HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 330 Creates Special Improvement District Number Eleven ! n.,' n.", ____.',." ,~,' ',',','. ,~. .... ..__".._",~,_"" _0. ~_. ".".,'. , ,.,~"".:":-,:,,,:,;:O:~~".'::":':':I,, . omu, D.IO'LUTION"Jro. UO. \ f IftOIALIltJRO'VlltQm1' DXmICT J'UDJlFl 11. ~ -.... CRlCATIN'O A SPECIAL IllPROVEMIm'T 1'>ISTRIOT"I1i T1IE otTY OF .. ::IJ$~ ,OOu:N'.rY OF GAlLATIN, STAn OF MONTANA, FOR THE PURPOSE 01l'OO1!T$!RUCTING A CONORET.I SIDEWALK 'flTR1Jl 1'0 !OlIND.ARY LINES ~ OJ' SAUtmcaXA1J IlO'ROvt:dN'l' DISnICT, UNllF.'R ATJTHORITY .urn IN OfJN1'Oman WI'tR Tn PROVISIONS OF SBC'.['I01l8 NO. SO TO $4, IN'OLUSm, 01'ROUSJI: BIl.L NO. 204. OlP TmI YI1I'TR IJtGtBLATIVll: ASSRI(8LY OF T1iJ STATE OF lWNT.ANA, APPROVED MARCH 8TH, 1897, AS .AAOOtDED. -.... :B1Il :J:T RESOLVltD :BY THE cnY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF HOZID/'rAN; Section 1. .. That aB:peobl Im.pro....:rn.nt Dietriot tel' tile I :purpo.e,.t making oertain laprOT8menta 1n) the 01 ty ot :Deizeman. C.ountyof Gallatin, State ot MontanllL, here.tnaftel" more parUou- laTl;ytl.'-or1b.4, b'~4 'he .ame 18 hlJreby or.ate4, the .....to Ii 'be known and. ,..lgnatec1 a. Special Improyement DUtriot no.11 ii 11 \ tor ih. con.truoUon .t oonorete ,U..walke; I' ;: " I ,. Sut:!.on 2. - That the boundar1" of saU, Speoial Improve- I ment .bl.triot No. 11 are part1oularly4ncr1bed ae tolloYflll, :,!:: I' 1/ to-wit:.. ii' ~i ha:1nnins at ,a point in tb., oenterlin. ttJrd Ave. north. , ! r I wher,the .... 1.1 ln1;er..Uecl 'w:1 th Ul. ..nter l1,no ot W8.t -M.nlonhall. then,. ...t alons theoenter of..a14 Men4tRhal1 ~ street to the oanhr ot 6t,hA.,.,. No~th. then",. n:orth to the extendon ot the ..ntor lint o't the All,y In-Blook >>'.ot Traoy' fil llIUlA44iUon to 1l)old:lllan; thenoe eaat along the cente.. .t aaid 41101 11. th. Olnter ot 3r4 ATe. North. thenn .outh to the plaoe ',t be.bm1ns. --- ".-. ,. .._-,.. . ---- ..',."I",'C'",,,,.,,, 'ri,', ,.-~"'I"~.. -<IlllI"'~. r -j I . I I '! ! .. :a .. , Sut10n 3. .. '!'hat thMJ oharaottr of' tbfl improTement. n,ioh are to be made wi th1n I"tel Spectal Impr.......nt Dbt:rlot No. 11 "1'e dellOr1bed. al tollow" -to-wit: - The oonatruot1on ota & toot conorete aiel..lk onllhe north aih ot MfilndeJ'lhaU Street. on the ...t .14. ot 1r4 Ave. North. ~d. on the east .1d.lot 5th Ave. North, to .a1d AlleYi,aid walk to be plaoed ClYer" 1 toot trom the property Una. Section 4. .. That the ~pp1'~1mAte ..timat. ., tha oOlt ot the improvements tlo be -.de within ...1d Speoid Xaprovement . D1.triot No. 11 18 ae tolloWl, to-w1t: 'or oonstruoUng all oonoret..i4twa1ki-.nd. 