HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 328 Special Assessment for Special Improvement District Number Seven , I , " I Ii , I , '. ~..m .. '_"n'" . '\', '"'.'~~." ..., ...'...,,-~::.~~Z',-'" . .""!~';;:j',..~,1 ~.' ;.','1'..:;:;'::': t.r"!';'~";;;;;'-::F':;:-'-::~;';'"~;~;.:M~,~,?~::::!:::~~::,:~:~~~::~~'?,:'.~~_" ':;':':;;~"'~:~':~:":~"~i:!~~~"";:"~~~::~;1~'i!~:!;~:;;:';::;'.l',~~,~~~J~.'..~~.,:,:~::,?,:~:::":,, ::;':~,~E~::,:",.~';i,: "'(' . .~, \:"'\:."::;:<~~~~~~~'~;~;~ . ... .. . --....... .. ......""...., ~_ny_,. . ,_ ~ . '. . n. ". ,: I " . COlmcr!, imSOl.UTION :no. 128. i. --- t:;(-~ I A comwIx, RJ:::;OMTTION 1JWYI.1mA8PJ1.:0IAL ASSESSMlmT OF ) TAX:R:S TO DF.iF'RAY ':elm ("..08'1' ,AND RltP1!tN!3E O'F C01H)1'RTJCTnm CONemf'B SIDEWA1.J: WITI1!i-l THE BOlJN])ARY l.nnll8 O'F~T'l' ~~ , ..' _-t...1.,---!--- '~ TRIG'l' NO. 7 OF THE CITY O'F BOZEMAn, WHIm! R:pRCIAJIi'IS'l'RIOT , NO. 7 WAS c:R.F:ATJlID J'URST1AN'l' 1'0 COUNCIl. RRSOVJ'l'XO;; NO. 309, i . ~". li'INA1.LY PASSED BY T:P.J\i CITY COTmen. 0jP SAID CITY I);' TE1Il 19TH i, , , It DAY OF OCTOBJ1:R, 1905, TTND:r:R rUTHOJUTY AND IN COJJ'FORMJ:TY nTH I '.' ! ,.'. . I . I" THE: PROVISIONS OJ<' SECTION HO. 33 TO 37, !NCV18IVE, OF iIOUSE 'K ' ' , BUI,lW. 204, O}.' TFlE FIFTH J.JeG!Sl.A1'IVE .ABSEM1n;y O"F THE STATE OF MON':i'A~IA, .APPROVKP }~.ARCH 8, 189'1, AS AMENDJ!:DI -.... ~ m:: IT RESOLVED .BY TR!J CD.'Y COTJNCI14 OF 'rpJ? CITY 01' Jil0?b:AN': Sect:1011 1. - Th~t the City G(HuicH of the CHy of Bozellum '! by Counoil R~l8(')1:'t1ort No. 309',t1nally passed on the 19th d(ll.Y ot October, 19m;, o!'"flahd Special Improyero<l'lnt, .Distr-1ot No. '7 ;~. of. the C1t~' of J;ozeman N.nd thfl:r~inprovided for the oonl1ll.ruction l ot oonor.t. ddewA1k8 w1 thin the b(Htndar:1~ IiJ of 8fl.'li, Spfl c:1tll .. Improvement Distriot and tor t.hfl 6l.SfHl'.'l3m.6nt of thfl ('lost and. 1 e&]:)flnBfl of the liNnt'!. sect:ton.~Th&.t th. e:.hl. conorete a:l.d.ewalke within said . ""Ii' Spec:tal Improvement District; No. '7 ha.Te been OOr\i!I'l;ruo!;ect. and oom.t)le1;~cl Ed; 01. co..t. of $923.4(~ j the total arl!'lQ. of u.:l,d SpflC:1.<.::.l II'I!IrOVfl!'lflnt :O:l.strict }Jo. 7 being 76600 Ilq. ft. and the cost per eq. ft. be1ng $.012214. Seotion 3. - Tha:,purlul\nt to Oonnetl Rf'tso1uj,1on No. 309, the'~vt'lr!l\l lum8 ut oppoaite thl6 nWl'lflllJ of the owners, lots . and pa.rt'}e18 of land" <v. the sarr.. apl)ef4.ra' in the eohldule h6reto lllott-.ched and made a !JiU't hAreM', be ~d the sa.m. "1"" r"'''rl'let1vft- ly 1ev1ftd and &888 t,Uc.t thereon to ditrray the OOBt a.nd.uq.'enaa ot constrllot :tng 8<d.d nonorl'l t,fIl d48wa.lk$ wHhin .aid flpe 0 :i.al . I I, l ~!,{: :1 ~ I,', (~ "'3 ;3 () ,:::::~:"I~~'~,.