HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 316 Levies Assessment of Taxes to Defray Cost of "Street Sprinkling District Number One r28 :2; "~~~,~'" ~;.,.'--~ :'~2':\~~7.~_e~-~~""~~-<-'~~M"'::~~:}~:~:::)~;:i;~f;~~~'~::~'~'-.'~'----'~~~:=,;\i'~~~ (\ Ii , J ~ il COUNOll. :RESOLUTIO:l' :NO. 316. ..... A llf...1ut1on 1....ying an a....em.nt ., t~e. to ,.tray the oo,t ot,.pr1t1kl1ng " Stre.t Spr'tnk11hgDhtJ"lct,:No.l ." ..-. " ....., The 01tY;OGtmoU of the Oityot Bozeman, by Oouncil Buolutinn No, 296-6- 4.f1n.d the l1mi h of St"et I l!l1lr'1nkllJ'lg l)1str1ot No.1, . AND WJJll:Tl:F..AS, Or~Unano. :No. 29rtp:r..,14U tor the ."..Imflnt of the tost ot Ipr1nkHng street, sprinkling nt.trIot., AND \n!ER:l.AS,S&.ld Sine t sprinkling D:\, .triOI; No. 1 has b..n ,prbkl.d tor -*he ..a..n ot 1901 at a OOlt ot ~3'1.6', or a.t a ooat of .05i' oents per linear foot to the property border.. ing thereon 'li;.nd.sll(utially bener! tedthereby f thft to t;,l nlllJ'lb er or linear teet bordering on ..i4 Distriot being 7,121 t. NO\V THE'REFCRE, 1318 1t RUGl yet, and it h hereby ord.ered, by the CitJT Councilor thCll r,ity of Boatman, tha.t the Itnaral auin. 'lilt oPPolit.th. name. ot the owner., lotl:! and paroal, of lMd., al the sameappearl in the lohedule hl\reto ahnex.Cl and macl. a. pa.rt henot, b. lind the IUI.m1 are hereby r..p.'UTely a......4 there.n to d."fray the C08t a.nd fixpens8 brlprh\kling 'll.1d II Street Sprinklin ntltriat No.1" , "nd it is further order.' that the .a14 ..v.ral 81UTl. l'Hll 0011eote4 from the , l"elpeot:lve oWTI.re et the .~id. lot. and. parcela ot 14n4, desoribed in said .ohed.llle, IU required by la.w, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERF..D. That Thursday the 18th clay of ;ranuary, A, 'D. 1905. a.t "':30 o'clook P. M. or add. \lay, ..t the counoll C11amber in the 111 tyRall ot the la14 cj ty of ~ozeman, 1 and the swu 111 herehy ..e1gnated a. the tim.and plaoe tor hel\rinstJj.ot1onl to the tin~l pallage and adoption or thil ,"i I :R"olut10., ,wh.n and where the .aU. City' nOllno11 will be r t 1n....8101l and hear any and &.11 abj.ot.ionll whioh DU\Y bfl roa.d. I to the Maid as..sement, or any part thereat, I \ 1 I . .Y", ,,", ',. ,.~, ..,.,,;~~..w.