HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 323 Creates Special Improvement District Number Eight
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COU.Ncn RES01U'l'ION NO. :523
GRAJ'!J) A VEJlHm , somE I WITE! ~ 1.'LE }1(T)}iDARY I,I1ms OT-' ~OAID DIS-
~en 1:';'1 , IN TIm GUY Q:t, n07,}:MH, Conwl'Y OJ:' GAJJIATIN, STATE OF
O};1 f)}WT:f07S EO. 30 TO 34, nrGLrJSIVJt~ , OF lIOUs]; BUI, NO. 204,
Oi,' '.rID;; !"IFl'H IJ;;GUa.A'l'IVR ASSE]{mJY OJ<' TIjJ;; STNCJ;; OF Mmri'AJTA,
kf']'nOVJJD MA.T/en 8th, 1897, AS 1.}',};J1JJ:F.'D. !
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:B}~ IT jUJSOLVJ;:n }'l'V TIm CI'L'Y comrCIL OF l'H:F1 C!1'YOF BOZI<i]\I:AN:
Seor,lon 1. - 'j,'hat 4 S:peci"l Improvement Distf,iot for th~
purpose of Jrl",k1ng oe1:"1;,,111 improvements, hereinafter .mor~ par-
ticul".rl:lT described, be d.nd th,~ same is here1w crefi ted, %h.
af.me to oe . nOWrl ..nd d,J iOignated ...s Special ImproTdI1lentD1s..
trio',; No. g, of the C~" t;y of :80;:;01'I..n, r,onnty o-r Gallatin, .
S 1;" tEl of ,ton;, ,nit, for th.) COnfnf'UC :;:1.011 of COncr(~'I;e 8i,dewalka
li<.nd. 9urb s; .
Sention ~ Th,J.t the houndarles o:f' saie!, Special Imrrove-
1I.en', Dibtr :.ct r:'o. [) are hereby deI3cr:n,ed as follows, to-wit: ..
,Be<;inn:ing ':~ a po1.nt in the Ml'lter line of weat Eabcook
street \Vhe'r'" the a ame ie 1ntersect;ed by the extenBion of' the
center line of the Alley in ,Block E of Alderson's Addition to
:;he City of }ioZl:ilflc<.n, t}Hmce south ....long ,the cent.er l:l,ne of
s;;:.id Alley u.nd ~he Axtension of 'th~ sowne to the ce tel" line
of west College Street;
Thenoe ,'\f"'st along the ce"te2' line of s 1d west College
Street to the extension of the Alley in Block C of Alderson's
AxnendxMnt to '~.,io.irview Addition to the City of' Bozema.n;
'i.'henop. nart.h ""long the oenter lir,e of' s'J.id. Alley and the
extension of the Sa.rne to 'the center line of s4id west Babcock
;,:'~;:.:..'l';:,":N:'~.;::-.~!~~~';<:"".;i~:,:...Vt;. :'~.:'~:" ....,'. ",'...". ~",.
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.. 2 -
Thence east along the Cfnt(~r l~.ne of fluj d West :;:1,11 cock
Street to th~ rlac~ of beginning.
Se ct ion ;:'," - 'r:tlf.ct the character of th,e lmproV'elflfln ts
whi ell f~re 'to liEl rrlhde w:i.l,hjn said Sp.;c:c:lt';.l Im'J,rov"'''.Ien~ T15.si,rict
No. 8 ,u"edescr1b8d l'l.S follows, to-wi't:
The construe t:i.or;, of a concrete s:Lclew..lk and curl; on both
side s of sldd Grand Avenl1e, South, W;L ~;h:\n the 'h(nmdary lines
of said District;
Said concrete sidel"(,:llk to he five ( 5) feet In wj,d1~h,
pll:\.ced O11e (1) foct from, the rrof;ar';y line to the I nGid,,: edge
Said cou-orete curb t.obe fjve (fi) ino},eS by eighteen (18)
inches,. IJln.ced four (4) feet from the outside ectg~ of s~id
sldewnlk to the 1'ites) or outsi(te 811rf40e, ot Gelid Cl,r"h.