~:'; . ~1J:~~'~:i:r,:-::::,::::",.;'::.:':!i:::::;:,:.:.:_-::'::':"'.":"_ .. 2 - ImproveJ:Mnt District .No. 7 and 1;ha t t;h~i several 811-1'l'lB b. 0011- \3cted. .rro:m the rt~3J)ftO+.:t 'lTtl own~ra 01' said lots ~md !H,ropls of land d.l!lsi~r1 'hAd in fi8l.~_d sohad u1. tta r~ qui red by la.w. Th~ti; the \ J)f,,,'\I1'(l~n!; M~ .11.14 81U1J.$ shall, 'he Illi'tde in iTl1'J ';$l.llm.en <1;8 and that the :paygJ.\'t n t of Bai d in .1;i!!I.l1l.1l~m t 1', 6Mll .xt~nd ovi!tr ", p$riod of' five years. thf'l.t thfll f'trst 1n$t.all.ment Ihl"ll hilt tor 1/6 of thetota.l aSSflIHU'lent. whioh installment ahall become due a.nd "" P(o\.yuh1~ on or befora thtl 3rd Ii.'!.? ot OetolHIl'" 190~. llpon which d4te the lJa.m.. shall bltMI":eo dfl1:1nql1t!nt, it not, pidd; Tha.t; the &acond :l.n'ta.llmftnt .hall bflOOll1fl dUel and pN.yabl$ on the 3rd da~' of Octobt'U'., 1907 alid (In tha.t d,a.te 8hN,11 becoIlle delinquent it not; ;::a1d; ,'I' ThaI; the 3rt'!. installment shall become dUe Md p~y~bl. on, the 3rd dAy of Octob"r, IgOR And shall beoome: dEllj,l'Hltll'lnt on that date if no~ paid; Tnl\.t the tourtli instAllrl~nt sha.ll becomtll due and Iii'"ya.bh on the Zrd d,'~y of Oct,ohar, 1909 and .hall beoome del:inquen'~ on that date 1t not pAid; That the rUth ins 1;Allment ..hAll he come due a.nd payAble on the 3rd day or octObftl'", 1911, and. aht\ll becollttl deHnqu8nt on that d64te 11' not 1,.14. That thft dxth and lallt lnst.Alllllent .hall become due and IHt~rabl. on the 3rd dli.,.v 01: Oo1;ohfU. 1911, nnd shaJ.lbecome de.. 11nqnent on that date it not; }'a.1d. Tha. t upon all :lnatAl1ments ...ftl'lr the let. the C11;y 'l'J".'UJ- u".... ehall'colleot limpl. Interest At tht1 Tatf! or six pAr oent : pflr annlW trom the date when the firat 1natallmRnt. become. ". delinquent and .hall reoein payment in tUllMd. g~.v.r..a ipts therefor tor the entire ARB' GaMont en any property with inter..t to the date of the JaYmfln+., at anytime _ the ..a.m. may be tendftred by t~ owner or ~g.nt; / .,~,."..,.- ... '.'.'-.' \ ,\"'.: :':"",::'~:,:",:.~::!;;::-\.':;'~':~!"i~''':~ ';: ::-:::i.~ ;,~~^~;%:,:~-t~~"','"":~.:;,,,:.!;!.'\:;~:':;'~~~:':~':',~:.~t :: ,;'j'.' '!.... .~"'::".'..