HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 300 Regulates and Governs Plumbing and Use of Sewers and Provides for Appointment of a Plumbing Inspector and Defining Duties and a Board of Examiners and Repeals Ordinance 227 ..-...- ~--._. --.. -. ..,--"...._...,,"-'---'-, ~...~. 210 -" , ... ;-""~ , '0;1 I ,,,,", ,'.,' , ",','," (~t' , ,~, l l '1:: ',n~'tJ'IJ 1\ · / .lo.... '" l' ..........., v Wll -" ~ "... "_. ::-:..,,::;,:~=::~:7:=::.~~{::;~~~::;z;:.~,,~:~ ,:~,;:;',:;~~c;,~:;:"~~.';=' :~~~l:;:;'\~~'~~~:':~:::,;~Z::,:~~::~~,~~~~==:~=:~~::~:'~~~...:::::_o::'..::~'~_~-_:~~;..:. ~~".. :'::'.'~:.~:'::,~ ..._"., ._~,~):,.;.::_ _'~ . ____ .. ..- ....-....,-- OEDINANCE NO. :s00. ~~,,,:,,, u;dinanca No~,,_~::::"" , ~.~' AN ORDIN-4.:l\TCE R}jiGUI~ATINd AND GOVERNING PLIDIffi!}m A}TD T:;::rE USE . OF Sh~S IN THE CITY OF BOZmlANj AlID TF.]: PROVIDING FOR TIm APPOInT:J'JlENT OF A PVJ1IDING INSPECTOR AlJD DEFINHTG HIS DUTIP$ j AND A :BOARD OF EXA1HNERS A.l\ID PROVIDING A BENAI/CY; AIID REI)}lAJ~ING ORDINANCE NO. 22'1, ENTITJ.i:B.'D " AN ORDINANCE REGUI..A'l'IN'G THE TJSE OF SE~~S ~'TD DRAINS AND THE PLl~mING A1r.D DRAIN LAYING IN CONNECTION TKE.RPJWITIi, AND PROVIDHTG _FOR 'tHE APPOIlJ'rMENT OF A '" SEWER COMlVI:ISSIOlJ:h."'R AND DEFINING HIS DUTIF.S." '; ......""" Be it ordained by the City Counc il of '0he C:1.ty of Bozeman: }, ~,~" SEC'rrO:H 1: - That immediately after the taking effect of .- '? \ "-.\1 " \{"'~' ~:\ this ordina,nce, the mayor of said City of Bozeman, shall ap- \"._"'-. .".-j point a Illvmb:i,ng Inspector, who should be a competent plumber J and who shall hold office for the term of one year, or w1til ~ his successor is appointed and ~ualified. Ii SECTION 2: - The Plumbing Inspector shall, within 'ten days f":, It... a.fter receiving notice of hj.s, appointmen t, give" bond to the . ;l City of BozeInan, to be approved by tne COl1ncil, in the sum of 1~ five hundred dollars, ($500.00) conditioned for the faithful ~ perform&.nce of his duties, which bond, with his oath of off ice, 1 shall 'be filed with the city clerk. iii SECTION 3: - Applicatio ns for permits:f'ot" dr;dna, sewer .... and plumbing work, and connections thereof V'l,ith the sewer syste'lm aha-libe mi:lde to the plumbing inspector and he shall issue all permits for such work as is required by the ord:tnance of t1H~ Ci ty to 'be issulS.d except as otherwise 'provided, and sha.ll finally inspect all such work and generally perform all duties in reference to sewer oonnections and dr'a:tns and phunliing, re- quired by the ord inance of the City, and sh",ll charge and (J,o ll!'!' ect 'therefor the fees provided by the ordinance of the C1t~;. which moneys shall 'oe turned over to the City Treasurer, ,t~~king his receipt for the same. SECTION 4j- Every pe"-$()11 OIlf'!rating or doing or attempt:tng ( to do the mech"mical work known al3 plumbing in the City sha.ll first pass a writt;en and manual exam:1.nat:1.on before an exM'!- 2 " , d~' " 1-1 . , ~~~-:?C?C? ~.L-~?+~ JM/i~/C' , . ' - ' . '-.>._~~~~~:~:~;~:::~=~:,":::,:,:~~~;-;;-<.~~~~~~;~-~~~;'~-:-~';~":~:':'~;7-~';:~~';';;:.:~:~~~0~~~~:~'~~~~~~~:~=-~'~~~~~~~~;;';-:-.="""'m=<~'~.~.:-;;.,:::::~.>r"''''':;;'::;;::::':--:-=-~~~=;;;;::"~~:'"-'::T~"';:~~'~~~~~~~::':~,':~:;:~,~::~;" \. J"'~;' y; I R~~M'''j b1 O"'!:oanna N I tJ, ,';,J; .; " j ill I 'u O. ,.~.2:::::: ) j .... 2 .. "'\' I'.. I .. ining board consisting of the plumb~g inspector, the ci ty i . I engineer, and a. member of the City Council to be appointed .