HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 305 Creating Sewer District Number 15 --.------..,------.. ..-.,----.. ,.~ ft__"...... .~~,,__' ,_. 92 ..... ~ ,.- . ..----- .. ....... -..-.--- ."""",""",,',-'.".,,. --._"".',.....--..-..~"..~ ,.,-._~-'~-.~M.'_~"--_~,..,~____~_...___~,_._~~~w...'..___._,_ ...__'~'_~~ . ....___."..~:"-::,:":~:',":._'_....__:-:-__.~ ","". __ _ __ __ ____ ...=.:.-=.:.=..:.,..""':",:.:....:.--.~::_.,",.::...',-:,,,';.,,',;.,:.:..:,',','~':::',~':.:.,',\,\:,',,,,.::.,::-'o::::=,,..:':, .--'....-. . ~ DISTRIOT SEWER NO. f~ -... --- OOUNCIL ID~SOJ.t1TION NO. 305. .*- CREATUTG A SJlWE!.! DISTRICT IN THE OITY 0]' }30ZE!'-'1A1T TO BE . w ... """ lCN"OWN" AlID DES!GlrATED AS S:EWER DISTRICT NO. ~AiTI)":'DECI..ARnTG IT TO BE THE INTENTION 0]' TIrE CIrt COUNOIL OF SAID CITY TO 00:1'#;, STRUOT A DISTRICT HEWER WlTHINSAID DISTRIQT TO BE I{NOWN AJID DESIGNATED. DISTRICT SEWER NO. ~AN1j"7TO' .'S:?ECIAU,y ASBESS THE ENTIRE 0081' AND EXPENSE OF CONSTRUCTING SAID DISTRICT SEWER AGAINST THE PROPERTY WHICH IS SPECIAI.LY BENEFITED TEERE:8Y, IN , PROPORTION TO THE LINF.AR FEET BORDERING SAID SEWER,. UNDER AUTHOR I TY .AN]) n:r OONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF HOUSE BILI, NO. 204, OF THE FIFTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEJlKBr,y OF THE S'fATE OF MONTA.1'JA, APPROVED MARCH 8th, AS AMENDED. -*- :a, it resolved by the City Council of the City of Bozeman: Seotion 1.- That a. Sewer Distriot tor the purpose of Con- struoting a Distr10t Sewer, hereinafter more plU"ticularly de- ,soribed, be and the same is hereby created; the eame to be known and: designated aa Sewer District No. !T~f-=~e~1ty of Bozema.n, County ot Gallatin, state ot Montana, and 'tJ:lat the Distriot Sewer, herei;nafter desoribecl and. declared ~obe the intention ot the City Council of said. City to oonstruct, shall be known and designated a(:f District Sewer No. ~~~.::.= " Seotion 2. - That it is hereby deolar.~ to be the in- tent ion of the Ci t3' COllngj,l ot 'said City to con struotsaid . .... - ,,- - - . ~ Distriot Sewer NO.,~ hern~ftE:r more :ptl.rtioularly desoribed; and to assess the entire oost and expense of oonstructing the sa.me against the property wi thin said Sewu" B1atrio t No .J{~-- .. _, and speoially benefited thereby, in proportion to the l:inl'lar teet' bordering on said Distriot Sewer No. t~~:_': ;. , Section 3. - That the said Dbtrict Sewer No.Yi~;'~_bY I desoribed as tallows, to-wit j - Said District Sewer No. ifR'-- - ...:... .. .hall oonneot with Publio Se~r No.1 on Church Avenue, North, . -..- ---. -- - -.".--,."''''-.'---.-..... -~.",,,'_.,, . .. a .. at tp.$ interseotion of said Avenult with Peach Street j th,lllnc. .hall be exttnded East to Wallace Avenue; t:b.enoe sha.ll be .x.. i tended South on Wallace Avenue to Lamme Street. i ! Seotion 4. - That all of the property bord,eri""g on,an4 acoomodated by, said D1etrict SewfJr No. ,U-~;i'b~ knoW14. and designa.ted as, a.nd shall constitute, Sewer District NO..