'cine n.....ary grading, the COlt 01 whioh.18 to b. borne and I/ai.4 ter. by 'the prop.rty owner, wi thin the bOl.U1f1a:ri...t 'a14 Di.t,.!ot, .1062.00. ~ Total arelil. 018&14 Speo1C\l Illlpro......nt DhtrIot )1'0. II '. i I I 82,320 Sq. Ft.m&king the probable oo.t.~Ol2$ per Sq. Ft. or art.. Seotion O. .. That ,the antir., OOlt and flxp.n..or 8&14 oonorete aid_walk" ,hall be borne and. patel fot' by th..ntire Dhtrlot, herftinb.tQre c1'll\te4 and ct..crtb4ul, .ath lot, or parcel,.! land w1thln .a1d..Speo1a1 Iapre....ment D18tr10t No. 11 . . to be au...ett for tmt part 01 the whOl'''~('1Ch Its area b4ar. to the l\rea of the en tin Dillltr1ot, ueluIJiY. 0' .tr..t., '. . alley. and publio place.. that all the OOlt and expense In- curred. 1n oonstruoting la1d oon~ret.. dd.~lk. herdnbd'ore ..t, . forth, in .ale1 SpUial Impro"".nt lU,.trie1O No. 11, .hal1blll ~_.~ r paid. tor bY$peoial Impro~ment Warrant.. dt'awn againe t. atun4 to b. known -.nd. 4u18nate4.8 S,.o1a1 XaprO.,.lmimt :I>5....rlo1; No. . ' I' , , ll,F~.mdi .ald_rrant. .hall d.raw '1mp1e inter..' at the rat. , of 'U; ptr Gent p~r annumfeU.Oh inter.,t :tJ"om1lh;e date 01' th. ng18traUon of th, WlU"r44nt until the t1rat payment beoome,. I, delinquent, ahall be oonsider.. a part of the COlt of l&t4 I "- f ,ji,> .- --. .---- --..---.--.. - --------------- ------- - I 'i if - , - conoret. .1d.ew..lka. . that the _COlt and eap.nu or oonattuoting ._U oClnal'e" 1l1dewalk. .ha_'l bt detrayed. by ,pecial a..eument; th&t th'paYpl.ent .hall b, mA4e in 1n8tal1mentl and that the pa.y- m.nt fit ...;1..4 tn.tall..lunt. ahall .xtend over.. ,."1od. of tive ,...,., , _~a.t the 'fit'at payment aha. + 1 be tor one-lixth of the t.o ta.l.......:ment. tha.t upon all paym.nt., at.r th. f'1r.t, the " OUy 'll'....ur.r lIha.ll oolleot 81mple 1.t.r..t at the rate (Jf .~ perooentp.r annU81 from the date wh.n the firlft pliiymtln t bUOJlfllIi 4d111,uent and shall recseive pa.yment in tull t1nd gin receipt. thtretor.tor the.nUl'l ta.x On &ny prop.rt.y with intere.t to the date .t tJ::1" pAy1rl.e.nt, at ..ny tim. the same !nay bet'a4.r... (J-bT th'I..,. or agent. '~t when one pavrment. be- ~: oome'''l1~..u.at the whole taxlbAll beOOM 80, and the property ~ " v .ha11 b. n14. ... other prop.rt)" nld. tor tan... ~ S.cttcm 6. ... That ThursdAY, ilaUt;n day 13f August" .A.. D., I' ;: 