~ ,,'" ", J ~" by the mayor. ::t- Before being examined, such person shall pay to the plumb:me: ~ in~pector a.n examinat:ton fee of l' i ve dolla.rs, which shall I accompany his application l' or exa.mina.tion, and if, a.fter exam... J inat :ton, the board is sat:tsfied that he is a competent pract... ~ ieal p11.unber, they shall give him acer':;ificate to that effect, and upon filinG such certificate, and paying thereof a fee of C5 I s ten dollars peT annum, he shall receive a license to ca.rry on the business of plumbing, provided, that no fee shall be charg.. f. ~. ed for a license to work a journeyman plumber; and further f ~ provi ded , that this sect:LiOn shall not apply to apprentices 5M learning the tra.de ani doing plumbing work under the direct -. ,,. supervision of a Idcensed plumber. . ! PrOVided, that if arw person who is not a practica,l lic.. ensed plumber, or any firm, at least one of the members of '~ which is not a practi 001 licen sed plumber, wish to engage in I plumbing business in this city, such person or firm must emploY some practical licensed plumber to take charge of their plumb.. ingbusiness, and must give a bond and pay the license tee re- I quired above, and the licnese issued to su ch person or 1'im !l shall contain, in addition to the name of the licensee, the ~ name of the practical ~mBir " of that firm or the practi 001 ~. plumber employed as above, and in case such prac tica.l member of the firm or such employee shall sever his connection with II i such person or firm, or cease to have charge of the plumbing \ business of such person or firm, then their license shall be I" . annulled, and no new license will be granted to such person II " i' or firm until 8t1Oh time as another practical licensed plumber h' r shall be ta'~e n in 1:.0 the firm or employed to take charge of the !; business: provided, the. t wben lllotlJ er prac tical licensed plumb" "':"" .. ,. ,I ~ I' t II /, '- "I",:\IIjh, ~,_~n'~._''''..r.',. ,~ . ~,.~ C!!""''':"~=--: I~~":.'. _"""'I.J" 21 ~--> ~-Y7~/I! - "-' ~~a/~;?/otJ ..._.__._._--_.~-~....~~..~~."~~~.."..~"-_.._--_._.._-",._,---_.,------~_...,~._~,...._~~"'~~.".~-~.."~~,,'.~.... ,-.-- .--- .~. -.- . n. .._"', __.. . ._'_'_ m / __ /m___________ ". m.,.. ,..".""''''''....''...,__.,.,.._.__,_._ _.. '" ". ..-.-----_~,._."....__'~"'.VM","'~"r:', .""",','~I..,""\\'hI.~.,,, '.,_" ,",,,,".;...i...., '."::-"--:".':':"~="''''".,,-:',',"==~-=~=.==z::i. ~ . . """'.-. . .. ".~..','-=-..:.:..'_.:...":..:,,-=-,-,~_:'::::~"""' . -".,.._-- .. -.. ..-, . ...--..-"'..-----.-.- - ., -., P"O"'" I ~. '-',,1' N .. , ~ ',I '",', ,.",' ",".-':Ol'li'! , -57. I,'!' V~ J" ,,',1',' ~ '-z.-.-- .. ;,' ", .... V;; ""..j"'Y"I';'/OIf ,It..",,,----....,,-.-,..,.., ... 3 ... er shall have been take; into the firm or employed as above, a new license may in that event be issued to such person or' firm in exchange for and to expire at the same date as the annulled license without the pa;yment of aw further' license fee. ,Be fore rec ei ving his license, every mast er plumber shall f 118 a bond with the 01 ty clerk wi 'lih two or more sure tie 6, to be approved by theqQimcil 8ft e 9RS,S , in the sum of one thous- and ($lOOO,OO) dollars, conditioned to the effect that such pel"SOn will perform all such work of plumbing done in the city, in a skillful and wor}anan...like manner, and to pay a.ll du.I1mge s \ resulting to any party from the neglit$ent or unskillful work of such work, and to indemnify