HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 317 Levying Assessment of Taxes for Opening Alley Through Block "B" 'Ii' ~ . ! COlnH1n, R]l;80l,TJT:rD1T }.jQ. 317. I , ..*.. i A Re801ut,ion :t'TYing an ...ad8iu.ment of tax."1 t:c i I defray the oost of opening ~ publio Alley, 14 teet ~id8. through Block " B ", orig:tnal :1'llwn*1 tft of the Cit;~t of Bo i~"'-'l1An . ..If... WHJl::'H~'.ASf' 'the ('at~f CCluncll of the City ot H02..flmtU'l, by Counoil RefSollltio)'l l:ro. 242, p&IUleG. b;, the City C,01U'lnH Clt th. , .aid, ~1t:y of n(HI$D1/l1,n on the lAth day of S'J)hUlbtlr, A. D. 1902, proyj,4lieci for' t.he o)'E1ning of "t Public AlltlJ;r ,1.4 f('l~t widfJ, 4t,hrc",ugh JUnek " H ", Orig lfibl.l Town8ite of' the C1 t~1 ot ,r Bo~eman, Rnd for the .8a811l'llient (If t,he o()Btorf"thel;i~'" I _ ,I ANn WH~"mAS, The oost of olHming B.~id Ol.ll4lY, as proTilie<i in fud.d couneil Reso!ut:\.nn No. 242, :tll the '-um of $'5"3 ')0 . i 1 ~", ... ...:.. If' I".~ , I f NO".' :CHJi:nF.1'(YRF" Be :U: rp.floln(, An( it 1e hlu'el:lY iQrderelll, 't{y thl~ O:;,1;y C01U'lOil of t,he City of }lflze.man, th:l\.t ... the f,Ay€ral (;:lllilil bAt f)PPOft~t~. 'r,he names C'if the tlWf1,eTa, !LQt... I ~nd Farcel$ of land, '''-I; tb~ S~Ui,f) ~lIpe6il.rll in the .chedule hflrl'J 1-,(1 & t t,~.()}-",i and react.., <l, pa.rt hflT\!lOr, 'he l'.mi. the .&om. 1 are hee.by rfjEJl!flctivfll~T a,8fHlflRed t;herl'!on to defray the eOiSt 0 I of op$ning 5.1d alley, u.m~ it :till furthf!T 41rd~r.d. t,hat the ';. aaid .Hn'e,t...l ;<l;.llitlbi? nc..lJ.li'ct.ed from th" rf\fjpflct1TEl ownflra of the 8ai~ lot& and r~rOfl18 Qr lanG, ~6 IH'U"lb IHt :1.1'\ :Hd<< "- aChcuhile, as re'l1ll1red. by law. 'l'hh aSliiflSflnlt1lnt 18 mil,de ImTr,ua.nt to saicl. conncil Huolut1on }ora. 242,. finally paeaelll b~r the 11>t.16f, City' Counol1 t on the 2d. d,il,y otOQtobeT, A. D. 190~. Al\rn rL' IS Ji'llRTH:8R ORDERED, That Thurliday, the 1st 4ay I I of ",,:ebruary, A.D. 1906, a,t '7: 30 .' olook p. M. fit liIa!lIl itay, : j "" t ttJ,e Counoil Cha.n-Cner in tht City Hall ef th. add. City Q'! i I I \ I '! '.\ I . ..."'. ~ .,'~~1II{/7',~~~II:l' ,"".,.. .--- .._.._'-~". ~-..,..'~',.......-~~I!I"'..".._- .."'"~,r:~:,~~'~'~'" .. : 29-() "....,,~ -'" , .:,;. . , :B...man, be "nC thfl .&me is hereby &ftUg~kte'" a.1I the time , . 'a.nd,pla... f.r hea.ring obJ.otinJ\l!ftCil the fina.l ,.,aullSagll a.ncl l4<loption Of this R.Ulut1ClJt, whIm and "hl'!"tl thfJ u,1t C1.ty Counoil will bfl hi. 8..81Cln $1'14 hea.r fUl.~r "r1ft a.ll QbjeothnJJ, it any th@rebe, whhh jYJAy 'he ll1~e to t;ht flHI.1cl IUIO.. iii me nt , or anjr part:-here<<,t. AND IT IS FTJRT'F!!R (,)RJ'lJ'o:RED, 'l'hat the r Hy- Clerk ~f the ,to -- Oit~' of BOIll':P'Ian, be, ~nd he is herltby, d:l.rutlt4 to gfT. \ thlll tlrpe ..n( plae. 01' 8a1dheUl.r:1n/J aa pl'"av1Qe4 bylli\w. ~' ". ~,.... ,january 18th 1906. \ January 18th 1906. L:.......... ............ "*7; Oi.Y.r.i.~k~. . ';. . . , ...:.'. pa..ag" 1\"ebruary",:to;1906. . 11'8 brua.:ry 2c\J.ge . L............................... ',. ~ llAyor. '- , , . . ~ . .,' . . . . . . .. ~:~; . ~~~;~: . . . . . . , "\1" ~ , >"c. ." 1,.. ,'\,' ~: ) . .~'L) .;, ~ I \ ---.-- -..----,.-..,-. ~"'~=,.;".,-,..':'~'~~:~:;:.:~~~.:lt~~~ . ..=-:.~'-..... .,= ~iIiIiIIiII!f.MI.!!al!~~jf'!': .._~- /fJ1I1i~II~~_~ _A!~~ .; - h, \ ,":1 IJ , I 8CHEDt1U~; OF./ASSESSMENT on ACCOUNT OF' T:Fl:E OPENING OF A :PUBLIC AJ.)JllY 1-4 Jl'JmT I WIDE THROUGIT BLOCK II B ", OR!G!N',6]. TOWNSITE TO TIm CITY OF BOZEMAN. I ! tlWfl6 DEu;cr'11lt ion. ..... :F'.Hi! t. ,AmG,mt It . \ LoUio Kreue:~r, 8' (!Iff l,ot & "-n. 83/).;;3 .r 8 /~ $ 4..31) 60.',of l.ot/J'g f.nd 10 37.44 ' $la.I?} VI. }iJ.. lTeTH t , 50/133 of t'SO' o! J_€ltfl 'I) lil.na 10 22.56 12.~ MellhafJ. LfiWiw, 17' o1':f of ? and. 9.21 ntfA ~')g ,"" 21.01 " T. R. Story, Vi I off .; a.n<! 13' oft ? 26 14.00 No:r{~ A. RClcchf:r, 17' Gtf 6; all &t 5. ~"6" 24~ ani 18'6" off 4 J. J'J. JvliocrUn, 20' f,11,'ott 4 l:l.ntl. 17 too I ( 4' ,rr ~ 32,,6" "I Jehn Kep!) , sr., 26' ~tt 3 a.n. 5' eff2 31 16.70. J Emma G. Behringer, 25 t ett 2 4Uld :c. lV::. Gc;,tiner, Agt. 5' of! 1 ~. 16.17 C41mmerr.io;:J. N...tiow.:.1 25' off 1 as 13.48' ~. BaJ1k, It A. an. A. gchll'lChtf'lR, 43/).;~3 of lOOlof 1'7.42 J Lot, 20, 19, 18 an" 17, 32~33 1 N:l.ohols & Robin>>onJ 90,1133 of 120' '!1.....,;.}J!;,. ;;30, ~ fq.1/ 1&.1-~1 t t, ':::0, 19, 18, 17. 81.2 43.74 '~ .Tohn Kopp, Sr., 43/133 of 20' af IJot 17 6.4' 3..48 _ t ~, t?!.iJ. '{ I Da.Ti" W111&01l. Loti i:b, 15, 14 .and. 13 I, 11.11 " i: W.M. NeT1tt, 83/133 .r BO' .r I' ~ Lot" 12 .il.nd 11 37.4$ 20.17 -I' 1l'~Jm:f ~ 'I104''lliI'l1ll1<l, tl(')/1?13 or /)0' .t , Lo 1;1 12 and. 11 82,5C; 4~.1~_ < $323.20 i, Teta.l. BOO. 'II' II Rate per abut t. ing toot on said alley .5aant,A6/iOO otnt". " I ~ i .,,_,_.__.~...______~M~._~~~~__~_~~_~__~'r~.^"~_~~"'_.'r~~'~'.~~_'.'~"~'~M"__~~.''''~'__''',.'~,,_,_._,._._.,___~.__~~".=~ "~_~ .~",..... .~..",'_'m' . ..',.~.. ..._..'''_..".__''___~__._'_.__'__"._'_ ..._-------,.",-,_. "","""",:::r:,:,,,",:,,,;,,::.',::~,~~~:c.~.::.~~~~~~'ti'_"iii"I'm~"",:,::l'~~:~,~~~lll.~~j:,,- ''':'':C"",,~',;."':''\'''';'"''':'-::I'~.;~:'::.:.~''--'-''''': '.".:".' :_'--;,~,:".",:,::=":::',,'"'' '.,:~.::"::.'.'--....'-'.::"":"'; ''::::: il.!..........C' ".. ..., . ,~.~ ... ~"..-~--". ...---...-...-----,. , "~.,-_..&~----,~- Cert1fioAi~. of city clflrk. iiC~!/QFgPECtAL 'ASSltS~ENT.1 ;'ioticp. clf Blif~r.::hU Assfl6sm8n1;. ,,>;"''''~JJi\ritfo,thll oidllr , -Of' be city -*- ~W~Ml.l!oftbeclty, ,of, ,B.,.enllu" con, ,1~$\1(IQ'co=cil r$.olutlonNo.' 317, 1~~~Jjythe city council of'the aalli Sd,'1:;e of j.,;,0 n t; ..n~~ , ) tili,ty qn tile 18th day of Jl\.nuar)l', 1906. ;~,ii~.0'J'l:Ql1l la hll~ehy given, tll!'t, a( a, )FlR. .