HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 299 Prohibiting Use and Sale of Giant Firecrackers and Dynamite Canes - '2(\4" . ,.':;'~~~~,..'.".._"",",,,,,,,-,,,~~,,,-,,,,., ..,,"'.....,'"--'J...:.;t..:...a:......;._'''';'~,):, ORDnT\FC~F NO ~(;f~ '.. \;...:" 'I . ;,I... ......".. / -*~ ,:..;:;:;.~~~ID,"j ;[1, ~'.:,J.:,.,.._ AN ORJ)D;'fANCE PROHIBITING TITE US];; AiID SAl,E OF -'I' i if, t,// GIANT Fn1ECRAC:r;J~S Al'm DYNAMI'l'J<~ -CA1-;ES ii )/A)/ WI'l'JfCN TI-m J,DHTS Q1t' THE CI',CY OF BOZJ1:J1t1.!'.JJ. / ...*- "'" Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Bozeman: SECTION 1: ... No person shall, within thel1nli ts of the 6ity of Bozeman, sell, keep for sale, or rranufacture, or bring in to the limits of sa~d city for use there:l.n, any firecrac kers or caps for canes containing dynamj. te, chlorate of potash, or al"l)r explosive, except ordinary gunpowder composed of saltpeter, sulphur and cfJarcoal. And no f irecra.cker contan:tng gunpowder shall be sold, or kept for sale, which shall be more than five inches in length and more than se~en...eighths inches in diameter. SECT'ION 2: "" No person shall wi thin the limits of the City of Bozem,..n, explode, burn, 'or fire off, any firecri:\.c}:er, or C~,l.ne contath1.:tne dynamite ,chlorate of pGltash, or any other explosive, except gunpowder composed of'saltpeter, suII)hur, and cha.rco,.l, and no firecracker containing gunpowder s:h all oe exploded, bur\ned or fired off, ,vhich shall be more than five inches in length and seven..eighths inches in diameter. SECTION 3: - Any persons violating the provisions of this ordi nance shall be deemed guil ty of m113ci.emeanor and upon ,conviet10n sha.ll be punised, for ea.ch and every offense, a fine of n01; IfllH' i,}-LlU' f5_w~ dollf.'Tl:l ($5.00) t';;.nd l'\oi. )",,'('8 LJ 'lfk/' I. twenty..five dollars ($25.00). SECTION 4: - 'rhis ordi'l'1ance shall take effect and be :\in ftirmef, from and a.fter 1 ta passage and l\Pproval. . .~ .. . .... .. . .1>.. .. ;,/05. Appr /0''''-- ......... .;....;~;i; . . .. . . . . . · . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . :yr MAYOR. (l:~~ City r-lerk. 2()q '~ r / ('-, , /t---- /-",.. " ~~rt -'~4 ~~ ~?:'~2'D:' ,f' -,---- .c:~:~~~;~;--~'-;;'_':~'~;;;~~:~;;':~::,':,:~;;:;~'::~--;:'iio~;~:'::~-c,:::.', "',.".,::_':.~::~~;':::i~::;.:;:~..,~~,,..;;.~;-~=;c-;;;." ,.;-'"-:,.."'.~...::;;:::= --_.. ,... "',= -- -----~",d:"~=,_:::;;_:;:~I-;:-;1 . CERTIFICATE OF POST DiG. state or Montana, ) )83. County ,1" Ga.lla.tin. ) I "I ~ I , I, Ju.tin M. Smith, o~~e do herflhy Qertiry, tha.t on .......0. .......1905, I PQlte4 five 001'18. .1 the abl'lvefng Ord ina.no. NO.~~ in fin publi. P.i ;'oonspiouoWi p aoel in the Cit:~t of :Bozeman, Mon tana, tow:\. t: One on the cloor 01" the C<>uncj.1 ChlQnber.f T the Cit:r !all , one on the :f'ronte.f t.he'store building a.t,No. l 47 East He. 'in Stree t ,on" on the o1111flt:in boc.rd in the Unl\.tl'l4 , S-t",tElS Post Offioe., flne on t~ ,bun. Un 'board on the Avant : , Courier BuHdine, and one on 'the bullfltin board :I_n the Couri; Hr:l1SS. I, \ " -; IN V'ITNEfiS WH:&:REOF,. I hereunto &fit m~Jt!a.rff .,!!lU.l. of the aH.id City of Bozeman, on th:l_1il ........ciuy /) A. D., 1905. ~ l:l~ 'J/t.--ei.;I/;q . , . *' III .. III........ ill .' . . ~ ~ . ./. . i:. *' ... L~::. ,'''" . CI'.rYCLERK. ; ,( f , ; , " t It- l 1 t I Y 1 If ( I i' 'f , . \ I I J ~