HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 292 Levying Special Assessment of Taxes to Defray Cost of Portion of District Sewer Number Seven _9() .. ,...,,~ .... ._,..~~ ".'. . "_''''''''''J,_.._.,.,.__,_,,___,.._,_.__.,.__...,._,,_._"..~__~,"~'''.,...,~'"",. _..,..._..__..'''''._...-.... _.". ._ _.,~..._,,_,_,_~,~~__w~,~..~,. C"'.'-:-'",_...,..,-""._, ,'. ":'-:"~'::":..;,',"';I':"i",:,,,,,:,;:,::,::',:,~.,,:,:.tIiillliii.;~:~,:,~~ '_n'.'.. ","-":""'"-~~=::::-:;::~~~:~,,,:c "_.....;..":...;.'...~..:'--.:;:.~~~:..'. . ---~'~~~~=~-- ...."---.- '-'-'-'-""""""~---"'''m''',',,~._,._._------;__.,..,_~w",'' _ ".,,"~,_."~~~~_~_,__.~,~_ -~'.'- . ~. ~it COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. ~f~~ _...cOc~'''~ I A RESOLUTION LB:Vyura SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES 'ra DEFRAY THE COST OF CONS'l'HUCTING A POHTION OF DISTRICT SE\IlIER NIDJffiEH SEVltH. WEERJr.AS , The City Council by Council Resolution No. 2oc) , passed on March 17, 190,1, ordered the construction of that portion of District Sewer No. Seven, described as follows: Beginning at or near the center of the intersection of Centra.l Avenue and College Street, running thence North on Central Avenue to the center of Alderson 8tre(Jt; thence District I to connect wi th~lij;*9' Sewer constructl'ld to said point on Cfmtra.l Ave- ~ , and WIDJHEAS, The said por~ion has been constl'ucted at a cost of nue; 50 cents per lineal frunt foot to the property bordering thereon and especially benefitted ther~~by, NOW THERBFOHE, :Be It Resolved, and It Is Here'ny Ordered, by the City Council, The. t the several sums set op- posite the names of the several owners, and the several lots or par- cels of land, as appears in the schedule thereto attached and l'l1a.de a part hereof', be and the sa.me is reGpectivel~ assessed thereon to de- fray the cost of construct.:lng said portion of said, District Sewer No. Scven, a.nd that the suid several sums be collected from the respec- tive oV'mers of the said lots or parcE;11s of land doseribed in said schedule. This assessment is pursuant to said Council Resolution No. 266, passed lJ;{ the City Council on March 17, 1904. Tha t the .ult:::. day of May, 1905, at 7.30 o'clock, P. M. , at. the Ci ty Caune 11 Charn1}er in the C 1 ty Hall, is hereby designated and set apart as the tim,~ and place at which o11jections to the final adoption of' this resolut. ion will be heard by the City Council. Trl.e Clerk of -' ~',he Ci ty of B<"zemal1 :is hercby dinHJted to give notice of' the time and , plt.ce of said heu.ring as is provided by h,w. Passed ~..2::::!!.&._, 1905. _e..2_~ Attest: ~~~-~ Mayor. ;y len;. Final PassaF"" Mav.!f1il:, 1905. :}...,.. , - - (~ ho-r-r~ I'll,) " -..". .'---".':-,;;:-;~~~~::z~~~~~~~~"i~~~::~,:::~. ~~:=c,::._.:c:::.,.:,::';:;=.:;:~:;;,;;;-,;;;:;;;;,;;;:;;;:;;::;;;:;::.~,,-=:o;~~;;:;:,;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;;:;.;;';;;:;;;,;:;;;;:;;;;::;;;,:~-;;,;;.:-;;;;.~.,."" ,Ii' ~CJlEJ?~ PAHT OF DISTRICT SEWRR NIDlBRR SEVEN, ASSESSED 50 CENTS :i?ER LINEAl\. FRONT :b'OOT. _ _ m '. ~ H ~ _ _111_ ~ - - - - - ~ - Owner. Lots. Block. Addition. Frontae;e. Aaeasment. Pa.id. _.,~ ,~;: ',:; ';".:: ',;:'; ',~ :.: :;: ,~:. .,:;;: ~..:;, ;: '::::~... ':..;.:; ~:~;,..:.:;.: ;,; ,~'; ....::.; t.:.:::.:::::: ::"~'.;. .....':==- ~=,::::-:'': ;.;::~= ~'.:. ~:::::;: ;::~.ii ';O;=: ~ .