HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 281 Providing for Investment of Water Sinking Fund in Warrants of City . .. '~"'';.\~~:+:~,~'~':''~:,. ,,',', '::";;"::';';:;:;;;'~~iii;::'';;~?1 ;;'".:i;';:,~.:, "', ,',.'.,".,.,' ','..,""'. ;"";"~~:" '~'~t~,'~~.~,..'::~:~::~:~:' _l1fDOB' ,'" ...", "."" " "m_ ~'~".".""'. ',,: ". " .. : ','.;.' ..,~ "." " .,... p, ""'"'',''' ","'. """," >( :~ ",,'t', ......'...,o..,.......'\" AiiQllltJINA.Nor;; PRIJV-JtllnOfl'OFl'lSE, IN'VIilS'ENiJii';C' OFl''rH); WA'Ili:R.:tNKIN~ IlIllllm .i l; IN QtlTSTANDl!lTt) wA.JlRl1il!~ O""T.HEO.l'rY 01' SOZ:lhWl.., '1 i! " Be 1tOrda'llulld.by' the CUr' CO\m.cU Qf' \1\6 O";~ ot 'ij,QlI8l1Biltll I'. . ' A::' ;':." 'Section 1. Xhat whenever ther(l 18 a surp1.",1n thA WIAter ~1nld.RI fi'uJ\.d~of the C1W'l1llf Bot.lmldn, OVfl:t' and above 1fhl:l\ 1~ neeel8ary to .,'{IllY Ult;{I'l"Oat o!,--W\!ter .,rita '8tnUi8 talUft! due the Gtt';"nt yfJ1U. I 11; sh:all .. .~' . the dut.y l'l:f th~ 01;y 'l'r""l!l\lr.r, t1ndM" the d:"'r.ot~'l,m of th~ !11ndnolll n_.. mJ.tt~H'!l t;t) inVfdlt euoh. 'U'l"pl.u8 1n ..oh .....~ Wlu'r.i.nU of the City iA.' Mj,l1 1ik01~' have thlt 1.118.$' time to runb.8t~. b&lng redeemed. '~\Il"Jill"!I '," Tha t when thl!i 1)1 t.y 'll1"'II&\u'.r .hall .. iDYt"lt 8\1~~ha shall orodit the Wl\h r :"inkin:i\ ,fl'und w1 th the a!llGuRlt Qt tho cluh I~ lnve Wl;6d .mrl d.bU. the Pllllrrll\l wi th t.hfl ilTl'lOunt of thf!l '!!al"ll'tn\l'l and suoh W'iU"l".ni' , un t 11 r,€l'" doe~ned or Qonnrt.ect into (l,tuh lI\f1 hereiuftlllrpl'lIIv1ded, shall be.D.ld by h1m ..:is t,hA :prop~rtY' of the Cit~r lIlnd iU aft lllHieU of the \Vater slnking '. F'und. BiI!lCt1on 2. Thdt w~umeve,r ant ..!"rant.& .. h.l'\ in t)le wat.6~$j.~~1.t,. Fund ,Hi provld.ed 1n the preoe8ding $8o,tlan, .hall be clIlll.cd <:md:t'.jt~... YnHd by '!hfl! 01ty, th(~ GUy Tn,u;urcu' $hal1 datU t.hi.l W;;lhr ;ank~~g; r~un,t reofllved with t.h~ amount of' eaeh, prine1plill and 1nt,u"lu~,on &uch wdrnH'lt.l1L :;~l 0 t 1 on ~~. If .t Ilny U,me 1t shllll blilciollEl n0cua..ry, for' th(1 !lu.r.. pOl!la of l,aylng <\n,1 0'1" tht~ Wt'tter Work Bonds Qt'th,l) city talllng duo Q!' interest thereon ;Cdllln8 due, to cenvert any or &11' of '.uoh WltrY7i:lnt into cdsh, tJl'l C1ty Council may ordu' , the samE/to be dOll8 and Wlltln' 8U .. ,"III' dorv", th<'l\~tr~" Sinking 'Pund eha!lbe dtl'bUed wttn tbti amount of Club eo :rccei"'lrl lU1d cr!dited with the .'\mount otw,'ll"l"antB so eonve,l"ted, ;'i~olC t.1 on 4.. Th0 City Tr"'iIlrlU1'~r1n each of hhrep,prta, shall show the amount of auch warr.Ult8 bttlonglog t<: t1\(~ 'i{l:tMr Sinkinr; li'u.tici. j , ~ ,~r P<i,$!ll'l\rl, " , ,2./ - _lg04, ,pprot~d: ~~..y ~- .l004(jJ, '""' · . -4'iE~T-<., .~ . /. ~ MAYQR. ~ ., , ' Cl TV m..F.HK. lhate ot Montu., ) J .a. Oounty of Gallatift, 1 I T .M. Pierce, C1ty C1n01 the City ZI~Jl, Mont'lld, 4. hereby cerUty I that en the . " .., ot ,1904 1 poate4 tt~. 8.,1.a or ~h. teregoing Or41n .. Q. , in tlye pUblic Illftd..na,hueua plana 1n the City .t Bu....a,.n itA., to-..to.. On. OJ\. the ...... .r the OG\illcUClt....r .t the CUy Md1, MeeD thlll:Uu* .r. tlia.eN., Yt'kC9~ ster. at lito. "., Jhut Mdll !ltreU, geeD th~ Bu11u. IQardlinth. ,..t orne., .. In the Juu.eU.a Berd.an the '...nt-Courier' Bu114bg ., thfl .eraer .r Mal., lI!tr.., ,pd Tr..,. Ayell.IIUtd 8Re !Dn the BulleU.nl..;t at the Court Hou...' , ' llf1lITNX. S _RZG~. 1 hove h.r..... ..~.. _. ~b'4 ith'_ - ...1 o~ .r BellMliU1~~~~ QV ot ~"'.' ." --.., 1904, -,rtA , . { , " " 1R71' ,.". . ;, .','," ' - .,OltY' " .' , " ~.,:.",""'i,.,I, I '.,,',,'.".<1f:"' ",.'