HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 293 SID Sewer District #8 .....-,.- . . - '1"'=0," " ---.--, Cil~Y--"'-'-'-=.:L.-"=~~..=ii.:::~ - ~- '- ~ _.~ '- ~.'=\~J,.'.C::.':"=:' I: " ..- -.. -. -""~" ,_. , ._.-~;~.r . 1 II~ J A/I--' f. ,I 4 '2.0 <.( I iil) ;:;; ~/ 'i ',' .' .:.,l:,,,: I" ;:;51~ : ',', I:' Iii ....iJm COWC:U. _stX.mnOlf ,NO. at,. .')1",'. l :'\ Ii'. Ill, " 1'1,... ....... I!~ A mtSotitlTI(ut:t.EVYING mOlAL ASA$8:Y:D"! rJJ TAUs ':0 DJd'RAYfD i I] , I:: COST 0"1 OO:NS,tRTJCTING A PORTION OJ' D1 ST:RIOT SEWER Nm..mER lllIGR'r. I' i, ..... :l'j I~ ~. '!'h. City Oouno11f byC,unoi1:auo-lution N.. a?,~~/ "I I, I~ pa,..don ilunt 2, 1'tl!M, o..cl.re" ,tht..n.t%"l~ot1on ef that por~ilm ,{ . ,', I I, 01' Dbtr~o~i : S,e w,r No. :might. ......,..... tou.a: :$,ci~n1nl I' . . I.' ,~ "t .... ,n'.~:i" OInt,!;, ,~the1n~l"I.ot1en ofTT."'y Av.n\Wan4 I; 1,':1' "" Dicker"oh' ~ilJ'.o t. f'J"CIQJ. th.no, ~nn1ng,lior. en'rraoy A.....JIllle to i '. ,1/ ' ,,' " I,;, the o.nt.lii of "Main at,.. t. the!". tco ~lJnn. ct wi th ~ub llCl 8....1"" It )let Qrl..; a,#\~lllAS, the ,aiel portion hq be.n oonltr\XOt" ..t . j 1"1 "',' C6:IJI;t"ot th' u,400 Oint. p,r l~..r front ,re.tt..:"he ,prCiperty i~ ,,/ i " , '. , b,rcl"ing,~er-eQn ..n4..peei_l1~ ben.titt.d. thereby. '. I / ' "" " " , " . j:/..l'~' :a.tt :R..ob.el, llU14 X"' J....r.by tFt.reel. it \,. I '1/',1 :.:- ' , by ,,~~1tt~.U~.U. thatth,"lf'",18\1lD1J ..t iJ,,"k,,~he ~I' ,r ,,' ", " " / . ~ ,,' ,,', . I f ~WIJ!.o1;/th';':'J,,..r..1 twn""'. ).o~'; and. ,,.,.,,1.,, of 1&n4. .,.,'i .iJ \:<1 .... ,,' ,I,. ,.;it ' '," ," ' ",; ," " ~, , ;"'Jl~t'tn "..hesch.dule :b.erete &tta-ohd,andma4fl a. Ij&rt hftreo1' , t " tI,)~th' sa.m.,'v, rt.plcUv.ly 'aa...n4 'thereQn, to ..t~..y the .T; ~ /i.. '/:' ., ,:i ' , . :'!' iJi~'~tot co ns truct1nglaU. pOl"Uon of ,.14, ])18tr101l81....r N, ~ [>' ;I'.~ ,j I,:i' ,it 'ltl.~ii, e,n,d, that the eaid...Te:r..;l. 'limn. 'b.oollected framth, 'i, 'f"\ ! i' ,'.fl' ' IJ rAll~"QUveQwn.r. of tb." .alll',,3,cit. or paro..l1 of 1-..4 ba"rib'" t~'", ,/' : ":':' ", " ',i : ':. !~( ;/,th.td. 80h.4 ult ..19, A,,, S8_?$1.' mt.4t purtu~t. to .... ' '1 , V,. /i j~)lQll Re.olut1Qn :N'q. a78. ,......4-by ,-.hI City Counth ,n Junl I, !~ ,." ',' .: I ,/'+~,O4. !,.- , ")~' 'rbAt on the 20th 4&10t J'u11'. 19()~. ..t ,:~ o'Olook. 'P.X.. ,~t the CQuncil ChuJber in t.he. C1ty1ila1l, h h,rtby4t,+p:a.i;e. an4 1 I, ,.t apart &~ ,the time and $llac.a.t ~iOh .b3tot1on, to 'l11..t1nt.l " ,'Mopt1on ottb1.1'"oluUcm 1fill 1>1 hear': b~ the C1tyOtuncU. t I I ~he Oltrk otthl thy .'1 :Bole.an.1. h...by41reote4 to 81:t. not.. I I i to. .r the t""" .... p1&" .r .~r.T .4 by 1&w. , ,0 ~ .P.....t July 6th. 1905. J.tt t: ~ .. .................... · Mayor. . . . . . . .01 ty · ci;ric: . · "2. ~o-~ 'JI'iw..l 1a..as. 3uly .. '.. . . .. 