HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 306 SID #6 .. __~_.~,"",..u,._~.,_._.._._"..._,.,...., _ "","'~'" ':,.':- .-~~--~,--,,_...._.,,- ._,._, .~,,~.", ,,",...- _,-,-,-,-,;"_ .,:.~;'~=',':;::,;~~,~~~1;;;~~"-'~~~~~":~~~~:;':~~:::~~1~~'='~::~,~~'i:iiW - .... ---.... , ~~~~~~~~~~:~:::~~~:~:,::,:::: ! ': . SPMIAL IMPROVEMIDTT DI.TRICT JlTJJmER 6. .-- 80a '"~. .' ~OLUTION NO. .;.,.,.. .....- CREATING fdllIlCUL IMPROVE:M:l!rl>-TT DISTRICT :rOB THE :PUltPOSEOll' CON- I S'1'RUCTING eO:NJ'RETZ SIDEWALKS, CROSSWALKS, CURBS .IN':D GUTTae: GRADING, FnTISj~:rrrG) SDDING PARKING! A.Nl) PLANTING Tl'tDS IJlT SAID PARI~ING8, ON BOTH SI:!'.lES OF CENTRAL AWNUR, SOTJTH: WITE1B1'HlI :BOUNDARY LI1.TES OF SAIl) DISTRlc~r, IN TFJJJ: ctTY 0F :BOZJ!JMA,1'-1, comJ'fY OF (}AJ..I,ATIN, STATE OJ!' MONTAnA, UNDER A'U'l'}IORI'J.'Y A1ID nTcm~,.. ITY WI'L'H 'i'm~ PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS NO. JO TO 34, INCLtTSI11!l 0)' ROTJSE BILL NO. 204 OF TDFUTH L'lGISLA.'1'iIQ .ASDll'ltY 01' !rD STATE OJ MONTANA, APPROVED MARCH_8m, lS97, AS .AlllmDb. -''',~ BlI IT RESOLl':ZJl) 'Ff':l TRJI: CITY COUNCXL 011' TmI aITY OF :BOZEMAN':- Seotion 1: ... That a .pedal XmproTement D1.tr1ot tor the purpose of making oertain 1mproTel~nta hereinafter .ore par- tioularly c\enribed. be and. the sam, is hereby crea.ted., the a:me to b. known a.nd. designa.te. a.s Speoia.l Imllrovement Diatr10t No.6 ot the Oity o~ :Be.oman, [Jounty of Ga.llatin, St...h of' Montana, tor the oonatl'uotie>n O~ oonor.te sid..walk., oros... wa.lks, ourb. and gutters; gra4ing, :tinbhing. eeed;l.ng pa.rking.; and. planting tree. in said parking.. Seotion 2. .. That the boundaries of said Special Improve.. ment Di.triot No. 6 "are hereby d.e.oribedo as follow., to-wit:- :Beginning 1Iot. a point in the oenter line ot W. Babe.ok St. where the IlU1I is interseot.. by the 4lxten.1on of the cencer line .t theall.;r in Bloek A, Ald.en;on '. Altdition 1;0 Bo~emanj Thence South along the center line Qtsa.111 a.lley and the exten- .Ion thereof to the oenl;er line o't W. 0.11eg8 St; Thenoe "eat along the oenter Une of sttid W. Cellage St. to the - I extension of the oenter line of the alley in Bleck 19. ot Alde r- un'. Amen4mont te FairT1ew Mdi Bonj ~' , I / I ' ,j",'.,.'" _'"'~..,_"._ .. ___._~~..'." .,"" ,,,,,~~._,_.._,._.~..,._._~~~,.,..."...,_~._ .. n_ . . n,.,_ ,_._.._..."... ..,_ ... .__._, .n., _.. '__ ._.,_. ,....~..,.._._'_.. n_ ... ..._,._.._,_,_. " ,._ . . :~~__,~'~ ..~~"--", '. ":~::....:~~.~''';'~:<:~~:~~:._.,,'''__..____~,_..''_n_...