HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 326 Levies Taxes for Year 1906 - II ( COTmCIL "Ol.UTION :NO. :sa6. ..... COWOIl. JOBSOJ.tJ'nOlf LBVYING 'r.AX1l:s FOR THE dITY 01 :BOZEMAN FOR 1'HEYEAR 1906. ....- ~ IT RBSOl.VELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP ~dI'ty OF BO~ffANI Section 1. - Tha.t th$re 18 her.by In:l14an4 ""'Bud on the al>8Ell38ed valuation It all the property Wi thin the r.1ty ot 13~.man, nGt ..xeml)t, tor the YlCU" 190e, .. tax ot Tin ll111s on e~ch 4.,,11..:r" thereottGr General and A4m~nlltratl.... purposu at. the lI/;1\id Oity ,auch tax to. bt tlr the purpou and tt'l bet di",- trl1mtEld !l.,S tollows, to-wH:- Gene'ral }'und. Three M111e. ,. Street :F'und, 'lhrt$ and Ont..RlJ\lt Millt1. r t Fire Fund, On. and One..q,Ufll"ter Milla. ........1....: Gttneral S1nklng Ji't1n4, on, M4 One..'ual"ter )(1118, I. I. WatElr ImprDveunent Fund, Ono lUll. Section 2. .. ThAt t.hlll" 18 hereby J.ev1ed &nd a.Ulued on the &88e..e4 valua.tion or all the property within the Oity of :Boze:rnan, no t eJtemp t, ,tor the Ylar 1906 fa tax .:1' '.two M:l.lle tn 'Mh Della.r thereof for IPecial PW"Po... ,f th, said Oity, '\lCh, tax to be tor the PUl"IIOSe and t. be 4:Lett'iimte. a. fOllow" tQ-wi t .1" Public 1..1braJ"Y, On. Mill. f ! ~ter Sinking Fund, On. ..111. t Section 3. .. That tho CUy Olerkbe, -.nd he 18 hereby ~. I.. instructed to certify Buoh lev,. of 1;ax..., .~.. th.Olerk and ,; Reoorder ot the county of Gallatin, Ita'_ .t Montana, to bt by , to b. " ~ . ...r..... u...-..c.___..~.........,.__.. L. .. - --..,. .. ,--,., ..". ~ II I: I! I: