HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 319 Regulates Issuance of Saloon Licenses .......- --,-,--,..- .-. --...- , -~, .,. ~"" -~,~~~---~~~~._-~- =-~.'i"~"==- IllJi - ~-::i::''':,=::,:,. '7"--:'~-::'.'- . =:i:'"~~~.~~"".~"".,,.,,__~~~.':" '~ -, ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. ~19. AN 'ORDINANC1Il Il 'RftjG1n..ATING THE ISSUANCE 'OF SA1JOON :LICENSES WITHIN Tim ]JIMI'rS "'~f' ". OF TJtI!l CrTY' OF HOZlllMAN. I ,I ..* .. I BE IT ORDAIN.lID BY. T:n:m CITY C01mctrJ OF TIm OITY OF B07JllHAN': Stction 1: Thtlot tro. $.nd $.ftctr the P"U.B8 of t.h1l onU" ~ name, no l1oonS$8 tor the .ale of. 1nt0xio~t1nl liquor., with- in ~he lim.ite of' the CiP- of Boaoman, shall be granhd or 1.- sued exoept as h('lr~1n 'provided, Section 2:- That no aalo~n f.or the a~le ot 1ntoxiQat1ng liquors wi UD.n the 1:tmit8 o~~he ca';? G.' ~ueman 8Mlll)e 10" ,I ~. ca.te4 or l.Hltablhh.,a exoept on .Main Str...t, betw~4tn R01U', ~-, \};. Anm~ft on the E~ cmd Tracy AV6nu6 on '!oho W.at, oom!lr161tl8 ~ b100ks A,B,C,D,E and F of the or1sinal 'Xownlilit. (rr thlll City ", of Bo~emam:- Sect;10n 3:- That all appU<,:i..tions for the UOtnflet to sell intoxicaU,ng liq,uors w1thin t.hllt limits of the CHi of, Boztman shall be in writing O1.nd shall bfi subl'11tte4 tG t,}Je City' Coun- cil ot tho 8~id City of ~oaeman, said apv11oat10n shall 4.... ;. !gnat. the plane whtr41 Kuoh bU8:tneu lato 'ht e w-rl.c.t on , whioh ahall not, be in those portions of the sH.1dC1ty in!' wh10h intoxioating ,UqOOrl 18 prohiMte4 to b. 8014 by th1. ordina.noe f and shall d~11gnL\ t, the trUfl n6l.mf, or' name. ot ptJr- I son, applying for auoh :u.o6ne. to ocmduot 8u()h bullin....j tol:lat ."ol,:1.: applioation fo r 8uoh 11oen..e 8Mll lHt Aooompan1ed by a ,.titian otat l,mflt twenty t1ve pflro6nt of: the property own" 1irt'8 wi thin the bloak, Wherdn~aJl)On il.ought. to be I uta"hl1shed, rElqu.at1ng that l:tO(ln.. be grante4. \ Mt)() ":'''''::''~7'~!7E':'~;~~~;jt~?~~=:~~,~J~~",!{;::t.i,:,'':~~,~.~~':"'" "",",'::~':~,l<:,:,~:!.,,~!C:,,:,~""::"':~':":':":~'~" . .- ',"lj:'::::=C ' ~.~:~ '~, ~t":f:::t:':;~~:~~:-i:':.':,~"~,,~~!:!i~:~"!,,:::::.~~~~jc:: "Y:',"r.!:",'.I"T'~::~'~o::i::l"-;:e_~,:.'::~~J~,'~,'\~,::,,_ . Rep8D~od. by Ordinance No. d4.~ ,. r :1 :~!!~ :: - 5::' . Section 4:" ThH.t the C1ty Treasurer shall not reM1n f any money far 81.lDh Hoense, nor shall the en. ty Clerk tuue luoh Heena." lmluB the applioation th~r(tfor shal,l hil.vt t1r:t been approved by the s.tt 01 ty COlffiOU ~nd a HORnse ordertlc1 lesuCtd-. Station 5:. Thl'll:; a.ny l1oem.. heued under a.nd,hy v:l.rtlle of the prQvosiona of th:l.lll ()rdinanoe ahall b.1Jl el..meet. continu" ing, both AS to tnr- ptlrson to whom, and locfl-t1on for wh:\.oh, 1sliIm'd, pro-rided, tJ1at in no oft.s..hlSl.1J. anv l1C(tn8e bel au:l.- gnanle or trM$ferable; ~nd prQv1dfl4 furtlt.er, that my-fan.. ure to renew any' lioE':!18(t ifJ1ilu"d her~ur.d'r 'nltM.n twenty-fo'ul'" :t.iour. a.tt$r th~ exp:traUon t~r.g1', l!lhall fortdttbt 81W'1e: , Sft G'i',ion H:" Tha. t thtf ml1.1lbttr (If l:l.o~n"flS for th(llflalt .of in ~,o~i~,:tn8 1:l.qnorB wj. !;h:In thf!! l:l1n~ h (If th" CHyofB(l?,.e.- m~m shall ai; nOJ~.:tlt-Ut p.xGft~dl'lixt.Ct"n (16). Seotion '1:.. Tha.t th., C:\t.y Counoil,_~r, at its 418orl- t1on, grnnt a. p6lrmU tor th~ t.lilmporar,y transfer 01' .........aloon . to the IIround.., of thlt Inter-St&\te Fail" Assoo1ai.:ton (Clr l\ period. not 8xceed1ng ten days, o~:"ring the period of thfl annm..lll'a1r of said ARlnoiat1on. S:otion A:- That nll Ordinances, or parts of Ordinanoes, in oonfl1wc wi '.h tha prov1o:l.ona of' th:l.l O~din~Q' are here- byr$~~lad ; Sect ion 9 :... That. t.h is OrUn f"-Hlft thal). to.k..:t'r "0 t and be inf'or'oe from and s..fhr 1 t8 pauag$, approTaland pUbl1"" I 9 aU on . Pnaae.4. . . .J'tbna.l:'Y . 15th. . .).906. !i Mew or. l- II City ale Publishod :Februar;r aOth,19()6. I " :::;~~i:';~'~~;~~~,: !""''''c':::~:: ';~:U~,::'i~'"'' ,',:".',~'~,.':,.~. ,:~ """"I,~.~[~i~~?::~:':.~;:,~'~~~~;~:!,~~~:~~:~~',:,~~:,~~~~~~(~i:'~~~,:~~-:--=:=--'~~~ - ...'. ,ft; ',ie,,' ~t" . ~:';\-,.. C."Utic~'t o:""'Jblh,-~1~". , .'It,.. etq.1a, of *niM-., ) 1 R~;' ooun1;;:Y ~f G....U.4i;t114. . I, l'~t:m K. $lllth, City 01.,3"'111:0' t.ite 0lt7 or 11._. ,dd 0.""'4' ..(It.. dO htrO>> ...u~ tlIa' \>> Il\nruutfttl 01''('1,1n.~Cl' 11U~'~. f. W~fl ~.l~,tMct 1n,t'h8 hpu'blJ.C>N!l- ~ \ , \ -0......1..,.)1. ""r.17 ".7 1"10...4 '.... 1'.a.U"",4 18 !1M .... CUy .r llU-, .oJ.d e ,7 ond ~ .... h."" 11I0"''', , ,,-Z/ CJ .-' ' , "., . ' . . tl..."~'ti..n tJ\e Of fll....." 4"'1 of.. .".. ........ ..,A. 'to ~.... _ii, .Q"ctflrf:c\ b.)' t-hNl OUr acnmnll of 1r:l'M!1 81\1(1 e~tJ'. ...",4 g N"'t.... by 114". 1 '>