- " "" ,~"'~:: ":"~:~,f~ ,-,'J'I'",:" ,~'~:':I i.:. ;;?,L,,~,~:;;.;,~~':' :',,~,;,,"-~', .. ~'" ,","'," , . -- _.,-, ". .".-- -. - I ., ~I . ThAt when ~ on. 1nlt~11m.nt beoomas dt11nqu.nt, the balimoe 'I II of tho Whole ~,s."mftnt $hall beoome SOi that a. l>t$mtlty of 'I Ii ten ptroent shitll be ad(l,ed ther"tn ... a p:~,rt of the alee,.men ti Ii and. thdot tl'18 (,)1:~y '.('rea8urer and C1 ty C1erf .hlill prooeed to I the ooll~oUon of l&11oh d.el1nquflnt &IU~iHHjJ"lEmt, ao p:rovide4, by ii Ordinance JTo. 2:34 of the C1t~r of BOUn:l9.n ar!d that thft property r( .. I shall he sold the Sl\1l1\it ii.e other property Bold for '~uu. I Seotion 4. ... 'l'h::,t thtt aplllo:tco.l luule.8m~mt h('::rr.by l'lfi/.d,' El.21d levied Against thfl r;roperty within said Speoial +mprOTtlID.\'Int Dbtriot No. 7 t(lcl.fTi~Y the C(l8t Md ctxpflnu of c(I"struot1ng the conQretl\l 8idewtr.l.lkstb~rfl in, t(')ee+JH~r wit.h any 111"$Centagfl. i.mp()6~d for de11nquenoy, and for oost 01' oollp.otion, 8hall con.., .ti:~ut. a lien upon zmd 'i.gl\.:l.nst the I,ropftrty w.pon which ouob. QSl1elil1l.rnen1; is rrua.d6 and levied, from and .ft(llT~hE'l date of the I non-l):,""ment ot any installment of l'1unh 'Ulse.al'll'lnt, WhiQh' lien shall bft .nfor<,.ct b~r the eumI'la1"~T nnle otf.Hloh prOIH,rtJ', a,nd the eXl!lou1;~\on and dtllivt'lr'Y ot n.o~u' ry oertifioates And 4eeda thex'eFor, under a110h rtllgulationr. a. mny be presQr'ib@d 'b3r 01"41n- ance or 'b~" an ftootj,on in t~n~r conrt; of compe1;ent J'1r1.nd:l,Qt.ic)n to foreolose !lHoh 118n, 1m1; any prOl!erty sold t(/ satiefY unoh lien shall 'be subj e ot to redel:'lp t i on within '~he t1me ",nd in the marm,'lr provided I a.nd that m Y Itp.:rea.ft$r be vrQvided by law :rOT the rtlde:mpC1on of:r('lp~p-I~y soli for tliU~'. Seotion 5. - T:r~t ThurSclitY, th. 2nd d~y of' August, &. D., lYO(i, 114t 8:'00 o'olook P. M., of the,l'Iilf,ld c.tay, b" i~nd th" J~. 18 }'er~fby d,sj,cnatl'ld bl.S thl'l Hme and the Council CnamlHllr in . ... the ":1 f~;Y of E01.l'lman (.fJ thl'l pli,4ne, when Md where ea',d ra I;y C<'HmcU of said Ci~y win 'bill in lIIfll'la10n and flUl heal. Qnj.Bt1(ml'~ if Any there be, to the final pana.g" and. ~opt;i(1n of ut, \ Te8nlut~,(m anti!' th" levying of this Bpeo:\ala..."fll.lltW'!j 4\nd any pflrfSon, orper60n., who ,..rill .;l.fSent. or owrH'!rJ ot any l()t or .... t '<if' I . .. .. ---- 3;~8 . .. :', ':'::i!!!ll::;"~~~:~.' , ;.!'i: ._,.,,:": :":;;;''::5:r:="~ . , ""'""7;"':'.',"" ~ j t,' j 1I,E~ ':'" I':; I' 4110 4 ~{'~J" \Wt i pl:l.roel o-r la.nd 1n saW Spac:t..