HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 296 Amends Sections 1, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14, Ordinance 107, and Repealing Ordinance 162
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i(jf ORDIYANCEl'W.. 296.
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I AU ORDINA1WE JJ~TDIl'TG SE:-:nOHS 1, 8, 9', 10, 13, and 14
Be it orda;l.ned by the Ci ty Council of Bozeman Ci i:y:
SECTIoN 1:- That Sect i,ons 1, 8, 9', 10, 13, a.nd 14 of
Ordin~nce No. 107 be an they a.re hereb~' a.mended 80 as to read,
respectively, as follows, to-wit :
~ 'ft) ~ .~ ". : SFJC'.rION 1:- Any person who shall wit.:in the l:i_:'l:!. 1;6 of
, ,
~ this City, keep or maintain an~' pen, or enclosure, stable, or
buiild:1ng :for ca.ti;le ,horses, or o I; her an:dJma.ls" in such a fil thy
'~ ~ condHion as to 'Oe offensive to neighbors or pa.ssersby, or
c:::= "- injurious to the neighborhood, such pet'sons shall he gu:ilty
C'::> of ma.int,,1.ining a nuisanoe. and on conviction thereof shaD. be
-r .
~' 2:C fined in a sum nett les6 t1'4n f :ive dollars nor moreth[\on fifty
IV") ~
fj ,dollars and coats j and n. continuance of the srune for ev'ery
~ day, a.fter being not if ied, b~, an:' city off icer 'to abate tI.~.e
Cl,..) . ' ,1
.!i1 ~ same, sha.ll be regarded as a. separate ~ffense to be pun:ts}led
I'..::~ by a like :fime.
~ SF,C'J.'J:ON 8:- No person or association of persons shall
'" keep or ma.in tEl. in any IJen, enclosure, s table I or building for
J;I!; j swine, or iI'll a. n;' ma.nner keep swine w:l th in the c:l ty limits.
8' t" ,
i,iyI'hoever shall violate an;' of the prov5l.iiona of thi s sect ion, )
~ s!.Utll 'he deemed gUilty of maintair;'1ng a nuisanoe, and JPon"1fl/
-~ conviction thereof she; 11 be fined not lessthu.n 1'i ve dollars
, ,~ tban forty dolla:rs and c oats of prosecution.
c::> , nor more
, ) SECTION 9';- If any person shall slaughter or kill
. ...;
.. >> j any cattle, sheep, calves, or swine, within the limits of the
M City fjf Bozeman: or shall occ,uPY or uae a.W building or en-
closure therein for an:' of the purposea afon~saidj or sball
keep, use or mainta.in an:' sl"1Jc;hter house with in three miles
of the limits of' said Cjty, every such pEll'son shi'ul be deemed
guilty of committing a nuisance j and upon ro nvict:t tm shall
be punished by a. f'1:i1e of' not less than ten dtollars nor more
tha.n one hundred dolli'U"s and costs of prosecnt ion.
, 2()'
SFiCTIOl'I lOj- If an;? person, a.f tel"" the passage of
this ordinance within the limits of the city, sha.ll throw or
deposit loose or w~~te pa.per, straw, hay, WH,st,e clothing, ha ts,
boots, empty CHns, old 1<ett1ea or vessels, aShes, manure or
garbage of a.n~' kind, boxes or ot;her rubbish,in a.ny of the ' '
stre8ta or alleys, or allow the same to a~~cnmulate on the
premises occupied b;v him or her, so as to beoome dangerous
to ad,j01n:i,nc; pro[!er1~y or prgmises, or offensive or prejudicial
to adjoining p1"0pet:ty ownel'8, or tenants, or shall place any
paper or rubbish in such pIa.ce or manner a.s to be 1 1a.b le tQ be
blown upon an:' street, alley, private or public property, in
e 11;]00 I'" case such person shall be deemed guilty of c01J:lIllittihg
a nuisance, and upon c onv:!. otion shall be fined in an3T sum
not lesa than five doll::;rs nor more than fortJT dollars, ani
1t'OB t,s of prosecution.
SRCnON 13:- Whoever shall boil any offa.l, swill,
horns, or hoofs, or ,ahal J. G onduot the business of bone boj.ling,
~ '
b one burning, fat boning, rendering or lard or tallow, gut
clea.ning, making of glue or soap from dead a.nhn<tls, or pari; s
.', ."
ther~'lOf , or any oooupation that is detrimental ,to the health
or crnlfol"t of any person or pe,r8) ns wi t;'lin the limi t8 of the
city, shall one deemed guilty of mainta.ining a nuisanoe, ani
on conviction shall he fined in a Bum not less t}".an fi ve dol-
lal^S nor more thun one hundred dollars and coats of pro Be cuLton.
SBC'l'ION 14:- Any person who aha),l depos:tt or bUl"n,
or Ciil.use to be deposited or burned, 1n any street or alley ,
of the city which is open to traveJ., a.ny hay, straw, 'pap~)r,
wood, boards, boxes, or other rubbish or material, shall be
deemed Guilty of comndtting a. nuisance, and upon cotiviction
slw.ll be funished by,S\. fine in &.ny sum not exceeding fi,fty
dollars, a.nd costs of proseclltiotl..
, SEG~N 2# Th~ ,Ord:lnanr:e No, 162 and a.ll other ordinance~
19-'1..---'..... /1,:t.. -2-' .'~ '~-i., -""",~A.--<-.....'-~.~
/1 irY ooufU t erewi th~ ~re hereby repe[~led.
Passed .,." ..........~ 1905.
tJ-- A
Approved "...... :".......~~
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ilt1.es, " '\ -...,', :MAYOR.
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Cit~r Clerk.
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State of Montana, )
( ss.
County of Gallatin.)
I, Justin J\i. Brnith, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman,
. l\;ontana, do :hereby certify, that on the 18th da.y of }.~a.y, 1905,
i I poa$~ five copies of the above and foreeoing Ordinance No,
~<Q.., in five public and conspicious placea in the City of
13ozeman, Montana, to wit: One on the door of the Council Cl1am-
ber of the City Hall, one on the front of the s tore building
at No. 47J<~ast Main Street, one on the bulletin board in the
Uni ted States Post Office, one on the b\.111etil1 board on the
Avant-Couria c :Building, and one on the bulletin lJoard in the
Court House.
IN WI'l'N1<iSS WHEHJiJOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix
the Seal of the said City of Bozeman, on this the 18th day of
May, A, D., 1905. --".....~.,~,..k~
C.l ty Cler' .