HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 325 Creates Special Improvement District Number Nine :32t; I ,- r-, - 'i !i Ii " .Ii i.i ~ :'1 , I' II ~ O&Ul'fOIL KKBO'ttJTXON lrO. lID. -"'- <munG A sncLU. :DO:ROVlMENT DISTIUOT )I('1R TRI ;pn.POSE 'OJ' OONSTRUC'J;'XNGOONmUilTE SlDDAl,J($. Q:R08SW"ALXS, AND CURBS,' GRAD.. IlIl'GA:N'.TJ....SI1lDXM 7.Al'u<:nms ON BOTtI SIMS OJ!' LnlDL1:Y PJ.JAOE WITHIN 1'D BOUID;l.AJ'ty LDiJIIO:r BAlD DISTRICT xx TD aIrY OF :BODMAN. . . count U GAJ..1.A.7.'IN..81'ADOc1!' .JWI'.t'AN'.A., U'NDJIR AUTR01UTYAND IN COBJ'ORI:tn Wlnt TO PROVIBIGJrS01' SEOTIONS WO. 10 TO S. nrCLn~. ( 8lV11 ,"HOUD 11m 10. .... or 1'IllI PlY!!! ~m _LY OF THX STA.n OF MO:NT.\N.A, ~OV:B:D lfAROH 8'l'1!f AMl!:NDED. --- :all Ix RESOLVJID:BY TltI OIn OOUNCIl. OJ' 'r:HlI dI'l'Y 0., ROmAN: &.cthnl. ... That a.'p.o1t'1.1 1l:11'Jro.,.ment D1.tr 1ctttr' 'hit ''lll''P,..' of _k1~g oerta1n :Lapr&yem.enta h.re1n&f.ter "1"" par-Uou'" ,l*rly ct."erib.4, lIle and th-. .&me 18 hereby oreate4; the 81Ul1ill1 t t. "kRown an44el31gnate. 611.8 SpU1,!\J. IaI)rOY~m4!lnt I>1atr1ot No. 9 t .1th. City ot :Bo-"man, C'unr;y Or Gallatin, Stat.. ot Montana, ter,the con.truotton o't oonoret. alcl....lk., cro'I_Ut. Md eU1"'bl, 8f'''41ng Nl4 ...d1ngparldnca. SecUon I. .. ~t -.h. b0\1ft4~,~1'1ea ot ..14 Special Impr()ve.. ..nt DUtr1.t )to. , :.an h.nb7 "..crib." ...ton.wa. b...w1t: lkg;LU111nc_t _,.111" 1n. th...ftterl1ntd _,t 011V't .'rt.t 160 '.et. ...t .tthe,z'Mnthn .t the, ....t olin. O~,\Ltnd... ley Place. Theno. .,nth a.long ...id lint pa.raUelwith the. fUUt ~1n. of &~4 L~ndley ~l~. and 140 teet .a.t .r th~ same ti the oenter ot East Kooh .treat. Thenc. wont along 1/'1.14 Q~nter Hne of :maat Kooh .treet I- to the inter..otion wUh the .xtension ot the Genter lin. ot the all'7 In Ilook .A, of' Lin41.;yt &, G'V". a4d1tbn. Thenee north , t.-:the o.'nter" Un. ot :Ia.t O11yt.atr..t. i' I' I 'II II " I II Ii II II i: :1 , 1; if i, 'I .... .. - !i I, 'rheno. ...., ~... la14.,nttrlJM .t :aut on,;. streti il," 1'.0 the p1Jt.Oe ofhe,1nn:\.llg. Seotion 3. -That the OhU"'Mter ,1: 'tM1MP1"O.,..,.fltitl..m.ioli are to bt mad.t w1t1ilR 8..14,Xmpron-nt Dletr1l')t 9,.,.4....$..1 , . 'iii"."','; ~ ... toll...: 'th. 00netru.ot!c,rl ot a canor.t. ,i._walk ..I ounttn 'bath 814.. of add L11'14i,y Placfl, t,h.(Sl"ad1n~. I\l'i.d seeding ot.l4:11." pa-rking And suoh gradlns ...mAY 'b. MMBeatyto platte th4t pt.t.er'. and rOM-Y to the.,t.bUshe. st'.w.e,.1ih' oonstruot1on ..4tf ,conor..' oro Bs....lkll Mro88 M.ndlfty 1'l&oe at ...o:h end. the",ot. Said walk IMU bo 4 tut itrwidth plMe" n.xt '0 t')it prapfl1".ty 11ne J the Qurb to 'tn! pla.oeti6 t.et 1'1"- 0\1:te14e ..4_ of walk. tel :face of ow-b" 'lh' walk Jlhal1 b. bunt of oqnotet. plaO.e" en .. sraTe1 teundat1cm in ...cor4anoe \f1 th ttJ;..pefJ1:f10a- tionl tor oonorete .,..lkt bu.U:tUlPlAH _4 la\awn .. ,..1'. 