<l Il:'l.provem<mt n1Btr:\ at }.In. 7, ': I' I shall l10t ...:1di;1me t..nd til,.oe hl'\.Tft 1;h"l rif~ht to a.P!.H!llU" in :par,ol'l I i: or by oountiel And aho, oaul:Ie. ~_f <<.ny thar" 1'0, 'Rh; t:h1fi sp~o1lii.l I ,. ~ i .Uhii..lIiIm~UF ahoul<l no t be t>:lll.4tC'! ..nd wr,yt;h1a nUln:L 11 t:l,cm shonlct I', I'. I, not, 'hlll t1na.lly passed .'i.nd ..dorted. ! , Slation 6. - Tlw.t t.he I~ity :';lt1rk he and he :ts her!~llY I' r in8'truot8d by 'thtt :;ity Counoil to g:t.VfI no t;:tMj of i;}H" t1ml;! a.nd p ll~ofl of ."id hearing and of thft final plit.fOSl.\g. of this ReIO" lution, by pliblUlhing a not1ce thereot. 1n the Repflblican..r.ou:r- 1tr. .. weekl;)' n8w6paper. printEld,nd l~ul)l1llho('jd in. tr.l'! .a1d I. City of Ilolliemlil.n. 1n one i"HII thar-eot. nol; lEll,1l tha.\1 fj,vt/! d~y. n.:f'ore thetlme ..1; for the he r1ng {It ObjtlcUons to 'tl'lfl final passage &n4 "option of 101'11" 'R.II()lu 1;101'1. Pa:.,8f1d July 21.i" 1906. .' ~. Approved .:r141~r 21Rt, lflO6. '. .....11I'................:..,.. .. l,.\ayor. I >'in. P....d. ....,..t 2nd. 1906, A F1n.ll. ',,""T.d, ..,"'".. 2nd, ~ . ~ I . ~J:4 ............ ';,;,:i;;:........, . ................ .... ...... ......" ~~ty Clerk. .. .. .. '\... _. _.. ___n . _. ._... ..___.._____. -. ....----.- .-- .-..--------...-.-.- - .;;;;;:~~;.~lii~-~.:;~==f"t!IB!I~.~===~'~ -- -- ~:~~;::::~.':.:~~~?~~ ~. ~ _~---:--'- - . :0-'- _'" .- . --~~"_='L::' _"". "u . ...=:.::L.~~.~.~,:;.,:!~. .,-----'. ._.u. n. ..._. "..... '".._.~~~~y....~...""__.....,,_ ASSESSMENT LIST FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. ? FOR CEMEN 4,', WALKS ON MJllNDENHALL 81'. AND ON 3RD AND 5TH AVES., CITY lD], BOZIDfJAN --~~~ ...- [-..-' ' 1 ' .' II " , l ..., . I :;J , I · ., . ., I I] . I ' i. , R~te, j I . I Area 1"1 per' 'j I 'I ...'." ..: .' i I -....- -- . ....__._.... ._. .. .... ....m. , ..c... __.,. ,; . ..... Sq.:rt sq.ft. aunt --,~::;:~~t-~~'~7~~cY!eI9~OO ,~-1l9.7~' , f I I Ii', ! t 24 ! I ' : i 5 &: llf I, . "'rgaret Newman I dde 2~ D , '7.20 · I 90.6.' I' .. ..1' ,. I' I 'I I ~ I I' l? ft I ' Chae. llarble y ~6" 27'1 D '. 116300 "Ie 76.96 ii' I II /" I ~ I ,!! i , R. A. Baxter ~8 &: 29 D"e. d" ~", 117840 il II II 95.761 " I ; : iiil liii : , i I ,I .. Estate of I I I Ii Ii il :1 I 30,31 I ~ 1 'I l . II "'e. 1.. ". ~'.o~, r''''.:r.a >, Ib · 5680 i " I 191 53 . .,.. 