and save the city of Bozeman harmless from all da.:rre.ges resulting :from defective and unsldll- ful work done b~' such person, or by reason of am' person fall- ing into or o'l:;hH'wise being injuried by excavations made or' cau sed to be made in any place in said oity by sllch person, and to save the City of Bozemanhammless from all damages that it maybe subject to, resulting:from he ope rat ion of' such perso n as plumber. Any person violating ,the provisions of this section shall, up- on c onvic tion thereof, be fined no t Ie ss than ten and no t more than fift;fr dollars and costs of prosecution, and every day any peBson Shall operate or do any 1mch work without first complying with the provi sions of tbis sec tion shall be deemed a separate offense and be punished as aforesaid. SEOTION 5~ - It shall be unlawful to do ,or cause to be done, any plumbing in the City of Bozeman, except in accordance with the following rules and regulations, and in the following manner, narrely; \ SECTION 6: - All applications for permits must be made in , ./ .' 2' 1',> , ., (I) ~\ /' ","/-:,//, '- ';_.".0,-..1.,'<... " ( ,7 ... ~,.', Ir'~ ,",' .' c~----~---c,=-----,.c-C'=~__.... ---===-, , _ I ,', R J d b" r'- "\~, ,,' N ~7' "" ' "." .' "nOM' p,r 1}..'" ',':', ,) n ~(c. A,/, \itJvl! ,u \JJ,..,'" ',"" J UI....__......-, - 4 - I I writing and Signed by the owner, of the property to be drained, or his authorized agent and must be acoompanied by a plan show'" ing the whole course of the drain whioh it is desired to con- struct, together with the size of the same, and the size aid loeation of any and all branches to be conneoted therewit.h;c said plan or copy thereof to be left with the application in the office of the plumbing in,peotor, application and permit blanks to be furnished by the 0 ity. The City reserves the right to make, (doing necessary work and furnishing Ilecessary material) all connections from the ~ main to (ljhe ourb, ohArges for same to paid by the property C:::-., ....V owner, or plumber in charge of the work, to tre plumb ing in- ~ .pector and to accompany the application for a permi t. The charges for naldng such conneotions shall be .. follows: On Main street from Tracy .Avenue to Rouse Avenue and on Rouse Avenue fran Main Street to Mendenhall Street for six- inch pipe, $22.00: for fourwoinch pipe, $20.00: on all other streets and avenues on which city sewers are laid, for six- inch pipe, $15:00: for four...inch pipe, $15.00. SECTION 7: _ No person or corpora't.i on shall allow 0 r cause to be connected with artY' Jtrain whioh discharges into a pub- lic or district sewer a.ny privy vault, cesspool, exhaust from steam en@. rre, or blo'W-"off from steam boiler. The exhaust from steam engine or blow...off from steam boiler shall :ri.lllt be con... nected with receiving tank: This tank must be open to the atmosphere: the overflow from this tank can be oonnected to sewer or drain pipe aft er being prOlJerly trapped. Oella.r drains must be properly tr~pped and trap provided with a baok water valve. SECTION 8: ... From main sewer to within three (3) feet of building, draih pipe will not be less than 4" internal d:l.am- :'lter, .f'irst qua.lity, vitrified, salt glazed, tUe pipe, to be , . 'J. '~'".,1 ., . r21,i-- .,.- .., ~..'- .-..-..,-.-,-- -----...- ... ...-.- .....-- ._~~~;fPt7~~vl-~}~S/' .._.~~.~=~=""=="ccco.~,~'=""__' c-=- _" ... ._ ___ .. _ /_ t a ';.,'.....; :. :"lr;,,~h'\ ~,. r'l. -',', . ~ ~ , ,.lfl ~ 2J ~ . " . ,I ",' 1..