HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 319 Appropriations for 1906
ORDINANCE NO. 3l~ *, .
-" -
Annual salary and AIl:r,ropriaUnn
ordina.nce for thl'! f.1so...l ~r'<l.r COl11!Ht'lnC:i.ng on th~ f5rst Monday
in May, 190t'i.
Be ji;ordi.1nftct by the Ci1,;y (';(!1m~LL of t;J1~ r;H> (>1' I107.(lrrlan:
ftection 1: TrLli\;t 1..r,. fdlllcHdng n.ln()un!;f; ")',,, l]p.I'er~r
aJTroprii.i;ed froml'.lH! (}MIf>T'.:.l ,.'und :for the fL,c,,1 Yf!Hr,
con.ul(~mcine on the fin;-I, Hond..~, j,r;, H.\~', 190;i, i-,o-w:U. :
Il-jt;:, T"ol' the Sa.1M'~' of 1'1hf} ],.~a~~:"o r. ~4. t ~"hp. ra r,f! of
'75.00 per quarter, :'~:'iOO. 00
2d: For i;he, &,..1""ri88 of sighl; Ald~r"n,,)1' "t I;}~ P. n. 'I; e
of IIOt, I'!xr.eedine; $ii.OO 6lach lAll'liWihh, ~ ,\70.00
3: For tLe sl:.li;l,ry of i;hf) C:i.:;,:' Cler:,.., ,'..nd A t;1;C)l'iley h t; the
;-11..t;<;)of' $HO.OO pflr mor~,h, .~9(i0. 00
41,.(1: "pC1T OffiCfl e-xpenb':Hl of U'.e ,;:i t;y .fl. t, 1;0 rn ~~r ,
!~20() . 00
f)i,h: .'or salary of t;he C:l.. ty 1I?rlu.B url'l r (j. i. i;hl'l rhtl'l of
~'75.00 per mcm1;};" ,f900.00
6th: For 'thu IH41a,ry of t.he PolicE'! 1,(,q~j.Ii;;n~te ,.t thEt
rat~ of $60.00 per month, (;7 ilO .0(\
71;h: FOrl;hf!Emlary of\J:hfl r;hjJ~f,of I'oJ.:'I()f) ,..t l,h~
rate of $100.00 pflr mon:;h, ;'IJ, ;;00.00
St!>: For 1;hE'l 8nl..~r:l.(-lH o.t trll"ftfl roJ.:\(:'.;tr.e~n al;l;hft
rate of \ff;-'fi.OO fIlaoh IE'll' mon1,lt, -,'\:~, 700.00
~th:For thl'l }J<'<;r of Regis1;r:/ Ae:::en!, ,,,.t; I,he ra'l,e of.
~;).OO per da~r fOl' If} d,.ys, $45,00
10 1;hFo l" 'l;}16 sal'l.r,y of thE! ,pmi 1;01' ,met ,TidIer ,..t thlll
n~te or ~t7t'i.Oo llo:"lr 1I1OnJ;h, :f':900.00
11th: For the fli;i.h.ry of the C:l.t,~T Fnglnt'!t1'!r at 1;he
rate of $75.00 per month, ~'ilOO.OO
12th: For oft ice exp~nBee of the r,:tt~r J~nein.eT,
I 13th: ll'or the.Alary of the Bflalilt Ot'th.r at the
rate of ~25.00 per month, $300.00 .
t ", 14th: For the salary of the s.xton at the rab ot
$25.00 per month, 1300.00
I 15th: FOT tM payment .'the S.xton of burial feu
'l <iI,t the rat. of :\5.00 per adult and $3.00 per ohild,
16th: For t.he salary 01;' t.h, KeepC'lTof the nump
Groundlll ..t the ratft of :1I::~5.0() peT quarter', tlOa.CO
l?th:- 'For the A.lary of the Plumbing Inspector at
the Tate 01' $25.00 per month,' 0300.06
18th: 1I'oT the salary of thfl MtUl.t and MllkIn'peotor
as per oontraot, MOO.OO
19th: For Fuel and Lights in City Hall and OVAra
Rouse, ~?50.00
20th: For printing and stationery $750.0C
2lst: For Tel><tirs of Publ10 B\aHdinga and
Furniture, $500.00
224: For Board of Prisoners, $100.00
, 234: For ~18cellaneouR expenses, t1"eo.CO
Sect10n 2: The tollow:l.ng amounh ATe hftreby appropriat.d
trom t;h. StreC'lt Fund, to-wit:
18t: For the 8alaJ"~r 01' the Streflt OomInIeslon.,. at
the rate of t,7l1'.00 per 1'10nth. $900.00
2d: For street LiBht8, ~4,AOO.OO
3d: Far ~J'unbar, Naillt. ~to. ' ~1,500.00,
. " J ,
4th: For'labor on street :\.roprOYC'lm.flnt8,$2,OOO~\O
seotion ~: The follQW'ing amounts 1i\.J'" h.r'bYjl'PP;~l)r1attlld,
trom the Fire Fund, to-wit :..1
, 1st: For the salary of the Chi.f of the ~it~
Departm.nt at the rate or $40.00 per month, $480 .00
2d: For t..h.~p.~/~;r of' the Fire Dtlpartm.nt at the
, $120.00
rAte ot .~~:88 per mof\. t..h,::'::(1'-" ,no
34: FOT pay of Drivers at' Fire Team, $960.00 i
~I $'750.GO
" 4th: For Misoellaneous expense., I
. ,~,:",~';:~::~;:,~~~~~;;;~-;:;;:w'7;:;;,:;;';;;;-~~:;-~~i~~!:iPi~;~~':~~_~~ _ =~:~~:~~ ... -~~~~~~~~.::==,::~-=-~~~-;;;!~i:3!f~::~~~f~~:€:~~0-=~::',~;':~;:~;;;~;;:;:~;;,..
