HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 327 Special Assessment for Sewer District Number Fourteen ------ --...,-- no_ ,;.;;~~~-"'~"'"'--~"~~~~~.:.. .... ~~'..,. cotllia:I1.RDOLtJ"rION NO. a? · ...--- 11 FLh"~:)Ol~T:n01l J,11NYIHG A SP:EOIJU. ASSESSNJIlNT 0'1 '.W:iS '1'0 1)liIIl'RAY " ( ~ COST AF'I) ErPT<JNBE 01l' C01'U3~1lUCTING A PO:R'tION OJ' Dl$l1RIC't SJII'W]m NO. 'u D','riE eI'IT O,F J~oZEMAlT. I -'. .. II !'~ !; '\VRX.REAa, 'the City Couno:n of the C1t)' or B~u"1'llan. ~,. OO_'l11 J: 1It.~ol'"tion No. 321{ fina.lly passed on th<<t3rddA7 of ltEl::,A. !l., i96~. ii ,; irn...red. the (lomltrw:'1Horl e)J:' . port;1OYt of Dht.r1ot s."er lt~. 14, d.I!lG01'1'be4 aail tClllbws, to-wit:- " lit :; Said IHJrt.ion of 'Aid District SeWi'lT No. 14ahalt corm.ot. nth ))l.~;"lot Sew4'll" Ji(('l. ).5 ()tt Ol1.... st. at t.h~ interli'ltlo'UOJl otth' .a1d. CliTe 1 . I I St,. .1 t.h 5th Ave.; thAlnc,.lUtoU be e.xtl!mdftd S<luthQn'1ih Aye. .. d1pt;anO$ i , " I o:t!! thr" bloo kB to Story atT"ftti ~ t;o1;al d istart<toaf ,17'. l't. i !,i .AND wmmEA.S/ ,.. .a;14 pM"t.1on of add. Dl.1i'!'~Cllt s.'w.r i.~ l.. J. b". ....tructad.t . ...t .r~.659' p.r 11n.oJ.l'.,. ~ tho p...porty ~. , ' \ . " b.r,.rinB th.-,reon ~n4 .~.1j.l).ybefl..t'1t"4 tM,..'b1.~. 'tetAl co It ot , I' ., UUil .._ btl.1ng .1104.30. . 1 . ' " , NOW 'r'fIJRRFORlt, :Be It Re,o].T.d, And. I't, I. ;,~,'J::.bY Ql"luud, by ~ Oity counoil of t.hAI City of ]Bol_a.n that 1s.he. l!IP'V"l .,tro& .et .PPQ,," itole tho HamIU:l 'or the 01mer., lot. an,t !,arce1a at l-#~f ... '\l1t. sam. ': (,.,,\' "fpe~t. in, the loh.dule her8tct aU.ah&d and _de &~t/"r~Qf. bfj, And. J,. _ .,.. r....."..11 .......~ _r... to ",tNi,t...t ""d OlQ).." , l: ,...' .,., .,n.tr\iloting Ia.'-d. portiQn of atdd. J)~lt:rlClt Silwer !~J~,14; .nt'l t.h.a.:t ,the '. ,\ " +T...., ._ b. ooll....d &r_ _ r.."..th. ."".r. f'o~ t~ .,,1d 1.'.' il . . ,,( ~ _.01. .r 1.n< ....rib.. ... ..... ..b..uJ.o .. """!~r. '<: law. . : Tbi............t '" ..,;d. I""..on' t. ""d 1n ~.~y to ". ' QauneH Ruolu,Uon nQ. 331. finallY paaled by th..i~.c'Q.t7 ctotmcU ot, '. 1 ...." ' Ole City of l~o~ernral on the3rcl ~ of ,WAy, A. D., 190~;~\ ,', Alm I't 1ft 7\'1RTHJl'J\ ORDFJ'{Fn, ThAt '.Mtur..d8~, t'h~\21I4 ....flY' of !'lgltet , ... .\ A. D., 1906 at 8;00 0' clnok P. M. of the Mid.4..,..l.i~~,("lOUn.on Chmnber ~ ,~ I " j i \ \ \ \ I '\ \1 .~ I II :i \\ .~.;. , ,. ,'. rl .'.'"."''''''-'', ,_. ... ...,^',.. ,__'.'.~.'", _"'".~"""','m,."'''''''''"_'''',.",,,,,,,,,,,. :l\',,\l::';lli~1'.i\!::':'i.'=>!"'~r.!.~!.'..\",l;,-'r.!!"l\lil!!:i1.t~.,\,,: . -. -"".~.,;". '.'~",,~" ......""'