Bection 4:. - T11.<.1,1; tIle upl.roxill1."te astim,.te of the nost of
the improVel'mntll to be r.md" w1 "hin B....1d SlJeci~l L::,,>rovement
Distriot No. 8 is a" fOl1owfl ,l;o-vd,,,:
:fl'or 00l1Gtr1lcUng a.ll connrete aide-m;l.lk [U)d 0\11'1') the co at
of wbi c11. is' to be borne and p,d",d f OJ' b~1 the pl'O I"'Tty owne rs
wi thin thn bnl"l"l(ln.r:te r.; of std.d Jhstr~_ ct., e787e. pO.
Total fronl;age In :,h:in sEd.d D;l.strict 4 ,2~(3 feet j ffiaJ!,.lng
the proln"-hle coat. 1.83 4/10 per front foot.
Serlt:l.on 5" - Th;~t t1:..8 Emi;ire COpi, and eXi)cnse of si~j_d
ccncrete .ide..1< and curb ~rrte ."" PC'd for by
the entire District, he1"31. ... ,et.ted c\nd dAecril1ed) each
lot, or parcel, of land witllin 6"io. Irnprover,ent District No.8
to be ;;1ssesfJe4 fot that p,;,rt of tIle ~.rho Ie coe: t w~';j.ch i tfl area
'bears till the, area of the ,'In ~,ire nia trtct, e:x;ol1u;::'ve of streets,
El.1J.e;rs and l'U 110 p!;;:j,CEl E;
That ~l c:.t and ,ex,.."" ~n":'rr~rU'tin". ..id
Ooncret,e sldew..lks ana curl)l!!l, ..,lert.in..,. ,. , forth, Ll said
Speoial Improvement Die tri<lt 'No. 8 511;:;.11 be prLid for by Speoial
Illil";rovement W Trant~ j dn,wn l!l,ga1nst a. fundtc be known and
design<tteld ...8 SpecL1,l Impro'V'el!;en t District No.8 Fund:
Warra.nts shall draw a sill.pIe 1ntprezt u.t the rate of six per
. . .. :":"Z.i:.",,;,~.. :;.~ ""'Ii.,',::"..::" ::'.~'.':~.>;';"::""'':'':;~~'''''':0;.;.liJ:.~~~~ ,.Jl--1..~';.~~.......~:...u~- ;':I,j"'. ..
- 3 -
oant per annum; suoh intereat from the dt.te of the registration,
of the Warra.nt until the first payment becomee delin'iuent
shall be oonsidered a part ,!f'the cost of. said ooncrete side-
walke and cur1)s; 1,hat the cost limd expense of oonstruct ing
auid oor-orete sid. walks a.nd ourbs Sllall be defra.yed by speoial
lO.beeSsmentj tha.t . the payment sh,Ul be made in inati:l..).lments
~~nd that thI'J pi;l.yment of said inatallments s}u..ll extend over
a feriod of five ~'-e,;rli; th~l.t the first l)l:',yaent ahb,11 bfl for
one-sixth of the tot,al aS8essment i' tha.t npon all ptlyrncmts, ..
after the first, the City Trec\8urer shall collect s1l!lj,le
interest at the rate of. six :per cen"~ per I3i"nnlll'll. from the date
~rhen the flrst payment becomes delinquent ~nd shall recedve
p~y.lUen t 1n f.ull and gi VEl reee:tpts therefor fer thee1ntire tax
on &~y property with interest to the dn.teof payment, a.t a.ny
,lme the same m{,y be tflnderect by t1:e OW!ler or agent t -tha.t when
on!'! payment becomes delinquent the wholt1 1,U shall beoome 80,.
&.nd i.he property sh",ll be sold &s other property for (;a.x.e s .
Section 6. - Tha. t ~ehur sda.y , the 7th day Of Jt+mr, A. D.
