HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 317 Providing for Sale of Part of Water Works Farm ] . ._--_.",--,,"'''',,--_.. .' ~-,-_._-~~_..,"",~~"'''~' =-'='~,,".;~E',,'!,~;:,:~,..'; ;"",,'"i+:."c _...""~.,.,~~"_.--,>---_.. . COUNCIl. FLjO],TJ';.:IOlr no. ~17 i. ....- A Council ~.801ution providing tor th. .81.1. of ~ part of the ~ter ,.,or~B ."arm, belonging to thfit C:tty of :Bozeman. _w.fiIt. Vrherea8, the C1 tY" of Bozeman 18 the own.r of oertain !i k' l(~nd8 in th,M.ounty of Gallatin, gtll\te of }!(mtllona" known as .....' the 1'7<;' i,et" ...orks T,\l:l.rill, which lands are uIJ8cl in conn.,ot:lon wi th the :R0:<l8!ru.n. City w...ter WOrks, dond ""1'. desoribed 1A.8 follow., to- -vJi.t: ~he north j,,;;lf of th, north-welt quarte... ( N ... of Nil. t " the aOULXl-&IJ.lt qutl.:rter 01' the north-west qua.rt$r, ( ~_'B 1" or R'i;. H th$ horth-weit quarter of thesouth-wut q,m>l.l"Ler (,.R',)" t 9t r..w.'" " ' uf Seotioc T~6nty~el ( ;;1-> )~ Township One C 1 ), southj " n,:,ne;e B$x ( () ), Jl]l:J.at, M. p. J1jj,~, and. tho!! north half ( n ... ), , .' --' , .'.. tb,e :lOtth-en,st quarter of the Flouth-w'eat quu,l"te)" ( YJ?, t of s.w. t) :, ~ and f~he north-west. qllL,-rter of t,he $Outh-8(~at 'lm~rter ( N,.. t of ,,-,.. :T:? l' ) of seot:\,on Thirty-t.wc>> ( 32 ), TO'M1Ship One ( 1 ), South; }. R,.6ee Six ( 6 ), e481;, :M. P. M., GOIl"..ining Five rrnndred and \; ! $;1xt~r ( t,80 ) acrfts, more or lel.u:l, Cl.ClGoro.ing to the United 'I', l ~tl;.tea Goverment 5urvey, ~: ~ /IJ1d Whereas the r.venue Qerived from 1,he r",r.t.6.1 of the \' ,,,,.:l.d In.nds ia not 8uffio:tent to p;;"y a reaanrH:l.hle r,tt. of ; . interest on the tUTlOHn1; of money :lnvested and relH-eaentad in l t; said Ltnds, after !}<.lying runn:l..ng eXIJenses ;l.nd. oOm!:; of rElPlO\.1rs. ,. And whereas, in the judgment; of the G1 ty Counoil of the .. } Ci ty of BOz.eXllAn, :l.t :l,ato t,ile :tnt,ln".lIt of t.ill!l City of Bozeman tha t CI. !Jlil,rt of sol.id la.nds be 801d, l)rovided ho ~'8ver thQ t an t udequi;l.te price, and proper oondi1j10n~ of s<~.le, c"tn be ob talned tor ti 6 EC.rr:r., , Now Theretore "11ft it l':It'laolvl9d b;v;,Le G1 tjl Gonncil of the ~ Ci ty of Bozeman that the following descr1bed lands, composing a. p~.rt of IiH\id W04ter .."orks "'arm be offered for Bale, to-wit: The north hiilolf ( Nt), e:xcep'l; thai; P<i\.:rt of the "aid north ha.lf I descr1bed as t'OliOWI, to-wit; beginning at tl'e north-est " I ~ ".,,;,.,1 , ,,. ";:i'~,::'\ - ---.... ,. 