HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 287 Amends Paragraph 22 of Section 2, Ordinance 201, as amended by Ordinance 246 1, 8" "-,, ,"""",','" ,"11-':" ~r ,,' 4. ,',' ... "m,'.-"'''' ~ -, '., . , ' , '\~'", #, '; (CON')',: R" ' ""'~""".;: A~',.\,.", .',..'., f , , , 'e, de ~tJ.. .; ilJ8n"S ' . J YJ", " \ J "":I';J~~'~" t.r 7 ~ '. IIIlDIW_ . "" 2' IIgpac". No. . ... .. .' ;,t-.. ~'-'"" J,'.. ',', ,.' '." ' , j , . -~- , --""""'i ,?"'!!,~=~; i ~Jil'R'i" YXXlll)l""'.))(\'>J"'-:.,, ' ''',' '. ..... '''I...''' ,:' :.&.hl' '~'''''l,''p.I'j:' ""O'l'-'t'l'nb'!~'('"fA'''''i ".""....),',,'(' e'l,:"".,:,. ''',1\'1: "11i'(""'lO~" ;;: f)ll' ' ~;"'; ,,~jlq::-',: t'.h .....:<1 d l\J-..... :' ,. ,J..~" ,1~ .#~ :i,~ :.i.t r'.Mo. ~,Jf\ .,fI' f.")..t,' ;0,', J ,J. 1iA. i.. :' . JIf'I J,i ~ ~ , ",..',j,'; :.l OR~J~C)\: lIt). 201 :f"~bUJiJ!; to UCfln3'" t .'ts lU!'II\n!'lot!btr i'rdll'H~:n.~(~ ~~\'l. 1l4!:. , '/ ";'~ ': " 1.4 j.,f. nr'<'i.~1nllld "it tht' (1;i.ty (':1}';lrlCll or t,J"e (;1';: of 'J,(jl':~~f'""l:: '" nrtat.r f, nl!\~t1~'1n ],. 'A',r:,\t P':lra{','I"<'{lh'~" ('bconrl of ",,~el:,}.o~, ::1 of' ri;Jr~,'rtnlt1(t: N(lo iOl, dllJ aM~nd~d by Ordin,met\ Ho. 2<1"t~. ,'bit al:lllHU'hHi to tOctf/ ,: f(.lllu.~~ Ti'l1l/'ntl~G~Qn<<. ~:V~ir1 t!"av.tlin& 11l.,rrGh"" hawb'r' or IHH:!dlar '/;'ll,Q. vendtl or (H.r~l'" t; (I VI"ltH1 t:O,I/tl'J ,l'i',aretJ (n'i'!l&,r'Q~,"nd16!e of '<m~' !~1nr' ,mum;:"', : .'~ !f~ tlt Llc~ntl.' ft. or Tewl'fo !\~jLl,:u'~l and "'1 ft1 .f1fmt;l) p!lr qllart.~r .\"Hl';'~tr- I I ' , 101'1 hdv1nl nc. t1x(IId pLH~" ot iHHI1nO$D, in the e:Lt.y of !10"';f!>el,1n. ~rho lOGS rl"(lmhOlll';l'~ t;(j hO\ll1t1! .u:d .fr(!!'"~! f(n' lldlc (')%" lIJel11i gOQdti,'cct"lrl'!', or 7lJllDkall ; . ' liM'l"eh,tnd.1$l"ll.W'lU l~"$ .1 UCfHHHlI tee Qf ~el".~~ J)(!illa:rll ,l1ld P'1rt,~f Cantle pill'" . l~u,ll.rt:()'l"';ll>Vf\Y'y I~~rJll:Jilj \i.rm\H"'ehant who tr,avf,ls frmn plaoA to;L~eellncl " ...1 laot 1rll'.llu(Il,(l in th6dbClVf~ pl",)vldl\u\t; l.'tr<dvl'\ml:l;: f(.l('.l,h. .wartH': or r!1trnhlln- 1',,,', ",,.,,,'" ',,,,,,,,, ,.., \, ""11" ,,', 11' '" ,,' "', f', '~'l"'" (f, !iI(" "'" t.c".,/JO(,,,,'j,R,t,,,,,l.'lf"a. ,.l.Ht, p.:ty ,(Hlt'.!.. tN) Ot' d,.(,y.c t...lfl r'\ ,tH..r qil;\r hi'. .ml'l fdll':lh r:~r80n otLhf: abOV(f I:1IMI1(ld ell:U'lli'# 1t' hl\ IhHUI .i , ' ...... ' ,', . , llIlitfon dad ()f'lll anim,,t),. fill.' )lay a, 111l4ftM I.A Qf ';rW()l\ty D~)),ldrl'l IHUO ~ ! \ ~ q,lJ.$l*tOlrand if 1\,':1 11110' 4 w"'it'>I1 and two or mOI"tl .u1,lrnlAl~~" l'IlliU Ii4)1 .. Ll- g _, ooa.a tell of '1'h1rt.1I ne1l,.ara perqttart,6ri Im\ the peddl,If", }t.twl!'Ht'or , ..;;! S tranl1ng llwreh"mt, Whfl e.\l"r1(!l'Afof" $,,10 lmil. e~1-~~('lnl;jl '~iP'iclllt.llrla1 !C~ ~ ' 1t.I'~\ 8 I prod\lC1;8 r'dle~d by hlm$l~lf ~rart1cl.l:l. m.un~ra(ltnt'!tvl b:l h1111f,nlf:):, has ,.e3 J; otta1n{ld ,.t l;lctlFl'(! t., ptldcll~ {tl'r. dB old lolrthr from t.h~n(l'tilnty el.t'rk = ; rCL:;1 j .t p:rovldf1db7 law. 1ft not .t.nelutHld in thlil j:\l"Ovhi\,)ft<'l of t.hlr< pard- ~ S lil"llph. fi:,ileh 11e.nM prOI\u"'.<i und.~r' t1\i.. p.u""'traI:'hlllh.\ll bIt 11m! tnd.,,,to .f tn, 'f,reoo }'>rocu1"'1!l1e: '4,1l1e ami tlH'Ich 1r1(1.1v1(iu,tl a4\l!;ht.ant .. hh1ltI1l"Ij),d , ~,: I. , ' . .tGiPA1 ,,11~uuj."8 tM andp1"Ocur~. 11eenu f())" e1')~"'i111f; in d,tl:l'lt' ot the- 'Gaeupat1oa. n&Jlt~d 111 th1Illpl>\1"afjl"iAl'h. Ii "6!(lCt.1OA a.....that ():rd.1ndtuUI Ho, .M('i 16 hfH''itbY rOl'i>al"d. 1'.ulnd. (i~z.I':- '1',101. A!;P...,"'.d,. (j)~,.,', '- '~/!if-, ," "- ]"h}4 0 UXE!Il'l: '1", " " ft 0 T. HORH IS. Iff AtOlL ... 1\<1. PIP.'ROI. I (01t1 ~eal) en!' Or,W:RR, l ;,i! -"-..