1906,&1; 8:00 Po M. o~ the 8.1d "-.y; b. and-the l1&meie hereby ;1 Ii .. Ii 4e.:1cnatl. ilU the t1~ and t..he OOtmaU Ohlllllber1n the Qi ty i ~ I' of :Boa.man a. the pl&oe, when and where .aiel. I'll ty Counoil of Ii I .' ...i4City w111 be \:1n Un10n -.net .111 hear ObJ.otion., 1f any, .I to the final pas.a.SIAnd UOIlUon ot thh Ruolut1oni and any ~ Ii perlon, or p'1"~," 'Who are acent. or own.r. or a.ny lot or 'II pare.l ot land w1 thin n1d Speoial Impl"ovement Dhtr10t No. 11 ;: ."U, at .a1d.ti_ and ))l..e., haTe the right to appear e1ther I: I in per.on or 'by counoil ull .howeau.., 11' any there be, why ~: !i " I' the ooneret. .illl.walk. llI!tt1oned h.re1n .hall not bl oonstruoted II Ii or whythb Re'oluUon 'hall not be ti~11y pan'd and a4OPtEld. i , II SIoUon ". .. that thec1t~, Clerk be, and ht 11, her6by _ I :tQtruct.lb;y thl cu,y Oounoll to"~.... th18re'Qlut1on :pub- [ llah.d In the :Bozeman Chroniol., a we.kly new.paper, print.d Ii II aiul ;published in the $&id Oity ot Boseman, in one 18.ue thereof. I' '\ ne.t l'8s thitl1 1:'1ve days before 't')'1. datee,to ter, t.he hearing of' ,.\ ,'bJectiona to the t1nal Jh...ag. Md. a4QPt1on of' thle .Re.elution. ' ' \.. i I' .---- -...---.-..--... ":~"~~~r~~-:"--" 111""~,:.~..:~~L~' ?":,.:'~:~- ._, ,-" -~..:~:.~-~.:~~~~-.--_. .. ~ - . I , i I section 8. ..'that 110 1. hereby ~ol..r.d tQb. tb. ""t.lnt.. .1'.., I ion of ,del 01 t;y oounoil to :t'1nallY Ja~u, and ad.opt ~1' 'Jt..~- I i lution on the '-6th d",y~'ot A.u.su.t, A. D.i, 1906. .t.ait,II.,ton or the .aid City Council, unless obj'Qt~Qn' -..re ....0' theteto - "t . a.t said time and plaoe by owner. or agen'b represent1ns lItort than one-half in a.rea. of all t1'1. prQI'.rty .1 thln.a1"S~CI'~,.1 , ' Improvement Dhtriot No. ll, whioh WQuld b.a.s..sed to a.tray " ',e cost of' laid concrete .idewalk~ \ ..Ii. .;.. .~...~ August and, 1906. { Apl,rove<iAuguat 2nd t 1906. , \ JH.tor. " .~I?I.... City ClerK. 'I' , Fina y _.... Augu.t 16th. 1.06. ~ ,Finally a..roT". Augu.t 16~:.~...... .... ..r. )layor. .tt..t:- ~W .... .... .......11I........11I....11I". ------- City Clerk. '.' f . ~ r K " , ."."...", ,...... ,.,__.. _._.'_n_._'.._._,_,_."_~_.,,..,__,___.,__,._,_...._.,._.,,.__..'___,.,_..,_..~_,_,__._.~.._...,~.",_..__.,__..._.___........ . .._~.~~_". ~..,. ...._._~ , .~'="."'.:~'_~,::~::"==~~C;,:":;':':-::=;:~::~.::':::~"'''='.';:~':~;:::'::;::~-::.~ :",C',",.~:"-::, :.~:,c=.~:;;,.:;:.:;;:,;:',~:.:,:'i"",<-.:::',,'6:,;::':'~,:;:~;:~;c::=~~:::'::::',-":~,...:.. ,.,., l ~2_:..:.