HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 307 Creation of Special Improvement District Number Nine __~. _,~ . ~~_'~~~,~.~~M"~_''''~'_~'~~''''.'~~''~'.'',~_""~,,._~~____..~.~~~"~ '~~:.:;~~:,~1iI\tI:~~::=....~=.r.=-- ,====-"~~~,::~_-:::'!!":l!.E_.:".::....::::"~_: :~'~~i:'.cmr.-=-:;":ir'.,E:,,,:=':c:c==:;:-::~7:::::~===-=:.::::~_:.:::-:~~::~.!:::~:I,~,;~'"'~':~~~~==;=::':::::' (~ . · SPECIAl, IMPROV:F:tJ1;)!'T DIHTRICT }TO. 9. , ...*- , 8 0 7 -"'! RE801..UTTOIT NO...... .. . . . . ...... Cln:'A,TING A SPECIA1, D4PROV1<:J!:}:!;T DISTRlaT :FOR TIm pUR'poSJ"; OF cm~STRlJ(lTING COnCRJi;TE SITIEWAL'iS, CR()SSWAJJ{S, CUlffiS Arm \ G1r1'1'1\:R8 J GRADD-TO, 11'!HHir: DlQ, S:F:EDIUG PARKI:,'OS OX Jmm BIn"S OF. ]~INDJ,EY Pl.AClli WI'1'1tIN THR BOU1IDARY 1.I1:mS O:FS.tHD DIS'rRIC':l' IN ,~'lrnCITY OF J~OZJl;>'jAN, OOUJ-iTY OF GAU,ATlIT, BTATE OF Hmri.'/,J'A, UID}",R AUT,EOHITY M'D IH ~lOlJJ1'ORMITY WI'i'Fr THE :PROVIHlmm OJ>' SJ<':CTIONS NO. 30~,,~4 INC1.tJSlVE OJ:' l!mrSE BILL NO. 204, OF '1'3[;< FIF'1':' lJCGIm,ATrv:m A1iSlm:Bl,Y OT<' TIm STATE OP },m:'TMTA,' AT'PRO,l'j1!) MAROH 8TH,1.I.7" AS AMElmED. .,*. / BE ITR1!':aotVED :BV T'.itE CITY OOTWCILOF' :rHE CITY OTo' HOZE:.'!,};: Secthn 1. .., nl.tt " S!l6Ciill ImprovementJJi.tr.1ot tor th(! purpose ot m'ik1ng oer,tain ;lmproVemtln ta ht)fe1n"fter more !!i.rt- f :1oull;.rly 4.osor1bec1 b. I"nd the sa.me il'f hereby ortH~tec1, tho snme , to be known and deslgnfJl.tad .. SIl.cia.l Improvomont Dhtr10t Bo. 9 of the Oity of :Bozeman. County or Gii-I.llaUn, st.lt e ot MontMu, for th<01 .on.truotion of oonorete s1dew~1l{., Cr0611wa.1ks, curbl;', and Buttora. grading f1ni.hingand lHl!l?ding l?~rk1ngs. SectIon 2. - That the boundarbs. Of8lil.1d ImprovM~,rmt Dhtr1Qt :NCl. 9 aI'" hereby de.cr1btJd. a. to110WI'l, to..w1 t:- Beginning at a point 1n the c:~:nter l1ni'l of E. Oli;'. Btr.JEI1; 140 teet ea.st ot the extension of tho eRst line of 1,:lndl.~r Pl...oe. 1'1,tmoe So u t.h ,.long said line }larallol w~, '(:h the e,-u{l; line of said Lir:dley pl.~ce and 140 teet; tHtilt of the af.m~ '1;0 thf} r o~nter line otE. Kooh f1trl'e't; ! , Thel1oe"'eat along iiHil-1d centr'!r line aT E. Kooh Btreet tel th' .1;' . interseat ion wt.th the extenloJ1on of the Ctmter l:in~: of the Alley in Block A, of :Lindley &: Guy's Mdit:1onj to the oent,,:,\'" I1neof E. Olive strut. THtnoe 1\a-st allng 'l:-4~,d c~n}ter lin<' of ],~. Olive St. to the pll:l.Oe of beginnine. I -- . Section 3. ... That the o~r~"tr ot the improvement, Whieh ''.rl;l to be mad.e wi thin aaid Impjoov8J.l1ent D1.tr1 at No. \) ..,.. de.cr1becl ..8 tOlloWI, ,to-wit:- The oonstruotion ot .oonorete ailll.walk and Gun 011 'both Bid.. ot .a1d J,1,n41.y pl"OEt wj thin thp. boun(h~ry Unes 01' the above duel" (bed. District; thft grading and .e'ed1n2~ of thlll park... ing an4 such gr.4ding a. Jl1/lWb It nee..."ryto place the sutter. and roadW/:4.Y to the ..tabl1ahecl grade ;IJhe cClhotruot1on ot con- orete orolSwall<fJ across laid Lindley Place at eaoh end thllrtot. Said walk Ilhall be 4: teet 1n width 1>h,..4 next to