HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 285 Declaring Unlawful Hitching Horses or Animals to Shade Trees '!t82 . , ., , ~'''''':''''',-,,''-' .,:..,", ':"'!', ~ '. ~ ',,);':,I.~J.'J L Jml .. - - -- ... '" Ii '" ".. --~".~"""'."._-'''''''('''''\. --.. .. . ..._-". .,!/ II -, 'I I, i - fWfT ) " !I j'l 'z.y~ " II. _bAND, Wo. . -......00...... AN Q!U)lHUOm :t.Wt)J!tCfl't I.lltt.AlllI!UtIl'#OR ANY Pi:RSOlf 1'0 lynCH ANY OR OTIf!!JR m:u.tAt, TO ANtSRA1)J: 'rMIT IN 'rIll ~ltt 0' B<J7.mKAN. . . t "3fl 1 t Ordained by th, CUy 0014011 Q.f tho Oit", ot Bozemq I AecUon 1. Arter' thft 1\....8. ud pltblt..".Jl or thf" ord1ruane" .ball be unlll"tul roraa1 pl'1"a. to hitch any a her.. 01" other ~.ha41.tre. _ PI' str.et, d"enu.. aU., or ''It.lie Sround crt ClUY 0 t B.I&".. !'tuth,. 2. ' Arter th& pau.g"andpublU.,tcm of this ord1n!l!l'., 111 i .haUIll. uala"hl fQr it aay.hlld.e fir..uu, ,r1..'. ,r.....laiM :ltt, 0.' :5....... tit....tl!l"nt of the own." er.\lch premi..... SutteD 3. An,. peraon 'I'101at~g tht .,t.,.lI'... ot t,hh.rd.4.:ad,.' b. p$..1tr ofa ....d.....or ud" OB ...,!tU_ '''UIt. " '",. II .tn.' ,0...""-, . "'.t1;1 >>011.ra. ,:,ii.,: '~:t ~ ~/6~~t.... , " o..t' .aue<<.' " '", .'": 190",. itlit.~ Approyed, ,,;I ~,/6.~1904 ..,," .:f1t~Tt ,~ (fltY 'S:iU~) " . <t1'1'! at/EM::. i:' Stat8O:r MontdtUl. ) " ii ) .a. il il Countyo:t" Gall_Un, ) .' .'..,.',.""."". " ': :"r...',>;',:,:, \. , ': :'.~',L:,::-.:"..,i"u;'::>I":>:::tr iil ] ,T .M, !'hrce, Oity Obrk of the 01 tycf Bozemal\,~:~.61\.l"lf;\i:0~t i ~l c..Utv_. OIl 'h. am, 4.. or ...u__.r, 1904, I .0.... tt'.'i""~ ofther01"l1lf':Ln6 OrdlDL'l.noA Wo, leIS, OM e.ch ln ftv- pubUo .a"4' OQ ,.'\i'I" Ip1eu,Q'us pu.e'!ls 'In the .dd City of :Boaeman, to..wit:- One on tha f ,i' ...or of' the OounoU <1h...er.t the 011;y Hall, olle, on the fiaatOf, th,p:C~ Hum Yack Co. atort:l btllld1.ngdt~o. 47 liIdst rw1.n !lltreet ,one"" the B\11111111( BOlAr'd in thl) Poet attice,e:ae on the BulleUn. Board on thl:l ""Oint...Co"'.,it!'k~11 1or' Buildine; at thl'l eorner' otTraoy Avenue and /iain StreElt and one 011'\ . J the Bulletin Board ;at the Court Hou... ! iN .,Tm:8RWJfJlUOl', J hav" hereunt.o ..t 1111 hetndand .!ff1xod. ,)i if,; 'cl or. th. ..14 01". .r Boz.""". on thh ... ...... r 21th. 190<. :r,: ~.z~ ~" \',: ", 01 TY aLI<;RK. ,', , .