~~ ,.,.......... ...,i..,.. , ......"..,1;..;:..1,. -~- ,~...,~-<. ___'d.,'_' ~.,.. "'"" ,.....'.^_..,--"".."._,.... ..~.". .;t'.\ ",/ / j --- -,.,.., --. , AND IT IS J~T1Flnn:R ORDRRED,Th~tthfl 01 ty Clerk of' the \, ~ity o-r ECHllftman b. , Monel he :h; herfl'hy,41re,ot.4td to g1,Yft notio. of the time Q.rld pIao. 4t h.1dh.a.r1Rg a.. prov~d~.d. b1 law. ""...4 .r....'''',." 4th 190& . ~ ~ . ApFro..' .ran"","y 4th. ~~~~~:. .. ;. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . ... ~ :1 ' M or. A~:- // ' ............... cit;. Ci;~k '., / ./ ~. 1/ / -.... ? Final """"6' Jan"...y ~". ... . . .. 1an4\1 AI1}lrOT~~1 ,'l'anuary c __ ' , __ '" .,.", , Cit.y Clllrk. ,.- " , l . \ I "28,4, .'::;;=.~ ~~~,- ~ "~'...,,,,,."'M,~'_'_Y"~":"'_'~"__ '.'..'. , _~_. '~,~,.., ,m..', .., ... ,~.~...~... .'. .:_::-"'-"......... -. , ,...~ . - ..-.,...---. f , 8Cmmm..'R.' ',ii, \. ..... ,- Lot.. ' ~l..k. A4.U 11011./11'...,. Mlount. >>",,"'11, W' ;i, '. 6, a.nd P. Remllle'- 152 $ 8,36 <. t. oft ~ """ UT'. C.M. Fino, ?,8A 9, an4 14 it ( ofr · .. . 100 5.~O "tate .of 3'. ". 10, 11, 12, 13 &14 .. .. :>'.0 15.95 'Ill'.., \,/,~ ',TMr ,or.at, fZMd 14 1. . tsfi ~.n8 t I DI'1 L, Manry,' 10, 11 and. 12 . . M 4.62 f' ;. , Dora RArper, ,e. ." B, Mid. 9 . . U2 8,lts ,I ,... , ~' it :Seate ot 1l'r\1l.rik p,w't Qf IS . 22 1.21 Harper, .1", Cll&rle. PieUb, 10 1't.. .tt 2, 3, 4 Ano t. tt. off I'i .. It 72 5.96 c. C. :!'\.lller .nd 1 '$J'lli\ 18 ft. att 2 . II ,1.66 1().2~ . . . . . .,. . .. .. \fa teT' . ""1' 14, l5, 16, 1'1, iB a. li. Burt'oll, 080, ,. 0, T. 30a ,16.94 a.x, Agt., Md 19 \j,,;' ,. wel..n story" .Tr, '13 .. . 28 1.f)4 :Xeta tee'lM. D. 20' Jt It off 9, . .' 104..:'>1.'. 5.75 J'.tf.r~,....T. M. liLnll 10, 11 Md 12 L1ndley, Agt. ..bornDr'ug 00., .,. It · ~ft , ~n4 . . 2'7.. 4.t It 1.!'lO 19' S. ~f 8 A. ''S. Cldlnutwoo4, 8' 4- "tf 8 and 18' I'; ott '7 " It ,2t)-41t 1.44. , T. C .,,;I'4rd.w, .1t')t 6 · oft 6i an4- lO' .rr. ., . .. 25..l'I," 1.'4~ I ]Au1. RUIiUU1. 14' 6" oft t) anct . I 11' 6" ,d:t 5 , .. . 2f1 1.43 , ' 10' oft 4 and. 1J& f\. 1-$..&10 WOod.. \ '~' . on5 · . 23..6" 1,28 '".. ~"""'c"_ "' -.... .."",..'- , . H ..~..._ "," A. Bert1-...., liri""',tt 4 an. ....,..,,"- _..""'_..~",''''~,'~"'-,.',,'~. 