~: .::::':..:::-= :.:,~:~':~~~ ::'::':~":: ...::;,:.:.::: ;;;:;;:=~::. )'. N, fJ.,vIUIl/. 1 to 3, II. Pairview 90 $fS.OO i/ 7'?1.t..d-:27..ft~ 1/ to 10 1/ " 2,;0 jtJs.oo 0, w, Fieher, ~0 to $,"130, '7 " 22-.f. ll~, So z I 0 Y ,j' ~, 5"1) .7~J!:~~:?1.'4/J{);b,33, 7 :Aldersonls ' elb.n,,,,~A'.;;7~-...u; 1 :B :Amendment to 47.6 2~~.80 :Fa1rv18w. &. Jf. fi~i&.v 2 A" 47.7 ~~3,85 *.**.*..**~*.**~*.**. 2~l:ITIF~CAT.~~.. State of Montana, ) ( 56. County of Gallatin.) I,F. H. Mehl'berg, City Cll3rk of the City of Bozeman, 1vi(jnt"ma, hereby certify that the above and :fol~egoing a.ttached writing is u tru0 and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Covl1cil on MaKK, ~ :? ()~, 1'.:105, and as the same "becan8 fi.nal on May d, 1905, lev~ring special assessment of <\., taxes on the arnAt,'l;ing property to pay the cost and expense of ";i ,- j I construe t.ing a part of District SO'iVer Number Seven, as tile sane ,)i.;'" ',~\I!)::",:' Notlofll ~,:1totioe isbpreby gh'en that, the o.PP6,-H'B frem the record in my office, , l~qoDDoiloftlle Olty of Bozeman, I 'ilDll,lI1f,,"prIl20, 1905, byre8010-1 In WITNESS W}lEHt~OF, I ha.ve hereunto set !:l:Ji' nand and a.f~ llD,lev.led'..nd ....essed .. 8peolal tall: )f'~~~~; ~:r~':'rl:;o:: ..~~o:p:C~ fixed the seal of the suid C1 ty of Bozeman, all this the s-71?:- Uy beDefitted by the 00D8trootion of ~~~t'portion of D1BtrlotSewerNo, 7, day of },~ay, 1905. ~b;Sollth Central AvenDe, from Col. T . i,~ge '~treet; to ,Alderson Street,Bald <1: ,ijxbelDg for the DurpoBe of defrllylng -_!,g .~~e~oet,;.od e"p~,nee of oonBtruotillll C i tel k 1illidPcrtlon of .Bid eewer, " Ii) r, . ~;Theproperty to' be IlBBeBeed Ie ae ~olloWe, to'wlt : All of the property \ftODtlng orbo~dering on CeDt~al GER'['J];'IC A7'1" ?Avelloe betweeD College Stree~ ..nd AI- --,,,-,--, ...- - - -,-,--~_." :~ersOn S~reet, , - Sta te of f/'.ontana. ) .'Tho, re.olution levy,lllg and aSseSB- ' (S~,' IDg B81(1 tax iB Oil file, 10 the offioe of ~ _ '." ' , . theOitv OIerk of the OItv of Bo.e- C,ounty of C.-al1atin.) 1D8n, BUbjectt,o inBPectlon" by the pub- 110" ,,' _, l,B', E. ,l,(;ehlberg, ca.ty Clerk of the City of Ilozeman, . ';,'"."""TheOity ~Olln,OIl h... .etM, 8y4, Ic:ont, ana, d,O ,herebY,' C,el't.1fYl that the annexed noUce was d'~,',l;Y ,,~..l,\~,,","', "1905,at7,80 oelook 'p, m"..t"the publ1 "'1-- " t" -- l>. C'h i J. :', ':(looDoUOh..lDber IntheOltyHallof . :~_J.~a, In ,"It: .uozeman rOIl () ,e, 1:1, weekly newspaper reeulm'~ "\~i ,'I ;~..ldOity,IlB tho tilDe ..ndplaoe",wheIl ,~y l)lib~~s:'iC(i 1n BUio. Cl t..v, jl1 tlw iSf'l~es of April 29th and :May "i' ~' :tb,eOlty Ooonoll wil~ ,take .fin..l "0" .:>rd, 19()O". '" '" ",.. '_,,' ,,' , , ,".'[,,'..,'.'... 1~~"D"""'"'.,",','.o",.,..n""",.",,B,,..I,d ""r,,~, 8O"",I,."O"",l1o",n, "8",,D, d,' "h, ".,i,..",r ", nd, ' Ij,r" I !.NESS IfJll!',HM)]', I he reuntc G, c,tJl'" luwd aflu,' affix the ", ,,~er objeotlons, If ,..ny, to the benl 01' WJ.1o. City of .bozeman on this the ~ day of \'[ay 190'", ~'il\1p\ltlonof the 8..llIe, " v... ' , ~ · 'i~~{orliet of the OIty:OollDcll, :! J./ 01..~' , ' ,.,',',','.,:"'.',',',',:",,, F, a" MEHL, BE~, G! ,'," ___'_.L.LY-. ..,La.. '''-''--n'' ".,,--'=~- f\ \'} " OltyOlerk" C l ClerK, ,~te,~,.Aprll 24, 1905, 'I":.,::,',l.!'_~~,',~_,,,:,. __~',