~.. ". :1 :la ..... Q1tyF....n of th. .aid O:U,y of' Boz;u'Ul.n, ~e Ar-Iom.he ine the regula.r ....1on.t the 11111>1(1. City CGunoU, be u.nd the .a.m. is lutrflby dI')3:1,gr!.~ted a. ~ t1_ And :plfioe tor h~".ring oh.1ections' tc :thf! f1na.l P:CHfJ"gn,:nd I,. &4opt10Jl uf: ~,hj.h 'r'I'lf;ol~'Unn, w}wn 'and whlilr.+'he IItdd C"xy COHncil will ~ 'b.1n fjf!SIi:!nn ifI,tld h~H~r an;! lio.nd ,..11 objeat.tonl'5, if loUly t.hflr~' be, to s...id Ii .....ut'Jent, or any r.'f~rt thef'et\t. 'Xh\'..t on solll.1d dat.e it, ia hen::b;y declared hbe the intention of the City 0,<:\ln011 to J":I.nt\,J.1~- })IUIl'l ~nd .lrlopt, thh Ccnmcil Reeol'ln.ion and th$ ~Hl!ltHHlJlllentli herein IMu:le. ANn IT Is FllR'j'IDIR ORmOO1D, 'l'ha.t tb,e City Clflrk of I; h 1') C:1. ty of Bo..ma,. 'be, l!li.l'..d 119 18 hltrt'lby, d:l,r.ohd to g~, ve nO'I;1ee of the timAt ~1.ncl I' .1 pla" ot sAid. hoa.ring 2li FroTil,Qfi1l1 l>.,y I..w. h...<< .Tu1y 1'1, 11lOt\. . 19. 1901). . .'.. ,..... ........ ... ..... Ill.. III tI . Oi'l;y all9rk. ~. I' .Auguat a, 190/l. iI. 'P1na.l A:pprQvaJ.AUiJuat 2, 1906. !i . . " . ,11II .. _ iii .. II . . .'. . . . III ., .. . III . . . . . II ....~!f{.... M"ltoy ():t . H~' OleJ"k. / " / _./ i' i' ii Ii ~ II i 11 t:' II '. I " Ii :"1;:l,.,..Jt -':"'~.:' / ~ ."~t .. II I! .~ .'n' .. ' ~ "-- . .~. Name. Lot. ~l()()L M4. "ft"ontage Amol1n"~' .4..:B. Carow, 5 COX'Jl Re..arrl4nge. .t,.88.05 M~~.lO i of. ' !look "13 ,P""'..k. Add. ' ~. :FI. ll'e",theratonn (, 00x' a He-tA.rra.ng'" , '. of JiloQk lz"Pa.rk Acid. 110.0'5 91.10 tohU P .All1sQl1, 13 to 24 l' Parle if J.dU titn~O~ 00 19 ".. '1 ~r:y 1.. l\B.u.oheru.Nr, :1:5 rt.\'J1'r Weat end l?'1Ptu"k . . 15 to 18. A4dit1on. ' ,150. 9B .911 ,. K. Armstrong, 19 &: 20 2?Park " Add it:l. nl'\50 .\00 ~z, .00 ;;. L. lIar tnm.n 21 t. () t:: 4, 2,7 Park ,\ - Add1tion 10~.n() t.l6.99 ~,: "\\" " ".. T. S:h l'~r:p I 3 lit: 22i f't. :NC'J'th -, ',\ aitt~ (If 0\ 12 P4\rk Mdi t10rt . 47 . ~m' 31.14. " ; ',\ ;;0. u. Snider, 2ttt.s..ide 4,5&G U';1'Wk6:1.,IIlQ Z~.24 .\ddi t;\.on, i . j : CblJl.fl. Ollan, '1&' 8 UParll. .. ' . AQ.,\'l t. j,Ctn. 49 . 4Q 34.60 :Bet u. C. Williaul$ I 9 & 10 12 P-.rk , , ., ! r Addi-1;i,on.' "'9.40 ~~.f',(\ ! 'lI'mma A. n~lnaon, 11 &. 12 l2 Park A4d i Hon >49.40" ~12 .1$0 I LeBor. L. Wid tl~ , 1 .& 2. 17 Par\{ 't)O. 00 ~3 .00 Addition.' '; .r....s 'Mr.:AllbteT I 3" <1 1'; Park 50..00 Zi3,00 M.d1, t1on'j "' . G... ., .IlQuld J 5 & l'i 17 PJSi,rJ( i A4Mttan., \tI(').CO, 33 ~OO John1t.:N:o.Uljll+.er, 7,8,9 &. 