1905. ~ ,'.i ,./<,1\' ,; >',,',:,';',',"i _",\"",,,,'I.ll '182 ~:l;f.'1I.~~,-_ ~ _~.w__~~ ~. ._~ ---, .. '-lJ.:i:ilil! -/iB'IIIli7"" .TIIlCi..;:-'~~'~.~::lIili;pi,I_~-,'. i .~. 1 Ie ,.IGDULJI. ~ ~ ..*.. ,/ PAJtl' 011' DXSTRIClT SIWD )1'tJJIBER .EIGHT, ASSESSED 6'1 83/l00 CENTS PER LINllAlt lROll'T ]!lOOT. .-. ; , own,r...o _ __ ~t.. :JJ100k. Acld1t1on.Ji'J"Ontag'.i,At','.m,nt. Pd.. .. .. " · ......~ .:';"o~ ~3~',77'" .. '.' 7-7-'1' .. 'if;tiE'a~;/~"""" . .. c. W. H,t1'IllI1ll'l. 1 a, .',;,1.. "O"..t.. 2'?a. ,."..11'." , '~ ~ ". · In.o. 1 U Ald.er.on tIS .21 14.18 Olsa..B. A.n4trlUtn 1 '- .. J. · 120 81,04 3P1..oopal OhurGh. I ,. Q '. 180' ) 121:/. 154 , ., ,I ! )z'o'.oilla BrImer. 1 toa. J . to . fa. 7''1',' )Ir.. 8. H.Lewil. .. '.. .... 90 60.77, , Mr.. STbi,l, , 1, a ~.laon. , ., . .- · I 60 4O..f5~/1 !.b.o.. Er.Roa t 80 10 .. · 60 ,.4Q.~! .Acl4i. Pook :Ba~.to. 1 &laG' &0 . 40~2 'I \ 'l ~, ' :, u. !..an&hor. a ~o 10" it 240 . 161.6.., I . / 1 G. W.Ma.rclb) I or) 1 to 3 1 Fa1rflew.90 . / GO. 77 d...l'Jt'atg. ) '" / ~~ 4 ~~ 6 " Il dO r 40.52 " ~". ~",O,i. .'~~,".",',' .,t,'",....Je &" '1, ' .,., J.,' ,eo ,40.5, .2,' ~l no/~f--I-7 &! ,t.I-o' ',~ ~.~ ~~~J 'o~~~~y:, " ~ , .~ 'j ~,j,;.;J:1! i::",i...,:io"...,.i W1, ",i',l"F~~.~Jr ~6 t: : f: '1:, 1:~:,' ll;.", ,~. 1}k ~ .en It '\\:ia :f't .lO;;.IJ, ~.', "'-""''''.: " "', I W~ 8. :O_"ti" dS0l'1"'S~lAi~9.~ It, ,",',:',' " '15 ,~.$5 "'~I 3<":' 0 b"b,7 , -.lien ~,,"" '" tTr. 1" . ,;l :l7( &rtiI" i,' ',in.,).) ~1[' l~ ' . " . . . , '( 'fo..,q,t4i ) , " . . ... ,. ,(8\11'plu.;$'~) "",. " '. , ,',. ", ' . '.~' ,.'(J/f:,,' t~,."".",'..,',:/,', ~ . ".(ot aa,' ) ',' , '., 1" .11.83' ..,!"Q',&,',,', ....., (J ":;~t'.t.ul '22 · . 140 j' " ,'.' .:. , " '~. .. "1'1. I A lI1ao:kif. 1.a9Ji ., ..", i>,',,',., ",,9,,', ,..,,", :".""",'"',,.,,.,'" ,','" ,1",1,',.", ,1;" .,.", "10",, '&", ),', ',' 10,',0 '."',,,. ,',I,' ;-J1 , ,.., ' U ft. of "l..) '. '~'__..~t.. ':: 11.:1 ft.) ,- .. . 1'1.01 ~" '" ," , , ~.. s. A,. Ramm. n... 12"''',>> · 60 40.", . ,,', "" ':,:}:'.ft:';::.' 1 -'-... (~w:t. U~'>l' " 115' It to '0.'78 , : (Otnt1nu....on p.,' H....) ..,: .. 1 I J (Oontinu.,trom pas. ......) '.... .~~~~ 000000.0.. .~~:~:... .~~~~~:. .~~~~~~~~..~~~~!~ .~~~~~~~: .:~: . ".<':~lIo:'" .,~:.. SanLh It... White. :leto 17 D . Blaok'" . ."",.);,ff ,..sa . Illsa :Ic1mon4., 18 to 20," .. .. 90 eo.78 I,ab,l .r. .T.hn.on, 6 to 7 . 11' .. t)6 5? . ea *27 )loDenald. e to 9 " it at) 37.82 lU'a. R. t 0 Hogan. 10 to 14 .. " 140 94.54 , W'. W. Livingston, So. or 14 II II 46 31.06 Barrie t :MArell.. 9)48 01' 9. , G .. 9 6.08 " $ .' " 10 &: 11 .. .. 56 37.e2 R..a M. ]f.l.on, 1$&13 .. .. 56 ~'7.82 " "'. . )(ra.A.V. Reynolds.14 & 15 " .. eft ~7.e2 i He ll.n L .:Maynard t 16 &: 1'1 " -, 56 :37.8a ..:~, ,. ~ S.' T. Wittner, 11 to 11 ]l Koffman', 70 80.65 " I Ida ~.y-. 