HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 322 Designates Places for Erection of Poles and Fixtures Upon Streets
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COtJJ'VU, ltUOLtJfIQJt' _.ua.
ACoUfto11 Re,olut1oft
<<es1gnat:1ng the plaeestor theer'Ot1on ot polu and tixture,
1n ..nd upon the strelllt., !LTenue8.. and alleyea!: th. e11;y of
BOa8lrlAlla to,. the pro:perconstructloJll and maintsnanoe 0-1 a
te1ephon.,yetem 1n 8&14 C1ty, and penn1tt1ft1 W. :tr.. 0"'_, hi,
lIluooe8lor. antl"'81gns, to er'flt luGh pOles and fixture. antl to
P1-.o. thene....a.r:r w1ru thereon tor the pJ"operconllltruoUon
an4 matft tenant. or the ... , and prov1cUngrel!ula.t1011a
COTIU''l1tag the eOR'VUtton an. .inttnano. of the ...14. Byat..,
_tel" author1ty an<<1ft oontorm1ty With the proTislon, of
"oUon #1800., thee1dlO... ot the Stat, of Montana. as
1'J'lIR:IAs, W. B. Crua'lt battled. with th. City (Jowon .,
the au,. of :loa.... .. written request that the .al.. City
Ccw.OU"..lgnai. the p1&celter the eW'eotlo'ft or pol.. an.
t.......... h .... upon 'ho s'rOo'o, ;::u.. .... al.lO,.. ot tho
aity of :e...:JQM tor the proper O()r'l tl"Uot1~n an4 -btenanoe
o~ a tel.phone,.yet.. In'a.tel. Oit,. and. ptrait the ...ecU'!.
ot ellfh pol" and. fut.ure. and. the plaoing of the n.....ary
.1,.... th.r.on'l tUl4.r authority and in oont'orm:l.t.y with the
;proT1liQnaot Sutton 11000 of the dhll C8d. or the st.~ or
...w.n.,.. --M'.,
..~RB, Be it 1'8.01,.., b,. the City COUftdl ot the
ou,. .'B..an,
SeoU.. 1.: Tha' b the de'lgnaU~n of' the pl..o.. tor the
IJ"e'Uon 0' the pol.. and. tutures in u4 u,pon the Itr"h,
a"'mIG'Nul alleY'S of the a"111l 01 ty 01 Bo8lll'U.R 4f!lr the I
oon.trl;loUon and malni.nuo..f the 111.1' telephon. ,yst..,
the toll.wing r.,uJ.a.Uona lha:U govern the OOnltrttot1on and.
Min ttRQ." ot $h'"",,,,.,,.,
.. ..-......,.'. ,.~'.;~~~,:,:.7~~i;;:~~~;;~'~~~~~::~~:~"~'::~;;;;:~~~'..,'n~.~...'.,_.,:,""~~~:~'_,', ',=,:~::~!~:~~:~~,:.~'~::';::':"':'
..n,., ',_,.,. ..""'.
..,UGal, That th. pel.. ..n.-. fiXtur.. h'l""'B1 ..tb4rl.....
to be ereot... 'hall 'b. 'rec~." and. plao." .t.,. th.' ..ir..tieD
of the C 11;1' _alnur-and. Stree t ComDd t tea; that upon 1:1 u.1n...
.torut. ,a14 pol.. .hall b,p14l0'4 three inohe. iRd.... tht
curb and upon ro81el.ne. streets and Il...,enue. six boh.. ine14.
the ourb and 1n a.U oases on the line 41 T141ncthe 10ta.o tar
aa th..ame Ill"Y b. praotloabl_; thl/l.t in all.....' wh.re sa14
pol.. art placed in the alley. they Ihilloll b41 pl....~ un.ar the
det., ihe...et.. praOtioable and in 6uoh .. manae..' 'a. to
Clooa,10ll no unreasonable 1n40nvenienCle to the pu.lbl1G in the u..
ther.ot and to, the "'joining prOIlertyo-.er'rthatln n. ......
