'$1n. &hall not be (lon.ul:.ruote6, or wh,v thh R~l'Oolu,lon ,hall not tln<~n.Y bo ptl.llI8'd IiIInd ndor't&cl. 8.o\1on .,. ... That the <J1ty (l1ar1l: 'be, and lttl 1_. h;H'.;~1)y inn t.r1!ct.ut 'hy t1'11'1 C",y r:ouno J 1 .too h"vu thi" rc a :t';j,j(1)"1 :pl1'bliab.a4 in the Hlu;.eH::lIiI,n Cht'on1Qle, Il. wliIIokly newlillH"l,f"r, l'l"'interi f-/,t,d Fl.-b.. lbhed 1ft thttdd CU,. ot 1iOMl1Ulil\, in Gne 1153\1' tbHdot, not 1....tlu\n the dq. 'beto,.. \he <<at. ..tter thl":l heN,ring of Obj eothns t& the t :1.nN,l pa.,..:t.g' lil.Ni "oFt.:liln of 1".hh Eu l)luU.on. Hect:!.Qrl a. ... 'l'})at 1t 18 hffr41by dularfi4 tn btll th4ll int~ln1,;ion of' SAid Oi.1::r COunCJ:l.l '0 t:t~ll.Y vaal M.d ad..olit thh Ree(llHtlnn on 1:he20th 44lo~' ,1' ~V:l;.mb.r. A. Tl., 1S,06, '-Ii .aid llIttl:I!1onaf t.he laid City CClt.mdl, unlealobjeo101Gna ,,,,r. mli~deth'llrli't. .,,\ .a14 time I~nd plMe '.ly ownftj". or ~'nt .'JlrIlSlIlnl; 1tlg more than ~ . .:L- --~l':LI: .. . '" Qne..hal1' in I4rtHt of All tl'lIJ lJrl'lp.r'ty w1 th1.n 8.14. 8pl0111.1 It1l1"rQvement DiJl.;rlGt }1t). 12 whioh wOlll{\ b.., a,,,,u4 to4etra..v the OClitt of edd Cenor.to d.lnU:. :A.pl,rovCt4 So:ptl:lr\bet lith, AttI1!8t:.. S4t~f)ijl.4 .dIlll81.06. ~ :"'111ally Al'L!ron.d, ~~610if+ ;1.. 9 \ . ...... III. "'.......,'.411..'... JL. t;.,;:>t:.. :\fAYO'R .e- ~i , ',I, t 1;- .1 ..,,1#' . --- ---~--~. -. -==___::i:~_____ ____-___~_==-- _____ _ __~_ Ii II . I: 'I I' 'I i 81'tr'l'l'U.TIMf IY PROP:IIRTYO'dERI . IIOt .,.:t:...!' .t I'ott.. or IIAr'lJl8., I:! ...... , , (I....pH. With.:. M4 lthnX.:Rtbin.on. haTing em t.h, q J "1' tf.~tlt.. ,.t1 t1.~." tlul OUy O.until of the auy ., " ~o.... to 0,...." R $,..1&1 Illprtftm_t 1)i..t~'lo'i t.r t>> I ....tJ'uou.. t6 .. .....nt. .U.WfL1k -t ovn .....'rcins ,. *' pratt... .,.,":1.4 p,'UU'Il. and. 1ilt.e ...1. aUy O.un.U.. ha,.laron tht6th -.,. Of ..,\alt.r 1100 .....4 Oonnot1 J!...luttG.... U4. ."&u._ 8pe.W~"'''u,. bt8",tn'.t. 1a .tthe (Uti' ,f ........"".. utt...,.r.~. ,~. t'it' 'th. ooa truot to..f tM.,\ /~:\, ,:,:::'''~~'' . '; .....nt..tll.-..:&k ........un ... p4tUtlontd. ::0'" 'by the la14 ".orS' It. 5t.a.,a" ..... ;,eb. x. Jto'b1n.... I . Ii lrOW :t'HER~ the Mid. 0"01'8' :R. NUhol" An" John lll. il Rob1n'o.'I!~ -,,.1 .t &1.1 the property wi'thin ,aid. 8,.01al I .. . ;i imP""""'. n1ltJoU. ... 11, whiM wUl ""'"'.t4 to ..tray ~I ~. . il the't.t.~........ ~t . ....tna.'tq pt.. .o.eret, .14.~ M4 Ii .. wUiIfU.U.,.otat ........-'D"-trt.t ... U. '''Rt.ll II ...'. ...... . . .... .... . j: ,....t,..le.oU. ....1",\1..... ... b ....1......'"011. '.f the I ~out~ ttwlT JM.... ~ u.-U W.~.1uU.. ... II Pt._ftlP)r -~.. ....~.'.t .!*I- ''''''-.'"1 ....lv'1.. Ii ... J~ 4.tJ )J"rtW.M" '~"t..;&.,..., U4 ",... t>> I', lIrla41At,tiJIal pa..... of the 8.t..C.wt.111M,.ltaU.. Jr.. au. I . , Ii lB. . .mls.. ....., tat: ...1t. ~..,.St :1'. N1Oho1. p4 JOhn. K. r II "b.1A".~.' _"tunto ..t..... --'a and. ....1 th14 U : .t ".llItr"l'''. . I.. I.l.!. ..