HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 313 Levies Assessment Against Certain Property on Account of Construction and Repairs of Sidewalks "'\:'~"""',~', .~ " : :"""i:";." '"" ~~"...:: .<~'"."."...~~...""":" .,.,',."';........~,_......:......,." ",O..,.c"',-c""'.' '.,..-...------.-...-.'..""(' (1()tmr.IJ, F:F...CJOl.UT;ION NO. 813~~ .. . '. .. . . . . . '. -:-. 001.11'1011 Rflfwiut:lon 1ft,.)' 1:nS IlJl ~U"lro. n t a.ga1nflt prop'i"t-y on MO()Unt of the OCltla1;ruot1on anet reIJa.iFI or dll.wa1k8, made IlUrfJUl\nt to the ()r~.r~t the 01 ty Gounoll on the 20th d.ay or July, A. D. 19,05. ..'.. :BE IT RJIlsm.VEJ) BY TEE CITY com-rcn. OF THE I1tTY 0"1<' BODMAN:" Tha.t. the s.nr~l sUITle 6et#cd t.to: tl$,lt :1"ollow:l.ng dMH~r:tbecl lots ~rtd rmrnela ('If' land b. OiI.nd;f,he $.U~l. l\re , ' ~..sp.ot:i:"el~ a......"d thereon 1,0clefrl\Y ~h. (mst Md of oons trueting &l.ncl.re~l'a:tring fi 1elcHvalks JoanA true uti 'hYI;h(l'l , c:ttyCtHlncil, in purmmnOfl of "-l'l Ordftr :t',}fI~ed oni>h4ll 2()tl1 d&l.Y,ofJ1l1y I A. n. 1905;, and ,. 1;hto.tthlll Ml/I.,-d /'l;urlR lie ,a(l11Et6~.d~ ~~~ . , <"'trom the r",'Plothl'l ownerfl of' tiLe lan.d hflrft~n i -tnlloW8, to-wi'~. I ,j ! -*- j.rame . ilfl!ltOr!Ption. AMount. T'-.1Il. '\ie V'8 . . 4O:t'.t. . of i ill.crfl 1po t-'~\A Guy' Ii 2,\ 1\dd. . ~ f't. w~lk ~t ~OCj ~12.00 , ii.ding " 1.60 , ;rho..J .ct-r.gg, Fost. 1>01; ;~ ,$f; ~4, 'Pl~. B ,,' , R01U!lCti\ eld. "', 62 ft. 9 t, w...lk..' n~ 4'110. ,t.\~~? .90 Grading \ 1.70 1,0 tl12 & /.t~ 'Elk', B. ~OlU"'l,'Ad.~. ." ',' . 25.2b . 1}6 ft.' ft, W~~~ l!I.t G l"ad ins a.ao I :2: ~~~I'jj n. ~ ~lIIilm' ~ - ..:h- "..:',",,' ---"-_."''"'~''''--- --,' '" -- --"""'~','A,'~, ,"'--- ..,'",."","" ,"':t,;l;';,I- ' )., "I _, _ ~i . _~ " I _. '~ , ' c.' ~~ ~~...~~ COUNt!]. tF."OJJlJTION No. ~ ...."',.'" ' ~(lnt:1.r.u0d. ""'or',1{Ard._ r<l"j,le. "')~Mlrir i:, XOtl. AxnCiunt. .'/Ts:FUa T>h111ipBI' l,ot B, J~n B. l4Jlfa ,T. ~.HoW'lA.rdl AS1,. ROI1f;t'lS' Add, ~:r; ft. 9' walk, at;,t.!'iO. J,~H~.60 ( ';n.l.dir1g. 1,40 ~14.00 ' .r. S. Howard. 1,01; ? I Rlk. B. -- 'Pollflee' Add, 2B ft. 9' walk At 4fto. 12.60 Gr'<.d~~ne;. 1.,,\0 14.00 }C.. V. It..oor-Ill, t:!'orl.h end,]Jo+.15. '111<. D. Or1ein~1 Town.itA. 'RflI)l:!.ir1ne w/1I.;lk. 4.12 NT'S. J. ~. Llndley, 1.08 acre Lot D. GllYS' 2-d fldd. ",rinse ,,,nd wltlk, 19 .O~ I ThoB. qft~8~, LoL~ ~ to 12, Blk I, pi:l.rk Add. p,i'I 11<dr:Ulg 'iM1K. ,,3,. ZlR,. To I;al,' A~1,?6.~i/ ....<..H;(:l~~ ....!ov~lrJ"'lr :,~d 1900. ,}{ ,~',)i:,'/"I' An l'p,re(l 1--10"fl'I'h~'}" '~(i 1.90B. ., . . . " . 6 . " . . . . ~ . . . · . ,. II '" .. " .., 01.I,y clerk. ........ \ " I , .,"~,',,:',.,;,,:,,\ . >'\ ""~ ~:, if . "': ~ {~',': , ,i,'i.,. .. .~, "j", ,.." '