2' 6" ert :I '. . 20-6 .. 1.12 R. t. ~ori""'t 26' 6"nft3 and :~ 2' . ~.. otf .2 It . aa 1.1\4 25' '.'ot't 2M""l " "/LoUl.xre~.<<!~,- .. . ':c ~11..CS" . . ll':l.S< " ~. Fornt'''. . ,," :t(i:~,,":"~~C$"."'-"~' 20f) C)C ,...'.."____.._....__.'_"'..'______.~'_,"'_,,.....',--,",..~"~.,-,. '". ~~ ,"',"'." ~'~'_.m_".~" "...,_..~~~, ....,~. ....'. ',,< ,". ",,"'. ~ ~,. ~..,...'''';V',I''I'~::,~.'_".'.n.~~"...._ ~::=:".....,"~"''''"''~~".~,.~::::;.:..~. .,'"'....... I ~ 1 8CJmDUl.JI. Pas. ~. ... . N'am..l~tI. >>;..". Al4tUon. 1'0et. ".,lmi. I FQr wa.rd . 104, . 23 I aallatin 1,04g$ ,.1.16. '"',', "././1 .\' .. F., ~nd A. M. 11 i\l.n4 10' oft 1.:Jr. Q. '1'. 1&2. 10.03 r If,',' Nelson,' Story, sr. 18' ot~ 10 Md. , , 9' ,. oft 9 . · 27.6" 1.51 , ~ ,;rohn tTabh, l~' 6. Qff 9 Md' . . 9' (ltf e ... 27"6" l.n Rowa.rf: sebree. 7. ...nd. 19' att 8.' .. 4'1' a.., I,Quia Kreuger, 6 · If 2Q 1.14 Yfn1fan&AJ::nwry,. i or Ii '. it 14 ~ '7'1 plly DQdsOn, l' ot: ('$ , ." If, 1. . '17 W. :M.,,\,.vitt. ;!!I, 4, ~nd. 3' fl" (Iff. , . 2 ... 59.6" 3"26 . ,~t" nel,l1Icm, story, sr. 1, 14nd, , ,~4' (}" o'1f2 " ! ' 20-3..6" ~l.l" { , ROO. lIoga.n, 11 4\.nd. 12, 4I.n4 ;a4' I ,ott 10 ]1''' 230 12.65 I E. E. L~, ~TU.tt('l, 4. oft 10, ,8 Md S, ' tl, . .ll,nd l' 4" flft, 1 · ,,"6,1..4. Z. 3'7 Ill' 8 )!:end.enhall a.nd. 'I i warry L.. Smi th p~>,.rt of '1 " III 2$..8" 1.4'1 j ,,_1~ T. l""oo.y, ~. ~m\ 4' 10,'" ottl'ir .. 32..10. 1.8,2 1 W. P. Story, 2~$' 2- off B AAd 5' : of.t 4. .. 2$-211 .1. f)!;! 4 q / , Jo1:m KOP}.), ~ }~~. (ltt4 u4 1{1' '} off 3 .-, -... a.31 " j R. S. !)lIII.W'fl8. 9' #Sft :\, tll.n4 1 an4, ' ... I 2,," · 1" 18~O l' CUy ~t :Boze-.n, 15, 1'7 ..nd. 18 C.'.,- '10 11.1$l'i' I Eat.. 'ti.. of wenry :1 Ell1_,', 16, Ntd. 14' oft 1. .. ,44, a.42 ',. ,- '1,' , .., ( R. H. :r.a.therstonfll, U, t.,n4 15' oft 14, , " \ 1 And 16' ott 12." .&23.41 i '. ~r I Dl;\n1tlnuey, 14' oft 12. 11,&0, r 4\nd. g. ~ncl, a' 6. ot1t ';, ! G'" 106-6- !S.81 }trs G80rge Rot1"man, 19' .t't . "."19 't..., , Mr. A. Mitohell, 8' 0- d'f' 8 ..rld'P " '~ ..s. , , 4ft" , "." 1~;"~~ '.', .13 I ]'_1:'_l"4. 1'6.4:1$.1 , j "28ti _...~". f -,.,-~~~-~~~-_._--~~~~-~--~-~.,------_.,--~.y,~.,~~ ~~:.- .. .;;:~~~~l~~~'! ..:>~...