HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 310 Creation of Special Improvement District Number Eight - ,-_..,-,,- -..-----,.--- . .-.--,---- ._,- -.-.. ~ ~:'~~,;:=i.~.=::!::,'l~;:'::!~::;~::.l.~' ,,~!",,~,~;:,.::;!.o;:;:J, ,:::-:~,:=~,ft" ,--+- , -~--!~.,' ..::!::~~~. ,....__.:::::::-:~~~~~~:::,;,~~=~~=~.:~-,~~'"~::.:,:~:::=.""'~~ '_._~,... ._"'.., ----r~. -~.. ~ . 1'1 II I ~ . ~ III COT1Nam REBOLUTIdlr )TO. ~~. 0 .-- ':11 III Iii SPllICIAL zmOVlr.MXN'T ::DIS'lRIOT lfO. '.. I~ Iii --*.- I" \\1 CJ{b1A.TlNG A SP:SCIAL IJlPROVl&ENT DISmaT FOR TIIJ: )ltta?Oa III I I ~I OF CONSTROGTING OONORlITlC SID_iLKS. AND CURBS t ON :aO'm IIDIS 0"' :i i , (}RAJ:ID AV1IllruB, SOUTH, WITJIIll THE :aOtJlll)ARy LID30!' SAID ,11 DISTRICT, IN rIlE CITY OJ' :BO%ll!JWtj COUNTY OF 'GAlJ..A.Tl}f,_~tF II MONTANA, UNDER Al,.OJtXTY AND IN OON.F~1U(ITY WITH !HE nOVISIOJJS II 11\ 0]' SECTIONS WOo 10 TO~", INCLUSIVE, 0]1 ROUSE BIlJL 110..',0' / THE :FIFTH LEGISt.Al'IVlll A.SSlIMBLY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, II ; -: APPROVED MARCH 8th, 1897, AS AHENDED. ...... BE IT RESOLVED lW THE CITY COTJNCIL OJ!' Tmr. CITY, 0]1' :BO.l~EMAN f a..Uta 1... TAd a Sp.e1_1 I.prn'fn.AU'l'~ nhtr1et r"r tk. 1)1.l1'llO 1:111I of JIIliIi..U.q ..rial. 1zpr""'.'R te, lltre1natt.r ..r. yert1cl.l.Iarly ...trib.., b. anI. the lame 18 h.,..by ar.ate., ,ht ,aLii! t.., b. kJUil,,",61.n' ..den.t.. .ISPlo1.1 I..r'T...n,t I Ditt,.1.... Ne. a,ot the elty .1 B......, e._ty ot GlJ.llaUa. still. te.t Mll/n1I.., for th. ....tru.'UoJl of auent. 1:I...walk. anll our-be; S,oUQa.i."'" That tl'l' boUJi4a,.1u "r .ai'8PU1al I.lllpronmu,t D111.tr1ot 1f'. .. fl.'" h.reby ....rib... a. toll...., ., 4 ta...w:!.t:- J30g1nJl11.g:at ~01Jlt in tho .'rlter 11", .t .....'10 :sabootk s'treet whereth. 8l1ltln. 1. 'inhra..,.4 1:111 the ,xhn.1tR ot the ".,,, cenhr Un. of \I~' Alley 1R :SInk ]I ot AU.r'..'8A..,Uthn t. the 01 10)'" at BCI..'.~J tlleR" ..u'!U1 aloRg th,..~~t.. I11J' ot , ' 11"'1' All.y a.nt\ ,tke oxtens:1 on ,t the tMl. ".tlt:f!; '.l'lt.r;L~ft' of we.t Odleg~ fJltreeti Then" "'at 'lone the cent.r Un. .1 ...id wtl.t~lle,.. . stor.. t to th':~all'R.1Ql'l of th.A.ll.y1a :&1... Q .t AU;""..." <~5f" - (l ,,) I . -'\ #2:.- Naendr",ent to J~airT16w Ad.dltton to the ;;ity of' BCl~6jnli<n; Thence north ~l(lngthe center Hn9 ot l!ldd Alley a.nl.. the .., .xtenliion 01' the n.me to the center 1in. of ,Iuloid west 'Babcock street; ~ Tnence;1a.long thEl eemter line of s,t;\.dWest Tv~l)cnck Street to th.pl~ce of boginning. S.cHon 30" 'l'ht\ jj the eh...racter <If. t.:M, j.mproVMrientll whioh. are to be ma.'et within a,~i( 11poo1a.l !mprOT(nn~nt Dj.atr1ot 1TO.8 are d.ucribad ...8 fOlloWIIil, to-wit: 'rhe oonHtruction of u. concr6te 15id"w~lk and curb on b.th I sid.s gf fla.it G-ri.nd Avenue, south, within the boundary linea 01 8~id Di~trict; ~i\1d cOl'lorei;e s:l.dewalk to be fhe ( 5 ) fee t in widl th, plaoed one ( 1 ) foot from the prDp~rty line to the 1nBide eeige I;hfJreot i Said oonorete curb to be fiTE! ( 5 , inohes 'hy 'e ightun ( 10 ) inohes ,Ill.