=_L'_." , ..... .,---.. \ C~Tn'ICA':rB 0'-'" CITY mJERK. , . . _.*.. t :i'~~l';~~~~*'~~'3S0"S~.O~1 .. !thenet elde' of Third' Ave., Dorth, teDd over a ~riod of,~ve.y~ars; .ti i:1l7!~~k~~~1~tl'~~t~? 11. . aDd OD the eas' elde of Fifth Ave. the Ant paymeil~.s,~ij')\iilit~:O: i .~:~.~P!jfl~~M~p,~veDlallt Dls- Dorth. to said alley:a~ldwajk to bs eb:tllof the total1W~, \l:le~Y;1~~~:1-. ' , ,.. . .,Nid"".t~a'i,'l;ll~~..of B02e"1~~, plaoed over 1 foot. tro"1'.,the,.p~operty on all payllll/1l:te;(.tt~l'<'~~il','l'lr~~!)' ,'!;l!.lI~Y<pf'~I'~\"~>'lI;l;~~tata of.l\1(>IIu- liue;, . ... :"-" ., Oity Trellsur~"sh~lf~i,1l~<W,i.J"'Pr.:d ii~!I,!forth,~iP5,~,?,~~(!!~of-lIl8truot!lIg'i51aotlo" 4. .., That . tile, appro",i'n...e ternt at th~~at~~fsIX"Pe~p~\It ...:n !I~~"tete sUl~~,~t~8<~1~1~I\li ~,:t>, e(l8tlfi1llt~ qf thfloo~t ofth~ i'Pwo~.-1 a~oDw frolllt.h...d"t~ Wb8,tlt1l~ll'" '. _ ' 'e Cit ""1if'l>~~a,,YUJl~/jI!'Of'W~~p&~!al~~Ill" <me~lsto be made within' ee1dSpeol~ I pllyweot heoomee~8qpq\l~llt.l>Il<1 ieb,f t 1,~1 01. rk. o'f t.n I'Y l\i;19!;fl~"~H?I~lJ:i9~.~,~~,,~,,,\lftho~ty "llll:pro"elllent Distrlot No. 11 i~.lIa fol,re~elva paymen~lutllUan~,IlI!e,!, , ;:';~I,a iDOOD~~fplity wlt~tliepro"ls' low., to.wlt: .... oeipta therefor, for the,eDtire;ts:~; ~by otrtU'y th..\t the ;/{:III,l.:of,~all~~o,,!SNO~!lQtoa4. ID- ,.For OODatrqOtlDg all OODOrete elde- any property with iDtereat'io'tha~1ly :i.ti9.",~~e,p~:~?n.e:B.t1I,:)NO.294,ot w.llln' and doing,oellllllsarY,llradlul!, of the payment, at aDytime the Art.TO 3;';0 waf! pass.. by :i1~1~;,~I,~tl!\'~!l1~1Ilti!~',ASSaUlbIYOf th~oost of wblllh iSJ<! be horDe. ~Dd 1llaybetenderedhy the owner ~) · ", i>,$.~~"'+!lf?,~~~!~~",,,Il,I'J'.royed, -Eald fqfby the property OWD~r. wltl,-. agallt;thllt when :o.!'epaYlllellt blll '. ' i~~9lJ:8(~~~~';\l,,~l!l,fl/:ided.,., ........ D' tha bOUDdaries of slild Distri"t. oOlllea daUDC).ueDt the whole taxshai\d day of Angus t, A. }t~".R'e~qt.V~~::i!ytlr~,dlt,,00riuonof.],062.00. .. . beoome 110, aDd the proparty ahall b, ,."I~\I~CJlti:p*l'~e~~'~J~Qri' ... .......... Total area of said Spe?llll Improve. sold aaother property wid tor tsxaa.;r of sa.id. 01 ty on ,. .!lI!~i()n:~,'':II~~t''.'~)leIIld Iwpro"e. !"ent DletrlotNo. U hams 82,820 8~. 88Otlon6. That Thursday,. the 16th ,~,-l!-IIt.tioh;~!'.rit~~p\l,rpOfleoflllak-ft. milking the probable oo.t '.01.9 dllyof August, JI.. D." 1906. at 8:00 P. "'+#arlall1lm:p~()~em.el1~s:luthIlOlty per Sq. .Ft. of area. M. of the eaid day, be and the sam~ ,~:,,':$ozei>iallr':'1t1t10q~y"ot Glllllltln.S~~tioD 5. That th~ eDtire Met Ie hereby desigD~ted as the tlwe aud '.