~.'.'. ..... : ..~ .'. I .. .. ....'l'.. .. I . ~~ !i 1:1 " :1 II I' ~ I i ,/;-. ............. '1..~~it;t;~;;'~,;:'.8~ ~t.>VS..~Dt'.~~..'~".l~. "'i~ .~~~Olal.' i Imprp'le"18nt Jthe;,,<Jjty,,; of .... ',J3o~elJla~, alla~ll, ,St'!te~f'll4o,!."na. ,______"__________fpO$e .Of .Oonstrtletinlla ~~~~ ~ ~deW,ll.lklllldOIl'r/)Wlthlni -cu -"".., '" , .Littles .of.'8allliSp""h,l' . --- --... ""' ,","'".,...:." ."-."'-',,".' ,." - --.".,"'" t " Plstrlot, . U'n de r; lI11d In QOllforml ty 'With OilS oflileotlons No. W to \ ~e, of Honse Bill N 0.204., ' , .of the.. fth Legislative ~eeemhly of I the III ,e of :MOlltana, Approved totallW8esment; that npon all PIlY' Mal'OhQIII; 1897, os Amended. ments, after the :drst.the OIty Trells.1 Be It Relblved by the 01 ty' Oonnoil of orer sholl oolleot simple Interest at i the Oj~ of Bozeman: the rote of sb: per o~nt per annnm I Seotllilt. That a Special 1m. from the dote when the Ilrst payment ,I"':t C.A TF. OF' (; r:'!V r;] :!"n;,~ provemejl Distrlot for tile ,porpose of becomes dellnqnent and sholl reoeive .' .maklnlb'i\!rtaln Improvments In the payment in fnli and lJiv~ reoelptl Oity of JIo.eman. Ooonty of Gallatin, therefor, for. the entire taJ: op any ." - State ol,Montana. herelnllfter more property with 'Interest to the date of: partlou1#ly desorlbed, he and the the payment, M any time the same salDe b',hereby orelOted, the sawe to may be. tendered by the owner or the 24 be knowb and designated al Speolal agent; that when one Payment be- Improvlllllent Distrlot No. 12 for the oomee delinquent the wbole tal: shaIL.-, :t ty t!t oonetrl1Dllon .of a .oonorete sidewalk beoome so, and tbe property.. shall be :,} . and ourb. eold ae other property sold fllr taxel.. Seotl<lll2. That tbebo~ndarles of Septlon '6. ~bat Thursday, the . said Speolal Improvement Dlstrlot 20th day of September, A. D;, 1906, No. 12,e~ I>artloularly desorlbed oS at 7:BO,o'olook P. M. of the said day,. , ',. - , . '. '.," tt thA follow!,lo.wit: be and tbesall\e I. hereby dedgnated J\1l. Smit.h, C.lty Clf,rk 01 ',l,P. r:il,~r of Belllneln8 at a polpt In tbe oenter as tbe time and the Oounoll ..Ohamher 'ing (In line ,of Blaok Avenue, Soutb, wbere In the CIty of Bozeman as the plaoe, , do [;EH'<'b:r cer-t:Lfy '~hi!\.1; at a R~lgul" tbe .salDa 10 Intereaoted bytbe oenter' whell and where said Olty Oounoll of . ofWestllaboMkStreet,thencaN6rtb lIald'Ci.ty wlllbeliue.slonandwillr i;.lLe Chi;v of }lO~C!lli,.n held on1;he ,n .. along the oeuter of said Blaok Avenus. hear obJeoLlon., If any, to. tbe Ilnal .. , Sonth, 18.7 feet, more or les!, to. a !lass..ge and adoption of tblsResolu- ,e 0:\.t7 polnt4S feet Sontb of the South lIn~ tion; and any psrBCln, or perBClns, who foregoing and annexed COUTloil HIHlol, of the 'alley In Blook B, Original ore agents or owners of anY lot or It' th, toW~!lt.;thenoeElIst149feet, thenoe pa:oeloflandwltblnsllldSpeolalIm. lit 8fdd G.i+'~' Council and, Wf.a d'11;r ''''P' North4heet to the South line of provement Distriot No. 12 shall, lit ' . said aUlIY, thenoe East 84 feet. thenoe said time and plMe, hllVa :,the 'right ... . . ,d ('I.4targft ~ol1th 180 feet to the oenter of West to appalOr either In person or by oou!'