thall uyof the 18014 pol.. or fixture. be .0 placel .. to
- intertere with any .ewer or, any part 01 the <lrliio1nagt ,;v.t.-
or the eaid OU1'. or w1 th any St.' or _hr ..,11\ or pt.~ i
Se"U4n I' That all wtrelil,..xoe:pt .,"10. wir...l:Ilaoe4
on laid pol.. thall be maintained. at a h.ight 01 not 1"'. than
twenty"11Te teet. above the 814e_lk on Main st,...tan" net 18"
than t...ty t8.t above the s1dewli\lk on ,&1). ,o'ther .trest..
avenue. and. alley.. an4.hall, not be lees than twt:nty...t1Ttt te.t
f"1ll the lurface of any street, avenue or alley Wherev.r,at,
wir.. .hall oro.. an eleotrio ra11w&.y trolley ...1.., proTl11.4
that no wlru ahOoll be pla-ceel $0 So, ,to interfer" wtih the
proplrand auooe..tul opel"atiot:J at tnew1r.. ot ."ErT .th.,.
auoo1a.tion, corpoTation or1ndi'fi4ual;
eeoUon 4: '!'hat no poles or fj.,xtun, ,haJ.l be ,reot..4 0'1'
plao.d upon Ma1n street at any Ildnt "etwetJft RoUl' A....n_ uA;
Central Avenu. and no wires shall b. maintains' upon Maln
str..t betwe'n ...14 lallt twc named Avenue., .x..pt Where the
IlIolll..,l, neoessary to be etrun& in makinl the tI.Ulft.oUo" ot th.
aa1d Un or l1na, acru. ,814 M&ln at,.....,
7.1W1il~.iIi.- r I;.I"_~::':"~'~.~"_"'~"" .-... .M_' ,~~. ~,. ......."__..._.""....,,...__/."'........._,.. -
~ #3
.eCUon ,: 'fhat when exoavaUo!t 1. ma4. in any Itree t,
...enue or alls7tor the ereotton ot 8..14 pole., or tor any
purpoI' in oonneotion with the con.trucUon or ma1.nt.nanc. of
tA. la14 '1'_lepone .y.tem, ..oh .tre.t, ......nu. or a11'7 Ihall
bere,tQr.. to ita tormer oond.itto" without unneo..eary 411.,-
an4 at the eJ(penS€a of the 81:\14 W. R. Crt., hi. IUClo..aor. or
lhotion 6: !hat, bef.ore an~ of the pol', or f1xtur..,
herein prodded to b.enoted., shl!lJ.l be e,..o",' or plac.', the "
aaid ~. H. Oi'umb, hi.s suecnsorll or ael'1gn8, thai~"fll' wlth
the City Engineer a map or plat ehowing the streett, avenue.
and alleys ln and. ul'on whlch ./iti' PQl.. and fb:tW"e. are to
erected. and placet and the pod tion ot the ..., &on4 ~o polu
or future,' shall be ereoted or pla.e. nntll 8fl,14 map or pld
has been 69 tlleaand appro",e<< by the 01 t.y Engin..r anel 8'lU".et
CQmlD;1t tee ;
Seot.lon 7:-That the .ald. W. R. l'}rUlab, hi. .ullt.easor. and
....'gn.. shall at all times,when e. ",queete" by the Oity
Counoll. permit said pales S\.nd fixture. to be u.ed. for' the
PUf'POI. of plao1ng a.rid JU.intai,n1n<< .th.r.on any polioe telephone
ort1!-0 alarm wiree,. whioh m&jr b. n801.'''ry tort;h. police 0"
flre ..~pa.rtll'l&:n ts of uld Oity of' :Bozeman ,r.... of ,harge,
proTide' tha.t the operation and malntenan" or any IUGh poli".
and tire 1N1ru she.l\. in no way int.erfere 11'1 th the proper
"tration of the ~d.ph.On. IYlt.,1e b. eon.truote' an'
i, malataine4 by the eaU 1ft Jr., Ortalb, hi, .UG....or.M' ...a1gnlj
'i' $ution 8: That the Cit.y at Do_.. !uJr'eby r...rn. the
I r~_t. to Or'48",a.n4' .ntorce the ........U or thuse ot 1..ath.
II .'fany and all pol.. and.t:lxturn ,,..ot., by Tirtue ot the
Ii . . pl'o."a1ol1lo1" th11 Re,01utihn ...1'1...... 1 t h n.o....,.,. to.., a.