'j'" . Ii. I II . Ii John B. Barnett G4&110 r, D " 17000 I · I. 85.5~ , I end 35 I I1I1 II I I I I' .' :MaryA. Burket 1l0ft.N.e"dOkLot35rn" 1,02$01 II ,Ii 54.50' Ii I'! II I .1 II I II W. 20 ft. ofl 37.: ii"',' I li!i I Ii "leanora lIoRo~ert e , no ~t. liT. end ~r ".8 rt. D i. I 5160 . ~ · I 7 t. 2~ , 37, 38 &20 rt. 0<39 .. I I I 1:1 I 'I , E. F .Hanley , no rt. liT . end r". 8r~ D.' 0120. '.! 121. 6~ 39, '0, <l " '2. I .5600 I $9;r;r Ii ' I I <I I I " :!r I ,I,,,. .: :u!y 18, 1905. I Ii r hejebY Cer~1ry ~ha~i 1 I r~"lII8n, Dhtr1~t' No ~ 7 if., I e~mPl.t~ lilt o~ alliprd~e 1 i r' i o.aid 1lll.prove,.nts Ia.nal! t I' I II , &0'" . I! Ii; , . .. II i Ii i! II II! :r I i I: I [, I II I I II II II' i Ii i I I II I II I ii . > '--+--' I --J~~~.=~~=i~---= -1- I ~' ,ll . Ii..' . I I J ,~_... ....._._.. _..". _~~~,... ..-. -- ...--.-.------. I ~~~~~~~-~cl ~""'. , LIST FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR CF..MF.NT :NDENRALJ. ST. AND ON 3RD AND 5TH AVES., CITY 0F BOZEN'JAN,MOIl"TANA :1'1" ..~( 1'( . T::~_{: .re '~"~~~~"~."..,.~'''''-,.'"'-'".~"...."~.~<"'''c~''.,~~-'...._m..._"..~.'"_."""',.'_'~__~~~_"~._''''_~.~,.,,_..,.,. "~mt'"'3"~"'-PA: ; , ,,"'1 ," 'Ii 'Ii I ilJ,~06,6% Oot.:$I* Oct.5, Oot.3, Oot~3, Oot.3, "'''''1 II. II.. I IInt.to 1907jAd~908.Ad.1909 191Q,.Ad 1911 I Ii. ,I,R...te I iithat da e6% Int 6% 'Int. Add' 6% 6% Int. Add6~ e,1 . ,I Areal por~ 'l,no1u.o .'or'1:' ", tor Int,.tor tor 4 Int. or ~---1V.,~~lJla.lUlk~ ti.1Q~l!q.ft.-!9.::!t.' ?~~t,,,~~",. 3 YTh. Y'r8. '1:5 yt'8. t 24 ',' I I ~ 22 & 2>~ i DTraoy~. Ii 9BOO \012214 'I; 119 .711 $19f.L9 91 ~ t 24 : "I, I ' !a5 & llf I' i II !, I 0100 21 D · Ii 7420 i · I 90 .6~, 15 11 1611 15 Ii 1511 1&. 1 I I 'i I :, ~ .17 ft. i :,:: ill I J 26&27! D " 1'6300:!":" 76.9611283; 12S3 l283' 128312. I I ,I i! Ii 4 ~; :: if II :1 8 & 29 I n'I;;}" II,. 1:7840!i " I, 95.7~ 15 96 l5M 15 96' 15, 96 I, II " II I I; 'i I' , , I II .1 i: II il II I' , . ! I, I j 30,:31 I 11'1 ' \re '&',3;3, D" ~" I 5680 ii " ii, 19:1..5, 31 92 3192' ,i, ~l 92 :5i92 I ~ 1;1 I , iI " I' , .t !I " ".'" ~4&110 ftl D " 117000 ji " ii, 85.5J -14 "25 14~5~' 14 25 14 2e 14.5,,14 25 l' end 315 i I' i,1 II I. li:i Ii : I ' r I '. j. I il:'. 'i o~ Lot 38 & D " 1152M II " Iii 64.5Qi 10 78 1076 10 76' 10 76 10. ,8i, '1310 76, ) I II ii I ':1 o~ 37. j :' ': ! ! I ' I I li!1 I. I, I i. ~f E.B ,J. D · 16160 ~ · II 7~.2112 54 12 .54 12 54 1.2 5412, 4. 12 54 I I 11:1 II I I 10 rt. of 59.1 : ,! ' I'! II Ii: I II I ' "i;l! I, I "I I' " r' E. B'~ D · }0120 -l- · J.