10 l' Park iOb.oo tlHlS.t9 AtAdlttoa..' I' Jail Ke teer.r , 1:1 & 12. l'1 Park ,1. A4d:l.t1on i .. ;~.OO JS3.C>0 A. B. :Howerto'(j,'l,2,~~, f: 4 it) P~:rk\ Addit1on. '100.00 fI\~.'1',) ..,. H. Daughert,y I 5- &: 6 26 park Add. it:l on , '50.00 3~;.OO Sa.:rM A.1.1r11ey, 7,8,9 &: 10 26 Pii.t"l<" , AAditien. 1,1.00.00 M.99 , \ Wm..w.Reeur, 11 ,.; 12 28 Park \ .\ Addit1on, }. :...".....,,00..... '.. ~..'i.l...OO.. 'ot~. . .', ii.40 11$.1' I he n;by CcH- t U,' tl'l,Q. t the 0 (l& t of Dill tri(i~ i 8fl1.-":'0 0.14 Wal! tll04. 30 ,~hu. t the foregl't1ng i.. .. ru:u and comp18~,kut('lr: All pJ"(1)ftrty 6ubje. ot t(81)eoi.~1 a..eS&lll8N't- em flI;Q.oonnt. .f th." 'ohl~l"uQt1tn of .aU .'ftwer '~ an.d that tho tml,;unt otflfl,Oh ......._nt i. ... I:nQwn"~<(lT'.' . ' ,0. lit. 't'ihf"~' 01 ty:Eng1neer'. J'uly 19,1906. f I ,. { "~ ., : . j, "t.............,'......,...... ! il ! ..~'.....\.......' ii I ,'. I : "I I .J, ,',': L... .' - " .~ 1, '\'~. .... li!.l ," :,;,,:: :' 3 ~3 1.1. moo" ','",., """~;""'~'__.__ ---- --"..... ---~", ",y,'..~- stu.te or Monti),na, ) County- or Ga.llatin. ~ 88. ,\ii:':'~":'~,'<I~" .,q;,:.,j' ..;, ~""'.,~,, 'H:.' .:~,\ : ,':'"':''',>~''' -:~ . ci::~tk';'I~'<<r',"f!,tll:le~;),~"l"""'" r., .TURt:m Vi. Sm:l,t.h, 01 t;y nlerk o:f the i:::/rl~~Il~v~;:p'~.i'~C11~unt :11' ';".": ".'.'-, ,111,0'. Port 011 0' Dl'a' if' . . t. 4 ... , J if i h t !t-l1t,1~1~lti'~'4'CltY'.lf80Zema". Ct~r 0, Bozeman, s;",1d Conn y ,.n 8t,~te, d(, (.~':"e'hy oet',;. ~r . t. !..". ~t; .. ~OII'qe ~t th Clt 'i~: ilU:~ti:tll:tW'bl"~e~:coJ: i"~~~'~lfn~1I R.e<lOlutlQl\NQ, 327, at a regulAr .euion of the City Couno:ll of the City of 1" 1-'''''''' _d1", "...." I ; ',!.;'!ll;lh.l! 49th' day ot JulY.l~06, ' . _ :~; ,,!~,h~r~~gIVen tha:t'a~egu.1 BOZemM hel4 on thlt 21st d.ay of July, A. D. l~06, the foregoing !c'f" ... :ilt'lih,,\'lltY!'OOillwU.'o("tJ1e i' .' ',,:p '. ......~" . ... If..held on. the. 9t II ':' ~..,.,.,,' ".",J.,I: '1.:;. C.une U "..01 nti.n II.. 327 ..... pa.... by tho ...,d City ConnoU 'r ::I: :~,,,.:..,. ...">t,l'teS'lI\lth>n'leVylllg'i\ :)11), ....,l\SSl!S~me!l,t.I>LtM<es tQcletray 1 .. it:h~"td~~d,e"&inseor constructing and wa.s du ;It il-!)prnved hy the May 0 1'" et t,he ea1d G,_t;!t on said ; w~l;tI(>llfor~s b~, Sew~ NO: 14 Inl "l"" ""_. --.. "{$'." ~t\lf.\'9.ttjOn. o-t,slIldblsti'lct, da to t {,J.: . .,:!~,i:,~(:\I,~,iJ~~l'lbedllStOIIO}\'S. ',,;d\!-1o/~l>I!;~t'.il~d i>l8tr:lctS~,*et' Tha. 1; pUrSUM t to lIaid COlmcil Resnllltion No. 327, Notice "~iltillill'l>CPll~Ct'W!th. .l)lst~ict.' ". .' ,. r.N'o, l$''''''Ollve Street lit' he. .' li~/~\WMt~1'u1tt!ieSa.1dOl1vid.lt.whhl of 'f;J:ut t:uue and. pl...ce of hfli1.ring ObJection. to the final ,,~, . .