'Work. .An ..ppro.x1lUt.. ..t:l.ae.t,'of th. OOlt let,. .on.tr~.t1nc orU8"",lk' and sr~d1n8<<'Iltt.r. ."nd 'tOM"" .110.00 ",,0 ...>r-14 tor b~r the 01 ty · . 'Rho &Ppn:x.UllLtG O()8t of thtt work ",0 be pa1dt0" by the property own41r8 18 a. folloW1: For al1e1cl8walkIJ, o\lrb8, srft,(u,ng ancl .eeding '!;ht parking ...nd ~e oonneotion \Ulcl pU.oinB: ()~ ,trut ",uhers tot.. .p,.~nk.11rlg ist2,500. Total :r.ront~e 1.'6 tut, .akin" probA'hU COI' $1.66 per teot. SeoUol) ". .. That th4l ent1re OOlit of ....14ollJ"btns ",n4 .1il." walleS shaUb. 'borne anA 'P..t4. for' by the ,ntire D18't%'1ot herein" betore or.~t.d ancl d..aribe4: .aoh lot ,1" ~aro.l of lart.w1th. tnaa14 418tr1tt to ". ........4 tor 't;'hat pl1loTte.f the whole ooat eara t. the ..... W)>.ioh 1'. er."l!"f the .ntir. di..riot. _'".1" ,of >h. ........ a.lley8l1l.nd pub 110 plaOU; tliat ~h. .ntir. c,o.to't grM1nS .a14 ..... LtNl'Y' Place Nld cuu.t ~,r oTcH,..lka 1l.1;.1ntlllr8e.uns.tr..tt andwlth1n.a.i4 Im.I)r(lfl1.Uf#brt>'\lt:r'lot No. '_ pan be'bornt an4 paid for by .th'01.t".~"Ih..~.1.:!'+;' and expC!ln.. 1ncurre d. 1n t:l*k1n6"'"""4)1 Im'pr0ftM 1'1t n1.~ ~1ot N'~. 9 "hf4l1 bt pa,14 I --- - - -:,;~~~~~~;,;~,~~:;;:~~~~_.._-~ :~::.;....~~J~~!::.5:"!::~.h,-~~. .~:..!~(~~~~;i~Ei~~;} ~t .. $ ... . \ 'by 81'801&1 improvemen" WM"rlU1t' drawn ap1nH't atun<1 to 'bt known and4eei,nate4 li\' "Spfio1Al IIlprn'E1lUn1;.D18triot Jlo. 9 '1un4", .' an4 .uch ..:rra.nt. .1~.ll, 4ra.w l1aplt. tnt.r..t at th41 rAte of /') pi)' ten" plr ann_. ,uGh Snit""" tr(la the 4..'foe of the re.g;t.... tra.tion' of1ihe warr..ntlhall " (Junaid.re" .. J1lArt of the colt ,r .- .at4 tmpro~nt.; tJ:tat. 1rh. OO.tt&nd. .xp.n.... .f lUlU blproye.. ..nt. w1thin.a:L4d.iBt.t1C1. 8hAll b. 4etr.ye4 bY' IpflCi1:oJ. ........ . thats'..Ua.......'... . mlIlntj4"hall be pall in 1nstil.llmUI". IIm<'l that.. the ~n't8 of sa.1d lnat6\llxneuta 1Il1.iil.ll extend. Clive!" .. period of ,5 yea-no Section 6.- 'rhli4t .w:onda.y, ihe 2nd dAY of JulY, A. D., 1906, at '7: 30 p~ M. be, and. 'th4t 8'" 11 hereby ...lgna.ted. ... the! t..im~, and theCo\U'1oUChUber in the 'city or Bofteman. &6 t:h~Illaoe, wwtn aM. wheread4 oounoll of ..14 City nll 'b. in uldon And .. . ..tUh'V obJeot1&n. ~"&Il7, to th..tlnal plll.lll8f4.gftNlc.\ ,,(lop Hoft of thlli ruolut.iona And ,""7 p.r.on or ,01"'110n. who An agent. er owner. of any lot or parQel ot land within .a14 ImprQva~nt I: Dhtrlot ,hall a\....14 U.m. an4 plaoe, hAT. the right, to I: . " &.P11ear at a31d too,ting, either in per'Qnor by oflnmse1 an4lthow ,I II oause. it Is\ny thtu', be, whY th. :tJnpro'Y8tutrit. 