29/ -4 ,'.',,,~~:~~' ::':~:::~.~,;~:,.._~;;:':;~~~~~~::;:-~~~.0~~;~::::~::;::;'-~:~_'.::~-:::'~'=~~:':~::~=i~,::~:,::~,.::'.:~~\.~~~.~;:~=:,-,:~--'- ..... _.'.'.._'_.:'.'~--;:=,~.,:,~:',~. . .::.~;: ,', :'.~':on. - ,.. -.... ~".- ..-- .., oorner of'Section 'i'h11'ty..two ( 32 ), said TOwnflh:lp and 'Range, thence lwuth Ii~l(')ng the fl&.st n:lde of said seation, tOl'r hundred C400 } teet; 'thence wastl pa.ril.l1el w:l,th the north aide ,of aaid seot :I,on, €I isht hundred ( 800 ) feet i thenoe no:rth, parallel i'l'iththe el.\st81de ot sa.id Flection, foul" hundred ( 400 ) feet to the north side of sai4 seoM-on; thence ,ast aight hundred ( ~300 ) refit 'tot,he place of beginning; the :part of 8aid north hH.lf ( :H i ) of sald ",action hp.rflby e.x:c(<lllted Qontaining 7 ~nd 57 )100 'toreS, !!'fore or le,s: .180 thl\t part of the sa:td north l halt dl8cribea. iiS follows, toW1 t; "hfleinning at;~he south-west I oor~llU' of thl'! sciuth-wut q;ftt.;.tber of the north-west, qnarter I, ( i.:i.\\', -! 01 N.\\. ;! T of aaid ~ect:tC)n Thirty-two t32 ), said TpvvnshiI' fmd T'>i.nge, t;}1@nc:e nort;h nlong t;he weflt side ot sai4 Sect;1"on, eieht hnn<ired ( ROO) fEletj thence eaat thirtun I hundred and t"l{enty ( 13,20 ) ff!~t I more or leas, 'f;() the l!Iast I I side of 6aid bOld,h-wenc qm.rter of the north-west quarter ( S'vl. { of Ti,t,.J. ); thence AOll'J,h Eli tht hundred ( 800 )f.et t.o the south-east corner i,herp.ot; i;1',ence we6t thirteflU hundred and twellty ( 1320 ) fel'lt, l',()r~~ or l~H;s, to the place>. r:-f 'begj.nning i th.a f,,,-rt of' s<:.dd north ha.lf ( N 't ) of 5~.1d Seotion herebjr exoepted contid.ning i~4 iMld :;A!lOO unrea, more or less; the north I -e~Bt qt~rter of thfl south-we:;t qua:r:tar ( 10:: f of boW.'" ) and the nort'h-'IIest. quay"I;er ()f th_"" ,>Ol",r-,-S<l.8t qm...ri:.er ( !'Li.. f of 1),~ t1 " I ..11 in Seot:ion 'I'hiy'/;y-t'.vo ( 7j~; ), To\'mah:l.p One ( 1), sout.h, RO'l.nge Six ( 6 ), 1'lH.l'lt, ~c. p. ?.i., cont,,-in:tng Th14;<" Hundred and ) Sixty-e;\ght, a.nd 19/.1.00 ( ;'l6H-19/100 ),.cre.., morl'! or leu, ! a~:c()rd:lne; to the Unitl~d !'j":;,.1,A (';O'!f~n'~nnt survey, ThH.t. t.he d.le i of the ",lHlvEl dds~;)""n),,>.d lands shnll b8 sUb,ject to the following ,r " .(',. reaerve,t:tons <A.nd ElxceIlt:lona, t,QwH: Thl'l r,tt~r ot 'Bozema.n shall i~ :'::" reserve the r~-e:ht to rep,dr, or relay, the p1pe lines which < I are no,", on the i~l)(lve deflcr:l,nf!d 11mds ancil which arft Uflfld in co'mection withf;hfl T'loZel"l!U1 Ci t~r WI'l.1ier works, or to lay new :pipe lint'l8 over ,md !I.cross the s.'hoved.8cr;hfld la.nds i the City '~, . j ._~,~-~~~~-- - ~~~~;~~~~~~=::~~::::2.