~~"2t 20 60 20110 20 60 20 60 20, O. 20 601 &142. I '0600 ' .. $92~.4~ i I " Ii 'I i 'II ,:r I I i' l' , :j 'i :' I ho~ObY oor!~1fY ~hat tho c. of tb Bpo 1& Imp I I I r~vemen~ D1str4t No~ 7! as 92 .46, th 11 a fu 1 an I o~mp1.tJ list or &11 ipr~!pert 8 jeo t ___OOGU t I of .aid \mproveke,nta ,an&i tha. t am un of nt . 8 sh wnl a~ove . ii: II I I ,'I I I I, c. .. Ii Ii City En I .., I · i I: II I ! : , :'; II I ! ii i Ii II I I I ':, ,I II, :ji ' . , :' 1,1 i I r---~'"'--"--"-------~----"""""._~-----..' ..........---------~-.....----..1_______.._+-_____+_ :1 I I I. .' ,I " . r.'~+-~~..=~"..""c".,k.~=~~"...~...,',.,~........",.,..~,...,.L="~,.....~.."~.~.~~='".~:.....-,,.~.~...~L" - . . , ,-,-,..~._-_._-,_..,- ----_._,_.,,--,-,_..~.,_.,~'~'" ... -'~~,~':':~::~:~~~~'~~==~~~.,.".,;:!:~~~ Sta. te of l,1Qntt.na, ) ) ss. ..... County of GAllatin, ) ~w~'*i~~~':'~";",..,.... ...'.... ....' , . ~}"'.Mzn!r;;Q"'~""qUlltof It .Tustin M. smith, C1t.y Clerk of the : ".i.~f/,,\ .' ,t 11." llCOIl"rote Sld$- ',;;; '!!i"'l ' " r~,:,..".:;,"'D'. C 1 ty ot Bo z.man. ..1d Co un ty ""d stat.. do h. r. h y .e r t1ty I'~'~' . ~l'iNI)l'(\!llt"ilif"';t,~"ibty. . '.p~'rt~~~~<~!: tlu4t at &l. rftgule.r ses$ion of. the ciW Counoil of' the I)ity ot "~Iqihtll"lf.:or thel.a;idJ ; ,. . . i... ~1l:;dlLYof July, 1906...:. Be zeman held rm the 21st d'Y of T 11 A D 1906 '-he . .g,fr'~b*~lYellth~tar~'t . h,. . \. I'" . .' Y, . . i " I, !l.ll t..; >. ,. ,.~tyCOuri"llhllld 01).'111,,', \lsl~~:~9;~&I~ittttt~~ ~!lou~~~~: foregoing ,'md annO!xed Council pesohlhon 1To. ;328 w,;c.s J)a.ue4 by ,j~N!l"b;i~':l,mial.. "ss"""ment. 'of..' tQM'W"d~fray!:;t/:I",cost..,.,dE\J(penS"} the C:tt.y Counoil ot the saiel City ~nel wa.s approved by the 6!i\l;<iillitrn~UljJlil)l).lIrllte ~Idewa.lksln:: " . , sl:r~~ilientOl..trlet NO'. 1,pl.' t f,dI"6i'~f!\Ilan.w'hI~ Special' l,avor of aa1d C:tt.y on 1JF.l.1d date; JlIIPf'!iv~11n.t;':pi~trlctNt!,.i7/'\Vas creah" ' '~P\f~Ii~i:tI:ll0~n~IlR'lilOIUtlon No:, 11~'''' " . ,. . ,. " , tK:llli4~y~y.th",.c.ltY~DOn "~"" t l),)rl'l1l'~l1t 1,0 f!.I'lC Uon /5 of e,,,-1d rlo;moU. Resobi,:!.on lof':lIal,',Otty.., .la"19111 .c\ay" O'('OIltQ,,'; - ij)~1J.~t!~~~:~~~~~.(al1dmense,ot:' Ho. 328, NotlM of I'.ll~ time dnd IllaM ()f said ]1ea.ring and the . ~trl.(il!;l~'~lll(F q~ll~sld,ewllllt'! '~~;:;'.\l~~4~~vem.ent'IM8trlct N9',t: fini.1.1 P6.88<\8' of sa.~.d ConnGil Resol nUon, he!'etc at V\ChNl, ;!,:',il;":~i 'tI>al\td,iQlty Coonell' <It' ,,' .. .. . .",.09,the:. .entlre. C99t ,9f, " 'C } ',." _' ., , . ..." ~,"tJ, I .. . ....":~:,llald"ldew~lka, .'1,.0 publis.le4 in 1: n~ .R~)p'obl:l.olJ.Jl COl,r1€T t a se.:r.,-V,e ,.