$ll\\l{r.toutal;l,,;:heraluaf~e~ Illore aDd s"pense of said oonor~te sidewalks the OouDoil OhaDlb~r In the Oity of was publishe. in th. :!~~llIrIYld~t!blld.. bealldtlle aha.ll,h~ born~ and pllld for by the BozelllaD as the plaoe,wheD ~nd )s'''e~eb#~l)eated.thellime to ent're'DIstrlot, herelubefor~ oreated where eald Olty(lounpll of ellld OltY.n '1~8d and. pub H ,hell "" .:11j;o~~raJl \;j(e~ililDated as Speoial 'l'lId lUlllOrlhed, e!loh lot, or palOel, of will he ID eesslon aDd wlll haar objeo- ',:~~re'!ileD~,'D{~t"'lotNo.I(tor the la~d within said Spellia] Iwprovemaut tlolle, if any, tothe~nal passage and ,<, ,~u!lrn'!;tiQu':llfY:<lqDOreta ..sldewalka; Dlstrlot No. 11 tn be aesaeeed for that adoption of tl\IaResoluUon: aud auy "iUilra of, to",w1 t, on ;,!:;li!illltiM:~.'.1;'I;>"ttbe,~q,oudllrl~ of, part of ~h~ .whole oost.whioh Its arall persoll,OrperllOlla, wboare agaDta or !lif~S.\'~qj.lliD~~Qvemel1tt)jltrlotNo. bears to. tile area of the entire. Die, ownere of aDV lot or paroel of lalldla te was a.t leas t flv. (,I'.r" 'piirtlbuaj)yaallOrlbedas fo1. trlot, e""lushe of streete.alleysand ,witllJn HIIld Speoiallmprovemellt Dle-' towti-t\l-w,lt:' ....., pUbllo pl~oea; ,that all the ooat and trlot No. 11 shall~ at ,"id time aDd. C! - ' 4 f .~glnDIDgat\.pOID>tilltlllle!lutere"peose Inourred III oonstruotiD!! said pllle.., hav~ the rlllht GO app~ar ~ither' ed by >leo \:';'''(:In 0 j,';e'ofTlllrdAv~.:.Dorlh, whare the oo~orete eldewalks hereinbefore sat In person or by. ooun",,1 and show ame lalllter""ot&d"'lVlth ~he'oeDter forth,insald Speoial ImprovemeDt oause, if any ther~ be, why the OOD- state of lfontana.; IDa ,of Weet,M:llDijepball; theDoe Diatdot No. 11, shall be paid for by orete aldewalka meDtiODed herein 'eet ..'along . ,nfl.cellter of said Sp~ojallwprovement WarraDts. drawD ahall Dot be oODstruoted or why this was t: .tna.lly pallsed ~fl~dellh.ll,iltreetto' - the oeDter of agaiDst a fUDd to be kaowD aud dee- ReeolutioD shall DOt be ftnally passed ,JIntllAve"Dorth ;,theuoe uorth to ignllted IlS Sp~oial rm'Prov~meDt Dis- aDd adopted. . . i . "':{~~'t~WiioDatiheoeDtar UDeof the GrlotNo.lI, FUlld: said Warrants I S~otlon 7, That the Oity Olerkbe, ~h. 16 th d.ay of' "\J:if':SI()llkDofTraoJ"s 2Dd ad. .ehall draw sllllple IDtereatat the rate and he la, hereby 11Ietrnotedhytb~ '':' "~~~~t:~I,9.JllI\l;~J<tM"oaeaat