HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 295 Defining Method of Street Sprinkling
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Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Bozeman:
Seotion 1- 1'hat a.ll street sprinkling to lH' done wi thin the ,
street sprinkling districts of the City ma.:; be done by oontract
or by foroes employed by the City, or b;y hoth, in such manner
\ all the Counoil may eleot, and it shall be the duty of said Coun-
~\\ oil to estimate, as near" as practicable, the cost of sprinkling
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'~ ~SY.Oh d1st,~:Otl!l_for the season, and betore the f'irst liConday in
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\ " 6ctober in ea.ch year the Council arla1l paBs and finall;v adopt a.
\\,\ reeolution levying and aflseeslng a.11 the propert;,' witldnche sav-
Z"\\ oral districts with an amount equa.l to not les$ than seventy-
'\ five per oent.of the entire cost of s~id work, exolusive of the
~ oost of sprinkling parks and public places.
Seotion 2. The rate ot taxation in each sprinkling district
~ shall be determined by dividinG the total cost of sprinkling
\ the sama by the total number of linea.r to e t of property in front
on Wb81'(~
of or 'borde1"I,nF/~ sprinkling ha.s lH.len done, 8,lld each lot or
pa.rcel of' land eha.ll be assessed for a.s many linear feet as bor-
der on a.ny street that has bedTl sprirlkled.
Section 3. The resolution levying the assessment to defray "
thlll cost of .prinkling shall conta.1n a list in which shall be
desorlbed the lot or parcel of la.nd a.ss6ssed, with th.e name of
th. ovmer thereof, if known, and the amount levied thereon set
opposite. Suoh resolution eh'a.ll be kept em tile in the off'ice
of the Gi ty Clerk. a.nd 11 notice signed by the C1 t,y Clerk, stat-
ing that the resolution l(lvJlng special aS8essments to defray
the coati of aprinklinp; in the f1wv\H'al dla Lriota ie on file in
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hie office a.nd liJubj eot to inspeotion for .. period of fiv.dal..
shall be pUbliehed at lea.llt once in a. newspaper publillhed in
the City. Suoh notioe "hall stat. the time and pla.c. at whioh "I
objeothns to the final adoption ot 8uell ruolution will be
heard by the Counoil, and the time tor suoh hearing sha.ll be
not lea5 than tive days after the publioation of 5uoh notioe.
At the timesQ ..t the Counoil ahall meat at l ta regular place
ot meeting and hear all objeotions whioh may be made to such
aSe61:15ment, or any pa.rt thereof, and ma.y a.djourn from time to
time for that purpose, b.nd may, l)y resolution. modify such as.. ( I
easements in whole or in :part. A OOPY of' Buell noluHon, cer-
tified l,y the City Clerk, muet b<?/~~~~c.~~~4:,o~~t,y- ~reas..
urer on or before Ute first j'ionda;y' in'-f.J(jL,,~~...., a.nrlsuoh l.\SI'l\llBII5-
ment sha.ll 1:10 plaood upcn the '~a.x roll ~;..ncl ooll~eted. in the
aoWne manner a.D Qth~Il' taxes.
This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in fa roe
r the date of
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/ State of Montana, )
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County of Gallatin.)
I, Jus tin M. Smit:n, City Clerk of the Oit;y of })ozeman,
,ciontana, do her'(,;1),'{ certify, that on the 18th day of ;'I:ay, 1905,
~r f~ve copies o~ the above an~ forego il1g ?rdina.nc~:,o. ,
, HI five pub110 and consplc:l.ous pl,lees 1!'l the C:l.ty of !
)36-e'lnan-;' :Montana, to Nit: One on the door of the Counc il C:ham~
bel" of the City Hall, one on the front of the store building
a.tL~O. 47 }i:a.st,,~~ain Street, one on the bulJ.etin board in the I
United States Post Office, one on the bulletin board on the
Avant~Conrier I3vilding, and one on the bulletin board in the
Court HOnse. ~
IN WI'l'i'l'}<JSS WH:flm~10]', I hereunto set my hand and a . ;It,, ~
the Seal of the said City of J3oze' on ":, i~18t a.y or--P) .1
}{a.y, A. D., 1905. . '7 11'1/,/('1'7-'1:"
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