'ment,10l'll'lc\,hl'lJ"Ed.rl, shall not be lJlol:\de, or w;b.J thh re.oluUQJ1 shall nnt bill t1n6\J.lY' &4opte4. .' &eo tion 6. .. %hat the 011.y Cbrk be, N\. h. 1. h.r.b7 instruoted by the CUy Couno1l to' h""'" thh I''lt801nt:1.on pnbliwh.4 1ntbeR.pUb110An-OoUr'1er, . ....pa,." pu~li8n" in the Cit,~ of BOHman in one ta... th'r'liIot; not 1... \hI.n t1:v. clays before the dAte let to"hJ~1ng obJeotien. to the final adoption of tlJe r..olu"1on. ,..01ar'. Seot.ion '1. - !ha1 1 t 1. h.:r''byA I I.. '1'.0 bfl the 1n1';.n~iOn Gt sa.Ul 0ity Oounoll ~.finu.lly&d.o.pt th18 r~uJollltion on the 2nd d"y of :u1y, A. D. 1906, at.aid m~..t1ns of the O<mnQll. w1.l18 obj.'Jf.10n. are Melt th.reto ft.t 1$I,1d time by ownera or agen ts. represft tine more f,llf\n or\ft..half in arwa. or all the prep.. .rty wh~o~ would be a......flel 1;9 dw:rrl'l.J" the Q()f1t flf IA'-d Ul.pr"T.'" JUnts. ! ,_~,,~_'~~^"..,","', ,~w;"",." ,".u,._~_~_. ~,,_,,:,:,,~,.. .,"~..,,"~, , ,.,. ............ _.. ~ I . ! 1*...4 Jun, 21ft;' 1906. APproved .runt 21.t 1906. W', . . . . . . Ii Ii . . . . . . . . t'. . . . .'. .'. . . " t' . . · . · . A 0 'Un. Jf&1Qr. . . . . " . " .. . f .. . . . . ...iII . . .. . .. . . . . Cit~ Clerk, 'f)ro. Tem. ..... pub 11111.4 11me16 th 19 F1n~lly p.....t. ,Tuly24 1906. .r1.l1y 24 1906 Jbj · · · ".. . . . . It ,It . . . . . . . .' . . . . . .' . " . · · · · AoUngxayor. ........".....,......... ."11_." Oity Olerk. 1 --- flta tt of )!cm1ama, ) \ ss. County of Gallatin. . I ,;rU8t1nll~ sm1th, 01tyoa..rk of th, 01~ ot Bozeman, 8a14 CQtmty ,101\4eta.te, 40 h.r.~'.rt1b$hl.t t1w ~..,.... annexed and forego1ngOo1moll RUC'llut1on Jrl. '-wall p.....4 b;r the 01 ty CQunoil of the 'a1d 01 ty on t.ht 2bt4ay of J'l,m' 1900 and. wa.8 duly approved. by the Aoting H....r, :So W. Xing,ot ...14 City on that 4:Lte; that ,dd oounOll :RuoluUen )il(l. 32ft"ae publ1she4 in the Republioan-oourier, a.emi-weekly newepap"r, print.d and. p'ibl1eh('l1l in the .a14,Olt)', in on.1..ue ther.o:r, , to-wit ~m the 26th d.M.Y of .;l'lme, ,A. D. 1906, Whioh d.at. ft. .. leaat, tivt 4fty' betore.d4 d.RY 01 h.t\l"1ng, ..,r"u1r.4\)Y ( S$Ct1on .. crt Chapter CXXlll otthe lan of 1903 of the State ot Montana; that eat.. Oouncll ~"QlUUon}1'.. $JUS ".. finally pan.d. by. the ,.1.4 01 tr counQi1 et .a14 01 t7 on the 2d 4ay of u ,A. D. 1906 and. that' the .atlUl was t:S:na11,- approTe4 by the ting lIAYOT, .. ".King, Kr..1dent .t th.. ,a14 OUyo1moll, n tht 24 ..y {It 3'u11', A.. 19M. . IIJ WITIOI8S -.-mlI'. I . bon .0 ~ Ut1.Xed. the.t..l of ,tlie Oity :80' n... . 44 A. D. 1906. ;, .,-.......,.. .'... .,.'. ..,..,.... .'... \ . ca.ty Ol'rk~ i. * ~' "