aloDgof alx pe~ oen.t per aIlUUIll; snoh., In.' Olty .Ooono~1 tll)1ue thla Resolu,tlOD inally approved by "I~Ie~:!9f;"i\l!:~d{lt,llay t.othaoeDter t?reethllm the date ~f the reglstrll' published In the Bozelllan Ohronlole. .Pm~l~iI'\4~..;,i;,n,~~GlHt~enoe eouth tlOn,of the warrant untIl th~ A~st PIlY- a wa~kly newspaper, printed alld pub- l' A D l~O'" .c~"Wllilli";~:!~$81#~I'~Iii: . meD~ beoem~$ deliDqueDt, ahaU ~e ~Iehed .ID the eald Olty of BOZemaD, ' AUe qS I' .. ,~. ;i\@'I\l'i~lI ~'V'~Ji~~"'th~,:(\l!arao'er of oooslder~d Il part of the oost of saId In oD~ ,"S\l~ thereof, not lall8 thaD Ave' , ml/i\!.iIllJiro.~lJ)"~~::"",~io:q!,,ra to be oouorete sidewalks:. that the ooet and days before the date eet .for the. hear- .. t m,ynand lmci _~.i\wlt\!i"';,~M~L~~!I"'al~l1'prove.. eXPense of ooDstruotlnll eaid oODor~te iDg of objeotlolls to the ftu~l PllsSlllle . ,~'~~~'~~'''''''''N ."7' ~.u~ ~ny" ~ -'"'~.' "',"00 ld .." "_''''00. ,..1'1 thl ~ I: "l:.r. .",. _no. Of -" ".0... ,.,,_. .,.II~ 'N"OO S. ........ '."'y .,- tin . :, t://~~~,'IUd~walli'IlD)the l1'ade ID-.. inela\Il1'~n'eaud thllt'.the' olared~to b~'.the illtention of said Olty, _./. _ ___ " ~,lded#"j\(ll'""yuh..l1 s.t'teet,;on Pl'ywent'of,e",ld Illstlillmenta ehallex-OOnnOll, to flll&lly Jia"" alldadoptthls . (1% '~ '.."... -"";_~,,., ., . Resolutloll OD the 16th day of Auguat Jf1. 1 , A. D. 1900, at said se""lon of the .s"ld ;4 . ..... Olty OOUDoil,. IIDlea~o~jeotions lire.... 01 ty' Ci;1"k. . Illade thereto at aald .tlm~ and plaoe .......---" .. · by ownere or age,lIt r~pr~.eDtI1l8,~_AW~" .. .. thllu ooe-ha!fID,arel.-6f-illrtne prop- elty wlthlnoald Speoiallmprovelllent: Dietrlot No. 11. whlob wOilld be as. ""soed to dafraythe oost of Aid OOD- .0re'esideWalks. Pa_d .Auguat 2, 1906.. Appro"ed August2,1906. NELSON STORY, Jl" . Atteet: Mayo~'1 JUSTIN ,AI. ,SMI~H, I (SEAL). .. . .., Olty oterk, 'i Elute of Mohtaoa. } u, !.:: Oouoty of Gallatin, ..... ' .,., 'I 1. JUSdDM.S~lth. O1tyOlllrk ofl the Oitvof BO:lemaD. OonDty of Gal~ latio.State of MontaDa,. 10 hereby oertity that at a rellular seUIOD of the Olty Oouuoll of tbe OIGY of Bozelllan; held on the 2Dd day of August, 1906, the foregoiDI!I OounoU ReeolutioDNo.' 880 will duly paaaed by the said OIty' OounoU aDd was apprond by the Mayor . thereof on said date. aDd waa ordered publlehed, iD ooe Issne of the BOIlllIll"n . OhroDiole at leaat A"e daya before tlJll 16th day of 'Angust. 