. lIt\.td date. Baboook'8treet, theno~ west to tbe .el and show oause, If any ,there be. plaoe of ,beglnnlnl\. ~he above de. why tbe oonorete sidewalks mentioned to aeetton No. tj of t.he .aid eO\mo:!.: sorlbed'property exolnolve of streets herein shall not be oonotrnoted Or ~K being ~~e property In Blook B. Orlgl. why thIs Resolutllln shall not Ilnally t,jme .<.nd plact>. 01' B~.l.id h~hrtnf" l'l.n~ ,".I . nal t9.~nsl te of Bozeman, owned by be pllSO.d and adopted. : . . -~ I NiolioJ,[l& Rohlnsoll. Section 7. That tbe CIty Clerk lJflO:\.a.l I Seoltion B. Tbat the oharaoter of be,and he Is, hereby Instruoted by~il He801111;~.on :Ho. ~'!l:')4, hereto fA. t,i.<.1. c] I the lciprovement. whioh ore to be the Oity Connoll to have thIS Reso. 4efray ~made within said Speolal Improve. lotion. pnbllshed lu the Bozemsl1rroan Chr-O'l:l.cle, II W~t'fkly nl'lWSIia.'.H'!r, meDt Di.trlot No: 12 are desoribed as Ohromole, a weekly new.paper, . folloW'. to,wlt: Theoonstrnotioll of printed aDd publlshed in tbe saidOity: ('. tv f '0 r .. i.' .}, "wa.lk and. 010 footoonoretesldewalk"ndonrb ofBozemaD,lnoDelssue,thereof,lIot ..C_., 0 _DOZerrltlon, .J one :issue t._~r on the east sid~ of Blaok A venue less tban five days before the dste set l)rflat.d. South,withiD the above desorlhedforthebearlng of objections to the,rober A. D., 19()6, which tate was ..1j ,Speoial Improvement Dlstrlot No. 12. . -. . .......... .--. on of the Seotion 4. That the apprOxlmateli1nal passage and adoption of thlsO'!' hflar:i.ng. . estlmat9 of ,the cost of .the improve.:Resolutlon. . . ' :J. mentoto be mad?Wibln said Sp~olal SectlouS. That It is hereby de. Ci':y Cnnncil a+, a re"'ul,~r l'J8bs:i.cn +; on Bo. Improvement Dlstrlot N.o. 12 IS ss :olared to be tba i!ltentlon of .ald Olty . t, followa, to''I'j'lt:. . j OonDoll to Ilnally paosand adopt thl. ... . '. .. . . ..lution For 00. Ds.t.ruotlllg. tbe.oonorete .~Ide. Be.olu. tion on...the.20th day ofSep'em. lobar I flnally p"'..... se. .E~ld conn.. 0,.1 . p. . walk snd ourb, tbe ooot of whloh.io tc ber, A., D., 1906, at.ald ll8sslon oUhe be borne'and paid fo~ by the p,rope.rtj Bald Olty Oonnoll, unless objeotlonsl s-.me .. d.uly finally approved by owno" within the bonndaries ofsllii are made thereto at .sald time !lDd Speoiai Improvement DistrIct No. I: plaoe by owners or a!l:ents reprell8ntlng dlll. te Wo. 33-4. is $850.00. : more than one.balf .In ana of all the · Seotion 5. 'rhllt the entlI~ oo~ property within said Special Impro1'8' ~ . ... ' , .Tohn M.aud expense of said conorete .Idsw'l ment D1sttlotNo. 