~:',,,>~~;~:-:~:~~,,,~;::,,~,?:::,~!":'~i,~'. :,"", ~~~iifI'~~~"~;".:,i:'.:i;::-,c:;:- _='=_-=::-!.'::=,==c-::'::::._-.::::':_:.':.:"::::~==~=:"'!:!.,.!"I!t'/li#.~l"~'-- ',., ".'"..", .",._,,,","_..,..,',.._,~,.._~~,-,~,~-- - SOIDmUlJV. :P.AS8 #I., i ..... !Taiu, . Leh. Blook, 44dlt1cn. ~t~t. Mcmn t . FOrn,.,. ,;; :~. .lt6,43 a.:: w. alper, aft ~ oft #f C. O. T., 21} 1.:'>>8 ,-- T . Ii :a . st...)' , ,/ ,., ,. ,1, - . . 30 1.Mi / :, a. Y. Seper. 25 · Q't't & . .. 2~ 1.~8 . ~'I.' V. :. Bittner, 23 · eft 4 An4 5 ' .tt t .. .. 28 1.:$4 1..S. Will Un , l' ott 4, 3, ~n~ 3' o-rr I .. .. 4C> 2.20 1.00.1. Kreug,lJr, 1, t\ud 27 · ott . .. - 1" lO.6ft )(a~ $ ~~ anH- -fi f/i ' " lI~t '-.... ~ I (J ~. .. / /1 . or _~'t. or ,S.,;,!,.:' ' l' .it '7 M4 , t._., B,. M.' Gilird1 Her, 22' fltt 8 · . 3' 2.lf'; ,A,gt. t '," ! .B . story, 13 · ,ott & ,..n<< 13 · oft , .. . 26 1.43 Y., S.Jl&Y. R.U. O.reline.., Agt. 10' ()ft f.i And 17' oft 6 . .. 21 1.48 ~, A.: c. R..ollo.r, 2o'ott ,5 anet l' 6. Ii oft 4 .. . 21..6- 1.18 )1 ! J .IB. \fllI.r'Un, 28' 6" .tt 4, and 4' oftZ . . ~2..t\" 1.'17 " J.~ go>>>>. 26' ort , an4a' ., .tt. . . 31 1.'1 ;;,~ 0-.:8""'11'1611"', 1.liM. Ga.r4:1ner, Ag't.2:5' Qtt 2 -.nd. fP i',i'~'" Ii oft 1 . . ;Mt 1.61$ Ii Ii c~rC1A1J1'AUon..a1 ao' .tf 1 . .. WI a.6' '! , ;'1 ,OJ,. Y{. itJl. ~Tltt, 11, ant 15' .tor 10 A. . 18ft 10.1? ~ ' .et'en story. Sr.. t, and 15' ott 10 . .. 4G 2.41 <kfrg, R.. liTl0hd., ? Ad' 8 . . 6e 1.30 [: :a.18. DA.." . 'f,2~..ttt . . a5 1.~8 ~ , . .. xrt.:.~~.ah&ll ,.n4 5" u4l ~, ...1:t 6 . . 35 1.tJ Va. Ii'. 8Jl1th : · RiB. ~.l~ft8bry'.Ir:;. 0, 1, 2, ~, M4 ".. It '[ ...' ,u" ,-- : PflrW4rtt . 6M ',' ,tD- , ',", ,." If '.' j~ \ SmnmTJLlI. hit- ~.i ...... i,'" 1.ot_. Blotk. A.4d1Uon. .,..t.. I i lilame. AaCHtnt. :, ~ ,If ForWGl.r4. .210.16 . it:: .at1onal BAnk or ,2a' ~" ot12 Met 1-6 If 1" OaU4t:l.n v~l1li1o.Y, 15' 2" oft ~ - A. 'lTa.7.... 9.6& " t., i' o. w. :RlIh.r, 3' ($" fltt 6, 4 and I " '72 Z/J,o '.:; 5, M4"'1~' 8" Qtr 3 " " 3.'B " W. A. Olark, ~. oft 8, 7, and " 24' 6- 0 t 6 . " &5..$" ~.OI'J Nelson ,story, Sr. 'il il.nd. ~IPotf 8 " " 5:i 2.92 Ella '1'., Martin, 2tH01f10 . " 25 1.M i. E. :BroQX MI~rUn, 3' ~tf. 13, 11 ~~ " ~.41 12, and 3 ~ft 10 " e3 R,publioan p;,;;o. 25', ot1'13 " " 165 9.08 .