~ctld four ( 4 ) -reet'from'the otrtslde edge of ~1l.1cl s:l.dewalk to the face ,or olltsida Rutf'aot!. of lmidcmrb. Sect'1otIJ. 4.- 'l'iw.tthe appro:x1mA.1;l"l estilW,A,te o;f' the ooat of the illl!H"OTIUne nt& to liEt lIlt\de wi thin Ha5.d SI,ediQ,l Improvement Di~trict No. & is ~. follows, to-wit: ~or o6nstruot1ng '..llooncrt'l tfl s idew..lk and 0 urb. the oost of whioh h to behorn~ and paid for by t,he property owneu Vf1th1n the bonn(lu.rloa of said. Dis't:dot,$7,1f>O.OO Total frClhts.ge within Md.. -nit'Jtrict 4,2':Hi feet, lllitk1ng the probl!.bll!1cost $1.6%" per front foot. Sect:to-..,jiTha.t the entire coat a.nd. expttn$o of MfI.':l.d \., ooncrete sideW$.lk a.nd O\lrb sha.ll 'be born.a1'l.d paid for ~ by ~ ~,'. the entire Dhtrht, herainhef()re cr.Ul.e:.. anttittioribed, ll&4oh :"",',;:,',f.;" . lot, or l/\il.rl!l~l, of l~nd within'salA IaprGY:flu1.iI'ltD)tatr1at }TO. 8 to"be as..'~.:z that .....t ,,~. ,he ..d. ."'.' "1~ .1to.... 'bear. to th."'.,.a.Of the entire D:t8tr1I1itJ,..iU8iT.\ot Itreets. I- i a118y.,"an(.\ llubH.. plav,., , _~ I .,~:-=_ j !. __,~",,,....,,,~,,,_~,,,,.,,.~.. '" Ib. ~ \ ..., /~-' ~:- Tha.t ';-1.11 thltooat a.nd expensu irumrre4 ~,n OOR8truct!"1 sa14 C01101'" te aide-Nane an4- curb., h,n'ehtbefort: /Jet flH'th, 1. ..u, spec1e,1 rapro.eln/'!nt!)1str:\ot No.8 sha.ll b6 p&14 tor by SI'f!lcial I1I11,n'V'ement nrrltJ'ltl!;) ...... agaihst ,$I. tUTui to b. knoWTl a.nd d.UignAtH. a, SpeU4il blIITOYflment Dldr10t 1'0.1 .I Fundi 8aid~rrGl.ntrJilh&.1l dre.w ~:tmpl. 1nterut.....,,~.Ii~t .;Jt~~t,~~ annum; Guoh ,t'llhre8t :frOtl the date of thfl :r~g:\strll\t:ton (If the Warrant until t.hf.l first I*YlIll'lnt beC.:'lme8 'allnquont shall 1)p, considtll"'flQ. I? Ilo!I.rt of tb~ cnut of ilIllI.1" oon(lrut{~ s1del'lalks ~nd curbs j fhAt the oost Md tilXpenS8 o.f Qonjitn,~Qting ssid ooncrete 61d~w~tlkfl .9.nd ourl)f~ Ahall be '",. I dtlfrnY$d 1IY13pe<:::l:a.l ,a61'l'lilill'>;I~mt; thlf.t the pe.Y''1lent~''ll mad. in inetAllmenb and tha.t '!;h* payment of n:UI. :llllstalJ.m.l'll'l-ts .hall JtX'tend. OTer ~,i, :period of fiTfl year" j that thtit t1l"r.1, :paY1l'.\l1Ill-t l'll1lall be for cHle-s1xth of the total auusl'I,e1"lt. thftt upon all pii.Ylt;,enta, a.ftc/r.tht t:1:I"'.t, the C1 ty Trta.eur.r .hall QOlleQ,t r;1mlll<! 1ntlllT1Il6t a.t the rate uf e1x plr oent :per a.llnua from th~ dli.te ',..,hen the r1rst paY1'ldntbeoomu delinquent a.r..4 aha.ll. tenhe :(l&;rlllel'lt in full ..nd gin TeO.1pt. t:b.er.t.:r tor' the IIlntire tax on ll1'ljr pl'oJHtrty ....Hh 1nt.frut to the '...h ot p..ymM t" a. t ,:ln, tiillf -the lS;l\lIl<, mu.y be tenth,.." by the 0,,",-'1' OT agent; th.J.t when one payment 'beco!llelil 4e11nquerlt thl!l whole tax ! shall become u, ,,-t;.nd the prC)ptlrty shdl 'be s0ld _\S ol;her proper... 'i . . , I ..t:y IH)14 for t."'-u. \, '''It'tOtiorI6.,- '. Thw.t Thuradl'Y, "h.~t19th day 0;( ootobflr. A. 1). 1905, 6,1, ?:;~O p. M. of the IHdd d.l~r he ,lndth(l 1Ja.rat ;la hereby . d,e81gnl~ted aa the tiDle iIondl,he l1ounoll chUJ.ber in tho au.y of Bozeman 1,\8 the p;l.ae., 'When ant! "her, 5&1.4 City OounoU of, ...1.. city .Ul be J.nlllu.1~n and w1ll h'aT objttet1one, it' any, to thtl tinal p.....ge. ~fttl a<<option of th1t Rteolut1oll ~ uf1a.lQ" ""'-" ,J por:,Cln, or~r'9n., $e,a1''' ~g'nta or owner. or any 1ft.1' . .' ", , " . I. ,.r . '\ parcel ot la.n4. wi *111 ...:1.:".02.