*~t:.ea'ionof"'theclty counclloft'he COHn :;y oj" ~}JJ.l"4,,", :i.n. ) f1"lr:,:~t:So~,;,m"-'ll, 'helli on the .18th day M,f,~u.,ry, A.'p. 1906, counc\)"reoolu,'j !tll>li":r;f-6. '317, entitled, "A re.olutlon I. ,T Wi 1i ~"n ]\;I. BJ1:'_r,h_, C:i.ty Clp,rk ~~V'yi~~IU1.a.aellO"'entoftaxe' to de. !liY::t,Qoat of 'Open,lng & pUblic al1ey do fl~iNoij,-w.llietPr/}uft Blook"B," original (If ~Jt~? C:i.t3' (If })o ;o;.:.ellkl.n , 8i"-<.id c()nn'l.~' loI.!ld f1t;t.4.i~1R , :tQP-.A~.,(>Ltl1ec ty (>fBozeman"'waa, i,:t!J@~-,.." ,,' , , " Sl)(-H'd-H,l !}:1Jiaai4al1ey In .aldblook was, op~. }Lerfl(l:/ <,~~r't).fJr tl'td. t ':~l1ft ,mnflXAd No tice of I; "ljr8~t " t<> council. reaollltlon' Np. , YJi..ta~,~ythe olty'collll."U of ."'~ A rihP. s:,n,~n';; ihU~ dl..J.;V 1;111) lh;]IElcl ::,n the l\t'lpubhocm- !'lflnJ~elSth liay of September, A. ,:,!Ul\!2I"",/ "" ' '" ~.~- i;>,! Ji.f't'heeostof openl,ng,aaid al1ey pul:lJ.:\.Bhfld ( !l'-,Il!i.id blQek waa$~8.20; , ' , -Goi_iriar r '/1 ,i;~f~hly _ ne,Jilj.<o.i-'l':;", l.)r~~n~;<'ld cmd \i:l}tIf 'f>ropartr ..1rClal1Y,benelltted ",jlf>enlng: 'Of a' . alley,;..,and to, be _ ' iL':,,:I("1 C:I.:-,," of DO,~<'h.l.m, t;~.id ('j()\l)lty m1d .,. 1;(;,1; fl . in ~liil9,!i'J\le,eQl\t,the"jll>f'ijl.al1the ; ~,~",',I!lPal~: "Blo,ok ,f.'J!.,'!Orlgillal, : ,s.'~~, .l/( "the.,efty" of ,', ~ozema.n; onH ).b;,,\A i.}jdr'nof, I,,~'} ~ d~'~ -j; , Oll I'~ll,~ t~t'~ .:,h d~~3r Qf _,t;;ctlte, <<,at of Qilening ,a.ald al1ey :~ha(il\"IOcklsapecla, aeaeiJeed )'l'lt;the."property'ln a.al block In ,T~.y; >,kc.y'~r I 1\ . D. l~jot, , -..vhiuh d,t'i,ri ,/<1.6 "I, i; le"l.st f:\. ~r. -'~'itjl,theriumber of linear feet t'''it,,~rei:)'n)''\",. ,@,~'i'e~bll-\4;l.)\}ncl1' ~e.olutlonNo. d"Yl-l ',)<lfor€ :'".;i.d a,l..i' of' IH",u' :i.ng , t4fl set for 1;}l in J,'iil'!ll\l'.',' ~Il ;,!!Ie lJl: ,the olllce of the ;;~.1jli'i(lf,:'the., "l\id'clty" anli open to , " J~I",t9'.the publIc; ,. .", '. lij,dli Ko1, ica. i",l~\!r~"~~tothe e",d coJlnall re"o" ., ",:, '!1,:,~1", Th11l'a"..y, the 1ft liay, I' WI T.~"';};S~'>' Vrn}~n}x)}:' t " lH:tV(~ hel"eunto (Ult my . . \J.!~y;;'4;i]).~9~; &t 7.'~O R.m, I .'j , t;t,,~{~t.'i,'t"e.",a~~tc:iW.1!< . ~ir'ncitt'~\\iea!~ilth~'S"ld'l hl<l.lld ..nd ....ffixad the a....l of -i;he CHy orz ~..i~tll;."t~~co~nell. cha,,?-ber 'ill: , &;.l!i'~!~r';h~'Pfial\ldcltrf '." d.~l~l'ted thil:l 1" 1; (lli~Y ,i, (.,~',t;I!"!! l\nd llla.eefor hearing objec' , &;a,Jf:allYthe,e be,t~the final, paaa- " -"ialq"..,ado,ptlon 'of, s&ld'eouncl.1 rea"" . .@1' lA' '1' '.;;;1, ,;Ii1tli>!i::'NQ; ,817. ' ',',-- , :Patedj.h1.~thdayof ,.Jl',mary,-A: D, / ~/' ~.-,../ ./:/.;/'~' ..'ff~'( I,l~(l~.,'",., ,'" ' " " ,. I 7'~ i'By-'Qrde1of the, city OOllllcl.1. I ~~ C,.'\'.ro:STINM, SMJ'!1~'City Clerk. '.', 1", --""~Jl~,'"". I': ( / I