HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 298 Regulating Riding of Bicycles on Sidewalks, Etc., and Repeals Ordinances 154, 164, 195 and 223 -- 2()t) . /"" 1 /i ORDDT/-Jif8ll-:HO. 298. ~. tV.(y ..*:- )/, - AN ORnllTANCE REllUI~A.TING THE RIDIN'G OF BICYCLES ON THE SIDE.). W1!J.JKS; STREETS, ALI..EYS, A1ID PUBLIC GROllNDS WI'rRIN TI'1i~ I,HUTS 0]' TEE CITY OJ<' BOZEMAJT,. mm PROHIBI'UNG THE RIDING OF BICYOD~S ON THE SIDEWAJA{8 OF C:F<::R'rAIN STREETS AND AVEITTJES OR SAID CITY, AND'REPEALInG ORDINANCES NO. 154, 164, 195 and 223. -*- ;o"'!n1 ! ~i nri;""m/'l" Nn 39? .0;/1.;.,;", ~1 l.L t"""'Ol,,,B IJ~.. Be tt ordained by~"the City Council of the City of Bo zeman: SECTION 1: .. That hereafter if; sha.ll be l.ll11awful for any person or persons, to ride anyJb1cycle upon ary sidewall".: on ~ Main Street between the west line of 5th Ave. and the east line on Church Avenue; or upon arw 6idewa11c on Ohurch Avenue ~, between Main Street and Peach Street; or upon any sidew<>.ll:: on \~~ Black Av~nue; or upon any sidewalk upon Centrlll Avenue,J South, =-' and any person or persons so riding any bicycle upon any side- walk heretofor'e herein n...ned, ahall be fined as h.,reinafter ~ ') provided. to ,.,.> ~:~:p n.;JI SECTION 2: -.Any person or persons who Shall witllin the =;' -'* city limits ride any bicycle on aT:(\" of the sidewalks, streets, "'t"_~, C; alleys, or llubli c grounds of the ct ty without hav 111g in con.. ~ nection therew:! th at all times a gone;, bell, horn, or whistle wIIC"Il I tlSl ~ of sufficient sound to warn persons of its approacbj and w}-1en '.,:~ <<,i'- *>.d tC "'ever meeting or passing any pedestria.n, !IOrSe, w~..C;on, (4,> or . other vehiole, Qr approaching any corner at the intersection of streets, shall f~'l.il 0 r refuse to sound SUC!l gone;, bell, horn, or whistle, wi thin for'.;y feet of appro<J,ching or pa.ssing any pedestrian, horse, wago:;1, or vehicle, shall be deemed gu:l,:Hy of a violation of this ordiMl.IlCe; and shall be pun:lshed as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3: - Any person (lr persons who shall use anY blllcyc le on lIlY sidewalk, streets, a.lley, or public ground of the city. b' tween one hour after suns,:; one hour b d or, ,-,;v sunrise without hb.vine; a lighted 1ante lor lamp thereon so c onspicuousl~r placed a.atol'larn persons of its approach, shall be deemed guilty of a. violation of thia secHon and sh"ll be punished as hel!e incU'ter prov ided. 2f);"'~ / -, ~. ~~/~~ $ ~~~/ ,.. 7;f ~ ' " ~ ~;'-2:"~)~/ , ''__'n'n___'___'_'___'_______n'___'_____________'_________...__''''",__"",__,.__""____,_',,,,""___n"..' _",,_.,_,.__,__'..'___ .....__ '_,,__ ," _ _ ~____ __,.._ .____,,_,_. _, ""____~__.t~.n__._..' .-.,.....,,--,- SEeTIO}; 4: - No person or :persons shall ride any bic- i"'''',,:,;,,7-.,:':',"',;:::,:..... ycle on any street I alley, or public g~ound of the ct:;y, at a grecl.!;er rate of speed than ten miles per hourj a.nd on any sidewall< at a gre",ter rate of speed than six miles per hour j a.nd when t ;ll"ning a corner, on the sidewa.lks, at the inte rsect.ion of streets, or alleys, the speed shall not be grea.ter than three miles per hour. It is specially provided that nothing in this section shall be construed as giving any person or pers-Orls!;he righ-c to ride any bicycle on sidewa.ll<s mentioned :It in Section one. Any person who shall violate the IJrovi,sj.ons of t:l"d.s seftion shall be punished as hereinafter provided. SJI;CTION 5: .. When ahy person riding a bicycle meets another bicyole or vehicle, tbe riders or drivers thereof, ~ ; must e,'~ch tllrn seasonably to the right for passage, 60 as to pass without interference. SECTION' 6: .. Any person whp shall vi.alate any of the provisi ons of' this ordinarlce shall be fined in any sum not , . less than one dollar and not more than fifty dollars, and costs of' prosecution. SEC'rION ?: .. Ord ini.1.JlCe No. 154 J 164, 195, and 223, and all ordi . lee. in OOnfliO~~ith' are hereby repealed. Passe' .. .~/.~0' .~ !! l /S-lqY~ ' .d .......... ..... ~ .--~ ti, -" ~ /......;.;.................:t.:.. ~ " ~/, M.AYOR. , " //. ?J;}/!/?~:;:3~:) ..... ..,............." ~..... 1..........-,.. .' '~ , eI'J.'Y CL:biRK. CERTIFICATE or POSTEiG. Stat. of Montana, ) County of Galla~1n. ~BS. I, Justin M. Smith, c~~. ',y ot Boaema1'l.,Montanat, CHi hf.W'!Il,;y Oftli.ify, that on.. ,.~f!J .. .....~905, I pOlted five oQpha of the "bov. !il.r4 fore" ing Ordinll\.noe Na.~{, . in five publh plll-:"C3onllp1clUoUfl pla.oe; :Ln the City of BCUlemMl, MO::'ltana, tQwi t: One on the door of the CQunoil Chamber .t the CHy !all, &nft on the front of thl'l 8 i;ore building a.tN.. 47 E,..st )5a:in Stree'~, onfl on the bulle'lt1n board inth~ Unitt' I '1 fjt,~t,AS PIH,t Oftioe, 0ne (In thebun.t.1n 'board on the Avant Courier :Bld.lding, tmd one on the bulletin boa.rd ~.n the C(j,ur1: I EellS. . 1 . HI WITHERS WHJtJREOF, [ I Se,-.l of the eai4 City of 1 A. D., 1<;105. :-4 ",,-",,~ ~"""""",""', .- -