HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 320 Amends Sub Section 8 and 15 and Adds Sub Section 30 to Section 2; Amends Sections 3 and 9, Ordinance 201 ~Ot) -~.,,--,. ,.J. ~ ~ "i'"" ~ ORDINANCm NO. 320, ~ ..*.. {- AN ORDnTA~rCE II ~!DING sun..SECTIONn 8 and 15 OF, AITD ADDING Alr ADDITIONAL SUB-SECTION TO, SJ1lCT!ON 2; AND AM:El'IDrNG SECTImTS 3 and 9, O'F J ORD!NANCE NO .101, ]jNTIT1.ED · M!SCEU~ifF..oU5 UCJ<1NSES, AND PROVISIONS FOR PREVJiJ.TTING TIm SAJ~ OF UQnORS TO :MINORS AIm OTH]1RS, AND THE sALE OF ADtn,'XERATED UQ.UORS, AS ''lEJ,L AS PRO- .' ... C) ..VIDING FOB CO:NDITIm;rS tJNj)JID vmICH 1,IC1nmRS ~I,AYEE R1<iFUSKD OR J!;t REVOKED, A1A-lO PE'NAJ.TIEfi FOR TU? mmAC;H OF '.mls ORDINANCE." .. I -*- BE IT ORDAINED rY ~rHE CITY 001nmn OF TIm CITY OF BOZEMAN: I Seotion 1: That sub-sftCti,on 8 of seo't:toTl 2 at ordina.noe NO. 201 be and the same 1M h.r.by atl:i.nded ta r4'!a.d a.s follows, to-vii t: " Eighth:- All keepers of livery and teed st,ables sha.ll pa.y 6>1. liCense of' $5.00 per quarteT; ",nd all keef;ers of h&.y yards or corrala for feeding r-;tock shall pay a IHHm.. of $3.00 ^'" per qU<4rter. Ea.-h omnibus, carria.ge, express wagon, tranl!l:hr~ +"".' and freight wagon ran for hire or profi 1; shall pay ~~ lioense of $1.50. per tlUarter." Seotion 2: That sub-seotion 15 of Section 2 of ordinanoe No. 201 be and the iatU$ is hereby lIlJllEmded to rea-lias follows, to-wit : " 'll'if'teenth;- Every person, firm or oorporation, who , ( d._ala in, lIelllll or otherwises dispOSft8, dirflctly or inClireotly, any s;o1r:t.touB, alCOholic, lTJAlt or vinous liquorR, in a.ny quant1ty less than tl. fluart,shall, before the tr."nsaotion ot such business, ~'hta.in a license for whioh he or theY8h$.11 pay the litlro of Two Rundrl'ld and "ift~r ( $250.00 ) Dollars for eaoh aU: month.., payable sem:i.-e-mnually in advanoe." Sect10n 3: That <'4n ad<lit1cmal Sub..SectiQn be <~nd the same i. hereby add,4 to seot:ton 201 orcU.mmce No. 201, tht lam. to be known ... Sub-Section 3e, and whiohahall r.a4 as folloW8, to-wit: " Thritifjt.h:- Any and &11 person or persons Who 40, engage in or oarry on, in the City of llozeman, the business or profession or oooupation ot a mAt41um, i.dnd teader, plI\lm1.t, -<. . ~ . RgOO"l!'\p! . "',. ~ I ".....".:"I!l ' , ,oJ""... Nn.,...._ p ~ / I l;rof'el>s:1,cn or oocu!,,&'t:lon ('If (~ medium, mind read,er, va-1mh t , I Cla,il'voyanj; or fortune t.eller, by l",tH1ne of p..lmillitP"'.r OJ" Qar48, or 4ny othtr me&n8 or d~v}ce, :;;hall !las t~ l.1oenrHl 01' ''''1ft,. Dol1arB ( ~5(').OO ) ]l~n' (J.1mrter in advanoe." i 8ect~on ~: That gection 3 of nrdlnanoe rD. 201bfl and thll' is lLe.re1Jy arrl('Jnd(~d to read aE, follows, to-wit: It Sect10n ~ sa'!J.~e 3:~ All licenleR erant~d und~r ~he provifflions 01' this Ordin~nce 5h~11 be for the period ot one 'luarter yea.r, except , I t1.S oi,herw;i$f."1 ht:lre~n N'ovidfld. Lic$nf;Elf\ "("Ja~r be i.I'Hmed to any corport.\t on, 11. 13 BO c1a t icn, of' 'oopari;nerahill engOl.ged tn an;y Qt the callings, vocations or business heT~ln named, the ',lc\me <.. ";.\V as .