HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 312 Vacates Certain Streets and Alleys in Northern Pacific Addition
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1'" ~['}T}; ~m:RrnT.:Rl:f :rArm~IC ADDI'l'IOn T() YrrE r,ITYOT.' 130ZEliJrAN,
STAn: OJ? 1:/.01"'TA:bTA.
..* ..
Be is Ord",,1ned by th.$ 01t.y Couno1l of jjhe City .t
n",.-",,!'lo.. \
~,..u .t.'';''':,~,i,r,~...4 . III ,/
seotion 1,:", Thot t the following l'lkllllild Iltree tli ;o:nd alley.
...!thin the :r-To:rthel"n PMi1":1.o Add.ition to the City 0'1 BO.;>:.:m.M,
'I County of a...l1at1n, stat eo! uontana, &cutOTIIUng to the plat
(;}Iereof an file ('md. of ~ record :tn the Orfice of the C01U'lty
~ :~~.
Cl",rl$: <>.rrd Faaord~r of thf.t said coun,t;y of oallatin, st",te 01'
,}\on'i!:""n...,.. be,u1d t:rJ.f1 awn. hrehereby d..ci",rad d.hoQnt.1nued and
".M1.,~ta Ii" to-wit:..
fi,prul\*' 8t?'l:l6t, ,1,wt;"'I'l~m the' I'lM!t6rlY~line t;Jf .. 1'~ " I;treet
",n~j :;};,<l e~.s ~ 1 itl>!'" (,1' !;"j.d -,Add.i t ion;
\ Wi-lIew f\tre~~t, b8f;wl(lf:lnt}lf,I e""loIterlY lirre of " tt... stre"d:;
".,:nd t},u e~,.>3t lin&of .~lb\id Addition.
Chflr:ry ~',t:r,H~t,bt!t"1et':n tlw f\1<'It";t"rly line of .. t':; " stre"~'t
'it'd !;!!e:l eQ,st; line (If" OJ,dd Addition;
Pine :1tr'cct;, .rJ(,I;'\'/I'<'l'r1 the nortll bOlJndt~ry Ijorle of sald.
Adci:it~.on,",nd t-he east 1;1; i'ndcl'Y line of t;'hl". sellle;
"Ti,ln:..tt strtH't, biH"yI"en;;:he north bOlln ,ry line of said
Acl.cl.i 1:10n 4nd the ealil~t.i6i1ndj:<.rj' li:ri~; of tr:.H ih.me;
All of the flt:r+.);c,-!jlill1Ll1illJertJd" P ". II G," "II U II, Ii I"
'~nd " .r It;
. . , " ,:;h(t .,Uli:;y 1'imrdng 't;hrougr: ':noc}:g n1l1l'lbered 8:;, '7:1, '10. 62,
,S\;! <.no. ;)().
.. ",
The Alley runningthrollgh BloCksntmlbared 132, 74, 69,
6311Ud 58; .
The Alley rl.mn1ng 'through B1Qoka nUlllbered 81, 75.68_
an<< 64.1
The Alley running through m.Gok. ntllabered 8G, 76, 67
The Alley rUJ1n1Rg through Blocks num'bered'7',"''1 ani 6$,;
The AlleyrUlllRing thrOUgh BlciOktlUlllberecl ?ef'
'- '
et'Uon 2:. '1'h.180"'in&mn ahtloll' take effeot and be
in toree ,i'_anfi, ,ai:f'ter1ta ,......g.. lll.pproTal (,\,nd. Pllb11o<~t:to~.
p..~.._.tj,,*~,~.. ~
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st~te of Montana, )
) SS.