12, whloh would be,RF.oF, I h~'l.vft h(llrellnto set my 1'1 lmd a and oorb shall be borne and paid fO\asseSlled to defray tbe cost of said P4 eta v bY. the entire. Distrl.ot, herelnbefor: oo~rete sidewalk. . this Btb(d~Y of o~ t(l1)er- . oreated sDd desoribed, each l'llt, 0: A assed Septemher 6tb, 1906. . paroel, of laod within said SpeoiaPproved September 6tb, 1906. Improvement Distriot No. 12 to b NELSON ,STORY, JR., ~ aose,""d for that part of the whol Attest: Mayor. ,IIU\] ooot whloh Its "rea bears to the are JUSTIN M. SMITH, . oO.h' eDtlre Diotr.lot, exoloolve .01 (S ) City Clerk. . C1 ty ;,;, ,tre,I" alleyo "lid publio pllloe.; ~hsi EAL I ~ ... al. all Ihe oost "nd expense Inourred Ii -: - .-""nltroctlng said oonorete sldewalh,~.OERTIFIOATEOF OITY OLERK, end onrb, herelnhefore set forth, Ii Sta~e of Montaoa t Speci,i Improve",ent Dlstriot No. ~ Oounty ot' Gallatin, fSs.' ' .'1,,1\ be paid for by Speol~1 Improv~ I,'Jnstln M. Smith, CIty Clerk of 1.lDenl Warrants, drawlI ~g,,]n,t 1I fnnl the CI. t . B Id 0 'k ' d d 1 t d S' Y o. ozeman, 00 ounty to be UOWII 00 oS gna e . 08 peol~ and St t d h b tlf I '~lIlplovement Distriot No. 12 Fundi a e, 0 ere y oer . Y t .a.t at a .i~ld Warrant. sl11.11 draw .imple I~regular selllllon of the_OityOonno!l'of ~,,"I.et the rate of six per oellt va the Olty of Bozewan, held on the 6tb :~iiliilD; onoh interest from tbe d;'~ day of. September, A. D., 1906, the "iith' , t t' f tl . t. .forellOlng Oounol1 Reoolation No 11M .'"'1." ..' ,ell'S ra IOn 0 Ie werrau n~ w did t . .' " e Ilrot payment becomes dell~ ss u y passe by be said Olty :: I, shall.be oonoldered ansrt Oounol1 and WaS .approved by the ," '.' t f 'd' " . t 'd lk ~.MaY.or th.ereof.on SOld date. and pur. '. [j (l08 0 l!jlU canota e .81 ewa a.d. . . I il: .'. .th t. tl t d ~..s.oant to oald Reslllntlon, the same pJJ ': a, 18 C08 an expeuse -' "notlll~ said conorete sldewa WaS ordered published In one issne of pnrh shall be defrayed by spaoll the Bozeman dhropiole, . at! least Ave . t tl t tl .t' days before the 20th day of Septem- en; 10 Ie paymen o. sa . ' DleIlt'shall be made in instal bsr, 1906, tbe date~eslgnated in said , d. th.. tl t . - . Resolntion fo~ hear/III!' objeotlons to . on at. ]e paymen o. sa' .th Il 1 . . f b Iments sllall extend over' e no. passage 0 t,. e same. of Ilve years; that the III 111 !'ltness\Vherellf, I have bsre. ent sholl be for one sixth of tl unto .et my hand IlDdaiDxed the ""al of the City of Bo.zemanthls 12tb day of September, A. D", 1906. ,- , . JUSTI~ M. SMITH, ". (SEAL)Olty Clerk. ".",'t";1"."'i'.' . ..ij!}i:itton, l!If~.lI34. ..". ~..bl."l.' No. U. .,"'ii;),:::!",.,.':',::',....,::':1 f/S~~Olal..',Improvemellt .l\e:ClIty.' ofBo~emllll. .' !atiti.~t~tfofM()~tatia. :1 BlfOf(JOlletruotlng." i ,~w..I~Il1idOurb Within c,L1nee.otSald SpeCial .... ':. Dlat'iot. UII d or ' ------ -- d .ill Oonformity w~th Il'ot SeotiollB No. ~O to' ~all e"1l1,,&'(e'a:'""1' 0 . UOh".,iU.hiaf"vor "a a dO.Ot,. l1em an. ,MRS. A. W. MARBLE. ~ "'~'I-q>I("A'T'11' ()l,' ('T"'V i"'] .T'-C'~:- AY &.DAVIS l,;,h..,.., > .... . ,....,..' ,-.'