__....:__._______._.. "y" ... 5 .... ~al-d."'1.~h~.branOhes and l/8 bends, with a fall of not less tha.n i/4 in~h. to 1 ft. t tile and branches to be put together with . portland cement, the inside to be wiped clean. No tile pipe will be allowed inside of or under any building. Any work done wi thout notice to the Plumbing Inpsector or without inspection, sha.ll be treated as deficient work~ and may be uncovered and, if need be, reconstructed by inspeotor at the expense of the plumber or proprty owner' to whom the permit was granted. SECTION 9: ... No pers on shan be allowed to construct or use a cesspool if there is a ci~ sewer in the drainage district in which the property is located, and further, when a city \l---. sewer passes the property of any person or persons who are now \'-. using cesspools, they shall be required to make connection ~ onto said sewer not Jater than dine year from the CXl mpletion ,~ and acceptance by the city of such sewer, except 1n case of such cesspools as shall, at anJT time, be by the Council de... ~ clared a nuisance, in wh1ch case the owner or owners of any property upon which suoh 8esspo01 is located shall be req1nred to make connection with said sewer at once. All suoh cesspools shall be discarded ani put out of use at (lnoe. \ It is further provided that, if any propetty, bordering on ~ ~ any street or avenue in w:tJioh there is a. ci t;y jewel', shall b,j" ; reason of it not bedgg c dnnected with the city sewer, become dangerous to public health, the Oity Councul may declare the same a publiC nuisanoe and m~ order the owner thereof to con- nect with the oity sewer'. Any person failing to complY wi,th the provis ions of this sect ion or any order 0 f the City Council made thereunder shall be gnil ty of a. misdemeanor ani on c 011- viction shall be f'i ned as provided in SECTION 27 of this Ordinance. i " .~ . _..n _ _, __.__ --.--..--- ....--.,- .....-. --.... . _~~~~ft;;poo~~~~ 'UL/ r_n- . - .-- .- .0-. n .- - ----~- - . - ~. "'''"~-,---_..__..._". .,,,.,,.,,,.. , - -- -- -- -. ,. --.""",,,,...-,,'.-,-- I ' -~--- H_ , , , . ~ II . , " - "d b 0 d;."'o ' '" i ... 6 .. \, 10aH/ y r u!;J..<Ju 1.....~6./-.'l . i SRCTION 10: - Permits to conne)'t with the city sewer may be !' revoked or annuled by the plumbing inspector at anY t:lme for such oauses whioh sball be set forth in the notioe of revocat- 'ion or annullment, as heuma,y deem suffioient, and all parties in interest snal1 be held to have waived the right to 010. 1m damages on account of such revocation, or annullment and per... mj,ta shall not be re...issued until the oause of revocation or amullment hall been removed, unless ordered bJr city coun,cil. SECT ION II, .. Permits to me.ke oonnect ion with the 'lJub lic or district selWers will be issued only when the plumbing in .-' the house or building to be conneotedis in aocordance with the rules for plumbing presoribed fun t:b1s Ord1nance. SECTION 12: ... Every building in wl110h plumb ing a.rrangements are constructed shall be separately and independently oonnect... ed with the citJr sewer, where such a sewer is I)rovided, and where it 1s not pr ovided with a eesspool not less than four feet in diameter a.nd eight feet deep, and shall be oonstruoted ( of planks 2" thick, or of brick or stone, and shall be covered over with like material two feet below original surface of gr.o1md, exoave.