HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 311 Vacation of Parts of Certain Streets and Alleys in Capitol Hill Addition ......-... -- ~",~~'-'- .. ...,.~ _ .._...._... .,..~, ,.,~, ..'_~", ".m".' ,..,' ,.., ~~ . ,~.,~~~~~~,._~,..~-" ,-- .."~.' -,~...,...~.-_.. -.. '~-_" ---'".",,',' . .""_.' ., g1 1 - 1-. O'RDIJl'AJ'OE ... ....,,:t,.'t. ._\_ 1\ I" , . I Aii ORDINANOI VAOATING PAJt'rS 01' ~~ i '\ I ,'. " :- \ ~ l S_TSa.' AU.nS IN OAPITOL ItItL AD'DI'l'I01. 'I" 'r~ C)~\~01l' I I' " ' , , :aOZDAN. S'lATE OJ' IIjPJrl'AN4-:", '-I ,l';, . ' --, , - .. I' \ , ,\ \ BJ!l1't O:RDA!NJn') :BY 11IE arTY COUlJOltr..', OF Tmt'iO*~1J , ", \. J$Zl1v,d.. "ii," , , \ \" B..UIll'lI.:'" 'l'haI.t thole part. ot the t&l~,wtq .~4\ 1\tI;r',eta a.ncl aU'Y8) h8rt1natt.r mere putiettiAr'li ..."r:fb."i, "lt11111 I oapi:~01 Hill A4Ution to the City G! l!uemJtn, County!ot Gl1l.11.Un, state .t )n:ontsna, auor41ng to t:lt1e ,plat thtreet Oft tUe 84 cf rUQrli in the Otfioe of the CloUtlt;r Clarik:a.. Reeler-tI'r of the ,aU oounty ot G.Il.Un,'S~a.te of' :Mo~ta...) be J " " " I! ~n' Uw _.. are h.nby 'ealar.. cli....0In.U.'~~cl a.. v""'.cl, . ,', , I. to-wit:... All of that part or lI1nenth AnAU'S~iU'$' which. 11.. bet.en the south l1n. of Wut Cell." st:r~.'ucl the ..utlil. U.. ot "..t Clevelan4 strut i : All that part of Wut Ra.rr1eon itree:ti.n. .,t "..t CIe""b.n4 strut wh:Loh 11es betlQfln thCll we8it\li.n~ of Tenth ATehue south anti the wnt HIl.. of :tU,oka l!I16~t, an" WI.. 1n _,,...............\ ,':i. .&14 eapitd lUll AU1t1on) ?,."he AlleY8 rURrllA8 through aa.ic:l BIGokl '.$!ligh t ant !fin. ! :~" , . \ betnclR Wnt College St...t p,nd We.t 01....1.... 1:r\reet, and ...t or or.nth Avenue SGutllJ AU or that part otlU8hth Annu.e SPl1thWh~~ 11.- I ,I, 'I betnen the .outh Une of "ut OleTf.llan4,."r,et ..~ th~ nor. . line ot ,,""1.111..1. Stre,* ' i," . All th... partl ot .... Al"'Q;'f#8'1"..~i..t~~bl' , , sctr.,. weat .q.., It,.,d ..act ""at O....t S",...,tIFt" _.twn. '1\. w...tl,la,.'....atk ,ATI..e s,uth and th. ....~ llln..t ":"'.;'-: :ltctalth...!...ue ItuthJtj,L__ . _____ -..- .... i #2 I \ \ 41 't-l:t.e:d.l.)". 1rt :al.,t. nUU'.r'-.al'. "','7, .. "c'oa in aa1cl\Caphel lU.U A4d1t1.o. 171.. be'....n't-h. 'OU'tll. lb..f '..~atOle~land Street lmcl' the north Un. ot ...at ttnoo1ft .. I" -HJ, ." .. strut,. al1td '!:h, west la. of seTenth AT.... 80wllh Md. the ..81 l1ne 0-/, Eltrrhth Avenue South. - . . SeU1C)JII',.2 z- 1'h1sQrd1nalloo '11.al1 t..~.. ert.at t.n4l be 1m I tGlf.. :f'~m ~I'U'U'hr 1t.pa.,ag., approTal.nil pUblioatioa. 1'a...,. ~"l":t.'-')~ ~ao... I L 'I ", ..,:AfPro...,.........lMl.. ~.9'. ~ ' ~I). " ......~..~..~............4.. . i"", .MAyer'. .. ""I " ; '0 01ty Olerk. '11'1,.. '>1" :Po'te' .......J"'.~P->>-... 1905. .,~' 'f ,~I " ,',I ...~, ".n" - -..