the J;lroperty line; the ourb to be plM.d $ teet trom: outdd<< edge 01' W'hlk to face of ourb. The walk .hall b<< bu1l t of con.cnte block. ph,oed on no gravel foundation. Section 4. '. The a.pprox1ma.t~ ..tim;,,;.te crr the eoat ot1;he work to be done wi th n said. D:\8triot 1a a.a toll()\VIJ J to-wit J" For all IidcHf.lka, curb., gri'~d:l.n$ and seeding of' JlQl'kingl:l and. the oonnection and placing of Str(~et Waahers for sprinkling, t:be cost of whloh :1s to be borne and p/.'4.id for by the property owners w1 ',hin the boundaries of said Im!>rovf,tmen" Diatr10t No.t" $2,100.00. ~o tf..l :trontage 149G :tee t, ml'U::'Lng, ai prolla'....le 00 B t, of $1.40 :per foo... For building all oroBswalk8, grAding gutters a.nd road.way, the cost ot which 10 to 1,. b,orne and. paid for byt:.ne City of Bo..s.t'l1an$130.00. Section 6. ... That the en tire cost and expttnae ot n<;,,:td D ldew~lk8, QUl'bs. grad1 fig, a..cUn g the pa.rkinga ,andth~l QQnnecUon and plao,"ng of .treat washere tor 8j1rinkling, shall bf>' bo,rne and paid ,for by ';he filnti)"e D18tr1ot, herein before ere.ted and deBor bed. eaoh 101; or pI.reel of J.and wit'I":tn !.,,\fd Improvotllen', 'J)'etriGi; Ho. 9 to be l1loafJfHl8e(t tor that PaJ"t 01' the whole. cost w-h:toh its area. bfHl.rs to th0 area 0'1' the entire District, exolllo:l.ve of streete. a.Ue;)". a.nd lIulioplaotlSi tha:t the en+,~,rl" ..,net of' eonlllt;ruet1n(~ or(UsswaU:8. gradi.ne gU'l:t",rfl IiInd roadway, wi .,hin thlll bound<~rbs 01' ....14 Improvement lH.,trlot No.9 .~ . 111 J' .. ....,~~...............~. _:~'_. ~ :-::,.~~' -:.'";;~~~~~~~~~"Z~:c?"~~ri!;~~ --:::=.:;- -::""."no ,:S!'!..=":.!!i:,~'!M~~ shi~11 'be borne fmd p,~id tor by the I:it.:, !',f nO;':~1i":~'l.n; that ~he OOB t and expense 1nourr\'!d in lnl:.'l.k:tng t,he imprOVeDll'ln ts hen11n before sel~ forth in said !Inr::rovaruen t Dilili";rict No. () wU.oh is to be borne by th0 llropert~r wi ~~hin sa.id Improvemfmt :Oi8tri~t, shall be l,cl,:l.d for by Specit,\l Impr~~mentWa.rrants drawn against fA :t'ur.d to be J.;nown a.nd designliloted a. SP~~Ci<:l.l Imprvvement n1s.. triot No. 9 ll'und., and Sl10h WarT'ants aha 11 dr~w sim.ple interest , IAt, the r<~te ot six per centum 1Je,r ElJ1nUm, slJch 1nt.erest f.r(\Jl1 th,) daten! the rl'lgis l;rl:A.;;!on of the ~rrant shall be <hrll!l id"r(~r.t , p.art of the costs or Raid improvements; that tne cost and expense of said improvements within 8ajd Distriot , which is to ,1) << borne by t}H! property wi th:i.n aG\-ld D:ls tritt, sha 11 be . ,"II. detT~~red b~t spacial 1!l.88eSsrnent. j that the pa:ymflnt of' sli4id ,~ . <tBIlI8SSIIlent shull be pldd :i-n1nsta1ltnents, ~d that th~ paYil:en,s of said, installments sha.ll extend over a period of f~,ve :;rfta.rs; tha.t the cost 1;il.nd fiXpflnllf! of tl")-e 1,mprovflmentn w~_ ",}dn stdd Dis.. 't~.1;,',which is to l,chorne by the ,C1t;y ojl 1Ioz.ElT"lil.n sh,il1 b\~ paid for in G1 ty \\r,::rl:mts drtl.wn agc..:LnBt the :General St,rt'!e t, Fund. Seoi;.Jon ti. .. Thf,t ThtlrISd~~::r, the 17th dRY of AugHat, A.D., 1<405 at 7:30 P. Jt. be an0 th.