~ ~ -~-'- ._--'~!iljD,!~ or ~ozl.'lfllt,\nslut..ll likew,iS6'reIHTVB j.;h~",_right to I:.,.1;:-,;,,,dn a 1"0,.4- way over the above 4tllor111ed lanc1. anc1 i4.1ong aa1d pip. lin~ by , wht\tlllver route may be most oonvenhnt in T/IIa.ching snid pil" I line, the reservoir or l..y:man oreekj ...11 w....ter rights belonging I t.o the above duor1bed lands shall 'b. nservedby the City of I Bozeman. That the eAle ot the l~mde heTt'l1n provided to bt sold, sl'U~ll be, e1th''',upon ~ o...h ba.G~liI d61ed to be (.k.Uv"r,edto the pUr01Hl.Ser upon the acceptrtnoe of the bid 'b~r the 01 ty COlUlcil and t.he paYl)lflU t 01' the pUTohabl!l 1'1":1.0., or, twentJI-fi"" rer c~mt of the pnrchase })]"10. to b. Pid. upon the e;x;eontion of the deet, the be..lanoe to be pitid :!.n five eqUf~l annual ins t;allmll'Ult a , bearing interest at the r8.t. ot six per cent 1)8r ann,um, ;, payable r,;.nnually; dfled tob. pl..ced in ~flcrow in tl\l:" Bozelnan 5 ".atton~l Bank aM to he delivered to 1;]--,e Imrohaser upon til,e final payr>:lent of t:he purchase price. I'T'ha.t lealed bids be fiol :l.n:t1,ed) Iv:d <..thl'lrtiaed for, fur the purohue ot the land.e herein provided to be .01,,-, i~O(H1r4ing tot.h(ll terms herein, wh'1,ch bids &h;...U b$ d,eh1r<<rfH; '1;0 thtt !1ity Clerk on or before th, l5't;h diOLY. of "'\!lhrw,r~l, A. n. 1906 at f 5:00 o'olook P. M. .t661d da,y. That the C:U;y Clerk shall advertise for 'bids for' the purchase of the land,s herein providecl to -,"6 3014 upon the l; R rn1' and oonci:\. tione herein in the two BM/jeI411J1 weekly mp1spo.pers, to-wit , the Plelmb11oa.n Courit'lr <.nd theJ~ozew1an chronicle, for :tk.aur: +;hree w"eklY 18JIl~8thereof. That the 01 ty CQUnoll Bhall rellr.,. the right to T€ljeot any and _11 b1d" liubmittecl. pa...4 SAnnary 18th 1906, ~ J!t. . /l Approv..,T" ry th 1906, a/ '7 ,____' , L,. ..-c~"-V' .f ~...(1 a ,. ... . .?ii-........ ............... -.. '/ , , , / (/!","''/,/ _ Mayor. . ~: i' ...~..IIo.'......t.........i1i11....,...*'"_!... : ~~, ~. (;I' Cny Clerk. I I .~, ;'b '. ", WI L .n_",,,,_,,_,,,,.,_,,,_,~__,,__~,,,,.,,,,,_,,,,,,_,'.~,~J,,.'_,,,__ ".........~...,."J'.." .,. '.,. '" ".., .. ........--,.,-.....-..-..- -...- 'yo,:,:;'"".",.=:.,,,i,,':o.::.:=-,=--===.:::,-:-=_?.::!i:' :.:~:,,~,.::,,!,,",":,:~:" '.':'; '~.: :;~:..l:.,:~:y ..".:>. ."':':';' .::..~:: " .,,'...,. --- ,~ , ~\1f:a#,lIt'to,Co,!nCn re~ol~ti()n, paaaed 8r,,"', 'P:irol'l!lncll<of', the CIty of Boze- , 'l",thll-.,~8th 9aY -d(J'l\J\llary, A. D. ',,~l!ile~'pr()po$al~are, in"ited for the e;.'ot th..t pitre 0' the WATER ",f':r.AltU,:!,Wi~h,' the' re.er"ationa. Cflrl;1rlci.tte Or CHy (J1~rk. ' "!!J;"!<>;!,,thl'l1'Wtffidby, ,the' o.Ity, Of! , ' '!~~~rIQilj1I..e fol!!>wa, t,o wit: ',', ~1 "i!\ilj;i!~i!Y(~lh);' the Mrth.eaet' ';"0t;l()ft ,~~!.tl\ee~illill:weet 'I."arter, (NE'k' ",i~r;I"alld,~e: I1orth.weet'rter, ;hli!!,'a~p;~lj~~et'o',q~art~r (N Yoo!. Sealp.d propoB~ls :Lnvi l;ed for the pnrchal:le of a 1)~U' 'I; :: iJ ~ot' ~"ti<m:" thirty.tw() (32) l twp. J ,(,I), 'ao\1,thjl range"elx (6), ""st, :M. I /p~~g Jodi" hW1dred(400) of tlw 1l"<,,t,er Narks "11'ar:m. &r,"',:o~:~ess" ""9"rdil1g to the: Ul\ki!!i ' " ,t~~,,~"srn~ent a"ryey, .it,u. ~b~~~~r';QOnQtYOfGs.llatln. 'etaMofl ..*- ':'1j~nij:l\ita!l!Il, -llf the above deacribed sta. teGt Mon1;ana, ) ~eW~;the,oity of llo';e!ttil.nexpreesly' ",,~~'tllJ?I!OWinfre.ery-atl()n., to wit, ) SR. i;"I~h~I~'i).t"thnortl""...t' corner of &i~(~,;:thJ'1i["t\vll(3~)' utd tOl~".hip County or Gallat:\.n. ) " fl!P!l1;,_~, ~Qd~' ,outlt along, the .....t It Jlllst~n }Ii:. Smith City Clerk Qt ~v,-- ~'IAAl,,? ;,:.I~~;on,four h,!ndrod (400) ..( . ~!~~~'~ "Me:'-\\i~lIt; 'o'" I'ltr!'Uel with the \1.,.", :,'~~.a.~J)~t...ld,', 'eCtioni"eig~t'.hW1dred, t;he G it: ,11' :;:-'(')Z~!Tl<tn, s!l,id COHnty and. ~tOl.t., 40 heu..by "~:'., :,,1, 't '_ '-:'J~"t}".t1tsnce north, parillM with .. J\.-t~'JI,~"llf, .tiltld aectlon, fou.'hlUl. '. '"(~ltJ~tl'Jt'hilIiorthsidoof said cortify tha,t the! annaxed O(lp~r of It Notioe, Sflde4 " :'xt 'eeit~t .~ght hundred (800) ,,;., ,',;~ 'l\fb~~nning;,sa.ii1tract', TlroPQsL1.1a invited for tJ:u, Imrohaee of a. part of t.he ,~\N!-ac,llN a:;tee. ' ,',' : , , .'ftt/ie .south.'" stcl'lrner of :; ~,,~"t:,puitrt.r 'Ji th,) 'lIorl;\l.,~"r.t' ',;tm14'OfNW'4),Of said aection ,-".-,-;;6r vrorl<:d ~"rL1, n WMI plloU,ahed in the 1l0zexna.n ~, ,'" ',,'" ,_..~ ,.,:' '';'''''''~''~' '" ' . r ',,~>,"':,.. \:'~":'<, ,,'::"::'" ",', ,".",:"" "," "': ",:~IP.,(32).;""Sltid",to~$hip II:'llt' nhj"oniGla, a we,,'~kly newflp<~l,er, pr:\.nt,~d tl.nd p1l1"'l1:tshed +' ".