1900, , the date deelgnated for h....rlnll objeg. tlODS to tbe Anal paalage and adbP~lon . of aaid R&IIOlutloD. Dlltedthls .6th day of Auguat. 1906. . .... JUSTIN M. SMITH, Olty _OJerk. : 5 t; .---- ~,..',... .... ___. ""_"_'_._.'_"."'~''''''''~''_'M~'_~__''.''._''___'~'''' __'.._.'","_""'" . . ::'.~:_"'::':;:';::::;:,:C,:: ""'::':'."':';~;:'",",;'::;;;:::;;;";'~:;:,:::':;;:';" I, 'i:.~:. . '::"''''''':.:'~~~,' ,:,:,,:~;::.,,"":,:,,' . I".':::..:..:..:;, ."'<::~::~','",,:::~':=;;::::;"-':::::;;:~'_'::,..,..:":' ,:..::.,,'":~ :',c':c_::':':':.:z'" ',. .- '~ ." .".,-,.~. ,:,~:"''': CmTIFICA'fE 0:><' CI'r.Y CJJERK. ..... ._.~.". ......._ Ii- ( rn'a. ,':n".' WIC~BEIUOZEMAN~~ . ' . . ... '. . 13tk.1~thaDd15ste.t~ of J!,:ont9.!'l,9,.l ) ) 01" l!ACH MONn. . ) AS. N -- ~t LeslleE-Sage'S Jewel~county of Gal1aUn. ) 0' the Thresher World.", I, Justin:M. Smith, Ci;;y Clerk of 'the City I , Thresher BUlot Bozeman, .aid county and state, do hereby oeruty th<\t the , ....Iannex.d ant f'orege:tng counoil ReaolutiOn NO, 3:;0 was pa.se4. by I the City oounoil ot the la'lcl ('!1t;r Oft tho 24 day ot Augua t) A. f Wft. II duly approv." by the Mayor of said city on I dat.. I' That.&1d council Re8el uUon No. 330 W'"otS published. in the t Bozeman Chroniele) a weekly newspaper, print6d and. plmliahet ~,,,.... city ot Bo......,. in on. ,..u. th.root. to-wit. on I ""'l:TPllIS 10 f 9q~O~'.qOI$ t.he 8th da.y of August, A. D. 1906, which date wa.s at l..ast five ' ~-P I r . .. eq~ /~~ lI~ole'l d .. laid day of hearing, Mlrequ1rea by Silot:lon 4 of' II ~.Il"f~oa au give sllti.fac~lnu tl 'I' lI" P9~9p~O dvsnce tl. k' d 'I t: 'q~~o"iJV . ,J. IU ,l.t lll~ Chap'ter CXX1l1 of t,he ];II-W8 ot 1903 ot the state ot Montana.; 'II. f10q~oo . . fJ8'841 OBg hre.hing Maohlllery; this That 811.',4 council Resolution No. ~30 was f .inu.lly passed , "''''1 91,~ Id it yellr after yellr. limp '''0 ,,::; like. . by the sa.id City COlmOll o't said City on the 16th d.ay of I 4n~..o likeS to eell; another b~d ~ I 'qrttl August, A. D. 1900 and tha.t the lame ftl finally approved by Iro 9". 1 9r'1'~ ,y? Becauell the thresh. ., ,. " ,. r. . do .Ilood work .the m^st , the Mayor c,f aa.1d City on the Illth d"I.Y of AllgIU,1" A. D. 190,'. ""..00. ,~ '~"'e list to keep iu r~pajr Ilud o~e" . . fV:!le) etmelltllpaying6ue and th IN WITNESS WHERJ<1OF, I have hereunto Bet my nand. llnd. leer I~V tt~e UIU of the C1tyot BC)a.man thlf1 1'1th1lf ! ~~1 ~, --l It .,-;- . . : ~J1!.. .~~ . ~.. ~~~ l:~ · . .. .. f'... CHy Clerk. , ..-,~".-' Ii' - ~ \" ) r I I ~