-,\.. I } , r,ERTIFICATR. st"tA of McU'tta.na, ) )S8, \ Count:, 'of Galla.tin. ) I, .:nlstin M. fltllHh, the C:Lty of BOl'1tro<tn, sa.id C(')un1.y a\nd St;Ei\,'I;~, dr,) -;;he em the :?).a<t; da.y Of'SflptclInbl'!r,A. D.IQOl'i the MOl'l.tana Ag:r1c:ml t,;llr"lColle gl!! ,by 1 t3Ex<<cuU VfI Ena.rd ,daly pir. "l'Intfid " to the City CQUM~lC1f the Cit:, of nO~l"llTi.\n '~p61Itititlln for 'I' the 'V't4CH-.t,idn ofct'lr1;a.in .tr~()t&ltnd .1;.Hf'iY., ~ r,u,pifiol Aad1tiont():t~~;l;ajd a1 ty"',,Wh:\,ch str('jfl1;H And' ltJ.l(!;TS .<\r"" part:tou,h.rlYd<e,scrih"!d :t11, theOrd1nan:cl'l no. 3:1.1 hel'r~t('l attOioohed.th...t, ,on~he 61;h. cl~(J!',October, A. D. 1901'1, to the ~'. ,er()1' 'f;~r" (l 31ti4 Ct".~T ~()ill'''''::i.l mudI'! l'lnt;hl'! 5th dlil.yql', : '\/ ' ','" ,', I ' .. "'b;;pu'U~1 , \ 00 ~o h'r..~' i!\'. :"',.. ~"do." """ "ivon, .. TO 'IH1ro. ~y \ i "!h"1Ii~:,~',- (', ',"', fW, \ ; :s.ct~(l,n,,"liO~Uot 'f;h(l!1!plcl.,tic1.o.1.l1oc:l.l'I rrf t)-:() ,rct;,ttA of Hnnt~, to\ 'J' ,,',' , ',' - '\/ J , , , , ", " i d,l L',e,r'l-l(1,lJn.,~;,i" ,l"~",'!,',,'l,r,,'r.)";fl,d,', tn,"'>.I, ,If<,d.rl "r~,.:t"i;.i, on W"Oi,l,',lc! n, '" i:1"r:t.~,Cl IIp,O,n, II ':,^'<' . ~' by",'/;he lici.;t~ C .'" :;~lm~iLJ. onUw 19th d,~v O:r()~1;(ll->I~r, A. D, 1\~05,' "~ , '"'\"H""",,, ",., , ' , ", ' '. 'Ii ' ;'>X'[\"'" ~ 'th.ii.\;4t ~li:* .;,iJ:J# of, 'k;J('\r<llarWe nf"o:r:J~,~~:l.'n~If>1n.'NrH.tng or I, I..~,,,,,.:!; ", 1,-- " ,',',' \ '. II O'f;};fl' wtl-le ',vore "ind,' (lr f-;Ul'llij-l;p t,h<1 V"O;d;JoTj ol'th~~ IJIitr~tlf;$ and I, a.ll<tY\1 'lit.. liIfl1; for~,h in l'l.:;,id Ill< ~:it:l.on. thaT; ,tln Uti! ftel d/~~f, of N0v~mberl A. D.,J.90fit.h(1 at.t(;,(l}Je,d ,MI(l fG\n'~()1ng or(ijtwn(.\~ }~\l. 311 Wi!l.1I li',.lHled l)y t.hl.'i 'idd r.1t:IC~lmCn u,nd tpproved b;ythl'l\ "I' ,A. /:1, I ;f 0..5" :MaYor of thfl $,'tid~H,j' j thl-:.t.on tIl.\'t ~';:'i I,h d'~~'Qr rov~Dio~'lbT.' p(Jutlid f:l..lIl COpJ,oIlS (if t;h~,ll;j;anh(!ld dTld for~'g()i"'g Ord,il'lMI(Jj') I 311in five p:flb1:l.r; (;;J1d OCIT'6I,:I,QWt'1' l)h,ol'l~ in t:.hf1\C:l. typf j .. , ' ""......,.' \ . ' Bo~ema,n,l1Il:4id COlln1,y <-l.na S'1;ll1.t l'I, to-w~t:t)nt:!'tl'l do~r of the O~mcll I"!h6Ullbt'lr or t.ill! City Hall i GlnA c:n 'I.fI,"l fren 1; 't th, store b~l1(iing ,j,j; No, 41 'll'a.ut r,,{1.j.~ strsl'ltj OM on the ~~ql~:l.n,bo~rij. ~ \~~ ',I \ ....:\R ,the, Unite,d. flti.\'CSI pa8<orf~O'. e)n$ on ~he~\rti,1.'~1n~rClCln _~,~", " A".TN.l,'t,,-C,Ol~r1er nlllld~~~,~;J':( \,:n", em t.htt, (~)~l'lf!t;tn ballU'Q "~(~'.', the .u~ ""'0 " '..,'~ .' ! ,"A"'.'., "J ""'~'" . '. ,~ " ,- "', ';',--, ,1F, w;rTNESl;1 WR~OF,l )i~ye hfllJ~!Unt~"'t:1i'lY'h,and ' ~ \ l,' ,"',' ., ,', " 14f,t1,xe4,','.,.,t.h,41, ual ~,t: ot Bo. .;lItt:\,~I~"ih,..".,i,." a",.. t,h."",'-4~Y A. D, 1905., I ,i" ' .- ,_," _ .' ,;~, '",.,' ,',:,' . . .'. . ... . . . . ',',~...' ',."" "', '-:,:. :.". )',':',: "{'.,, (,t',: .', . : > q ~liy,~:t...r,k;', , '" <, '''.~. . I ~ , ....... - ''''~'''''\ " " 1 " rfj :NOTICE. ..... NOTTeR IS J1J<TI{l'."BY' GIVEN', Thl.ll.t -~he Agr1cul tural College of the sta.te ot vanta-na, by its ExeoutiYe Boa.rd, the ()w;ner of p,locks nUlillberet8, 9, 21. 