HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 294 ent for District Sewer Number Ten 1\.. :1. _m _..._~..,_:~~':::.::::.~",":,- < ~:,l!",i;In.:'..~.., '-'-::.~". ,~~~~~~,~~~~.;;"~~,:-,::,~,,:;':::;::'::'::Z~~=..,..:~~~~';'::'~~~7i~-;:;'\:l;iO'~""::""~"~'~"""'_~ _~~~:,;;;,:;;:=~;':;:'::::;7::...,-::~_m~:~-'--'--"::Z~~::::;~~:;~~':~,..:...Jm,... ~, II COUN9.lL R!~~!!.!!2!...NO. !f 1? · I, II A RBlSOLUTION DWYIN'G SPECLI\L ASSESSMENT OF TAXES TO DE:l!'RAY TEE COST OP CONSTRUCTING A PORTION OF DISTRICT SE~~R NtThmER TEN. ====IIIIIIIIXII===~ WrJEH]~AS , The City Council, by Connc 11 Resolution No. 279, passed on June 2, '1904, ordered the construction of that portion of District Sewer ]\To, Ten, described as follows: Beginning at or near the center 01' the intar~Bction of Lindley Place and Koch Street, front tJ:]ence run- ning North on Lindley Place to the center of Olive Str<.J:)t, thence '-He st . on Oli'\T'~ Str'etJt tc the center of Bozerllan Avenue, thence North on Boze.. man Avenue to tbe centwr of Main Str'eet, there to connect with Pu,blic Sewer 1:1"0. One; and VmERI!:AS, the said portion haa 'been constr'ucted at a cost of 6:Z_~cent8 :per linear front foot to the property bordering thereon and especially benefitted ther<Jby, NOW 't11ERl~FOR[1;, Be It Resol.. ,#,' ved, and It Is Hereby Ordered, 'by the CitY' Council, that the several 8u.mfl ~J'J t 011{JO Bite the name s of the severa.l owners, lots and parcels of land, l:U, appEl ar s in the schedule hereto attaclled and made a part here.. " of, be and the a Fi..tne ar~ respectively assessed thereon, to defray the cost of construoting said portion of B~id District Sewer No. Ten, and tlmt t:rw :>aid several sums be collected fronl the resp8ct.h'(, ovmers of t,rl., 5,dd lo{;s 01' parcels e,f land dCSCl"ibed j,n said schedule. This as- :Jon~Ii,ent i~) IJI.'rl3\mnt to sa.id Council Resol\.ltlon No. 279, :palJscd b:,' the City Council CD June 2, 1'j04. Tho. t 'Lll;" !/::&. day of Jii[:;.;,:/, 190L'i , at 7,30 o'clock, P. M. , at the Clul1(;il Cht~n:ber in the City HaLL, is hereby designated und Bet apart (,.;..8 tJ:,L(J time und place at which olljectiorJlO to the final adoption of this resollltion ':1111 'be heard by the City Council. The Cle.1< oi' the Oi ty of I30Z8mo:.,n is herellY directed to give noticl~ 01' the time and l;l,.ce of ~~id hearing as provided by law. I, Pusr;cd -4~,.k:J!....i&_, 190tJ. _.2_,_l_l!l~~-,--- Att.; st: .-d~!/~~---- iVIayor. - ty Clerk. ]'inal Pas~;aC8, :fi.a:; ;t:If::, 1905. - , 196 M'__~'^"'_'~._~'r"~"~,.,,,~ _..'"". _.~~ ".,~ ".- ..- .----.-..-., ..---...-.-...-., ~-,-,.,."",..,~"., ,.,..". . . . - -- ....--. ~.---","",."-,,,,,,,,.,-,.,-.. .~._.,-_.,..._.,..---".. . .. ,,,,,,,.,,,..~,",. ---.....-.""'....,.- .',~ ~g~,E., PAR1' OF DISTRICT SEWER NUMBEH TEH, ASSESSED.iJ.;z.;;/.;- CENTS PER LINEA], FRON'!' F'OOT. ".... ",YI*"'** I;'l .; Owner. Lota. Block. Addition. Frontage. Asse Bsment. Pd. ;~ ===:::':.-^::.: .::..: :-":.:~:. ;;~ :c:: :;:: t:'::'., :;:. :;;':'-::::.c.:::;::: :.': ;",';:. :~ :~:.;;' ;, ;:" .~.:: ;:.'. :;;:;,', =;';:;':;;:;, :-.,,:;:",~ :.: ;.,;;':.:;;:: ;::.;'~ :;.' :;.". ... :;",' ::,":';: ;;;:,!.:~;;,' ';::";'i:;;;;, :::: ::': :.:' =\', ~:: =;;:::::::=~:;; :r.'::;: '-I' Wm. Nevitt. 10 B (Original) 133 ft. $89.81 Townsite. Fann1~ Woodson. 11 B " 1;")3 a9.B1 " " ( Surplus) " " 24 16,21 of 11. J'. H. Taylor. }i'rac. '7 II Guy's 1bO 101. 