-.ld.y '.~'i~;' ..... ..~it'tbepr!>f18rwwltbr . \IH~",. tel;' .. .."(>\$"'I,er pr:in"'",d find f,ihl') sned :l.n "/"J:ifl sai d ":\i',, nf;'Ol,t'wJ ,Ion '.::!W.~:'Il\l,!d(.'~ltYI:COUncll Resphl,t1O\\, 14.1.1'.......'. ..C<", .. ).. .. _I. . ,.., .. ..' ..," , ,'<, ':k~j!:~M!X1~~,~,()nllletI1 the Olllcil, , ott~,~tYllar!CJjl, tM Sl),ldClWap.ll · n or," i <, St.te t hereot /- (1-'{'1 t on t.l:1e ;';'7tb d g v of 1"1" An (l;_\;'~il~~9na.ndlnSPOOtlOn. ..., ,.. ... " .,.. .-., '..' ,.. "., . ".'.i' '.. t~ .' ....~Jilfll'. . . .i. .'\ ~~,:x,~I~ltMj,,~~~'~n~~itl~ 190G, v,h1c:h <la.te wus [;;.1; 1MBl; fhe days 'bl'lforl!'l sh.:'dday of AtigJi@I;'<t~06.;il,t8:90 9.'c1ockp, m., .of ' 'ilald." <ii!.yttM "rirnl'i'belng th~ date .of r'earin""' the't,a!llllaislls~IQn:9f said City Cowl, ' . '-' , "ili,.jl.t.~e.C<lJ1ncll Ch/l-mber In the ' 91}r:(>!!~!I.l.l".tl:le.~i\!IlCltY,lS d!e~lgtrat, That on the 24 da.y of August, A. D. 1906, the n.1d. City ed,."''':''lil!e,tll1l.<!'I'Il-d. pl~ce. 9f liWlrlng" ' 9Rlle",iflll;Jl,ythefe be, to' tbellnl\1 ' p,:,e"'~Jl.\!.adl)l!t1l>1lof saJdCoulW!I Council at a regular Blt6Sion thereof finally pfl.SS8d 61l:l.d 1ijl 1l~.}No",1l28wh"n ~lld,. wh<lI>fl, ,~I!l1'\~d-\:!a!li~e~".whO ar\l.O'wnal1' S~t'll<>i'ilMl>3'lQtO'rparj.:"tofla.nd Counoil 'Resolution No. 328 and that the s.\:lmt WH.a finally w :1:".pi.dFOilltri'ct 'shlUl'h,v;;. thll" 'rWtlil;~ll,r$jtb.ertD.p<lr.O'n Or <I\>dli~l''"'lshO'''<!floJ1a",na.ny them, JPproved. b;~r the !Jayor of the said. City on sa:td date; J>tiewJ/,t:tb,IilSald.'-lIIISltlentehillI n<>t,! \\ill"''''mi!J:allllliS\l'.id ,poundl Resolution . . _~~,dt,'.i .. ., . IN WJ:TID~SS WIIFJnroF, I han hereunto a~t my hand and 'q . ;:thlsll.llllllfl!'XIl",ntlsmade pur- . lltllf to l'a1l4 III i)<>II.(ormlty with the t i! i l!l~;IlB in i1ellt,loll& ao to' 34, III affixed the Rea.l of the c~,t~r 01' ;,ozemant/8 4th" of _Iilll' ''Oi'lI N9: 2<14 O'f the FUtb Legis- .?"'\ !. f[.' ! .}~~/' 1le:ll\l3\y, et the ,state O'f MOn-.' ." IA'-' ,-...--- ,'\ IlI'~", tr . .. ""US t. A. ", 190A. 1#;. .zrlit (!j ) UI'.vi1fi L I" ~'~ s 24th day of uly A. 1.l"..1 i/lf" . .. d :lIl Ir", ,I' . I ~ !,a... ~ ;"Cl\t """""'. · " 'I" .. .. . " .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. , .. "<1"$ "SMITH,' r.;\h- "Jli'!r'-' '\;t'4i!:~IJ:;,,)t;:i,,::'c,'~4ty , '." ',' "..." · t (", .~"~,' 'Y":". .. '.'.