HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 297 Creates Special Improvement District Number Four ~2-" ,(' -)"4"-" ,.,',.-,'","".,p'"",,,:,'.,',,".:\,',",!,.,',,',',",',~,'"'.',',',','.~,,'.",',.,,",',,',,,',.,',-,",.',',", .,'. .",'.".'"-.m".~..,',~.',',-,,','-,!,-.l!P,,.,'-f~.,,;,:.w'..'"""'f";,,,:,,,.:,,'-:,',:,':,:,',~,~,,.".'.,;,.,'.,,',-,..~.,-,,',', ','.,'-,,",,-'.:,,' : --.':-~s,,',,' e,,', o,;,~"j"',",n,,,,', .",..4, ',",' .,,',',','.',., ,'t, ',' b",,'at,., t, b, e,'" e"il, tlieOciiit,,', -Ofl' ,". .1l'<>1,",,\'Iini,>JI<!~, '~~, :,~m:n"t N"'...,, " 'ealp. 'OI:ir~lI:jll, ,.lid .' eidewalkil sball be , ",:,'::iiB~''''''''''''N~''8r1.'', '," ',,' ," :borne'>1ld"palll for byiibA en~lre Die. OfilatinlkllSp,eolallmprove!llent,; irlot bereillbefor~ createdllllld dn,' Dlstriotforthe Purpose,of,OoDstr:aot. ' oribed; ',' eaoh" lot ,or' parcel of land' lngOt>noreteSldewalka( Curbs 'and, 11'1111111 ealdmiit.lot to be UlIlllIlI8d for Oroaall'alkeOll 13othSlde'sof Waet that part of ,the WhOle oOllt whiob 'lte "',' -----c:C"",'l\[alItStr~et,l:\~tweell,CelltevLllleot~..re.. be..reto, the area ot the entire "-"-c:';~:=.TraOY1~~llpe'l\ndO~nt,er" ~ine of, '~'J)18t.iot, eJ:~1I1slveot ~Ife~ta, allel~ l!'ollrtbAven~elntl1eOI~Y'of Boze- ..lid pnbHo'plaoee; th..t' the elJtlreO<:l8t m..Ii, OO"ll~ ',of, Gallatlll. State'of, ofl!.adlnll IIld Weet M:.ln Street alld MOO~~Da'TJDder ' Aothorityandln 'ooetoforoeewalks at Interseoti1'l1l OOllfQrll:iltY w-,ith , tbePr6vieioDe,of ""601l"e ..ild, "IlrOe8' e..id Weel M..in I s,e, Q,t,',io, 11" .,',','"S,O"tO~4" ',Incl U.,I,'Y, a, ',~ "Of, ' Iioll."e Street,,', 11',\1, h"lli,' 'l!!d, ImPrO", ement,' ',' BI1lNo., 204, oflbe Fifth, Leglalatlve Dietriot No.4 ._1 be borne by an! A:e,llell-lbiy ~f the State 'of Mont..na, p..ld for by the O'ity of llozemanl, " ) Approved Much 8th, 1897,,," Amaud- th..t all cost IIUO expenae inollf,red hBtate of Montana., ed, , , " , makiug the Improvements herein be. ) sa . IBelt;&eeolvedbytheCltyOounCllof fore set fprth, In .aid ImprovelllenCounty of Gallatin. ) , ,theOJtY,Qf Bozemao: Diltrlct No. 4 .h..Il, be p..id II) I, Justin )4. Smith, i ,Se"tton, L Th",t.. 811eci\l1 Improye. ,Speolal Improvemellt. Warr"lIti '~e~tm~tric'tfor the PUrp?"e OflllBk,:, "drawn ..g..ill.t a fund to be known..l1q Olerk of the City of !oze:man laid COlll'1tv lUll cert..ln Improvements herein..r11e\' designated..." Speoi..1 Improvement' , " J . morapllrtlcuJ..rly dasoJ:ibed, be !Iud , ' th~eame is hereby created; the "\lme Diatl-ictNo. 4 Fund, " audsuoh w..r, and sta te. do he,.ebyoert iry that the to'bekllowJl ..ud de.illiuated as Speol..1 rant. .b..n draw .imple Intere.t ..I , -", ,', ' ' 'the r..te of 6 per oellt, par IInnulll, ' '... i C 11 Improvemeut Dleblot No." 4 of the .',lOh intere.t from the dllte of tliere' annexed, and .L or.go ng, ounc \. i 'Oity of Bpze11lan, o.oulltyof G..lI..