___..,.....,_.. _" .,__,.,. ~~:::'.. ....._ - 2 .. Thence Nor'Ch a.leng theOllU!ter I1neot 8a;l(,\ alley tl1rougll n.U. '! " Blook :e., throu~Bliok' 11,8,5, and. 2 of Fa.irTiew.A.dd1tion and. through, Bleck. R,E, a.n4 B otAld.eraon' I Ad.di tion, to the oenter line'.t .aiel W. Ba.boook St.j Theno.a Eaat along the oenter 111'1' at a6\.14 W. l3aboook St. to the p~"o, ,.t beginning. c":,. ~.ot1.n 3. - That theoha.raottr of the improTet'lentl whioh a.re:/'to be made W'itJ:rln.a.1d Impronment Distriot No.6 arete- ,.,r11>.. a.toll.". ,to-wi t:- ~" TheOon.truct10n ,of a Gtonertt. aidltwalk an4 ourb an both sid.., ot' Cel1tral Avenue, south,within the boundary line, ot the above d.uo:r1b.d.D1Itriot. 'Said .idewt.lk. to be 5 tut 1n wtd.th, plllO.'" t..t trom the property line to the inl!lUe .4gB ~~, tl;J.erut" an<< the ourb to be plaoe. 12 ttftom the outsUe .dge ot ,a14 nlk to the tace of ourb. The P4rk1ngs.n 8..:14 Central' Avenue, louth, to be proper'ly gr&4... tin1.h.d w1th'blaok IUrt, and see4ed. with lawn gran j 0-14 tr..a tob. ruove4and. n8w'tre.. to be plante. a.. may b. :/ 4eeme4 ne..'.ary. C4mcrete o"",swalks to be oonstructed. on , , /, ea.oh sU,.t and aCr'olillll,.a.ii Cerltra1 Av.nu"t, BOH'th, at 1t1 '/ 1,.nteraeot1on with a.ll o.ther,treets within ..14. imJ.n::tl,.~.nt Dbtr1Qt. Suoh grad.1ng to be Ilone as may be ttequiredh plaoe the gutters &nil rQad.way en sa.id Cen.tral A'9'en'Ue, south, ~,tD the n4\.bli shEtll 811"&48. " . .atd i~QTemllnt, .hall 0I.1ao inolude the oonstruotion of a~tt,~,r. wheTe n,e.Il'" to prevent the was}~ine a.way of the Strut 'fti. ~ an4 .uoh oul"erta ..a may be needed for d.rainage. The approximate eatilIlAte of .the coat of the work to be / ..ne within ,a14 D1stdot :18 ... tollow., to-wit:- Fer' all !Jill.walk., ourb., gutters, ...tling the parking., r.~oTing and' planting tpe.., the ooat .t whioh is to be borne bY' the propert7 .,wiler. .i thin iht 'bourt4ar1a. of' sa14 Impro"e- .. .-...---...-,......-.-...,-- -'''~-'.~''''"''''''.':''''~~~:'::~~'.~~'~~;:'''''..':~: _::~',~.~.:.~.~~~~~~==::~-, ":'-==-~~~~=,~~~_.~,~~~~~~~~;.~~,~~~=~~i~~~.~i'l!~~M_~';~"". ~~~~~~~:,~::,;;,:~~::t~~~;,',. '. " ... a - .ent Distriot .8,100.00. , , FQr"build1ng all oro,88walks, oulv8:rh anti tUng all grat- . in~ it;lw:'JO..t of wh;i.oh b to b. borne by the ,Oity ot :Beseman .2,100.00. 8eot;l.on 4. - That thi tn'c:br. .cut .na.,xp.n,. .