~ Section 5. - Th~'.t the length of saidD1str1ct Sewer No. i#r ~. , , 1. 1990 teet with 3 manholesj that the total trontage of prop- erty bQI'dering on said Sewer, specia.lly ben.li ted and to be a.ssessed, is 3479 feetjthat the estimated cost and exp.nse of oonstructing f1aid Sewer is $2,100.00 and the .stimated oost per linef~r foot to the property bordering thereon 11 ..6,0; tha.t said Sewer shall be conbtructed of 6" vitrified aewer pip. and in accordance with pla.ns a~nd specifications on file in the Office ofth6, City Engineer 01" s_1d City. Sect;ton 6. - That Thursday, the 80th clay of. July, A. D., 1905 at 7:30 P. M. be Iiiond the same is hereby designated as the time, and the Co UtI 0 U Cha:llltJor in the City ot Bozeman, a.. the . plaoe, wl::len and where said Coullc:!l of said City will be in " session and will hear obJect ions, ol.l" arw, to the final 15aslJlage and &.doption of this resolutionj and any person or persons who are agents or owners 01 any- lot or pa.roel of land wi thin said Sewer Distriot No. :.iaS~~~fi,::'at I:H..id t:tm. and place, have the Tight to 4'l.ppea.r at aaid meeting, either in IJerSOn or by oounsel and show cause, if ...rw there he, why the Sewer, herein' menti~nedt sha.11 not be construoted, or ~T thb resolution she.ll not be finally adopted. SeGtion 7. - 'l'h4>.t '~he City Clerk be, a.nd hE'l is, hereby instruoted by the C1 ty Counoil to ha.ve this resolution publish.. ed by posting the same in three of tlie mOlt pUblio placet in said City, ll1.t least the days prior to 8aid. day of: ~e<i.ring and , , ---- < ---- 2~l() "":::::=rr= ?'~:~_. .n._ ~- .., "~. -" .._,. 'iIl:.. ~:~3!..=~;Jf;.'~;~~~~...:.~_. _ ~~~= SJ~" 'li!ii\J~~~~ .~-~ 1",' - I - '''~'f . .,', ...! ,." . . *- ..t -ror the t'inal a.doption of this,ir'ssQlut1on. ....o,<lJulY.Sth, 190'. ~ ", .Approved. July 8th" 1905. " ',.,' ~' . It .. . . '. . . . . . . . III . .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. ~~" JIAYOR. '. " ............. . . . . . . ., . ~C1~C k. ". ! .-..- ,;;:1 Posted JtJly ...... 905. . ;; ," ~ .'., . ~.., tJ .'..... 'illll1~._. '. 'i~"::'~~ :r1nal1y Approv.., ~ " l'~!;; ..;.,,...... ................ f "r. " . -. . , .,,*... ,J ."''" .t 110II-.., f ' ,,',' -. ' "Wiy gt GaJ.~tia, , , 4 ,'. 3UUn.~ lIJliU1, au.T el.rtr., _ IU3" oth..... ..it a.." .. ~t..t .'MI".",. ..r11f7 that on $b. l~th 4&, of IUly, A. >>. leOS, I po.te' ,hr.. copie. of the ..bu'. an4 rore.une COtlpcll ''.01u101on If'o. ,.. 1. thr.e publio place, in the ...14 Oity 01' :Boa.... towwt t; on. ..t t.he 4... of th.< O.unoU Obaaber ot the Oity Ba.ur one _n ihe front of the l\Ore :lu:l14$lli at 10 ~ 47 l!:a,t ...in I"'.et and one on 't.~ bull.Un bOVd 1n the T,fn1\e. ~M.te. "'t 01'1'10'. "4 \ba\ the .at. enURG!l ~'.lut1.n .'. ~ ... finally p&JJN' 'bT 'MSUy CoUIMJ,U .,~. 01\1 ot ...._n ~ eI:;'~ l>y ",. .....r .t .... ... IJ 'l'. .n .... ~ ~ .t , , uP;:;... leu. : - J~ ".~ IDRIOJ'. I ...... hereUllh ..t my >>:J! a.ncl a atfwd ;11. "111 .t .... Ill", of _.~".. fIt_ A. a. ....., , "",t, ~'.."",~:!r~..... u j 'Ci t;Y' 01...., I , . "_..."