-.4 ...wrGn...t ])lItcrict 1-10. . i i lhall, at 11.1. UIl' ..n4;pl...., haTe the rip, h .pp...r< "/ ) --- .~-'- -. .,. : .. .Uher 18 perlon or-by o,nm..l and sbow clil.\:iae. it any. there be ,why th.ooncr*t,tt eU.<!lwalk8 ft.r.d ellrbs mer\t10ne4 :herein il\hltoll not b.ootH~tru0ted, or "lit this pnoluUon .hall n not, bfl finallYP/il.&lud. ~u,& adopted. ~l!l.ti(ln7.-'1'hl'J,t, th~ ctty Clllrk be. ,liend 11f! 18, hel"e'b:'. inatruCIlte4, by the city Counol1 1;.0 hlil.v, thil Jluolot10n ., " pub1 hhed 1n So W,klY new.paper. printed (~nd T'1.t'b1hhdrJ'l thft [I C:H~' (,f TI(lzll![lltn,to..\!;'it, the T-ltpubl1csI.T:I""Cour:lp"r, in onfl'iA811t therflof,'!'JOt leBIIl than :rive dtl.ya befol"'<II tl"fl d&.te lIJet tor UtE! hflf~r1ng ot (lbjections to t.1,,, f1n!'l.l pa.ftfJl1\.r:t>. ,,,rid fl,M,l1tion ot thi $ "Rtso1. nt ~,on. I secUM'1 a.- That it it'! he1"fl1Jydf.el~tred to bEt tNl intent:101'l of 1'l;;d.dJH3' couno1,J to finl\llY pUB 3.rid adept 1;h18 !I Ruolution on the 19th day ot ,october, A. D. 1905, at aaU I< ., &*,.10n ot tn~ said ~1ty Counoil, unless objections are ma4' I , , therQto at lia.14 tb\e arlll plaee'by owner. or "",gents repr.untbg l10re thall oJa,-half in area of ,1.11 the 'proY'"rtywlt111n n14' ~ .' ,~r - all,old I.ltp,rovemtnt u:1str1et '!!O. 8, w'.bt~,"Qtll">~fJ a...,U'" ", ~. r . to d..fra.y tn.. coato'!" laid. con'creh sidl'lwallu. lj.nd curbs.. p...... O.'obOT .... 1'0. ~ ApPTon', Oo'ObOT .'b 1'~::~...........1:- )la.yor, .. '. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . city Clerk. . ...,...-& -;z.. ]'in&l pa8 s.ee . 1~ t F1J\a1 !pproTal ~O~) ..................... .~- :Mayo". / ~, ~""",. I '! '\ I I ( ! ) i 8ttl.h of Iih)J'ltana.. i ) SS. . , ! Count,yot CliUl..t.1n, ) I, ~T1H;t1n M. Rmith,e1ty Cltrk of th.. i C1ty elf Bozeri<Ql\. .a14 rOllnty Mll1"1tA tAt d.e her.b70ftrtlf'{ " " .. I ",' 8 0-11 thaI< theibl.J\neJtecl u.nd forltgo1ng Cetau)1l1t...lll1tlon No. ..."\..... I I Wl4.' publhhe. in tho nellubllou-C8ur1er. .. ..111......Uy ....p...r. I"""" ..4 .....llah.. 1. tho CUy 01' 1Ia""'"j>. -Jtf[ , " " ~ ~ ' CfH1l'l1'.Y dSt C'lrle, 1l1lau. 'tht'U"lilof', to...w1t; the ......... l1~y of , .................., A. D. 1~1'). which dL~t.walll at lea.' f'lvlIJ ci.kj-. bfll!Cll,e 'I.'i..1d d,',y of hOlll.rlns, i.. r'l,quil"l~d by SeQ't,;l.(lft <4 of Ch"llter CXXlll r.f 1.l'lfrl t,,,"WII of ill/On oft-h_ sttltt. of i MOll t.~r~ i tmd th~t thf C1t:,r ('!ounoU.f the O1,~y r-t J"~a.lIl.n 810- ~~~ 1':ht&11y 'p""Ii~Q. al..id. I1lJlmoil T--lI!~lI>{lluti()n No. . . ... . . . " .., &n4 t.h"t tho &......:..WI4*' f'111.u~y ~ 'b.Yt~~a nlt.y of lh~~elQ,&n on t.he . K....... d.a,y of' ................. . n.. lilOa.. IN Wl1'El'~S;; vmAAl': O}I, I h.woII hlu,..qmI.O, kl4It~ ~nct " ~ ~ th: Gi i',ll ,Of .1~()Mnlw..n thh ...... '.' day- of .................. A. ,,).lllOll. Oity Clerk. - ----,"-