- gi.tration of the wlI,rrant ah..llbe con, \' till,S~ate of Mont an.., for the oon-.id"red.. p..rt olthe oOllte qfB..id hll'ltelolut1on 111'0. 297 wa.. published. in the ~ .tr"otlon olooncrete aJdewalk., ourb. provemellt.; that the ooet and expeuai al1~oroe8w..lkB,. . ,,".. ',ofe..id hllprovSllIents within .aicBoZemltll C!1t"oniole .. weekly newspliloper, pria l' ",Seotlon 2.'t,hatth" bouud..r.lleeofDiatrlot sh..n be, defrayed' byspeoh~ , said ~p\lol..\ Improvement DI.trlCt No. 'aaaes.ment and th"t tha PlIymellt. oj ',' , ' 48).'e,herebyde.crlbed aafollowa, ..to- ,Balda!l8esement.h,,,n be paid ininia.ndpubl1ab,ed in the 01 t.y of Boz;ema.n, "'i,t:', , " , " 'st"llments lind, that the paymente ol ~ """B, "e"gin",O.i.,n,g,..."t..P,Ol,n,t ill theoen,te r l,aaid,inat..I,hnente",e,h"lle"tendovarl,co,.mty and state, in one 1Ialle thereof, to~ ,Hne of W. M"inSt. wheretb~ e..me iperiod of IS ye..rs, Ia ,Intereeotedby' ~he center hlle of i, Seotioll IS, Th..t Thllr.d..y, Mil , '1 Tr..oyA.ve.; thenceSollth ,along the 15thdayofJune,A. D., 1005, at7.,S(June 7th A. D. 190&, o,enter line of Tr..oy Ave. S. totbe P. M., be..nd the same i. bereby de, ',e,' J:" te"",n",.e",'.,',O."II,'",O,f.,the" oe,n ter, ,,1, ine Of, B,lOOk' Bill,n..t,~d, a, S ,t,h"e, "tl,m, a,' ",nd th" o.OU,II,Oi,:. f1 V,. day. bef",O"r,e" la, id day ,,0, r hearing, al "A:' of ,Story'e Additiou; theno" o.hanlbet luthe City or Bozeman, al West alollg the oent~r line o~ Blocka the ,place, when ..nd where a..ld re qu1red b" Se at ion 4 or OhapleT QJ:I111 ot A,B, a ..lid D, of .ald Story 8 Addi- Council of e..id City 11'111 be in ee..iol! ' ~ tloti ,to the oenter line of Fourth Ave. aud wlll ,he..r obja~tiODs, If allY, te,' ') "s'o~ned through ,a..Id B-loo,k D; tbelln..l p....~ge ..lid ..doptioll of thil the LAW. 01Pf3 of '~hellQe!North- ..10111 theoanter hne of resolucion; IIl1d an;y person or penon! salllll'ollrthAve. to the oenter line of who..ra ..gantso~ownere ,of ..ny 10t,OJ that the .ala. Uotmctl ::ae.elut1on 1'0. 297 Ma!n St. ;, tbenoe East alollg the C.D- p..roel of ,land'lV~Uiin 88ld Impron- finally tl&S18d by the 01 ty Co unc11 terUneo(sald w. M..iD St. to themant Dletriot .ball,..t s..Id time aDd ," /I" oenterlina ofStraet Weet,o,f tha Court 'pl..oe, have thUlght,tQ ..ppear ..t...i~Wa.fI !1r.ji,/ J.l-..Y House,t~ll s..me ,bell111 tbe line he~ Imeetlng el,tbar In perllOn or,' byl .a1d 01 ty of Bozeman, Md. approved by the 'twElep Lote 7 ..ndS, Blook "n" ofcounllel '..nd, ahow o"use, If any ther<< Tracy's Addltioll; ..s orlgln..lly pl~t- be, why the improvamallta mentioned: ua.yor ol,;. said C 1 t" of Bo~e:rmil.n, on the ted,extend"d South; thelloa North herein ah"lI not be made, or why thle,J'jI ~ a.1onga..id line to tbe center of the resolution aball not be fin..lly ..dopted.', ..Hay lu e-..id Blook D of Tr..oy'.Ad-, SeotiOll 6. Th..t tha City Clerki diloY of July, A.. D.. 19()5. dftlon; ,theoce El..st along the oellter' be ..lid he i., hereby ill.tTDoted by. lineof.aid, alley throug~Blook. ,D, : th~ Oity CoulI~i1 toh..vethie 'resolu;; IN WI'!'N.ES S ~EOF I I have he reun to a,B ..lid A ,of a..id Tr..oy.. AddItIon 'tiOIl publi.hed .ill .. Weekly lIeW.p..per, I to the center ,line of .aid ,Tr..cy Ave.; priuced ..nd publi.hed in tb," Oity of t I d. a lQ affixed the Real at th theoo" South to tha pOInt of begln- Bozeman InOlla lseue thereof; not Ieee, i e my (an J ' IIIlIg, el<oludlllg th..t, portioll of, th" th..n IIva d..ys'before the d..ts eat for, . ,iJI""te" ",r",.,e~,ot,in"g, '".."ve,u",~,e,e,Loetwee""n, th,881,d,e, he",riOg" objeotlons to t,h,e, fin,"l ad,PO., ,- CUy of :80 n, this 21Ci4t day or J \iiles ot ~ald M..ln St. "lid the ..bove tloll of the rellOll1tlon: ,/ de,8C~ollnd..ry line.. Seotiou7. Th..tit Iz hereby de- A ,'SeotIQnS. T'!at the ol1..raoter of 'ol..red to be ,tb~ Intention of said Oity .. the Implovemente wh,loh ..ra to beOoullollto flnally..dQpt thiarezolutlon in~ewIth1D &aid Improvemant Dls- on the 15th day of June,A. D.\llOO., ,"''- . . . . . . . . · · · · .. · .. .. · · · . · .. ,_ tiiotNo;4' are_ dellOrlbed all follow., ",t s..id meat/lIg of the o.OUIICI1" un-; , to-wit: leae Qbjeotlona ,..re maile theretllat Oi ty Clerk.. , . 'The 'oonstrllctiollof.. \lOlIorete ourb, a..ld time by owners or ..gent. repre- andaldew..lk o,n both .idas of e..ld W. 'iJenting more.th"lI one-,balf III are.. of 'l\4..lnSI. within the, bOllndary linn ..U the prop\lrty whioh wOllld be as- of tbe ..bove dellOri bed di.triot, ,with aeaeed to defr..y the cde~ of .aid 1m. ooDorate croew..lks at the int"..euCiDg:1 provements. '~'IIenues ..nil liQTO.. M..lo StrMt, The P..lI8ed June 8, 1\106. ~Idthof .",idsidewalk to be 14 feet, Ar.vroved June 8, 1\105. . fto'm property line to faoe of otIrb, or NELSONSTOR'\:, Jr" soob ,othar width ",smay be requlr~d Atteet: M..yor. be~weell,tbe bl1UidllllS alld the est..b-., JUSTrN;M. SMITH, . Ilslled porb lina;, ' , , '(SEAL) ',' Oity OIark. " \rhsfoilowillg Is 1111 eatlm..te of the I, JI1Stl1l M. Smith, City 01\,rl<,..lId wqrkto:bedonealldimprovemente to Attorney of the City of Bozl'lllan.: 'be'llladeae ..foraeaid,vlz: , OOllnty of.G..llatln,St..te of MOlltail..., " ,', ,2~8 iineal.lllllt of, Ollrbilllli. , do heraby oertify th..t ..t ..n adjounred \~~lildllll!..lfeetof 8jdeW",lk. Imeetinll of ,the City 001111011 of "tha, ;,sO.'~De.\,fel!t of orOlNlwalka. Olty of Bozem..n,held on 8d d..y of.r ~OootlbIOy.rdsofl!r..dlng. , '"JUlie; A.D. 1005, the foregoillg reso- ',.!\lI..pprQ;Elm..tEleet.lln"te of the OQllt ,lut/ona war~ dilly p...lied ..nd ..dopted of:,tljao,I!~ll8and .sldew..lk8theportlon..nd ordered, pUbllshad in one Inu" of :toib,B-'p",i!lfor,by, the property ,within, tbe Bozeman Ohroniole,..t least Ild..y~ '~,.ldd.ill't.1'ict'ie~,6~7.40, , ' {before the Illth d..y of 'Jun", A. D. ; , '",,' ,Fotgr..dillll and or08sw..lk., to be 1906. p..id for by Olty, $1,768.20. ,Dated this 6th d..y oflune, A. D. - 1005. JUBTIN M. SMITH, Oity OIerll ..lid Attoruey. ~ "