County of Gallatin. )
I. ,TuIUn M. Bm1th, CHJr Cll'lrk (IIf'
the City of Bozeman, .aiel CountJf ant r,ta t., do hereby Qcn"t1f;y
thOl-t on tile 20th dRY of Jli1y, A. n. 1905 E. ,T. owenhou8fl duly
prl'l6ented to the ~:ltJf ('JOllnc11 of the C'l:t ty of n'IZeq.",n a
peti tion tor f;he T\.\cation of oert[\'in streets and alleys 11'1
the :rorthern pao1fic !dd1t:l.on tcl;he said. Cj.t~r, which .1,ree',
and .....l1eys 1l1~r1;iculti.rly det>or1lHld inl;he Ord1na.noe )Tc. 3:1.2
hereto &t1;E4ohed; tha.t on t.he 8th <lay of october, A. D. 1905, "'"
pUrSUI'Ult to t,he order of the eait City Council, mad. Ol'l the
5th day of Ootober, A. D. 1905, due notice by posUng ~I
given, as rftqulr~d by s~otlon No. 5031 of the Political Code
of the State of 1I~ontana., to al1per8ons :l.ntflre8ted., 1;hat the
aa:i.d Jle t1 \;ion would be ll.otecl upon llY the lI14id. city Courlc11 on .
~he 19-c11 d,,,,'y pf Octoher, A. D. 1905 j that'..t the time or ,a14
hf;lnrine no obje.atiOll.i in writing or oth,rwi.. were made 0.
fn~ld to the "ac(..t~on to t;he Taoation of the streets anet a.1llllY'
!-Hl eat forth in sa.id. IleM.tionj that ontheZ4 c:l,.yof N'o'Yflmber,
A. D. 1905 the ~\.ttachEld and fongoing Ordint.\.llce NolZ12 WI,l!I
passd by the City Ommen of au,'-d 01 i;y and. \~ppr()Ted by t.h,
:Ma.yorthereofj that on the 25th clay of NOTemb:~r, A. D. 1905
I por; tad five copies oft.he u ttaohed. a.nd forflgolng orlii:tnanoe
No. 312 in fin public lmd. oonspiOU01.l8 plaoes in"th., ,.u. City
of BOz.elnan, to-wit j one on the cloor ot the C'H1n01~ Chai'1\b.r .
of the City H<.l.llj one On the fron ot the ,toJ"f! b111'ldi1'1g at )To.
47 Eal!lt Main Street j ono on the bulletin boa.rd 1~ the Un1tecil.
sta.tes Put Offioe; one on the bulletin board,onithe AT~ltt
-courier building and one On the bul1et1nboa.,rd :l;n t~.. Court
IN 1nTNESS WHEREOF, I ha.Te here,lmto IH'l t m.,v ~Oln4 "~
I:4ffixed the Bflal Of, the on_, t t:r;fh , 35~
- NOTemb~r, A. D. 1905. ~~
city Clflrk. ' .--'
I - ~
I:' I"
, )
f". -"'-.-:"" /
~TOTI"j1) Is I~}<rBY GlmT, That E. J'. Owenhoust, th.
owner of :nlookljlnulll'bered 56,58.'5'$.. 62, ()3. G4.. 65. 56.. 5'7,
,~- ' , ~ ' .
61,",' "',13.,'74,7&.'6, 7', '8, 7', 80, 81,82 aft. a, ;oJ
, ' , .
", 'Ut~, N.l"'1lhernpa..i:til A4cl'i tiOrtto theC1ty o~ Boa.lIlM, OGunlll' .t
<lalb.un, sta-te o-t'jl~mtft"." ~1'.rd1ng to the pl<<.tth.reof o.
tile and. of retort 'in ~h.Off1oe of the OOl:4nty Clerk an'
~'..or".r.f the Oounty ot Galla-tin. state or M~Utt<u.. halll
P!Jt1U,:n.. the City O~'n.mcll of the.ai( City o:rBo"e~n fQr
..n.Or~.r,-:1.oonUnu1ag an" YllCUt1Rg thE! toUow1nS 1181.4 str,...
a.nIlAl1e;y. within ,._~l.'A'<<hiG.n, luulpa.rtiQularl:y-: de..t~\:l'~ 11\.
roU..wa. to..w:i t:..