1905, at 11:00 p. M. of the sa.id day be ~nd the same is h.erebY
deBigm.\t~1d as the time tu:d the Counoil ClHl.:mher in the 'Ci.ty of'
Bozeman <-1.8 the l'l<~oe, when and wht:1rf1 s,l.1d Cit~1 Co,'ncH of said
0:1- ty will be in se ss:i.on and will he,,,r ob)ections ~ it any, to
t}lt~ :r :inal pa8f!age .md l'.i.dortion of true reaolutio.," i and a.n~r
Jjl3ri3(Jn, or llerfions, "'1':0 are ac;ents or ownera of any lot or
pa.rcel of la.nd within said Special Improvement District 110. a
sl:all, at 8b,id 'Ume and rL'l.ce, }w,ve the rt.ght; to ap!ier"r ei tb.er
in person or by counsel andsho>y ca1lSfl, j.f' any there be)J why
the ccncrete sidewn.lks ll.nd curbs mentioned herein sl'll\ll not
be ccnstr",cted, or whyhhis resolution sha.1J. not be finr:l.lly
p0l.8sed and H,dopted.
S~ot~.on 7. - Tha. t; .the01 t y Clerk b l'J , a.nd he is, hereby
i!U3 rl;:(:~,ed by +-he City Council to he:" this Resolution pl1b-
lir,l1ed j.n a ,weekly newspaper, printed and pub1:1she4, in the
City- of :Do21emnn, to-wit, the Republ iean-Courter, 1..11 onlil issue
_. '0",","'"""'_'0
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- 4 .
ther,~ot. not lesd tho.n five da~C$ bf;fore the dat.e gp,r; for the
he ring of objectlo{lS 1;0 the flu...l p':;"13sage ar:d ,;:,d6:-.r,jon (If
this resolution.
Section 8.- That His hereby declared to 'he the
:intention of s$ddCity CO'lmcil tofina.lJy pas;; a.nd adopt i,h1s
Resolution on t.he 7th da.y of .l\ma, A. D., 1906, at Baid
session of thes.tid Git~' COlmoi'l, nnless objeci,~.()nB I:'l.re ma41
tlJe:rato at s,de! 1;:Lm€l I'.nd plnoe 'by own~rf.l or' ~tE\'er\T,a repreBenting
more tlul.ll one ";7half "in ares. of &.11 the property ,'''-thin said
Sllec~,.~l IIl1l'r(IVemeII!; District No. B ~1hich would be Q.sseS8ed 1;()
defray the coa'; of said 90ncrete s:l.dewallul ,me1 curbs.
PM.sp.d . . :MhY 17th, ].(JOC.
~ffa.'r 17'r\ 1000.
... r' I,...~", ,
Oi tj~ -z. '2-1::.- /~d
'Find Pf~SSu.ge .. lune 7~h, 1906.
Ad.option . . ,Tune 7th, 1906.
! Attest
. -,._- -.. -. ----..
Stlil.te o't MontlU1A, )
) SS.
Oounty o't GAll"tin, )
T' Just!n X. Smtih, 01tYOlerk of. the City of
!e.zel7lan,. sa 1d. Cc:mnty m d. Stah, do hereby Olrt1f'y that the
anne_do and toregOing aotlnon Resolution NC). 323 'Va" pa..et by
the OHYOounO:ll of.' the ..aid City on the 17th day of. ]Jay, A. n.
1906 and was dUly approved by the !~Yor of' ,a14 ~1ty on that
....; that .at. 0'''>1011 H..Glutt.n "'. """ .... ."bl1.h.. in tile
"'PUblioan-Courier, a semi-weekly ntwapa.pttr, pr1ntie4 11n4
publh~cl in the .a1d City ot :Boa.,ma.n,1n on. hlu. th8reo:t',.
to-wit en the 2U clay flr May, A.. D. 1906,wh1oh dH.t,e W6l.e at
le"st tiv, days befor' 8a14 day othea!"1ng, as re(!u11"ecl b;y
Seotion .. of Chapt.r CXX1U of the laws of' 1903 ot the Bt IAt, or
MQntana, that the .a1d C1t.y Counoll :t:lnallypaue4 8~i4
Oounol1 Re'elUtion :Wt.32J on th, 7th day ot .rune, A. D. 1906
and that the lame was t1nally 6pproved hy the }fAyor or .a14
Clty on th, 7t~ clay ot 31me, A. ~. 1906.
l I~
· · . . .' 110 . i. 1110 ,:. ._. . . . . . . .' . . . . . ,. . . . .
' ~ CltYCltrk.
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