-r ,a1d. jIIideiV6l.1k8, ourb., gu'cter., ,ee4U'iS the p~rldns', *-meTing ~ '.' :' plant in~ the trees, Iha.llbe berne by anA pddtor by the entire' Distriot, hue,in before OPiated ,ani d.eaoribt4, eaoh lot or parcel of lan4 with:in .a.1ci 1mpr&Te:ment D1strlot Bo. 6 to be auu.ed. tOT that Pi;rt ot the whole cut wh1ch ita area bears tG the area.! the .ntin Dhtriot, txelu.1"'4I of .tr'.U,":Uey. and public p1aou; that 'the. entire cut .t oons't,ri'lct:l.ng .r.se.. walke, culYerts anci 4oing...111grading w1thinth'boui14a.r1ee of 1u.14 Improv81.l1entD1atr1otNo. 6thall b, borne by <.ina pai4 tor by the 8ity of Bozemani that the OQ,lt and expense :inolU"r.a. in ~ing the improvement. here1nbetorfJ .et forth :tn .a1dImpro.,... i-" mant D1litr,iot No. G. wh.1oh ie to be born. by the property within sf...it IO.!-lrOTement ])i8tr1ot, .hall b, p"1el by Special ImprOTCitlIlent Warrant. .rawn aga:inst a tuncl to b. lcncnmu4 tu1gnate4 "I SpeCial Improvemlwt l)h~r1ct :No.6 Fun4, an4 .uohwa:rrantt sha.ll 4rl\\W allnl.ile intere,tat the r4te of I~ per oentura per a.MUlll. suoh in'terest from the ai.\.te of' the rechtra.t1on of ~e warrant ,hall be ce>ns14er." a part d the cost, .f.a14 i1l'lp:rovemen'h; the. '; the COlt and eXl>8nse or ..1d ~prOTementl within lEol.1d. Di-striot, whioh h to be borne by the property wi thin Mid. D18triot, ,hall be d.etr~recl by .:peo1al .....,.ament i that tIl.e pay- ments of said. assessment lJhal1 be paid. in :1n.tal1mente. a.mi that the payment. of i~1d installment. sh..ll extend. OTer a period. of, five :J"ears; th.a.t the oost and. expenl' or the 1m- pro.vemen ta withj_n .ai4 Distr1ot. whioh i. to be born. by the City ot Bouman tha1lb. paId in City Warranta\trawn against . t~e G~n.ral Str.et, Fund. i " .- --.----,----.---.. ._,..,-_.._-,----,--- .-,---,.---.-- --..... ....n ._. 242 - -.. -.-.---.,-.....------ -..... ... . -,~" ...-....,..''''-.---..-''''..,-,-.-..-.-.....,---..,--,....-- ...~..,~.'~,'...,-~'~- .--- ..-....'-.--"....- .. ._~,. .. . .''',.".,.... __. .:~::-~:::~:'.:'::.... ':."':':':':,,:~_...,,_..,:.~;:,,==,"..::. ::,.','."':":',, If'. "'^ :,', ,",.",,",'~_-:., ~... _ .".'_.":'.,. -.. . ..,.- ~~ -----......-,---.---,-."..--. .-.-."..""-,-.....-....""..,-.-----.. - .....--."'.. . .-..'''-.-,....-. - ... - Seot1tn I. - Tha.t Thursday t.he :5r'cl clay of Augu.t., A. D., 1905 at 7::50 P. M. be and. the aNne 11 hereby designate' as in'. the, and the Counoil Chamber in the Cit:'.- ot Boze:man, as the plaoe, when and where sa.id. Cov!',e:tl of sa.id Oity will be in sanion an.. will hea.r .bj ecil iona, if any, to the f1na.l pauage and a4€lpt".n .'1 thh resolution; arid. any perllSon or persons who at'8 agent. or ownerll ,ot a.ny lot or parcel or 18.'14 w:i,t:nin .a1d.Im!JrOTement D:htr1ot shall, at said tim.' an d place, hi~V. the right to a.ppfllll.r at ~udd Illuting, .d.;1ther1n person or by cou:n'oel',a.J,1cishClw cum.', it any there bl!l, why the improvements ~. . IUtnUon'd.herdn ahall, not b. made, or Wh..v this resolution ~' ~ ! ,.l1dl ,1'1ot be :UnaUy ad-opt.... I", ,Sect llln e.