HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 290 Appropriations for 1905 ".'.' ...... ._..'._'._~-~-~'::' ,.,.---.....-..".. .. ._"..,.,~.,-, ._....__.,-~.,~..~,,~...............-~~~~'-'~.. , "'" ":,,,- '___'._::-,'::':"':"'_,~"':"c='.:2::"__"_ --~.c::",:,:,,:::::,n:':':-;;;"""::"~~'7"" ,~--- ,"17;"":;";':,." i:,', "".,:,:~:"" -':7~~': I' (p~J o"~,,,.e~ '1" 11_ ,.tIIll!l,(I!j./:i",C',,:;,1:? S'".",,,'\I,t,.,I \'-- 1"(1 ,':., '/311r1;iJlI~,~,("', ' A..n~l s.lar:r aIIa,"'....lNll"HOlt@ ~ '.'1',9"\,.'W,,;i:l",,'~'",,'," " ,"" ,,", ",,',' "'''. ,,"""_'~oI ........ dln.n.. tor th..", lllllU, " TeOlr ,....... 'I' .~,' --"",', ':,"","',',,',",',i",",',',',",.,:, ',',",',',:',""', ~,\l,1",,:',',1 . j m.n.lnr., .::"I-:~;O:"'"7 "~I , :;:-' )'01, nt~ltW1~(1)t~~, .- . ,_ ", '*'1 00000 "":",::t!,lfihl",,,,, Be it Ord~la8d by ~ Olty OoaaciiiJ. 'sectlo~>>i'T~~,fOll~l#g],~~~j~(: of theOlty of BOlllllllau: "I\~b he!le,!YIlp.pt6tll,'lated~rlip1:~';:, Seotlon 1. Thllt, ~h!! followluil i Street Fl\tlll. r.i~(atl9*''. to':w.~t::"'.;'i I I\Dlouat~ liTe hereby IIPprC?'Prll\ted from 1\, 'ForllllhClag till...t~tI",,"'. " \ the GeneTIII F1;lnd fortbe fIsoIII year llbo,oo, ' " ,',' oowtnenoing on, the ll.ntNIondllY iu3, For ml\klug .t!.'- IIl1~'" May, 1905, a" follow", tG-wit: nt", $8,000,00;, ' .' ',', ",.!' 1. FOT the "all\ry of tlHl :Mayor, at 'SeoUou 3, The followIDlt'lInt~t'f the rate of '75,00 peT quWrter. totl\l, ar,ahereby I\PpTopdlltad fT(im' tlilllMi'&: $300,00, , :Fnud, as fbllo\v"; to.wlt: ,',,', 'f 2, For the ~\III'y oUhe A1derl:ll8ll, 1, For tl,eslIlaryOf theOhlllf"<1lf' l at the rl\t,e of no~ '~, u;oeedt6,oo per" the Fi1" .epl\1tuie!lt,:l\t the rlI!teCll' month each. \'~Ge.\ 'rotr all. .76.00, ,40,00 p111l!lonth. ,to~l."80,OO, '.',':,' 8. For tli.. \a.lj,!ry of the Olty A.. 2, gor the ..111# dttbe Elugilietll!' t tor'le,y, , ""at, ,t.h~,I",l\te lit, '~per , of th,e g,',I,1e P~\)l\ltDiell,',',,' ,',"':,',t',' II, ,tt,,',be," ,.."-,""",..,, :~.",.;;;~,),:,:',:,.,.,',',.,', month. to~l\l. .~, '10 permontl/, total,,:,,120,OQ, ',,' ,,'''''''' : , 4, F01 the,lll\lary lit the OiW . 8; ,gprtl]~"ala.~,Of thll D1inr~!O./ I ',~ Clelll:,lIt the 1ate of It-'--'-- per wouth, the E'ireDepl\rtmllat, lit ,the ra,-CIi I , j total, '_', ' , '75,00 par mouth,totlll. 1t9OO;00.: 'I J ;::IS, gor the ialary of €)l'ty Olerk 4, gor misileIlIlU801;l8 ~..... ~ lIud Attorney wheu theyllteOOlllbiJl8C1. 