HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900625 '"- ~ THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA June 25, 1990 Page ~ of 2 Pages - Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. - 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence " 3. Minutes - June 4 and June 18, 1990 Commission Resolution No. 2790 - establishing a revised landfill Motion and vote to finally adopt 05-14-90; 06-18-90 4. fee schedule Continued discussion - request for funding of tree inventory and Motion and vote to remove from table; vote 05-14-90 S. management plan Discussion - City Attorney's report re self-governing powers 06-18-90 6. Discussion - appointments to Parking Commission; structure, duties 7. and responsibilities thereof Item requested by: Commissioner Goehrung Discussion - development of list of names for MSU President 8. Selection Committee rrll 1)A1t;:~ fl~ ~ ,A I~ 9kaitJ. ~ ,v Discussion - FYI Items 9. - City Manager's report . .~ THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, M 0 N TAN A COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGE N D A June 25, 1990 Page 2 of 2- Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct 10. the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions Commission Resolution No. 2799 - establishing rates for water a. charges Commission Resolution No. 2800 - establishing rates for sewer b. charges Commission Resolution No. 2801 - purchase of road oil for FY1990-91 c. Commission Resolution No. 2802 - authorizing participation in d. the Board of Investments Intermediate Term Capital Program (for FY90 capital items) Authorize absence of Commissioner Swanson from the meeting of e. July 2, 1990, in compliance with Section 7-4-4322(2), MCA I f. Claims Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn 11. 1\