14 & 15 1\ .. 150 31.17 ~.o~.r~0 ,i,' 16 to 18 II " 75 50.66 E. H. Golcttnj 19 to 20 .. .. n .$h~4 Wal ter Oooper, ~e to zo,L.- JJ .. ,s-.,,,,,,,,, ia3,U U. s? 1./-3 a M. ~on,3J? U I~ . " 7s JI>> 67.1$ ~ ' 7 7.<7 '-1~ <-tJ .'11 1/ ~o ' 'L/v.";o .*:'. , i ClBRTDIOA'1'E. ! State or Montana, County It '- - .7 Cl.rk .tth. City ! of' :Bozeman, t h.r.by oertify . that the abon ..n4 tor.going aUached I "J i writing 18 a trUelll.ndoorr.o:tOQPY Or a ruolu1l1ona4opte4by th.01ty :J it . Counoil on July 6th, 1901$. and al th..am.~'b'Oamttin"l on .Tuly .. H.... .~ ,II . ' , ill ,{, 1905, levying epeo1al &81.ument 01' tue. Ion the al>utt1nr preptrtyh I pay the cut and ',XPlns, or oQnutruoting "a part ot Dbtr10t S.",rNUlllber Eight. as the .am, appears f'rom the "-OOrel in llT."lft:r1ot. " ,I' ~ IN WITNESS WFlEREOF, i haTe'her.unt. s.t my hand &nd-.att~.4 !l the "..1 01' the.a.id Oity 01' :B~z'mAn, on thi. ~~~a:l ot I ~ ~: . .. '. ., . . . . . . . . '. . . ,'" , '.a. .. . . . . ',' . . 01 t;:y Clerk. -.-.-. ------ -.---.------.-.. -- NOTICE, Notice i. hereby given that the, Council of the City of 1l0$elDaD, taM, on July 6th, 1900, by r..ol~' O1$~:t1'I CATE. levi.d and ........d a .peolal tax,o", 53-100 c.ut. p.rlin.at, front foo~ii: ! stl real property bordering" on and 'p, : ,tw.te of Montana, benefited by the con.truction"o! ' portion of Dlotrict Sewer, No, 8,on, County of Gallat1n4 Tracy Avenue, frOinDIOk.~.onSt""t{ Main Street, .dd till<' being fot th., 1, Justin JI. 8mi th, City Clerk of' po.. of defraying the coait and, ex" of constr,.ctingsaid portionof a";id'8~{ er, the Oi ty of Bozeman la14 County and stat" do hereby certify The pro~erty tob.,a.....ed i. aq t ' , low.' to-Wit:: All of the prop.rty, , " " ing or bordering 01" Tracy M.nui i;~ 't the annAxed HoUoe wal duly publi.hed, alii required by tween Dicker~on str.,et andMa.lD: St~a The reeolutionlevyingand:'u", law, in the !t~ilubl1:G&rl-Courier,. a..xni""weekly new.paper y,:rinted.aid ta~i. on III. in ,the offic.of i ,City ,Clerk of )jlp..man, and.ubject ,jJld published in ~. ,City of Bozeman said count.y and sta.te, lin.pectin?b,yWuublicl,"'!, , "1');1. City COUnCIl h~.at'Jul;, , , , 1905, lit 7 :30 p:m,. at the Council in the 1asue& 0f J'++y 11th, A. D. 1905 a.nd July 18th, 'A. D. berlnth~<:!hhallol.ald'clty,an' , ,time arid pille.; ~;lieri the city COUII~ l'iH)fj ~ will take finalllcti<;>n on .aid re,dlut! ' , ,and hear llnd con,ider objection., It '. IN WITNJii'*\ ~F, I have hereunto eet my hand and:~~e~.b,e,t~t~.~!,aladOptiOn Df':~' o.ff1xed the e!~ or f lI....... thi. 2Z~,/ : ~~~::=.Li July, 4. D. liQli, rJ / ~~D.I::;';:il'\~'i;B;:""'ll!t f,. .",~; ..,. I , " . ) . '~, ...IOr,.".,.., .. t t f' ,,,,. · . · · · · .' .. . · . · . .,,,- ,:'';' '. City Clerk, I i, t " , I r ',i .c , i , , ,