~;ions then to be filled wi th earth. Every plu:rnber, before Q.oing any plumbing work on a building having any cormectionwi th any sewer pipes, dra. ins, or any oonnection therewith, or before a.ny addl-t:ions:'1.are made to any old w-ork, except :1ngrepairs, ( and repairS are defined to con'" sist of mending leaks in dra.in, soil, waste a.nd ven~pipes, and, l repairs on faucets, valves, and water supply pipes, and of foroing out waste pipe s) shall submit a pla.n and descript ion of the work ~o be done, a.llblanks to be furnished by the city, which shall be filed in the office of the plumbing inspeotor, and no such work shall be done until such plahs have been approved, 'and a written permit to do the work issned b,r sa.id plumbing inspector: provided, that in buildings which are con'" t demned by the board of health because of unsanitary condilbion, t no plumbing shall be considered as coming under the head of it, ~, [ "'.r;.: ::' .'.".."t ,. "I,'" , , . :1 ii, ,~. " " 1 h j,~ & . , ._.._._-----~~. ._~_~~__~" .._.... , u ,_ _..,._,__ ,_~ ..~__ " "..,-',. ".._~~~ 2Hj A L" ~~ (l/"f, ~t7o ~1U4 ~ z:~~?-} "' ------ -... ~ .,'" ,""'.. ~":.- :.::, ~.-~;:';'::.:::,~ .\',~:: '-.~~=-'~~"'~:::~"~~'~:'::~'::~~:;'~~;;;~;:~';;';:':~'r:;:~':'~~:~":;;~~~';~~~:;~;;~~~i.-~:;,:~~:~,:-';'.:::~":::'~':~~-=~~'.~,'; ~,~,',~~.~~~~.=~__ ~ ~~~~~~:~. '.::.~~.~=':=';'~::?.:~:'i:J:~'" ":::,::,::..,,~,,,.. .. _._"._,_,~.c... .... _ ...._,_ _ ..__ ~ _ . m _'_.....,,, ._,_..._..~ " Rep'~""ln" hi Onlh'3!}f;B No:('~~, .:"" '", 1.,.{l,ccJ.!.'"", "..."J"I} , ..__ ... 7 .. repairs, but",\a.ll plumb'ing shall be done as in the case of new building s. All work dona ons uch plans shall be sUbJ ect tc!l inspectio n, and no alteration shall be inade in any plan or in the work wi thout first obtain ing a special permit in writ 1ngfrom the plumbing inspector. Every application for permit under this sed:ion shall be accompanied by a fee of one dOllar, to be collected by the plumbing inspector, S 11ch fee to Oover final inspection of the work. Un del'" no cirOlwsta.noes shall a~ mecbanio doing the w.ork of plumbing or house draiiD1ng, or any employe of such mechanic, act as agent of the plumbing inspector to perform the duties prescribed in this ord':!nllnce. That portion of house drains inside of the walla, and under... neath the buildings, and for three feet outside the area or foundation walls, sha.ll be constructed of wha.t is known to commerceae stal'Xiard cast iron soil pipe, am standard fittings. HOU:le drains shall be seourely anchored to the walls, not less thliU'l f 1ve fee t apart, laid in trenches of uniform grade, or Suspended from the floor timbers bjr strong iron hanger. Drains and soil pipe s~~ll have a uniform fall of not less than one"'quarter inoh to one foot, towards the sewer or cesspool. Changes in direction shall be made with "yn branches and 1/8 bends, all drains to be accessible when praoticable. SECTION 14: ... Soil pipes reve1v1ng the discharge from one or more water Closets, shall be standard cast iron pipe, same as sp ecified for drains, not less than four 1nches in "diameter, to continue full size inside of buildings, a.nd ex... te nd two feet above roof, and at lea.st five feet above, and ten feet away from any window or or:;ening of the same or adJOin- ing bUildings. All vertical so ill pipe shall be lllpported by pipe rests, at ~~~ d:% -? ()() .J. ~2~. .t:, ,,' /~, / (/' ,.;", t-~"'I 11_:) ......'~~~.:~~~'=-=~~;.~,:,:;;;~~~~~~:.~~';~~::,':;~;;;;;:~:~,~~.;.~;::.;~;~~~~=~~~~~~~==:~;.:~:;;~.:::;~~:;.~;,::~:~~~",~.'