HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 291 Creating Office of City Engineer and Prescribing Duties '.. ,- -. --..... . "'~. -,.,..-,. .. ..'.__.._..._~-~.~~._,.,.,.",~ ..._-,_.~,.",',.~.~._~~.~._,,-~._--~...~.,~~~_._--_...,._,.._---_.~,~.,.,'-_._~~.., ,_.~~~.~,'~_.~~..~~._._-~_..,._-_..,----"'.._-_..".. . ... ..-.-.,. .,. . "."",""..~'."",-~-^ -- ., '....".-.."" ':":"":,,,,,~'I '" ': :,;;:;:,-.~".::...~:!;, ",!"",:;,~"",:ti,tl1/iJ~..._' .......,.\ilai!i..\:~:",:.,:;~:::~::;;H:o,=:::':.5illi,;:..:':.!,::iii':'.~:;:i'~......':.:,:;:-':=~. '.. ~'.....;.,;.,~:..J::~"'''~l...,,..,.,,~~:,~','':''~',:''==~ ""1-----,.---' "-,--,-~----'-.-.,..,,-~----- -.-~-'-----"-~---"------"".."'- ,. '--- I _ 0 HD~J'I 1: 'iC.~~, ,.3~ 0.. ~ ,. ~ ~.:l:,L aN OHDnJAiiJ'CR cnEA'I'BG '1'3:81 OB']'ICE 0,]1' CIll'Y JtJHGIN}~.i{[(, ATD PR81- SCRBING THE DUl'I:IiiS PEn'r,tI.I:JPm 'l'E8:;H1P,TO. "',"' ll/-:.~'"~ ~pnf?"lhrl, fl" Ordin3~!I'l N ...3 (r '''''':1 ......,.t.-1i,'~,I':,.~ '::',j t ' ~H... Ii IJ).;J 0...... .be i to Ord<dned "oy t.he Ci ty Council of' the Oi t.,? of BOZ61nan: :3ection 1- Then, is here1'y created t.he of'f'icl> of' Ci t.y 1~l1gi- neer, who slnd.l be appointed 'by the Mayor,witr! t.he a],ipl'ova.l of the Council, f.l.t the first r~gulu.l" medting l.l.1'ter a. t:,;erHH-'.J.l oi t,y elect.ton at which a newly f}l(~cted ]'.:Iayor pn'S!.dElS I or' at some sub- sequent [iI,ec U,l.'lf:, who sball "':old his c!'fice for C1:l.e trc!cm of two years from the first r::.gular meeting a1)Qve specH'i;'Jd or until his successor is (.l.11point~d and qualifi(~d. Section 2. The person appointed to the office of City Engi- neer shall 11e a suit.a.blt~ and competent person and shall possess a :practIcal knowledge of surveying and civil engincerillg. He ~ shall, in addition to the oath prescribed for city officers, tal{e ~ an oath that he is not and Nill not, during his oODtinuance in office, either directly or indirectly, he interested in any COI1- "\ traot with the eity for any work or material furnished. " Section :3. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Engineer aha1), exeoute to the CHy a bond in tne sum of $1000.00, with at least two good and sufficient sur~ties, con- r> ditioned for the f~ithful performance of all the duties required .....;t or which lii6.:',r 1:18 1'8 quired oi' him 1\;' the ordin","nces of t.ile City, t'~ or by a.ny resolution of th~ City Council. ~;rdd bond shall 118 ap- t:) proved by the ConDcil and fil'~d in the office of the City Clerk. t .. .a Section 4. It shaLL be the duty of the City Engineor to make l .... all 8ueh surveys, plata, plans, dra,wings, specifications and ea- "C '). timates that. may', from time to Urne, ()8 requ.ir~'ld of him by ordi- J,.., nance, resOluti'on or ord(~r of the City Council, or committee hav- ",.') ing tbe ma't;ter in oJ-Jaree, and shall ma.ke such stUdy aDd investi- ~ gaticn of thB engineering problems connected with tho City's. needs, as illay' 1)e for tfle l)est interests of the City. ~ Section !S. n:~ shall sUGGest Lo and u,dvi8'~ t::'J0 C:\, ty Council ~ a,s to the 1c:l.11d and qua.ll tyof' mat'~rials to 1H~ u:::ed :\,n all publiC works, tbe neee~1:3'l.r::/' :'tl'.Hl.nS to insut'8 permanent stablli t~, of the .- worlnl, and shall at all times aid tl'f! Baid Council 'filth .>is pro- fOBs:l.oual ~~owledge a.nd skill. Section 6. He sha.ll have SUl)[3rvisol'y control of tl~e construc- tion and ma.intenance of the :jewel' and \htter lHorks Systems, of the construotion 01.' fmy extension orimprov8ment of said syst.ems, al.., so of the construction of any bridge, culv8rt or sidewalk, OJ" the Op8tling, widening, grading or otbBr 1uprovament of any street, allay or t.horoughfare. He shall make all surveys as f~re l1ecessn.~ ry for the laying ot'f of bi.ny improvBment of' any publio park, s qUan~ or cemetery. Seotion 7. He siLt,.ll '3stliblh,h the grade c,f any st.J-e(ot, alley or tb,O)"ou[;hfl.l.re whenover l"t:lquir";:<d. i-Ic~ 51}""ll k<H"p a complete :.:.nd cQrrect record of all hfus official !;I,cts, in proper books kept for that pUrpose, and shall prepare such ma.ps, plats and profiles for perma.nel1t record, as are usually made by city engineerH, HlinG the ol"ie;im:~l, or a eop::l', with the City Clerk. (Gontinued on page Lli.:..) " - ~' l', ; ;.t .' 