(,.,~'V..,. '.; .lInce 'shall be extended, ....;,8pIron.r,~~'Ye.. .. distance or tit .... e I llJ.,;<liiryl3t;.the totalil1at..J~, passage ot saict OOlmoll :Resolution, a oopy ot whioh is h.rett ,OH!1r4,t(ltjt. ...'... ... .. ..' .' I '.''J'lI'lIt.:~d(pottlon t.. Idb! ...' 'i:;rl~~~"'~~;'l.<wlUl ~n:t~u.ctedS~~~:! 'J,t't,aohed, was given by :pubHoaUon in the :F!6IHlbl1oan-O,uT1e:r, '... ':'ll!!l't'tPi:!~lIQH ReSOlution. -No. . 821, ~ ':'Ir~~ralbythesa.1d citYC6unOll a sem.i-weekl" newapdol,er ,iJrintecl and published in the saicl 01ty ! '. . '" ..!".\ t.\,. Y..otMil.Y, A.P,. 1906. . : . ... .. ". hlJ,t,,t!I~,,'.to-tfl"OQll1<. and. expense ot (wn,~~~\I~~!'M':d portion ofslIld!)1s. of T;\ozen,\J,m, in one h3ue thereof ,tC1-wi1; on tl',ii 2'71;11 d.ay of .'~lot:~w!llJ::-Nti'HI~ $1104.30. 'i1'h~~;!1811a!:>r.tpClty Councll Reso... . . . lutlo!l..",:;.!!!,7..W:eenureoost Qtthe JUly, A. D. 1905, whioh 41.lte was at led-st five d",ys before aa14 ":"~~1~~li~::~I'Id .pott101l:,ot.:~~d (~iI~tl:;,\e!>'J\f~14..WIlS ll~sessl)'1 day of hearing. r ':@i"""'", ,!y~l1y. specially.. belle-- , ,i"~:fJ~}y!ltiipio<>1lortlori.to ;.. thil ,...~'" ....,..,.... ... That at a r.gular ....10n of tho .a1' O!tv OmmeU of .aid "M'i .'. < ..1l,\.,IIUI)l' et.otll'neMteet . , i'..,. rde ~:'<I!l'Sai(l. portIon' of .,;a.1d' D1s- I,J~~~S,~f~W~~~~~7~~:St~~u~\:,~St~t City held on the 24 day of p.,ugust, A. n. 1906, the sdcl CouncU ./,~stP~r;Il~w :t9Qt .!s :,0,61\99. '3~t:it~;\)rPll'l\Dflth~:-lon.NO'! Reaolntj,on No. 327 W~& finally }Janet by 1;he s",:td Cit~t COlmoU ' .. ..... ...... 1';. ..... e n e. eQ{ '!!be i .. , Ci~ql~k;:,Q',th~saldCltY'l\IId. open' i~'~;m~tI":i~'~r~' . ... I and was fimdl v <'4!lllTOved b'l the ',~yor of i,he lIald 1")1 ty on tha.t "." ,', ua .'.0.. y .ncll Re "". , !,']\li10li,! .~;\~A~, ''li'll,j,r~d",i" tire 2nd. d~"; :iQ':+~~*I(il-ii~lt;"at8:00'1'i)lQ(Jk p. In. d~ te. \;I;;~~,!~,tl1{s"lne belng.the date "t. :,tl!.'\'~ .... /lr"~ellsl~~. the'aa.l'dClty , :j;gr~~~Ii\~e"Oollllcln ~.m.ber lpi IN WITH:F:EH ,1hYRl'1OP, :r: <l..bve hereunto net m:' hfmd ~nd. 'r:.~lJ' \lll'i~~SlJ,!d' City "Is deSlg...., !""'" I!J ,~h, ,,~:l'lace l>thearlnlf// ,I.. . "if'"ro...- .friv.d the ..al or to. Cit. o~ Bo..man, thh r Z '..,.. ," '" .." """'" ' ~ Ii' ~ rn \I. . g;, .~"\",\.:... '." . .,__....-r-"'.".". ,;}."\.,../~t".f;.1iWlyA.D,. August, A.. D. 1906.~/12 c:.v-;~ .) .,,'\,.:",.... . /(,.& I J fA t "'i" :il'<Pt'PQ'll . . . .j / . 1./ /., ,; '\.....-/., . .'\~\..' ..' . .,.... ~,/ ::}~"/.\::~':'::'!"\"<,',',,":',:""'l' :,.' , .... -,.. ~...................... ........ ' ,.' H.\':."'''',:.'.\i,Oerk.. Cit.y Clerk. t i I