30 ..J. R. H. ~~aylor. ];'rae. 4. " " 160 101. 30 Louis Kreuger. 1 C (original) 140 'J.lJ,. !54 ' Towuei te. " " 36 " " 140 94.b4 ; ;, C. ]i;. Menzel. Fran. l. C Guy's bO 33.77 . ' S. H. Osborn. Frac. 2. " " 16tl 111. 42 :Mrs. W. Fl. Rich.l to 3. " " If)O 101. :~O " n " " 3 " " / 100-50 / j;S.77 Law 18n-a6 " " " " 4 " " 50 3:5.77 M. R. Carpenter,5 to 7. " " H,3 103.;)3 C. E. Menzel. 1/2 acre. " " 25 16.89 - Jno. J. Kane. 1 A (Lindley) 140 94.54 & Guy's R. M. Lindley. 16 " " 140 94.54 W. }i~. Da.mon. 17-18 " " 100 67.53 Geo. Cox, Trustee.19 to 22. II " 200 l:~b. 06 Emma Cu t. ting. 23 " " tlO ;~;~. 77 I .1 Jno. Ingram. 24 " " 50 33.77 i,i '>, A. ]<;. Davidson. 25 " " bO 33.77 'I S. J. Chisholm. 26..27+10ft. " " 110 74.28 ::r Jro o. Robertson. 28-10ft. " " 40 2'7.01 E. A. Hollier. 29..30 " " 9a 66.18 R. M. Lind1l'JY. 1-2 B " 100 67.53 S. H. I,ewia 3&N!' of' 4. " " 75 50. Qtj C. A. Backe a. (~of 4 &) " " 125 84.42 5 and 6. C. H. :W:cComb. 7 " " 50 33.77 N.ary E. Bobier. 8 " " 50 33.77 G. \" Hancock. 9 & If.'10. " " 7' ' :)0.65 . . ,) Austa. Keown. S!10&11&12. " ", 125 84.42 W. G. Alexa.nder. Fra.c. 13. " " 43.8 29. BS F. 1~ . Vre~la.nd. 1/2 a.cre. " " 104,2 .22.:E. . $ 'I (~ ~/"-1'-" / 'I t. ) ~ '~: "~ ~ .~ -, ((!~~(~~~ /7't.) " .", "" ,;/ II .:i:::;::"",,::,:~,'i,,,:;::::-:~ ,,,.,,--_.'.,~., ".,',".... -- ..~'-- Not1<'le! otice io hereby given that. the ,~ Connoll of the di ty of Bozeman, _g}!'::~L2J;lLA.!';tl..._,. bntana,on April 20, 1905. by re~oln. ,on,' levied and assessed a speolal tall: 67 53.100 cents per linear front foot real property bordering on ,and Stclte cf :::0.':1 t H.IW, , l iaUy benefitted by the oonstruotion ( Ef~~ II that portion of Distriot Sewer No, " ooLIDdley Pll\Oe, Olive Street and r:; O'.lrl t ,'r of '~J' :.1.1. ~; ,',:;\, t j.. n ~ ) o~emao Avenue, said tax being for be purpooe of dehaying,the ooet and I };'I w (,: l'!:e}'lborg, City Clerk 'I' tho Git.y 01" :i:1ozeman, .J 1.. (I,,, peose of constructing said portion of ,... ~' llld sewer. ;V!ontuna, do htlre1):f certHy I Llmt the annexed notice "o.hras ~1.tl.ly 'The property to be aesessed is as oUows. to.w it: A II of the property pu'b1:i.<:l1'ed in the :::;0:: eman Chronicl€J, a weekly rec;ular- ontin~ or bordel'ing au the street r.leW'fl]JD,per DOWn as Lindiey Plaoe, and on Olive ,treet from oenter at Lindley Place, to 1;'/ Pl.ll:JllS;1ed in said City, in the iflf;ue s of April 29 th and J11ay ,o~emaD Avenue. and on, Bo~eman venue from Olive Stl'eet to Main 190b. Ii lreet, ~)rd 1 !I The resolution levying and a,esessing 'laid tas is on tile, in the offioe of th~, ::3 1PI'I'JIR:SS WHEltIH))', 1 l1ereu!)to ::let, my hand a,nd af'.fix tbe Qily Clerk of tile Oity of Bo~ema~:,{ ... · ;-"'" "'"""~l ",.1 of' l,:,:~id, Uj,ty of :Bczoman, on thiB the 5t.h d11Y of M,:t;'(, 1:)Ofj. ". ,The Oity Oonnoll has set MII:t: /~1. ;i:I~Oli. at 7:30 o'alook, p, m,. IIt:!~: iOOUDOil Chamber in the Oity Hal ,';~ ," jh/~-, t- /)~ laid Oily. as the time and pl;': when the Oity Oouncilwlll take f1!i!~ 'llolion on sllid resolutoin IInd hear a, d _._._.I,"__..L,,'tL&:._:f;:~~_ f":;;'Z i,___,_" ,oonsider objections, if any. to the Oi tVt:leI'k. IInal adoption of the same, I By order of the Oi ty Oounol I. .. .. "" 1'1'1'1" " .. It , F, g, MEHLBERG, 01 ty Clerk, Dated April 24. 1905, l I' II I ! J', ~ . ti I ~ w ~ f I' :~' 1 ~ ..' -,- -",,-- --,.,~, .~._, ~. ~.""-~-- - .."~