HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 308 Obstruction and Blocking Railway Crossings Within City. '~d-:.:,,__:::~,.;~:::~_~'~~':::S:::" obDlAl'CB li.1I' HIt,' ..-0 SORDINANCl!l 'rO PR:lmfNT TRlI 13JiS'1'R'tJorrON' .A.N1) :BLOmcA:DDra 07 RAILWAY. t'tROSSIN'QS WITRHr TilE tIlrI'rS OF ''l'mll CIn 01' 1SOZlnWT. ).) BElT O!tDAINE'D :BY ''l'1!J!l em COWeII, QF T'FOll CITY o:r :BOZl!lM'AN',... 'a..tie. l:-}fordlrO&d eompaJl1,o:r" it.ag'l'1t., or. , \ .mploye.., ..hall, wUhb. th. l1mit. of th" City of Jl!Clz.un, 4)batruct, or b~"k, th* tn. M4"lI)....r pa....g.,tor ....h101.. u4 ~ '~' : p.4..tl'....., ot '..ny highway, ~r .tr.e,; 'l?Y .topping any tra.,1n of oar., (II' Any loo.mlttT', or oar, Oil l.Uly h1gb:way, or .tr.et, orollltBC', e1th.r for Iw1tOhlJlg, or' tor any other purpose what...l", 'XCflp'\ t. preventa'iI:l.4.nt in tho oase of immediate danger, tor a longer p.rhA , I\t limY on. Um., thaa ten mimute$. g.Ulon 2:- Any railroad. oompany, .r its agenta, or employeu, Tidltting the proTi.1oft. of thi, orUnll\.not .h~l.l, " ;' upon conviction theutor, b. plU11ahe4 bya tino of not 1... . !, " I, ~ fen l)ollars ( $10.00) an' not more th~LJl :Flt'ty nOUara ii " r $50.00 ), s.'ction 3:-Thia foroe t'rom an. after it. " P...,. ootober 5th 19Q5~ ~ ,I Appro..' 001;ob.r 5th ltlO5 ,\\ ., .. . .. . .. , . . . . . . ~ \yt May.)"!. . -, '\, d ' ...............'.'......~.... , Cl\y Qlnk. PG,ted .o....mber 21t-h1905. I I' I / .....-.. -~~~~ . mm'fI;:;'I(~A');'1<l (lJll. POsTntG. Sti:.tflil ot' l'!OnUM'~, ) )138. d(;lln ty fJt ~11{~Un. ) ~. Ju..... ll. emu!>, o~ ~~_. dQh<$rlllby ~""rt1t':r. t)~~ on .......of ..............., 1,IO~, I. _ 8, 'O"!",~," -"" l') }loBt.ed t:h~ Qo~111t& 01' Ute a'bo," 14n(l t"()reC"'1na Ord:tn"l.t'lc.- ........ l,nf.1. VIl'l I)lAl)llo flind oonS,10Q9UG 111M... in t:.:h.O'- ty or!:a()r..~l)'tAn, Mon t.:J'}.... 'to..w:\t.J On. on '141'1,. donr of r~. ConnoU mH.dm'~ r I;It the ,,')~d;y If411. OIl(t on 'I;.ht tr.;mt ot thwt ator-w bulld1n~ at '4fh4? ~1l.lJ to M~t.;bt a t.r8\lt. oat ~'m 'lobe lnal1et,tn b06r:4, tn, .'t.b._ ,Ul'd_.t,<<'.d fH.A te 0 Po fit or11oe.ontl< on -a_llntl1l1t1tJ board on th"" Al',='~r.('lur1~T' 'bulld1nE:h And <ml on the ltuUeUO bOM'"4 in tJ:~e Court IfolllIJ.. , .. Xli WITlmSnW!lllll~7.1 lMroWlto ",.t JOY~~1x lll. r th+-t III :tel 01 ty of !~ozo!'\)4n, onl,n", ........ .d,.l~' {jf . . , . . '. '. . ",. . .'. . . . .. ., :iI' . . . .. ., . .'. ,ett,y Cbr'j<. i . I f j",.".,'.'",.,.",i,.,',,;i ,',l ~.t, . i,i ...';