'it " . _..,_ '..', ",'~~,;;~.;:':E-:.::,;:=:::'".":::~=2:",",,==~':':~:;',.,_~:,<;;;;~;;:::.::::.;c:,~,~ 'c:::=:::.........,.~,~,. ,:;;;:;:;";:::::;:,::;:;;~,,"::.:::;;:;;;;;:~~~~~:~~;:;;:;~:" '-'::::::.~ J ~~ ~0npr!n:'! ']y r;':r":~n<:') NfI:3 ~ (Ord. Ho. 291, ..., 1 f' , , "Co Lf.f ) """""".t:,'""", I-, '"J,~"",l".H,iJi'" I UI_.,--_ "",,, COnldtlJed rom pr"L'- ,,". -1,_ Seotion B. He shall, at the expiration of hie term of offica, turn over and deliver to his su~ceSBor all books, papers. pro- fUes, e~tL:l;1t"s tl,nd other property or.' any kind wbatever in his hunds or belonging to the said City, taking duplicate receipts therefor, in Wllich receipts all books, papers, plans, profiles and estima.tes and othe'r property shall be entered properly, one of which receipts shall be transmitted to the City Council with- in five days a.fter the expira.tion of his ter:n of ort'ice. SecUon 9. 'fhe CH:y ]jjnE;ineer shall rmve superv,isory control over the duti~s of Street, Sewer and Wl:I,ter Committ~rHspecting all matters pertaining to t~e opening, widening, grading, or other i!l!lJl'OVemants of st.ri;Jo') te, alleys, sidw.valks 01' 'thoroughfares of the City, or the construct ion ,maJ.ntimanco, r~xt';1nS i on, or improve.. went of the Sewer and '.,'later Works Systems, or with respect to any illlproveme~lt requiring the services of an engineer j and the Stn3et, Sewel' and \'JaterColilmi~al^'~ :hereby required to act in obedi- enee to the orders or instructions of the City Engineer respect- ine suel:: ma.tters. [:hwtion 10. He shall koep in his office blank petitions for sidewall<s a,nd other improvements requiring a petition, which shall be in leGal and proper form. Said blanks to be paid for by the City. Section 11. HI') shaLL prepare and eCr'tify to tbe Ci t,y Council all al:.H'ldIHHtlent lists for iml?rOVdments wl,-~,ch an~ chan::ea'ble to t11e abutting proporty, and sh.all, '.l,1; the end of' each fif>ci,ll :loar, make an w1;'JUi:ll report CO the Cit.y Council of' the work of }lis office, showinc ext'~nt a.nd cost, of all work and improvements don.) by him" e,r over" w1-Lieh he has hl:l,d super'vli:3ion. ~"'. ...,. V".. Section ),2. The City shall fm"nish the City Enp:inecr Wit}l a~l office and such fLx:t.urea (oI,nd appliances as he may require (ex~ copt surveying instrume::l.ts), also rodmen, chainmen, and such ot:her ;;,.6sistanta as r>l8.;l be required to carryon the work. Section 1:5. '1'he City Rngineer shl:l,ll receive for perfo;["mlng sue}} dutles as may be n~quired of him, such fair and reasonable c0n11)ew:;",tlon as ['lE.\' lie agreed upon oatwctn} the City Counc'il and l'dmself fl'om time to time. Section l'L All ord:lnancca or parts of ordinances in confliot ):l8T'(:wi th are her,::'by repealed. ?ul:lsed, adopted 1:I,11d a'Pl11"Oved this 20tll da.;y- of April, 1905. At1;eJst: P. '1'. Morris. , F. H. '[ile liD) ere; , Mayor. City Clerk. <<, <<-,~ ,'ft.I,,*" * * ,& r , CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. -...-............ .-..........-.--.........--..----------.......-.... State of Montana, ) ( SS. County of Gallatin.) I, ]'. H.Mehlberg, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certlfy, tha.t on this 28th da.y of April, 1905, I posted five copies of the above Ordinance No. 291, in five public and conspicious placEls in the City of Bozema.n, Monta.na, , to wit: One on the door of the Council Chamber of the City Hall, orie on the front of the store building at No. 47 East Main Street, one on the bulletin board 1n the U. S. Post Office, one on the . bulletin boa.rd on the Avant..Courier Building, and one on the bul- I letin 1)oard in the Court House. i IN WI'.l'J'm:3S WHEEEOJ!', I hereunto set my hand a.nd aff'ix the ~ the Seal of the s,:dd C1 ty of Bozeman, on this the 28th day of April, A. D., 190:.';. ~ '~ - i .,-,"""""- ~ lilt ----...;;:......... - -- -- ',' ,.,' ,..;d.:.,;I,.o.'~~'.-o"",'t':. , ,. ,,' ~I