26, 3? 44 and 53 of capitol Hill Addition to the C1 ty 01' BuemG.n, County ot adlatb state of Montana, &l.coorci!ng to the plat thereo1' on f'j,le and of ruord ,in the ortf1.. 0'1 the county Clerk. and Recorder 01' the county of Ga.llatin, sta.1>> of Mcmh.na, has petitioned the City / Counoil for an Or4~r 4i.-continuing and. Tacating P_wtl o~ the following nMled. .treeh Anu a.lley. within &i~1ci Addition ,a.nd. particularly' desoribed as follow., to-wit:- All that portion otEleTenth ATe.south, wh1eh lies 'between the south line of West College st. 2.nd the ~1outh line ot We 1St CleTeland St. al the lh..me i8 novl con a tructed. . j I All that part ot 1''€St H""rr:\.son st;Te~t and of 111eflt Cleveland Rt. which lias between~he "Jew!; Ilnfl of T~H1.th Ave. South and. the west; linea of :alock :F;ight und, :Hin6; The Alleya running t;hrough f;".id :rUnek" }l::lg:t 1; a.'Jd ')ITine ,'~ ~..:' between West Colleee street <>.nd 1,1'est ()level"nd rltreet tilmd west of Tenth A''fe. Sou~hi , All that part of ]1;i.ghth Ave. South which lit'll) 1ietwe<ln the south line of ''!eat Clevch.nd st. {,nd the nOl'th line (Jf West l.-inGoln st. i All thOfJE1 l-,i;.rte of West; Ar'~hur st., West Garfield p,:l;., West Eayes St., !tnci ""8st Gri;.nt st. lYing betwe-e'n t:he welft lint of Seventh ATe. South and the Cf",-St line of :Eighth Ave. !=louth,. All the Alley. in Blooks numbered 21, ?8, 37, 44:and 63 in said A,lidition Iy',ng betwee':rl the south line of West CleTt'llant st. .:md the north line of \l'efrlt,:'L1ncoln "st., iil.,nd the west lin. of seventh Ave. South I;:;.nd the east line of Eighth Ave. South. , . . ' ,4 II I, I' II " ;,1 #2:- That find action will be 'ta.ken on lllii.id -pAt1tionby the citY:;Counel1 of the said ,..1 ty of Boseman it t i'ts ree;uia.r meeting to be held, (It the ~oune11 Cha.mher in tIle Oi ty rraU i .. I ",UUdine, in th" city o1'Bozem,m, on the 19th 4':"J' Qf ootober, A. D. 1900, at 7:'':;$k p. M. of .a" '.y. B;\' Order oi~" ty Oounoil of the 01 ty et :F\ozeman. 'nated 'chi" ..... day of O.tober, A. D. r\}05. ~ I C:it;\' fllerk. Stat. otMontana, J ' , , 8. , . '01 untYot!"Ollat bt. t~ luat1n a~ ~lth, Oity olerkof the City or :a...~, ,aid (Jcnmty .Il.~t. e, do hereby Gert:lf)" that pur.uant to thd t~.'r of ~e Oity a.uncll .t .a14 n1ty, made 0" 1;1'1. Jth day of Oot~b.r. /t.~'D. 1905, and. purnani to !"'.. Sect1.. N,. ~l .t tn.,.litioal 01<<. or th. ~tate of _.nt.lona, :t 414 on the 6th day .t oohber , A.~ D. 1905 , po.t thr.. copte.or the tor.going notice at thru publio plao.. 1ft the 6a.14 City Qt Boaeman, to-wit; ofte a.t the cloer of the _. Qounoil Oh&mber ot.h. 01 ty :gall; ~ae cut the BulleUn bOArd at 'til- 'UJt1td t:ttat e, P4t.t Off1ce __ on. .1'1 the ,butteUn "...rl& at ;he p....., ""'.., ..11 er Which plal:t.' ar. within the n1t 011oY' d "e.ma:Q" ~ Dr "'-.. ......, I hIW. her.un:to I.t affixed. the ..al et the QQ10ber, A. D. 1~O5. I' ~.,.,.~............ ,.......,.~ .' ""_01ty Clerk.