~,':-__.."","~:-...,_~, ""__J"=-'~""'''- :~"':~:~-~-'.'__~ ., _:-":'=-. . ....IIIt.. , ,- " . ..... . - __......,''""'"''"..~~~~,".._.''m'~~,:_.. -,_.~~--_..,,~..."'. , I' , ... 8 ~ Rapoaledhw'OrdinanCB NOI.~6 ~. least one on each !loor. All joints shall be pa-cked with picked oa.k'Ulll, and run with molten lead, thoroughly oaulked. i J!:here eo n pipe passes through roo! to be t'laabed with sheet lead, not 1 ess tban four pounds to the foot. i SEC'rIm~ 15: .. Vent pipes must not terminate in, or lead. tbrouejl chimney flues, but smll be oarried up inside ot' heu.e and supported same a.s soil pipes, or, may in case 01' no in'" dependent vent pipe, connect into soil pipes at not less than five (5) feet above'outlet of highest fixture. All vent pipes shall be run as d.ireot as possible, and 450 ells shall be used at all times when practioable. Galvanized \ wrought iron pipe wi tb. galvanized fittings, standard,aon pipe and 'f;:t:t'tiiigs,16r-lead pipe weight not less than extra. light may be used for ventilation, no black irl\ln pipe will be allowed for either vent or waste pipe,.oonnections of lead pipe to wrought iron pipe, shall be made wi 1;h brass solder nipples and wiped joints. Connec ti ons of lead to iron pipes: shall be made by brass or combination ferrules caulked to iron pipe, and wiped to the lead pi~e. Waste pipe in horizontal position shall not enter into heel of closet bend. SEOTJ:o:t'-.T 15: .. All traIls or bends men plaoed between oeiling and floQ,T must be made of not lese than fi v....pound lead per square foot. SECTION 17: ... No outside or inside drainS, soil, waste, or vent pipes, shall be covered from view or concea.led unt 11 after the work has been tested,examined and approved byt~ plumbing Inspeotor and a cert1ficate given for the ,&me. , 'l'he whole system of inside drains, soil_ waste and vent pipes , 1 I ~ /21 cSj ,',., . ~AA~M~-atJo~~~/rz/.. ,:::~~::j=~::~:~:;::~:~~~::~:;;;;C::::-c-:';~~:~~~~~:"i:.;::~::;:~~~~~~;;;;~;::;::;:~::~;;;;;~~::;::;::;":.""..':-~:~:';::c-::~-~;:;:::..;;;~:,;;:,;;;",;,,;::~._;;;;,:.;,:,::::LI'E'?"-";'"""''''~~;;,;;;~;,;~--=-~---~:~~~;::-; RapQalm1 b} OJdinance NO.~~2i . - 9 ... . shall be filled with water, or subjected to an air pressure of f:t've pounds t? tl:Je sqna.re inch, or the peppermint test. The mspector abdlbe notified by t.he p1umbeb" when the work is ready for inspection, and said plumber smU prepare the whole system of pllJIllbing in such build m g for the Inspector to make proper tests of the same. Waste i'ipes trom all fix'" twes shall be of lead or standard cast iron and of not less thll than the following sizes: Bath tUbs, sinks, laundry tubs, and urinals, one and one"'ha1f (1 & 1;2 ) inohes; wash basins, che and one...quarter ( 1 & 1/4 ) inches: slop sinks, two (2) inches; where two or more fixtures are connected te one waste .. pipe, !Such pipe shall beeorrespondingly increased in size: lead waste pipe shall not be of less t'eight thsn the grade ~ known as extra light. SECTION 18:... Each and eveFY fixture having a waste pipe shall be separately and independently trapped with a riter sealing trap as near the fixture aspraot1cable, and such trap shall be proteoted from syphonage and air prtlssure by a speoial vent pipe, except bar and ~oda fountain work tables. Waste from bath tubs and Wash trays shall be oonnected to a trap with trap screw not less than three :l.nohes in diameter; trap to be acceas::l,ble. Everywhere practicable, the waste pipes