-< r;inele par/:lOIl l'i.ud :1"01'" the a&Il.le oha.r~e i bl1~; in no :.\.net"nee I '. .j' ;~, iih,_11 u.ny license gra.nt~d or inaued undol'" th~ prov:l.&:!.cJ1'l' 0'1 this Ordinance be H,IH;1gna.ble or trf:.\Tls:rerr,~.ble." r,ect;:'on 5: Thkt Section 9 of Ord1n~nce Po. 2(')). be an' 11M B,,!'''~,' idhereby .,r'l,ended to l'e(td !Hl 1'011('\"'18, to - wit : " Sect101!1 9:- .\ Y",." ,. ',~ () .7'1 () r' '--~,r:'J()ns , .~Bsoci~-<tbn , Co-r~).rt.nel"'sl1;tl) QT CMTol'c.';lohrrO!tl, whom <.i. I1GlHHHI 18 rrq.v,ired tmde:r t.hE(:..1)rov:t'1f~'" ;:;':\, OJ> i:.his Ord1:uilnoo, which l1cenM 1.$ hafl.ecl on th, funoun1; 01 , sales ,of 8uch person or per$om., &.8 ilOoi;" t ion, Qo"ptrt:ner.h:lpor cor pori...!; :~()rl, 3:h.;.11, 2t ',he 'Hmo th<>.ttht'l firatqu8.rterly license is gn:'!lted for elll.c}ll~nd eVer~r Jre~u~. rfle w:\tb tho V1ty Tro<.i.liW'er a at,~i;,emmit, under oath, aho1i\'in[; tht~ t,ot,al amount of the recB1pt~ of the bu~ineaB, in which' the f'l~d,d penson C)l' pe:so'1,~ , Ii-sHoch.tion, co-pa.rtnership or OOT"por/'\t1,on ia .."gage., for the prec~l!ldtne; yet:.r, and 0'.11 licElns~I3'gr~mted' tllerElatt."r for th... t year ahallbe based <m the amounto:!" TlIIO,eipt$1Io8 aet forth in atrilotement eo filed. And in C&.lIftfluch perEl"n, pers.na, aSijocia1:1on, co-partnership or oorpor~tion' or hilJo1" their agent .hall refuse 01" ,neglect to furnish aflitld stat.:r:nen'c, lIa1t r.ity Trfla~lll"'r ehl.tll ool),eot by lAW or Qth~rn,.. the W!1Qmtt ;he shall deem. tiue froJlliluoh p'l"son or pertemll. ..asoo~~t1on, oo-partnerf,lh11)OI.c~rrorat1on to ,the butiofh.1. '!itnowledg., -,:.._.,'",,",. !_._-,.~ II II I -, d' ' 'N / z: / ii, ,.. M"~1" ~ ii8~J:,~.. ..) Or mJ~i.l1l 0.._..-7.....- :'-"""'"""""''I1l~~r'A.:- V'.'lr:~I~~'~':'.~::'~~~~:~~1!-0i~''.~~:~~~,:~~.~:'~''C_~''-'?i"":";"';'i-",,,,:,,,~:__~.~~!~ . I "'dOll ........ .lo&11 .... )0 ....01....<< b- .- _~ or ...... II Whom he or they r.prt..nt.- J 5ftot1on .of:.. All ord1n&\nc:.. or p*,rh tt Ortu'nuo.. in :,~ Qon1'l1ctw1l1h theVTOv1..ior.a of. th18 ord1anon, ~re hfrltby ,..p~"l.d.) pl"4''d..d t:l'wl.t MJI'Ucum..<<ra.nt.., Un4,tl' tht Xu.oT181on. of. '~ny or4in&\nat hlrebyrII)I-.le<< or __"41. .hall re.1J11 1n . foroe tor thtt Umf suGh 1108n8' or l~o.n".. mIl1' haT' lu.en inn.d. i~'<:< ",':,:, "': ::'::-',:,,'\:,-:': Seotlon ?:.. '!'hU ord.lnanol .hall t&~ .tteot anlt 'b.1~ t,'l>',' I',',:':;: l/ . .. .. If f . .. 'I ..'. -: ,. ",". .. . . . .. . '. . ..' .... .. . 011:oy 01...11: . :hbUu(Il4.'AP,r-l1 ..t)! 1'... .;,iI" . ....ttua_ ,It ,'*11..... ..... ~. of .......... I '....,0&11411\" ',' ... t, .r1Ul~tR K. 81dt.h,.,tt.r ftltrk ." \h. U. ot:IlIt\"C1at4 c.".,.,~... 'th'';.'" .wtttrtM\ tbtt , ~.'i~' ........ ... ~.:Uet4 1ft '1\1 __U.o'.- ...tarl....~..,...17 ,Jur"J">>_, ~,.,... an_, ,1l.1't.... f.JIl ...', .~14 .t_~.'_~,.,.~ld. ... 8M .... '...,t:.. ., :,',:, ~t. ,-.~~i;'>" .." ot ...," ... ......... ,A. . J>>. ,..., "", ': .~' ,,:"~ I .........,,. '.d$.\1I...U ot....t\CUdt.'.. .. ..",iI'M b";..,r. \ / Dnm.j'''~p]; 1m," pr..to I.' ... "~ " "..," ", ,', ,,', ' " ~'.....- "" ..fJf. '1';;11. r. .t B~.__,tl1h .. '.... 01..' 419 '. i .L,',,"