HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 331 Creates Street Sprinkling District Number One I ;:,~:" COUNCIL R]~SOlJU.i.'):OjT no. 331. ..*- i A OQUNCIL RESOLUTION ClU.J\,i.T,iG"STRJI]:'::i:' SP.RI:N1<1,DW DISJ:RJr,J.' , , no. 1 IN T1m cny OF 130ZF,,)iljAN AND D~I:FI}a:TG 'i'ltE l,D'1TS Tnm1J'~OF. ..it_ BIll IT RESOLVlm }3X TIT}; el'/I Gou;.~'cn, QIe l'H.E CITY QT,' 1307BIi'A!1: I Section 1. .. '1'hl...t pursn..nt to Ordir",r:cCl .';'0. 2~1 ii ofth!! I Ci ty. ot 130zeman ... StratI/;; S.l)l';lJt<1J.ng D;i.strj,ct is hereby orl:h.t,,"d I with:tn .,dd 01 ty to be l:nown ~.nd dellg~bad as "street S})rink" ling D1etrict No.1. Section 2. .. l'hlii.t th$ Li.;!liCF. of i'l4id Street Gllr~nkline:: I 1):;,liltr1ct }To. :l. arf,l h~reb~r dft!" ined ""Iii follo\IS: I 'l'hll.-t part of :l>ilaJ,n Street b.tw~en Church Avenue on i;Joe 'aft and Grand. AT.. on tbit Weat,t.oga'i.her with sidd street; J Kert.h Anc1 8oul,h of 86\1d ........in Strli{).> w11;hin :l.d lil"lH;~t(J the first alley.. the liIorth ~md S()\,~h th~n'(1(l , Q. di.,tdJwe of \ I One FJ:ond.r.d and J?itty teet , more. OJ'" J.e.;~' .~ S.ct;l.on 3. - Th~.t -I,he CQlil~ <:m.d eX#;)$l1IIW of 151)!,j,n::cl1ng "o.id I I Stref)t Sprinkling Dietr.lct :1';0. 1 all...1]. b~ dafril,;.red 1\:, 3pec:t(;1 , Assessment. / Tha.t the said 8!Jeoh.l ASetll6fJn1ent lIhlil.ll be ft.plmr1,'-oned , Aooord.ing prOl)er:'y wj.tldn 'Hid d:tstrict i- , . .,",ust 10, 190", L I , ~ Ap,.rovod Au"ust 16, 19;,' A" .~,...".,., V ,i > I z/; ~ / - Jilliiil.VOr 'f Attest, f?:';f1,)J4:. . , ."1 ............... ............ , 1/ CERTIFICATE.9F CITY CLERK. -... \ ) ,:l,/' ." state of Monta.na, ) /' ) SS. I County of Gallatin. ) . ti U Smith City Clerk of th, City * I, Jus ,n. , 'Ii, of Eozeman, sa.id County a.nd state, 40 hereby oert1fy that the I! annexed and forego1ngCounoll Rtlollut1on No. 33a. was passe4 by 11 t the said 'City on the loth day of August the C1 ty Conno 0 . . and Wc.S duly appro'ted by the :Mayor of eaid,.,ity on that 4a1;.. I IN WITNESS WHRREOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and . t:a ...... thb 1~7 ot affiXed the seal of the Clty 0 oze .~_,' ii', . ''1'.'..! .". ..' ./" i_../',:!"I':--;-i~ ' August, A. D. 1906. ~\? ;}<d <-v141- -' ~[;!f'v.. I ,- , (;? . . ,~' . . . " .. . e. ill . . . . III..... .. . ,. .. . . · . I ' City Clerk.