HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 301 Repeals Ordinance 81 22-) '"' J . .," .'. ". m__.,_ '" . . ' ..__,......__,._______.__..,. .--'.'-'~-'" ---.'" ..- "'~=,,~-=l -~ ~.._, "~ -- " / i ..,~ I ORDINANCE NO.. . . . -*... AN ORDHJANCJi] REPEAIJDW O:RDINANC}~ NO. 81, F..NTnLb~D, "AN ORDIJJAlTCE ESTABLISHING THE QRFICE AND PRESCH!BING ,~ 'l'RE DUTI:B:S OF CI'rY F.:NG D-U<:lER MID STRE:'Bn' COMM:rSm:O!TER. It -*... c:I ~I Be it ordained by the City Council of the 01 ty of Boeeman: 81 SECTION 1: .. ''cha.t ordi na.nce No. 81, ent:l..tled "An Ordnance ~ Establishing the Office and Prescribing the duties of City :t; Engineer and Street Commisaioner It be and is hereby repeaJ.l'1d. ~.. , . ~, SECTION 2: ... That this ordi nance shall take effect and be . . ',I in f'orce from and m'ter its 7e;e and approval. tj: Oc /--1- -- ~ ..J . .. *' . If , It- *' . *' . . . 011 *' Ii . . 05. .. ,~." / ..1-- .,...-:; , ' . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. 1905. ~.. ~~,~....~r ~~YO~ j. Attes :. :i9- .--- .. . . .. , . , . Ii .. . . .. .. . . .. . . *' . . ill .. .. .'.. .. ;. ~..,.. ,...~ ~/ 6it~t Clerk. / __C.;E..Fi:l:)!~.I~Q.~:r,..I'~_ P:B' PQ..s:J: TI\.'L... _._ State of Montana. ) a;S. County cf Gallat in. ) ~ I','Just;1n ,M. Smith, CIU Ci .. of Bozeman,Monta.na, -- ~. do hereby certify, that on ........ 0 ......190~1: po;.;/, five copies of the ~~ove and foreg Or~anc ....~.., in five public ami conspicuous p the Ci t:t of Bozeman, Montant'\. I to-wit: One on the door of the Council Cha::nber of . the City HUll, one on the front of the store building at No. 47 East Main Street, one on the bulletin board in the United St('\.tI'llS Post Office, one on the bulletin board 011 the Avant Courier Building, and one on the bulletin b04rd and in the Oourt House. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set ~v hand and affix the .<:'J S.al of tho said 01 ty of Bozeman, on this ...... day .?:..r.~ )t4 If" A. D., 1905. Ji - ~,1() ~,' , yo;? '(/, ,,' t., . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . Ci ty Clerk. -~