- Tht4.t th. City '('1lerk be, and he is, hereby ~, fli ~ 1-n.Uucte' by-the City O'cmncil to haTe thie l~esoll1.t1on published. it r.-o in ......kly- neWJIpa.per, printed. an. publ1she" in the OHy ot " U r> :a.zeman in 011e issue thereot; not leu than tive day. berore ,- !./ i r the 4ate .ettor hearing obj A at ion. te the final adopt ion at the resolution. S.otton 7. - That it is hereby deolared to be the intent- ionot.a.id. Oity Oounoil to tinally adept the re.olution on the 31"4 d.,ay ot Augu.t, A.D., 1905, at .a14. m.eting or the Oounoil" UlllclI" ebj lotion. &.1"8 made thereto at.aid. time by Qwnera or agents repre.enting more than onEI-ha;l.t j,YJ area of all 'chs property whioh would. beas.esse" toll.fray the cost of said 1mproTement.. Pass'd .. .1pJ.Y. ~~lt. ;tpfJl5,. . . .. . ~ppr...d .;~y. ~'A~~2. i~y~;- ~:... .... .... ~....... ~ City "'or)" - - . ~ 1 ' Passage Angnl!li:3',l90r\ /,/ flCo,YJ'J..Ill>llJ'U... ~ .' ~'..' ...~.. . . . .. ..~ . Att&at.- . yor. ............. ........." .... City Clerk. I i -~._",.~-~_._.~--~_."",,., , .. ---..-:, '''';'~'~04~.~:r~~~~~:.~~~_,::"..", ~:>~';::~:;':~'='~.:.~:~~~=:~'~~~~.:=-'--'~~:=~~'::._~.'_ .. . .'~:_~_:.~~...-":.:-' ._~.~;~-:'::;:~+':~;~:"'~;"~ ,..,."",:~,~,~~~-:;~,-::;:::",:,;",~~.;.~,',~.:~~~i:,~,~::~}E:~~:;:.c,;,,~~~~~~,~~..~~~~.;~~~~~~~r~.::c~_::':'_~_~~T':~!h~~"'"""",,' ,. .i S1ah or M..tana. } ) ss. County Or Gallatin. l' :t, ,TU.Ult M. smith, 01 ty Olerk or 'f the 'City tt 'Bozema.n, ,a14 county be fIItatt, .0 hereby ..r1't~ 'I - - that the Uftu:e( a.nt tert!goiag CouatIJ;l.l ~e"ltitt1ea Ne", .~.O.Qu -" ,~ . I I wa.. publhhed. in the nepUbUcanOillCourhr, a, ,.lll1i...weekl1 t newspaper, printed and publhhed. b the ,City .t 'J3.!l.e~-u~ '~ j oountY~a .a. 1.... thor..t, t.-wit tho ........... " 'r .' I <<~y o~....... ........, A. D. 190D, whioh date W~. at ! ( least iTe 4ay. betere .a14 da.,v .t hea.riag, aa l"equ1:re4 'by , t :j flltOOUo.. erChaphr axn.l'1 .t the lawsotJ.'OS It the state 'j ..' f. j ot M0nt&.na, QJl4 tha.t tht! ,aU, C.:1.ty a.unon tinaJ,lY" JlIil...... $_14 4 806 --.ol . 1 Ooutu"l Resolution No. n....... and ~ .a.m., was a. r'QTe4 by the Mayor Gf ,a.id. e1ty, tn the . ~ :=::. (lay ot " ,~ A. D. 1105. IN WIl'NESS WHEREOF, I have he reun, to 8f,l t my h~ ~ l I tho ..al. t the City ot B........ thh .....~ V " .~ . ... . . . .. . . ., A. D. 5. ~ ~ "1 .............................. .. 1 ( City Clerk. I i I , , " i \ I " ( ( I i ~ i ~ \'.' "