1tll00,OO",." ,,< 'I" 'at the rate of 'SO, 00 \)er montb. totlll, Seotlon 4,Tbe follow lug iuaOW;\fll, ;, ~60, 00, , lue ,herebY:' appropriated, !tom' the :s. ll, For the8111llry of tjJe Olty Water Fon\'l.:II" follow8,to'wlt: ~ ' ~, fJ:l;ea8uTer, at the 111te 'of '76,00 ,,1l8r ,1.", For' "t,l1e elIl,l\ry,, of t, hllWlI.kr",' "1',. J ~dntb,totai, ,900,00, Oollector, e.t thll rate of ',100.00 per ~o , l::, '" 7, For the "all\'1 of the Police Diout. tOGal,'I, 200, 00, ,,' judge, I\t tbe rate of eoo,ool,\erJDoJ\th. 1\, For tho ,81\111'1 of tb,lI'W.ter , total, $720,00, , Utility maa.' lit the'rllte oij71l,OO 'pOl:; : ~ 8, For the "1Ilaryof the Ohief of month. totl\l. tlloo.oo~ ',,' , ':;, Police, at the rate of '100,o(j per .8, F01 m.lllOellaneou"~a", fj,.- llIonth, total. '1,200,00, 000,00, 'Il, For the ealaty of 8 PolioemeD. Section 6, Tbe followlag IIDwJUltB , J ilHhe rat,e of $7/1,00 per ",nnth, totltJ, I\re bereby IIPproPdatedfMl\~'" \. .,',". ",':.,,', ',' , ,i ~7oo,OO, , Water lil:r,J:~~elonFuud. lI"tOil".,' ,,<<,:\; " F tl .. J.' 'f B' 1--..1 it '.',' , ',',,",' l ,"" 1 10. ,or le, 1!I....ry 0 ' SA: .~3 .w: ""..:<" "..l:",'".. , "",,",:":',.'\,~;,fi:"::.':;{ ~ .{%Y:'t.:-f) , A~"l1t, lit the rMe of' tlI,oo pe1 ,dllYfof 1. '" For, th$, ',' exteuelQll", ,ot, ",;",'~, "",' ,'" ""I"I!;",'",!I!~~,..,',1!' 15 da,,"", totlll, 141I,00, ' mllln.. tlI.OOO,OO, ' ' "'",',,"" ."''':~)I ~~ ,11, ~Q1' the ,8111a11, 01 the Janitor 1\, ,Forllllscellan80I1.BXPen, ,lei,'''',', .',,",' ,." . j ;l- ~ lIud Jallot for tile Olty Hall,'l\t thll 000,00, '.. ' I' ' rllte of '75,00 pe1wnl1th. total. tl)OO,oo, Saotiou 6, The following a1DotlutRi uU, For the IlIla1Y of tbe Olty, are bereby I\Pproprlated froJD the ,DOs ) Euglueer, at t\e 1ate of '75,00 pet , ll'nud, a",10110w", to-wit: w~tll, t,qtlll, ~OO' .'1. F01 di"poilog 01 ,d8\ld dogollAll ~;1l1, He" r the il\1arv of the Olty mllOell,;ueouq e~peu~, '$lio,oo. do, el\lth ", "llr1 at the 111te 01 tlI6 per S,eoliion 7, T, his,' ',brdiUlll10e ,'ha,ll. MontH, ' Ill, 'soo,oo, , go ,lito ef'teotonMaY,1st,lIlOll.' , ,'" I, ~8, ,For the pl\yment ofSextoa; ,Pa"Bed orith~ 2ad dllyof March;' burial foeB, at the rllte of $5.00 per 1905, a,dtlit,,' IInd '3,00, Per IUfll, nll", totl\l',', ~AP, ' rovedqn tbll, 16, ,t,b dllYof, ' 'M:aril,h'," IBoo, 00, 1900, ' .,14,. For "all\lY of Street lIa~wer', ,', ' ' P., T~ MORRIS, , dOwli1i8Bloa"j>.~_':!tthe rllte Of~peT ,',' ,t: " ',' ',MayOr", I" U1outh,'tot"llf~' ,-"WtI!/!. " , I;l, MElHLB1IlBP. ~' . " 15, F01 lillhtiug, tb,e Opera HoJIee, Olty Ole1k, $-" ' "...' 16,Fll~;1uelllnd heating tbe OltY' ",,;~:-..;,~~Il building. 1t600, 00. -,- --, CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. State ot Montana, ) ( SS. County of Galla.tin.') r , Ii'. H. M.ej11berg , City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, Niontana, DO hEREBY C]',RTIFY, 'rnat 011 this 21st day of' Haroh, 1905, I posted five oopies of the foregoing OrdinanoeNo. 290>> in five publio and oonspioioU8 places in the City of Bozeman, Montana., to wit: One on the door of the C01mcil Cha.mber of the -'1, ona ~ j """t'"",.,,. .. ..."" ",', ' ~' ,n,.. -