Sootion 4~,Th, folloWlI.ngamountl are h,r'by ap~ropriat'4
from the Library Fund, to-wit:
l.t For tho .alary of,tht Librarian, A.a't Librarian,
.ran1tor, the purohase of book. and the 8upport a.nd maintenano.
ot t.he Publio Library, the Sl!lJl1I to bo .xpended under th,
d:tr~otion of t he Lihra.ry 1!oard., $2,600.0()
SeoUon 5: The following amounts are her,by appropriated f
from the Sinking ?nnd, to-wit:
1st: For th, paym.nt Gf the interest on the city
Ha.ll BoNIs, $1,1>50.00
Section 6: Th, f.ollow:tng amollnt8 fl.re h.reby appropriated
from the wat.r 'Fund, to-,'I;\, t:
let: t'or the sa.lary ot th, ",atfr Colleotor $.t thfl
rat. of t100.00 per month, $1,200.00
24 : For the salary of the Utlli ty l~a.n at the Ratti ot
$90.00 p.r month, $1,080.00
3d.: For misoellaneous .xp.n..., $1,500.00
8.ot:l.on 7: Th. follow~.ng "-mcnnh a.rlt hereby appropriat4td
from the ~ter Exhn810n Fund, to-wit:
lIt: For the flxteM10n of .:.Ater ,,<l.1n.,$1,OOO.00
SeoUon A: The folloWing ftDIOlmta ar, h.reby appropriat,d
from the water s:l.nk1ng Fund, tn-wU:
1st: For the pnymflnt of one years tnt.reRt onwatftr
Bonds, $8,250.00 1
S.oUon.; Thf.w1ng ~.~,~y .ppr..,riat.d .", I
from the Dog Fnn4 t ' -wi t: ." ~ ,;' I" ' I
.:'itf'., I
lBt: ~or thB "uriLl or d.84 dogB 'n4to.1i.an.or:~
exp.nstlil, , .. $50.00
~.ction 10: Thh Ord1ftal1Qt shall g9 into e/~ot ~a7 ?t~,--" k '.
UM. '
pass.d Karoh 15th 1906.
t. . "'I ~'- Ka)To r .
" . . . .. " .
Posted. March 16th
, ~~~-~-
... -.-".. ......,.r- ~,.
certU'lQate of C1t~r Clerk.
posting ordinano.' NO. ~l9 i.
sta.te of Menta-mo, ) i.l
) as.
couni;y of Oa.llliotin. )1
I. JUBtin M. Smith, City Clerk 01 t,he \i
City or Eozeman. said County and. ~ta.te, do hereby oertify that II
of the 1 th day of Ma.roh, A. D. 1906. I pOlite" fiveOClpiu il
of the a.bon and f'ore~Ung ord1nMo*, NO. ~19 t :I.n lin publiO II
a.nd oonspiouous pla-oes in the City of' Bozeman, .aid Count,y II
a.nd r,tlilote, to-wit: One (In the dQor of the Counoll (".hamb~r ot
the City Hall. one on the front,C}t;cilhe st"re building a.t JI'~.
41. Ea.s t, Mdn strM t. one on t.he 1)\111. tin b(lard in the unit." \.
St(:l.1,u post offioe j one on thebulleUn bortJ"d on the Avant-
"Courter Building and one on the bulletin boa.rd in the Court
I WI'I'NESS WIDiRROF. I !mV. hl'll"(!l11nto set I'
a.ffue4 i,he sed of
l~aroh, A. D. 1906.
..... . II...... ........ . . 11II. t . f>" .'. ·
City Clerk.