\( ,(",;,. C. w. Hottll:Uil. 1, 2, 3,' 4, IiLll4 l\ A. StOr7'I. ale 1D..64 I .. , iT ~ , E. J. O~nhOU8&, 6 t4.nd 7, And. G' .' aft e It " 6G 3,." aeorgl!l R. ,sutley, 24 ' oft (i " ,If 24 ,,, l.3la ~ D. 1I. P~thr8on, M. )(0]'.'" n4 ;:::, ': ~ ehA8. B. Anderoon, 9. 10 ant U " . 21~ 11.11 ~r. w. r. Sloan, 1 ...nd. a B. ~r.MY'. 196 10."8 'falter Coop~r. 3, 4, 5, ud. 6 " " 11. 6.16 ,I' " ' (tau. l,und.wa.ll,. 7 and 6 " " rlS Z.OS E8~at. of G. A. ~nd M. A. OObban, Jl'. ~, .. ",' OUllOd.en, Ae;t~. , i),n.d 10 '. i, " 56 $.08 F.1... 13enep., 1 t And 2($' ~tt a :8. Story'. ,~19,3 ' 1'0 .~l2 '"" Oeo. W.1l'1a.nd$r8, b' oft 2, 3, and !-i' ~tf 4 " .. ,4$ 2.20 :Nelson story', Sr. 25' oft 4. 6, 6" 6.'33 a.ml .., " " 111 '. , ,TlllmU KAY a Mid. 9 j " " eo $'j$J .--..., '.~ '1'. t..l. ea'l.. " 'l'otnl trCln'liage '7,121.6 .Mount I>>414 BloW.llon 63'10.33 ,,;\ Total oo.t, $391.1S', "tcnant apr1nkUq, '~ a08~ per l!'r~nt ?ect' .a&t a.ntl. Repair. ~ , 2.",. . A',.. %.'.1't'), to liar. 1.' ,J!:I;' . ,'.,fIJ !G tal \ ...,,___,_,J i \ " . '._'-_""'''''.'''~.'"'~'"~",''''''',''''''''''''''", . . . .... ..... ._,_.._,_.... '1',,;,_ !'~dhCE()E: S1>ECIAL ASSESSMENT. r'",:',',:::.:':"',:/:,:".{:':"::;';:~:/';';~::',::,, ~,':,':: l '~jN,\I~{);t~ the order of the City :~~r<>;Q1~,.City Of Bozeman, eon- : Cer1;Hj, r:;:.te (If CHy (l1~rk. ;~!i#..:'in':!k'lilicil Re.olution No. 31.6. I ,,~~,~y;the City Council of the ....d -;C:' () 1; :i. r, Po () -r ^ S Li e Slime n t . ;:~W:"l>!!,th. 4th aay of Janus.ry, 1906, ~::,,)'l?TiICEj.:herebygiven thll.t ~t " _*.. I )~~;BeilBiQIl : of,theCity CQUlICll of ,:'~.ll~;()i~Y,-<l~; B9zBIPl'-n, held on ,the 4th. '" .- ;~i.\)t~4IlU!\ry. 1906;CouncilR8lI<>hl~ S 1;0\. te of Yon "t,-m.l" ) !tlonN;O'316,"EntiUe4 a Reoolutiol/ ) H n . 11~'?llig'o.ne.'~BIlment of ' taxes to de- Count:' of Galh"tin. ) f'lLY,the,'colit of .prinkllng Street r'~p~i,~k1ingDi.trict No, I'" was duly !, .:rmlUrl :M. 8m1 th, ni t,y (nark , p"..Bd,' 1,,"- "'l'h'at,'!iM4 Street Sprinkling Di.trict" , '. , _ " , " , .. ,,'_ " '. iNo:';lJIl"'ds.i:tibeda8 follows, to.wit: of tl1a C1 "~' of BO/.~lh...n, ,a..-d(\ COll111,y ",-nd <:' .,.",t;l, do "That,i,partofMain Stre.t, betw.en- Uhureh~v.nu.' and Grand Avenu., to. b.H"(lb;;r <1ftrt:l.fy t;lMt the Ii.nne.xed Not;lofl of taIH'lHHl11flrl'~ ,lJet~~rwith dl .