HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 302 Amends Section 71, Ordinance 104 / .!~-:".->:.,~'=.~., :~. ,..;~~:",'~;.::~~."~~:..' ~,:~,~~':":;'~~.::':~i~~~~_~~"=~~~-:...._...,. ~~~=---~w:;~:,;~",~:~~~,,~'~.:='~~~=-~~..,.~:,~~~~~'::~:~~;'~':'?:'::.' '~.~':~~;~~~~~~:~,:,~;~;~~~-:;;~;:'~~,:~~~,::~~:~~;~~:':";N;~~~~~~:~~;~::=i~~~:~~.:Z;:;;~2:',:'~.:,..~:,...'. ..(. \ ORDINJi];'CE NO. ,(.. /, - -*- AN ORDINANCF, ~!ENDING SECTION NO. 7l OF ORDINANCE NO. . 164 ENTITl.ED " AU ORDL'q'A1\TCE DEFINI1TG TEE POWERS AND DUTIES OF i , 'I'}ill aUY oatmGn AND GI'lY OFFICERS." f ~ BEl it ordained by the City Council of the City of Bozema.n: ~ ~, SJ<JCTION 1:.. That Section No. 71 of Ordinance No.104 en t1 Hed, "An ordinance Defining the powers and Duties of the ~ \J \ City Council and City Officers) " be amend4d::to read as :t'ollows,' Fir: to",wi t: Section 71. The Mayor shall appoint, sUb,ject to the ci.:> tn-Cl:l.:) approval of the 01. ty Council, a Street Conimissioner, who shall U) \,.;> bold his off ice for the term of one year, or until his successor "t','" = ==n:1 <:oc:=J is appointed and qualified: before entering upon his duties, 51~ he sha.ll execute a hondto the City of Bozerrl8.n in the sun lIllll:Q c> . of One ~houaan4 Dol1arsi with two more 8urities to be approved by the City Council, condi tioned that he will faithfully account for a.ll funds wb:!ch ma:r came unto his hams, as StreetOom-- missioner, and perform &11 other duties required of him by the City Ord inances; and shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the State Constitution) and file the same with the CUy Clerk; lie Bhall cause to be enforced, all ordinances concerning street labor, the improvement of streets and alleys, in the city, and report to the Chief of Police all persons refusing to comply with, or violat1,ng any ord :1nanoes in re- lation to streetsj and he shall also do and perform ant and all other duties reqtdred of him by an ordinance. 224 ~~v~;3or u~"'-~. ... ______ --,------------,--.--,-,-------,-------"", _ .... ,_________________ (I ." . .".,:'..,""".:.,=,:,=~,""::,=:',..:;:_":=:=.:;::,,:::='::::_7,:;. ""'-:""":"~.::'"' . ,..,._". '"'''''' ,," . ,'-'..".. .~---,..,_._,-----_..,..,~,_..,,-,~ '-.;.::.:..:..."'"...:.:........:.:....;...;;~~ ... 2 ... 8EOi'10N 2:- This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from and a f'ter its passage and approval. :,.., .J " ~ App " ' '..." . '~ ,. ~~':( . . . . . . .,' . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .~,,' ", ' .... Ml\YOR. tf,~,::, '\ L:/> / / ,/,~ / '/, , i '.1---- /'-,....-- / ,.'''';'J /J /. " , \ 213,/;1 d.-f't--?J"..,I /l,\ '/1/,' ," ,,'.., //~," - )\,~?II \i/ i \~j (pc/,/;/ .. ..~ iI' .... a1 .y. Ci~~k: . .. .. . . .. . c. CERTDn~ OF POS'l'nw. Sta t~ of Ml!m 1;a.na. ) ~8. County of \G~lllil.tin. ) ~ ..~ I'I'~H8t1~ M. ~i"~" r,l~~~~,.v C)iS ~f 11o~n,Mon1;ana., .. del hl'lreb~r e,'fU"1'ifY' I.hfh o,n, ........ of ~,...19007.t:fN,IJL08ted ," , ' " e;r.:::.o ~ :fivEl ol.lp:l.l!la of ther<1.'llOVe and for(tgo. gOrdlnanOEl .. .-:-:'....~ in five }nib110 amd con/ip10UQUIil plaoes in the Gity' ofl~ozerlJan, Mon"t;.lrtl:t. to-wit: On e on I;h. dQ9r of the Coune 11 Challlber, pf' .. the :Jit~r H.~ll, one em the front of tha store huilding a.t No. 47 lllast Mf1.in' Street ,one on the bulle 'cJn .board. in the Uni tfld St(ttes POl1lt Offic~, onu on the bulletin bo",nl (Iri~;l1~ Avant Courier Building, <lono. one em the bullotin bl'l.,..rd a.nd i.n the Cow't Ihnwe. IN" WI'nmSf.l WI,YEFnmF, I }wreunto set t ill::' "li'~ ~ th e , -~-- /) Seal of the, said Ci ty of l10Zfl' Elmal, or, I,bis ...... (L~~ · . .. . · ," 0-: ~ y{Z " -'" / A. D., 1900. '/ ',<< '/1 . . '" J' '" l1(2 1'....) ; {//-- v !:!f-...,.. \ I ........~1ty.(H~;k:.....-..