&';-rucei'{treet; bet~;een ;:h" tlIl.atElrly line of " K " stroet
and the 8a~t line Qr said Addition;
'\"1'1110w stref!t, between -the 8a.stet'ly line or " K It Strut
t11'ltt the.a,at I1n. of u.id Add it Jon;
Cherr;J' street, betwe~m 'the ill....~tflrly line llf II Ie " st~l:!e1i
il.nd the Ullt J.1neot Q&.1d Addition;
pine street, betmeert th" north bOUl'll~~ry line of sa!,
,A4lii tican a.nd the east bOllndi',1"y 1111e of thll "ame.
walnut street, betWeen the north b01.U14ary line 01'1..14'
At4it1on ~d the e~st boundary line of the eag,e.
Allot: streete number'eel. " F ", " G ., It!: ", " :r " a.nf
'\ *:r"j
\\ The Alley: running tl'lrough J3100klS number64 83, 7~, 78, ~2,
\ 159 lilond 56;
\ '!he .Alb;y running thro ugh :no, Ck,' nUIRbared 82, 74, 6', "
~ " ' \::n4. 58, . if
\ The ~,~.y running thrQugh )~l6Mk" nuabered 81,
6" ~\ " '.
""""" ~,
~_', _, ,~ _~------.....J....___
,~ ...
'lb.. .4.11'7 TWlniag throeugh :Blo'k..._.r... .e, '76,1'''''''
The ..11'7 running thrtv.gh Block,numberllld. 79,"74n:'~'J
An4 the Alley Tunnl.1it thl'011gh ,J.nk' naber..'..
That 11..1 "'l'1..'dU..,b' taku on...$.. p.UtbtlbytM
'&11 Cl1ty CClundl At 1ta nl\ll&r ...ting t.. b.h.,11 1ntit.e
Ooundl Oh-.l\.b.T 1m the City FraU Bu,,"11l1ni, 1nthe City .t
:eU.J(jan, (I,.th. 19th lI.lil.y of Ott.beT A. D. 1900. a.t 7:3'
o'~~." P. k. of ..14 ~
:By Ol"ChtT ot 'Ch~ Qun~U ~t the C1tYO~ B.,._.. ',',' ,,'. i
i ...... 'ht. ......... W d O.-".'t ~~
,": '.' ',:'" ,
, ,,' '" ',.
. ..,,. ,.., '... '., .":"'.';,.<:'~' .'. . ,4, If .'''.l~:.'f .' .' ,." 'jf ,,~;. t:'~' j,' ~ "f" :'.:-:,: ~,~ J
CUy Bl.r]c,. " ,>
fJ t.1;. of Mon tl\na , )
Din;n ty or a F\11n tin. ~' SS. I
I. Justin M. ;,SBllth, City Q~",,~..t
i ,,' ,,',
I 10M ("1 ty of 11(')"I'1....n. ,aid. o.un1oy aM. stljl.tt~:clO h,re'bJT,Cfll"t 1;,~
, ' r.\i\"
that. pnrrHlant to thlil, order of the City, .oOUho1;1,of....". 0\,*,:,
1!ll<l.de on t.llf ilth 4al-Y Q,t ootober, A. D. 1!J05.~.rul pnr.l~"tt~
Se ot i on /#50 ~11 of the pol1 UOli.l C.d.e of. the Sta tflotl!Ontana. I
dH on the 6th. dlll.Y of ootober. A. D. 1905 put three upl.,.,
ef the foregoing NeUoe at three publio p1~o.. in th' .a14 I
01 ty ,of BU.Mn. to...wit. on,' at the d.oor o1!the Couno11, .
Ch~b,er af the City, Ha.ll. on. on the bulletin beard 11'\ t}u\l
'Unite. gt.lilotu :put Office and, one on the bullet1n bOard. at
Cou:rt H'u".
IN WITNJlBS Wfl'EREOF, l\ere\,1h t Cl
-.t,t :lX'" th.e teal or the
QQtobll!r, A. n.:1;..Of}.