.... ~tak~.rs.and Llcen. sed ..*- I ' .. 1...Embslmers... . I Busllle.ss 'Phalle 26-3 i Residenoe 'Phone .26-3 rEN DAY AND NIGHT St..,".;e of~':ontl,n", ) . . )~0 ave theold"8t exolus.ive Un' .. .. . . , .),.' . iugeetabllshment,a8well a, County 0:1" (;iA.IL.I~J.n,) gest and be.st 8tOjlk in Galla' unty. do Picture Framillll. . . . . . . '. ... . . I, JUflt:\,t! tll. Sj(lit:h" njty CIHrk of "liE'! eli;y of H(;:~p.)I:/~n, .,;,ti.el Coun"y ,~nd :'it.!..;.te, do :er.'l'):r ct':r-t:lfy 'l;:\:la.t at l:l. Rtlgul,.r f;elis:1on 1 of :he C:U.;', 001wc11 of tht! n:i.ty of BOZ0I!ilil.n, held on the ,\r,h dr.y of september, hOt'" the foreeoine a.nd ~nnexed Counoil Hellol'",t:\.Ofl No. 37>4 was duly patH,ed by the atl.id 01 t;~. Council a.nd WMI d'll.;r '~1)"!!r();r6ct l"y t;he Mayor of' said fJ1 ty on I!IRllrl da tel ; Thl'l.t pUl"S1Umt to R8ctj.on No.6 of th, sa.~d Counc:l.l Reflolntion I L.. . E.. ... ..~.., N~. 3:S4, notice of tha t~,me .md }llaoe of said, h(llll,riUG.l\nct the :1"11,1&1 I. ~ passage of 8,dd Couw:il nasollll;:1on No. ~1:"4, hereto tl.tt.,1.ch'd., was . -.' purllisbed in the "Bozeman Chron1cl", I. ~vel'lkly newspa~l"r, };ri.nted U.nd I publ:1shed ;,n 1:.11.e s~;':\'d c:\.ty of 'B07.errlUTi, in onE! issue thereof, to-wtt the 12th d...:, of Selltember A. D., 1906, whioh tat, was (i.t leuat fiv8 J days lJefore s,dd d.,,"~r of hflaring. i,' . h ThlH ,;he t'!ldd Gi ';y Conneil a,t. a Te(';ul,..r aflHs10n thereof :held l on the 4t;h day of october, n,nall:r pi.Jlsed aald 0ol1nc~"1 ResoluM.on I. .No, 3;'4, and thu.t the &iiI.I!lfl Wl\a d.ulyf1nally apprond by the M.ayor ,> ...........nt..na, ...~V'"",.nber 1 "I..~2. r the abovs oooaslon. tlokets t of sa.id a1 ty o~, fJd:J.d d/ll. te · alJ and re~nrn will be on sal I .tations. Illlllngs to Helen" all III WITIDm:::; W:HERJ'~OF, I h",,- ve htllrellnto fle t my 11.und a.nd aff ~,Xf'l d . . in.cluaive, :tn-ain lioe an hes,at rate of fare andoue.thlr the &s...l of th-~ City of "'\O};flm;it th:l.fl 5tn....d.a.y he ronnd trip, Date. of .ale .,' "' ber 15 to 21, Inoloslve, witl . r.etnTn limit Of September 23 s tioket. will not be lliood ou th h Ooast Limited. ~ 21.' A. .M. MAXEINER. i., Allent., j,j,j,j,j"U.UUj,Uj,""Uj,.j ~ CARNIVALI : PHOTOS Ii ! ! OR SALE ,.' Schlechten Studio I 12 Black Annue, South ! ......................1 ~I.e or Thne Appointed ror. Approvll', I ~ Will, lJ)t., I the Dietrlet Cou.rt. inth Jt1dl<llal dlstrit::t. State Of M.onhfie p.D.'ty of Gallatin. . ~ the matter of the e.ta.te of N~ney A, T,Qdd ;.\aal!led. rUr8UlI.Dt to 8t), order of !Jsid Court. ma.rta 0) il 27th day of AUgust; 1900 I notice 18 hereb: 6P, that TU88day, the ll;t'b day of Saptamber ; $,t 10'.0'010011:. 1;1., m. ,of said day;' ij.t th, urt Room.of t1aid Oourt iJ;l tbe City i)t Booz.6- :Q; ,in tbe' County of G$lla.tin, h$.1lI beer' Olft81~rNt::o;i~~ ~o~~l~~~~~~~~..~~~ ~~