~de .tt..t. north and , , --? . , r8",'t1U'f'NJd MamStteet, to, ;he ftr~t w<<.rl dnl i, :r1~1)llBhed in thf! n\~publ:i,c;'m-":()\lr~.er. a~~-.:~ i~tQ ''tb~' ~otth and .outh of ....d ~ , ",',-, ' ' '". 'a' distance of IDO f.et '~Qt~1it;m:'j ',"; i ,,' ",' we (~kl,v nfl\'/Hlh.per, pr:1.n f;o(l. nnd Inib:l ;i.a}:HHt in thE'! s~.j.d ""J'l'Iiii,~th.'l:o.t and, oxp.n.e of .prinkl: ;:l.#~\il~I(;~t~Ctw/l,s~39L6'1;th.t~tiJ.city of BO:~fl!tli\.n,. 8~:1.d C"'l1!nl;~r and S1;'.l.te, in one 1lHme ! ~".~,,~t lilllllJ." fe.t:b9rderillg "on ~aiil 'i"",,~1,',r-\~211:2randthe.C08t per th.ereof, to-YJ:l.+" on the 12th dl4Y of Ja.nua.ry, A. D. .M~"fp,<ltf;Q5 ,1'2; ", ,.'" 'I r'Tll;';t'~\ir~uantto nidCf>uncil R.i..old- 190n "{h 1 ell d' t(lv" r.' 1", ,I .p-,"", N"" ,O"{"E'! 5' id ':t~f'~li.:B16thetotaJ e~' ofsPritlkllng I '" ,.. '"..' "".", '" " ,.", " ,'. ' ... i;I~!l'?I~~i\~6t. waB a.....ea to the prop', . ; "Ii"," " , '.f 1",,", '''''nC '-Ii; sP.t fOl'th :In a'id ~TO+'I06 :"rt;rll!fi'priVof, Ot bordetinlJ on, .aid-'" (".." ",';,.,. ." , . '_., ,_ . IIiiltrll!t,whieh, a.....m.nt wa., made ,. ,P'!r'"ll-ll~WO-'dinanee ,NO, 295; In v''!'D:TJllSf; WT-I7RJ1:0F, ! have htlr(1Un'"o liIflj; my hl'~nd t/l~t~he.Ma C(lU!lCll R8"ohitiol1 No., i31~,j,~"p,Q)V"OD:-1l1" ill the ~~ce of the amI aff1.xlitd the EN\-l of Die (1:1. ~,;r (If !In}lflrr:.an, this . .ald, git~,\,alld open ,to ln~peet'on to the' . !!'!I!Jil" '. . . . lAth d..v of 4 . .\t'!1~tIlur.u..,.,~ to, the' ~.,dOounCl. . ,,' '~ll1tIOl1No,816,Thur.day,the 18th '- ,d9yq~.J'~uary, '1906,~t. 7 :300'eloek of . /; .aid A",y,' the aallle birlng the date of then~t :'regula~ge.qlon (If t~e .aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olty" GlIJl1lcl1taf.-t1ie Council" OiIamber C i'/';" Clt1 rk. lin,..th~,CitYHa!lqt'.at4'Olty" ia deoig-- ' ~ ; "atOd. 1\.& :,tlt~tiUlil. 4i>dpl...",of h"ll-l'ing 'objeet!(!l\S,if:an'y'ther,,:!)e; to the final I f PII-R..gealld'"-lioptio.,. of Raid CQUlIcil, 'Reilolutioll No,' 816. : "[' :"nlLteILthle.$th- day of Jl1l1ua1'Y, A. D, " 1'1906. ", .' 'l " \ 1'Iy -or1lilt 'of the City, Oojlncil. . ' JUSTIN M, SMITH, . , City !Jlerk, I ,~~::;:--- I ! ;(, i