HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2. MDOT Award for TrailerCommission Memorandum – STEP Radar Display Trailer 08.03.15 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Steve Crawford, Chief of Police Rich McLane, Deputy Chief of Police SUBJECT: Award from Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) to receive Select Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Equipment Grant funds to purchase a hybrid RADAR/Message Board trailer pursuant to grant application submitted previously. MEETING DATE: August 3, 2015 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Chris Kukulski to accept award with MDT to receive $11,050.00 in funding from a STEP Equipment Grant for the purchase of a hybrid RADAR/Message Board. BACKGROUND: For over 10 years, the City of Bozeman has received funding to augment current patrol efforts toward addressing unsafe driving issues, in particular driving under the influence of alcohol, failing to wear safety belts and identifying and enforcing other traffic violations that are un-safe or dangerous. This funding pays for overtime efforts of uniform officers working additional hours or shifts with a focus on these unsafe driving behaviors. This year MDT has decided to use some of this funding to allow participating STEP agencies to purchase equipment that can be used to further the overall traffic safety mission. This unit can be used for everything from a speed data collection device to an advisory tool that can display speed dependent messages to passing motorists. It can also be used to display important public safety messages about roadway conditions, traffic delays, amber alerts or endangered individuals. The trailer and display we have in mind can be used in several capacities. We can display the driver’s speed and display speed dependent messages. Meaning a motorist traveling 5 miles an hour over the posted speed limit would see a different message than those traveling 10 or 15 miles an hour over. This provides instant feedback to motorists and promotes compliance. For instance, at the speed of 25 MPH (in a 25 MPH zone) the display would read “YOUR SPEED 25”, while at a speed of 35 the display would read “SLOW DOWN 35”. This trailer would be used substantially in this speed mode, as we currently only have one speed trailer and have had huge demand in using the display to help slow drivers on various streets that generally don’t get as much officer presence. 133 Commission Memorandum – STEP Radar Display Trailer 08.03.15 The display can also be used as a source of information or education. It could be posted prior to a crash or crime scene to warn of traffic delays, safety concerns and/or advise motorists to use an alternate route. The sign can display up to 3 lines, at 12 characters per line. It could be used Downtown on a Friday and Saturday night to remind bar patrons. “(line 1) DON’T DRINK (line 2) AND DRIVE”. “(line 1) DRUNK DRIVING (line 2) USE (line 3) STREAMLINE”. The display could be used at any major event like MSU football games which typically cause traffic congestion and poor driving behavior as a result of impatience and frustration. We anticipate placing the sign on ingress corridors during high ice or slippery road conditions to warn drivers of icy roads. The sign can also be used to display reminder messages that help prevent crashes or injuries. “(line 1) NO CELL USE (line 2) WHILE DRIVING”; “(line 1) TEXTS (line 2) EQUALS (line 3) WRECKS” “(line 1) ONE TEXT OR (line 2) CALL COULD (line 3) WRECK IT ALL” “(line 1) SEAT BELTS (line 2) SAVE LIVES” Examples of messages: The use of messaging to improve driver’s safety has been an effective strategy embraced by the Montana Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). MDT “Vision Zero MT is a program geared toward eliminating deaths and injuries on Montana roadways. The use of messaging helps fill an education piece that compliments high-visibility enforcement and safe engineering of roadways to save lives. “(line 1) CLICK IT (line 2) OR TICKET”; “(line 1) CLICK IT (line 2) EVERY TIME (line 3) ALL THE TIME”; “(line 1) U DRIVE (line 2) U TEXT (line 3) YOU PAY” “(line 1) DRIVE SOBER (line 2) OR GET (line 3) PULLED OVER” “(line 1) BUZZED (line 2) DRIVING IS (line 3) DRUNK DRIVING” This display trailer goes hand in hand with the Bozeman Community Transportation Safety Plan, particularly in regard to conducting general media outreach on the importance of seat belt use and non-use of cell phone while driving. The device can be used as a speed data collection device. The trailer can be stationed in an area without activating the message board to collect data on normal traffic flow. This data can be used to determine if deploying human resources is warranted. This function can be used in conjunction with other traffic safety studies to assist in traffic/roadway engineering. We will be able to download traffic speed and volume data or change the messages from anywhere with cellular coverage. 134 Commission Memorandum – STEP Radar Display Trailer 08.03.15  Non-rolling, non-flashing message  1-3 lines of messaging  Maximum characters – 12 per line  Will have Police markings on trailer and use of cones for safety  Messages can be changed remotely  Can gather Speed data On March 30, 2015, we were informed by MDT that this grant request was partially granted, in the amount of $11,050. We have not accepted this award yet, pending formal approval by you. In May 2015, we applied for and received $2,000 in grant funds from the Gallatin County DUI Task Force in support of this trailer. This contribution represents a partnership approach to education efforts to deter impaired and unsafe driving. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: The use of this trailer and display sign is an authorized exception pursuant to Bozeman Municipal Code 38.28.050, which states, “Signs exempt from permit requirements: “3.a. Directional, warning, street, traffic control, informational or temporary special event signs that are erected, installed or placed by or on behalf of any federal, state, county or city government.” We recognize the need to use messaging and placement of the sign in a manner that does not create an unnecessary or dangerous distraction. This display will not use any rolling or flashing messages and any message and placement of the display will be in an effort to improve the safety of drivers or pedestrians. ALTERNATIVES: As recommended by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: With the funding from the DUI Task Force of $2,000, the remaining cost to the city for the purchase is $2,512. There will be an annual software renewal after the first 2 years of $500/year. ATTACHMENTS: Original Signed application Contract CTS Number 108263 REPORT COMPILED ON: July 2, 2015 135 136 137