4 tor the blnetit .t 11M CU~ .t :lo>>...n, an.." re.val or
thanS' of lOGaUQn ,hAll b, ma4tat the ,splnae of th. ...14.
'l'41t. Cr-..b, hb .UOO....l". .... a..ign. j
~~""'~~~H~~"_~.____~~_~~._"~_~~_~~__ ,-
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,..._,..1....". ~,~......._-,,,.
S'OU.a 9: The City of 1\o....n furth.rre.''''''' the t1.g)l.t
to out a'lf&1 and. rimlo," any polu, fixture. or ,,,IT...r..te<<,
, '
by ..,.:lrtu. of 'the provisione of this R8t101uthl1. 1fhen.v.r. 1Jt
o&.e 01 confl.agra.tion auch Out tinga_y or' rlmo'YIolahA11 "'0'"
net...aryj an4 thl!t City of. ~oalllma.n shall not bt Hable or II!
an'JV$1"a'ble for anY' damage coca.eione4 by the o\ttttng away or II'
removal of a.ny }lole6. fixt.ure. or wire. 80 out "-1' or i!1
removed; Iii
SflotionlO; That the said. W. K. Orum'b.. hh ,noee.aore an4 ..'" :il
ul.ud.gnfl, ahall furnish free of oharge, Milt or eX-pene_ to tn_ III
City ot'BozemanldurlnB the period of the operatton of the laU., I
televhone system, six telephones for the use of the la14dlty; i
section 11: That the Batt W. H. crumb. hi,s IIUColnOra and
(l,l>llllgna, 81'11411 prClte~t ant ,uw~ h..-.l..- t.h. CHy ot 1)ozeuum
from. any I>.nd all lou, ~am(:tge or coats that mAY re.",lt or thal..
the Sl.l.1d Oity may be' oompelled to p. by rea.on of the I
ooni'ltruotion and maintenanoe 0'. ,ai4 tel.phone .yet.. uut
shall :f'urni~h the said eityor ,,13oztlma.n a go04 and autfh1ent
bond. in the .sum ot J'i'Ye Thousand Dolla.re ( t5,OOO.OO ) with \
8uretiu to be fA,pproved by the City Oouri,e.U ot said C:!.ty"
cond1 tioned as atorua.i4. And add bond. .h~11 be tiled.
und ~ocepted. before an~' work ehe.l1 begun under and by virtue
of this Re.olutlon~
Seotlon12: That the .reetlon of ~. pol.. and ~txture.
and the maintenanc, Qf the saU telephone .yst.m ahall at all
times and. in all ea"es. e,xoept as herein pro'fid.", be :1n
oompl1 ,anee vt1 t.h the rules, regulation. ana erdina.noe. ....1n
foro. or' which mAY hereafter b, M.opte4. from time to time by the
CUy counoil of the .Oit7 .t JloM-.n, proyi.... that 'the ",..d.4.
polu shall upon the request 9t the ..14etty oounc11 \lek.pt
...... e4 Vay 17 th. 1.06.
Appro... 4:M:a1'l'th ltoe.
Attest: . dv
--.-.----.. .".- -....
stat.,t Xontana, )
) SSe
Oounty ot GallaUn, )
1, Justin M. Smith, City Clerk ot the
Oityot BOdman,taU oount.y and State, hereby aeruty that
the fongoing oounoil Re.o1ut10n No. 32& wa. pat.ed by the
Oity Coun~11 ot the ,ald Oity on the 17th day of yay, A. D.
1906 and wa. appro..... li. ...U. 4aw by lI. ". Kina, p1"uUtnt of'
sa:l.el d1ty Oounoil, Acting .ayor on thai elatei that the .a14
oounoU 'R~. $22. was pllbl1Bh1d in the Rtpllblinan-
cour1er,~we'k1y newl-papeJ', printed and. publ1ehe' 1n the
,aU. Oi ty of :Bozeman, 1n one 1saue then of , to-wit on the
224 day of "aY, it.. D. 1906, .1 re qui red by or41anOl an4 law.
IN WI'tNlISS lIRERROJI', t ha. hereunto ..10 'lItY nan4 and
. .'. . ., . . . . . . . . . Ii,. III II .. III , II II III . , . III . · .
City Cl.rk.