~)lQrijl;&Ipnf,the we.t elde ", ;f_,!Il11'~~t-hun rjld: (800)' feet, ~ ta t. , for Ilt;~tjllrt~11 hundred a.ndtwanty in the ~:t ty of nO ZtlIlW,n, 8'~1d Count;' I~nd ~ ,\ ,""~IOre,'9r l~ss, to the east 'i':~d'a",'th",..t 'I',,,.lo,,r L,a ~lBt day of ' ' 'i ') quart,er(SWy. of NWYo) l 1Jlra,! Jj unce ~H"i ~i. i.f6 we")(s, l;o~w:l"t on thfl ,:: "th'iiglitllW1dred (~)). f8et to ,dU""ltit" corMr' tj),ereof;, thonM t,lHIt 14th day " "i'~~~~,I\UIIdred ,and,twenry (1,. ::,~n u~~r~r , the 7th (l,~y of ~6brauary <~nd "'llIj).re~<lr,leSa, to the p l\IIe 0' ," ~%f~conts.lnfng,2'a.nd O~I::':'~:! A. D. 1906, <Ind j,n the TIl'!pllbliOan-Conriel . k, :,).:":"~ , !C~~~.lll&n' al.o resery.. }he :'t~'\ 'tt'QrfelaY. - th~ piP!' lm!,s prin1;od Mid pu'hlished in thtl City 1,- .,,~ '., " ',' - ,"_ ,tile, above 40ecribed ' ''1 wer~kly neWli!)<lVflr, . '\.,' ". "jili"~llllili.d 'In MnrieotiOli ~', 'e~Cill1;W':t,r W<lrkA( of Bc,2.eroaYl, f;.:..id Count;,' a.n1 !=ltl),tfl, for tMn 6t10Q8S&- j....... ~; J6WFp'ltt\lmeIl0"er and ~ro.. - " 'aeBbi" bed'Wl4J I the city of. ",~i~al<1~:: ,res'erre.the . rlghttol -1ve V{flt, k 8 , to-\t.ri t , on the ~f\ t}~ dll,;r of ,Tanuary, the , " _-';,-road:"war., "Over tlieabove :~W:'~~lI:..'l\J\dang~..ld pipe \4le \ 'hy:'{'. "~f\h.\J,te :'inay"be ,most ci>rt. 2dd, of ~11r'Hl.ry i:md.the 9. th da~r (If ....ebrm~ry, A. D. veiii"jWl'ii~.Tjit;cl\l\lglald "pipe line,' the )r~ri.i-,,()Ir' "'dr.' Lyman "res~.^ ,',' ,. "'AIl,~..t~.r~h'to bel(\l\gilig to the 1906. "li-i>r.d""c~\b, IaQds are teserved by f :tl\~ bitt of':Qoze~,an: " , 1 :.~t.!S' OF SALE. IN WJT17F.S;, '\~;'~:r(!;:m~ T h,W6hereunto ~ my hand, ' ,I i ,",;':I~~a'h;"l,D.odto be deU"erod' upon of / , ;iljh~O;ll<J,e~ ofthehid by the, city, H.nd "ff'xed 1.h., or~BO'" n t~ ~ i~~H(~d,tpepaYlllentofthepurcha8e ,I IJ!!..,.'o' '" ".' ,t \~d;...~snty,fju,peroent?t ,t,he pur,; dcl.;\, of AJ'r:i 1, 'C}""\ /(71"~f {f/~/l ) il~.;.",'~I'I<ie':to:bep.idupon the e,,'"'u',: ".9f(the,de.~;thebaJa.ncetobe Jl"I~, ' /.- ,', ,.---' --- :,;" ( ./'" "'''J.~,~'-- I, ': V:\!>NlIlll:o:n~\Illt'payments,beatWgi ' ,,;~ ", ; _Mlit~\i;.t;:t,hei"ta:of .ix. per cent-per ~ t . . II It . . . .. . ., . . . . . . ~ t .. . C~ ~.,' .... , '," 'Wjl...:-, ,'ya~l!l;"liJlnUll-IIYlJeOld"f:o.be 01 ii? Clerk. ---" ~ .- ',>P. ." 'ii! ,~,~~\ltoW'iil t1i._ ~Ol:em..llNIL'1 't\ " 'k,'!'4>-d-to be 'delivered tothe:1 , :. "eilji-"r.~: thl(ilhlll! ,payment oftlie , _..~' . 1 '_, oB ' , reco}yod by t'h. llndersigne9, ~.'tcIUding the 15th da:!, ,llf Fell. i ..- ',~ \\Olt, 'it 5.00 .o'clock p. n\., "f .aid Ida):."'" .- ! /rhe':p~tll'QOuncil reeer\'Os the right to re~11rli l\ll bid. aubmitted. I y' II er 'of t,he oity QOuncll. 'DIIM ~h day of J'anultry, 1906. , , -'""IS. 'M. SMITH, City Clerk. , l:1.<' ~ 'II~._~ ) ... i