~ B.>mlA is hercb::' del'lif.~na.'l;ed as the t'ime. and t:be COl1ncnnha.lnber in :~h~ (lit:v ot Bo;~erwl.n, <:'ts i;he pla.oe, w"!-:en e.nd whAre sU,jd Connoil of st!.' d (11 tv wHJ hE! :'In . se',l;d.on a.ndwil1 hear objet:tj,ons, if a.ny, to the final pans- a.ge and a.doption ot this rf!:dlut10nj and any parson or persons who are (il{l;ents or ownei's of any lot or 1)ft-rOfill of l~md wJtJ1:i.n aai,d ImprOVf.!ffi(Ul;, Db tr1.o 1; shall, at said time i;ond 1,J.aOft" haTl~ t:he rich t, to &.llpear at sn.id !!l6Hting, eiCher'in IH,'r,.v1n or by oounoel and show oauee, ;;1' <~~I:/ t]-l;H.C be, why the ill1I)I'OVemEmt. . l:tu'Jht1oned herein a}ll..ll no I, bl'l J"llllde, or;J}W '1;:\:11> }'H,wlut:l_on shall no t be finally 'Jl4op,:ted.. Sect10n 7. - '1'lw.t the City Clerk be, nnd he is, }1er@by instructed by the C:I.-t3' GOll'},Cil to hQ,ve;. tl1h reaolu1,5on pUbli13h.~ in a weekly ne,wspaper, Ilrinhd and published in the Ci!;y ot B01;ol'!1':an in one haul'! thl'lr~o1" j not 1l'l8SU1<l.l1 five da.ys be:f'ol'. the elate Get. for he[~ring objeotion8 the 1"in0l.1 adO}1f.i.on 0t thf:~ rello 111 Uon. . ., , '., ^ ~ ' I: "..,,,...,.,,,.~-~- ' . - i Section 8. .. That it :to here'hy declared' to be the intent- ion of ea1d C ty- COll.noll to t~l1ally adopt the resolut ion on the J.'~hd.u.y ot August t A. D.. l\1~~_.t&'t said meeting of the Couno11 , ..~...~,' "..... .~_........ unless objectionf iU"e ll)l:<de hereto a.t said t,;\.me by owers or agents re~reBf':lnt5.nc; uwre fh iln one-halt in area. of Itll the pro!)crty whioh W':H~ld be aUS8$8~cI. to defrajr' the coat ot add lWpr'oVeIllents. Passed Augus t 3rd t 190 b. A,I'roved August 'rd, 1905.' ~ ' L ' ~ :.... . ..iJj.YOR:~ .) ~.................. Cit.y Clerk. ...... ::~:. ;;:::~t:.;:=;":~l.:~', )'0 '. , ,,' " ~ ,',. ,~~ .,- . a1b ....._....~, . . . . . '" . . . ... ..,. " III . . . . . . . " . · " City Cle!"k. St...tfll of, l~t.t.!!J1hl.. ) . ' ) as. COUl!:rl<;\I" Qf (}<.I.ll...till1. ) It ,T1.~.IlU1'l 'M. Cm:1th, ~:.t,ty obrk 01' . ~.h.t!l c:1t.:r fJf J{~ ..etiw.n, 18&14 t~()UYl ty 4Q'ld pt !tot.. do, herebJ' cflrfUy w " , . 807---~""'" tlv:d;.:;h\', '4\fllJlxed ;".nd ftlr"l~oin.i'l' nourt011 ...6.11.11:10" ....0. '~', ..'"' .... Q ~", ,"' Xi :' .'.".:.'..LI.","', ",I; ~,~\.." :,''!li'll~l.lIIh~(\ ~I'l. t}~,ff T:l~l)Ubl1,('J<;'1'l",eOl,.U'1.r. ~I', ,ilemt-\lV4I"',"':,lY" " ~" r!e,"li"!.~r, J,(:l.l'lhd <<.nd. E,l).blh:hOd 1n t.h_ a1 ty of lIoJi1.~n, ,,~.~ ~O;,1.nty "",n ,.t.4Ite:ln" ..'. t.hlfireof, t".wi' to.... i' 1/,,' "---, ' ,U .'..'. .,....,...- .''l'''' dn;:; 0 ...... .........., A.. Tl. 1_0. 1Ithi.eh d"t.. W'~i,fil ~t 1"'..;;>; .f11''' QII.;iill bl:)ff.lr~ S-i<lo1d, di~::r 'i~f htii4.r1ng, +Iolil retqu,1-,;t'tlQ \'13" s~Hlti~n .. of '~1'3,t>Ft(lr exJUll of thtl llll."lII (pi 19O~ 4lr ~llll ~;;'ll!.te lirt Jl()%l'l"....n......nd tlH.t t.h4ll '1;;.1." \~U.yC.W\oUt1n:oUly ~onn(j1i PO,;;Q1Ui;ion No. J!R7..:.;'", t.h~ ,",hi>' :"ilol.,)'0J' at &ilt1d e:u,,f, ~l'l the ..7-;;;- d.,,;)' A..11. Ilioe. he rlilun t,(, ~Hi r.; of C1t1 C1f1l;~.;