fl"Om fixtures shall enter the soil pipe at a point beyond the lead bend. SECTION 19: ... Waste pipes for refrigerators or other receptacles dn which provisions are stored shall net be con- nec ted directly with the drainage syst.em, but shall be arranged to waste in'an open trap in plain sight below the refrigerator. . ' This tra.y mr..y be connected wi th the drainage pipes upon being properly tapped a.nd vented like an~' other fixture. SECTION =to:- Even' water closet or group of water closets within a building shall be flushed from a sepa.rate tank or cistern, the flush pipe to be not less than one and one'" quarter(1 1/4 ) inches. thiu Ij ~ /-~' , ~. /' -1' 7,: c,' {I Z~/~~/ /; -;:P 00 ~- ~ L ~ ~{:r" ~Z-)1.1' +~:c,'_~w__ "~",,,,~,=--'" -=~"'-,'-- t Re~gamdby Ordj"a~CD r~m..~~~ ,,' ;~i . - 10 - , I"" SEC'flON 2l: - Outside water closets must be separately trapped, with clean out trap. Soil pipe to have lead oonnect... ion flanged on floor t6 receive hopper. Trap and soil pipe to be cast iron and to extend at least three feet outside of va.ult. Hoppers to'be flushed with seat, attached to heavy cl-:ain or rod, waste of valve to be connected br brass nipple, .~" and trf~pped when connected to sewer- outside of;ciloset;:tr,~p. i Trap and valve for water ,closet to be placed in vault below I i freezing and accessible for Te~~irs. . Vaul ts to be built of brick or heavy plank:lng, e',ery outside water closet to h~ve a separate stop and waste cook. No hopperl pan, or plunger closets allowed inside any building in the City of Bozema~. ....' .- SE!.\Tlrn 22: -Soil or waste pipes plG.ced in any building . for future use 61lt~ll be ventilated, tested and subjected to the same rules in every respect as if intended for immediate use, and all open:l.ngs closed by screw plugs or caulked or soldered. SEa TI ClbT 23: ... All stables, lilarns or carr'iage houses hav- ing a wash rack on which wagons, ci~riages, hacke, buggies, busEles or otber vehicles ar!-l washed, and connected with the . ci ty- sewer, shall be provided 'Ni th a sand trap, ' the. diameter of wllich shall not be leas than twenty...four inches, the depth not less than t:birty-six inches. Sand tra.ps to be constructed of t:Ue or 'brick. 'When brick is used, it Shall have eight-inch walls and pL<stered on all sides wi~;h best hydraulic cement, one inc!l thick. SEC~nON 24: ... There.. shall be three inspections, as follows: Pirst ... The sewer, when 11; is laid and jointed, and before it js co vered up. Second. - The so il, was te and vent pipes, dn accordunc e -I ". with Section l7 of this ordinance. 't,1 '\,;' ,~ ~~< J ._,-". ...-.... ,~ -. r22,() , ~ ' , .' ;/__ ~_ . ' ;#'-C:O .....__~~<?, /< ;;30~bA~~"-/L-Z-; "_:::".""":.,,,~,",,::,,':::;.;;,--::,=~,~\,,,,,,,"""".-'-;:;:,,,c":.";:,=:::"="~,:,~.::_.,,,,",::':'.,_:':,,',,:,,,,,,,"'.,. ,,:,/,' ,,,. .", """':"....i'_:;''':;,,:'.,='.'.:-~ _' ~.,;..!':;:;!.;....:::.~......'''_.., " . ""..." ""'''''':'..''.,.,"~~.:.:.:.'':'i;;:;' '.6:'-" -,---,- --,-_.~_._-_._'..._' .. ...- -..--- \," i).;,/t' ,i: 'J~... ~':,1:[;' Ro""'''' 'H'1::\ncp No' ~ ~ , I) -:j;r'ff,..j i ~i" J~' L, ;I'.,_tj, IJ fJ_.~~~,. .".(..,,1 ... 11 .. Third: - The whole sYS1,em of plumbing when complet ed and water turned on. All architects, ovm:era," agents, or conTact- ors, will see that a certificate of inspection from t:b..e Pltunb-. 1ng Inspedtor :ts presented before accepting any plumbi ng work of any descriFtion. SECTIOn 25: - A stop and waste shut-o!,fmust be placed t on water service where the same enters basement.,~ " .\.;~:- \:'': (, SEC TION 26: - When plumb ing or repairs of plumbing is required to be done .in old buildings, or by reason of complaht from the Health Board or Plumbi ng Inspector, on account of sanitary defect or v101a.tion of ordinances, such phanbi:rg must be carried on under- the direc aon of the Plumbing Inspector and when completed, in spec ted and accepte d by him. When sanitary inspec tion has shown the plumbing or dra:i,nage in any build irg which i.s or may be occupied, tp be in a con- dtion which endangers health, such plumbing or dra mage shall be altered sp as to comply in every respect with the provis-. lions of this ordinance, and altera.tions of such plumbing must, when finished, be submitted to the Plumbing Inspector for apIJrOval. .All plumbers must report lU fixtures tns+,alled, to the Wattir Collector., SF.C~nON 2'7: - A'tly o\'mer, agent, archi1;ect, drainlayer, Acontrfl.etor plumber, superinten.(U\.';;'Ofl""~~lf.her person, failing, neglecting, omitting, resisting, or refusing to comply wHh any of the c ondi ti ons, terms, regu1at:i,ons or requinun'etlts of this ord- 1nlmce shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than ten ($lO.OO) dol1liL rs nor more th~m one hundred ($100.00) doll~rs for each offense, a.nd each dEW's failure, neglect or refusal to comply wi 1;h the IJrovisiona of thi 6 ordin8nc e shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense, and shan be fi ned as in other' cases. . -,-_. ____22'l /}-L' -~ ./' /I /' ~~u ~~f>-;Pt? ~~~~F!-.::;.;>o ""''''''''''''~'''__'':'''''::''-;',;:;:':':;,::;~'':;~:''c:~;~;,:c,:,::;",:,",:::" "'-"::,::,_-:::;:,:;~_:;;,:~::;;;;;;;;::-'------~-"-'-"--'-" "'.--- -------------,.-~--.- L'__"'''''''",'_M'__ --- - --- --, .-,,- " ..- .~."'.- ,,,.., O d' " " t.1o," ~/""'I, " , '.I :,..'" : ~ G::7...<J"",,/ ~ooted;,bl r ~miJ<l1I 'I........ SEC'rrON 28: _ Ard :inanoe No. 227 a.nd all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this eri:1fi&l1C e, are hereby repealed. SECTION 29: ... This (!)rdinance sha.ll take effect and be in a.fter its pa.ss~d ap proval. ......~!.~~5.ff . ........<.1..~,'~~......,.... ......y.. . V /? :MAYOR. / ~ d tG // -' ./,.;~'I Att~ : " / /, ",.,' / \ I~<!'" <//:;/20 /7/7 .A2- d>t.?-"Lz;......:-/,/~-- ,,,-,,i. - -' --", /)\'./v" ,,/?'!/, f/ L./" ' , -~',.~ 0'" . *' . . · · . · . · . . . . . . . . . III . . " · . "~ , .....-.,'-' (/ Oi ty Clerk. '-------- OF..RTIFIC~ OF PO_fi:'l' TIm. State of Montana, ) )SS. County of Gallatin. ) t, Justin M. Smith, C~f ~ of Boseman, Montana, do herf:1-JY certifYI that on .......0 . ~.~5, I posted / ~:::;:,~, . ."'~ ~., f i · l' th b fiN ".-/ (,-" \,) ve copJ_es 0 e a ove and ,ore 9 ng Ord inance 0... . ",'. · ..", ! in f iv~ publi-u pd"'conspicuous laces in the City of :Bozeman, Montana, towit: One on the door of the Council Chmnber of the City !all, one on the front of the store building at No. 47 Ea.Bt Main Street, one on the bulletin board in the United States Post Office, one on the bulletin board on the Avant Courie r :Build ing, and one on the bulletin board in the Cour1; House. IN WI'L'NESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my ~a~~1X Seal of the said Oit;y of :Bo~zema~, on thiS,; ~~ "7~da~/,,;,:' .... >- I l' _ ,0/ ",0' __/.L /') < //..., -"4:: A.D., 1905. ' 1'//-- ;?:h'~'-?"%}'Vi-{~>.,-$.-",,-,;z,l,=-.>" ,.. ~ .~:;~. . . " . II . . . .. .....,.... III ~"'." /. ' OITY CLERK. ",- / , '\,