HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 276 Special Assessment for District Sewer Number 12 on South Rouse Avenue --.---.... f!',"'1 168 --- --- - --.--... _._--_._-~_....----....~- ':""~,-:..'::,;:..::;.::;''''''~~~'~'''''.'='-'''-'''.,~,...,~,..,,.'''''''''--:,"''' __,.~""""~~-'.,~ " " ,,~~',';c"'E--"" ,.. -'''~ ---'"'''~'''.,,''''-':~,~;;;.,~ " "M ~.".... f. OOUN01t/~f:~o!HO. 216. . - ...-..000--- A R',;;:1OT;l)1'].OH r,1WYINf S?'{.~nl~T, A$"SK::\\$MENT "" TUES TO ))T;il'RAY '?i:l': cOST AND RXprm::;Tj:S 011' OONATRUO'UNU A F'OR'rJ ON OJ? Dl fZlTRl OT SEWER ~tu!tB'E;H TV.rET/VE ON IU!.K ROO:;)'Jj ^~Htl1l:. 800'1'1'. 'I'Hl\;H'F.A9, t.hA Q1ty OOIJndl ot tho City or Bozami:\n, Uontand, by Ruol"Uon Wo,944,4(\Opted on HOVl'llllbot' 6th. 19Q2, ordfll"'/H'l t.M const,rou" Uon at ill l'o.,.Uon of Dhtriet ~e",el" tlut!\bftr' Tw"lVl!I, d.nscribed oil!! :!'ollows. l3eCl.nnlns at th~ c,nte'f of' R01IM "venuA atil point forty t'('IClt north I of' the north U.nA or Babooelt Strnftt, runnins thenM north ~n tho center- of 'RO\l8& A'Y.mueto tn~ cenur of Main Street to connect w1th Public I f' Sp,wf.\r Numb.1" Onl'l, lIlnd Wfl'P:~R, tho slime hllB been eonetructecl at cl eost ,or 45 ,en ta per l1a~ar tront too' to the proper-\1 bordArln~ thOrE'On and " and .,eclall, benetUted thereby. NOW TUEREfl'ORE , Bit it Ruol".d by thO C:1~Y C)ounell ot the City of B01.~M~n .nd it 1$ hereby Order6d, That. the ,.Qver&ll sUIt! 8C'tClp01'l1 ta ot the m\mes or thfl sevflral ownera and. the several lot 6 arid parcah o.r land iil.8 ;appears in the schedule herotoHttachfld and rrtade a part htu.t'\of, be It'1d t.he alllne llr'e r68t1&ctively ll'lv1ad .md il$.8aa4 against the sdcl lota >,.l and paroel.ot land to d6tr61 the coat and expense ot oonatruot1ne said por't1Qn ofl.\2.d J)lItrlct ll!a..a,. Numtrar Twel'Yft, IU\d th4t said 8evl~Nl Gums D& oollet)tedt.lllflI the rest'6oUV6 a.neraor Idd lanc1 d.tl'lc:r1bi~d. in add schedule . Th18 IIS.USJI.nt 11 in pUl"s\J<i.mt to add CllHmc:l.l Roaolilt1on N\lU1b~'\" 24-\. .u\opttd br t.he 01 ti CO\llla1.l on NOV~u.l1b.r 5th. 19m~. '2~ 'that thl1".di1;1 of June, 1904, at 1:30 otaloclt !l,;n, lit ':,h" OC\lt:lcll Chambttr 1n the fl1ty H.\ll, :l.n the s.lid ''Hty or V30l:'.fjml!n, il~ fltlt'(\o;t du1e",t;,;ltlld and ,~t dpart ...a the Urna and 111.106 at ...hioh ObJactlonn t.o tha f'ln..:lltld()pt.10n of this re8(llut:/.on will bi'lh8urd bJ the r:i ty r.uunail, Tho 01 ty 01nrkof tho OUt of' fiOltoUrwtl J.t; hereby dirflotRd t.o g11'6 notiou o:r the t1rll6 lInd plaoe of !luoh l1.9il!"ln8 IU 11 prov1.dOd by 1.1.''''' Adopted, !lay .I?~ ,1904. rfJ. ~ . , ,.j. ~ "'rTE~T: '~. .' IO.YOIL \, (' ~ ' , -4. ' ' ~ . C)TY CLERK. !find ad.option, ~L::'--. 1904. ==r,~:l{~,,'''::''.'''. ~?N,"---,"":;y4l\1Oi-. Smrl<mUr;f.l : -------------------------- 9P:r'il ,t..T, .&,,$~~~ol!S!f;:NT 011' 'l'A.'{!.S FOR 'l'H'~ OO~T 0" ^ PORT10J'f Oli' :01 ",1'H1CT 9Em1lR N!JMllflJR 'tWRLvtt ON SOUTH ROU:=lt\: A.V~mtlE, AR~ESSEn Pll:R T,lN1l:AR rl'ROi1'l' ~OOT 45 cents: ' NA!IK 0l1' O'V!t1llR ANn BLOCK: AUDJT]ON 'fa Cl'ry, NO. OP' fl'EET ,A)40lJiIll' alP tOT OF~ TRACT: Oft BO~}IJHA,N: AS:';ES3SD: A~q'f<~~)R:',LG;:tT: {W4'< st, el{(6 Rouel!l Avenue}, C1 tyof BQ:.t,fllnan, , t,o tIS 1 ~ ,1" ,1 ~ aK_xt1l, "a" Or1g1nal Plat" .I." (140) '"., , Aue<<wd 90 $4-0.50. "",':'lnlel ~,;.,:, N. 40 ffi6t r.ots ll).20 and 21, "" 40 lt3.00 Sre1th. B.lrbi;U"~1 'S, lOG f:H~t of I,oh .ri 19,20 ,md 21, " It 100' ..,.00 :',..' ( ti1!i!'t l!l1de or ROllse Avenue), WJttl'lt's 'l; If'tJJ..hl", r,ot 1. "A" Rouse's ~at., (14,0) . Assessed 96 AO,~0. Holl1fr r"r;, I,ote 2<1,26,25,27 an~ 2P, ,. " 1(0 R~.OO .. I ~_, I No.tl~ei'l" ' I N," otio~ IS,' ,h,erebi",I,V, ell. ,th.lltthe" I CityCouuoil ot,the Cityot !il/lzemall, MOUWolla, at a meeting helll ou the 19th, day of May, 1904, bY,1'<lsolution .leVied, aud as"_1I a 8peOialta" of 45 .... t r M t ) ,oents perlineadront,footou all real otA El 0, on ' dJld , : property ~ord..riDgO!1a,!oj,ilpeolsily , ) ... bepe1itted byth~,,?J:Istl'lloti~D:(lt.~b..t, Coun t)" of Oallat1n, ) ,1\Ortiou ofDI~~dot<Se'Wer,'~'ill~~~ 1, T. M, 1"1l1ree,Olty Clerk of tn' T;welveon Ro?seaveutle so\'ith, 00" , ('lit)" of BOllelUn, MOJlta!'!..l, do hereby CEll"" ,g,mnlng a~ ilpolnt, ..tthe oeut~r,of 4-if' th t the 4nnexa4 un foralo1nc 1iotj.ce ,said Rouse,aventle,4Qte~tllorthof .~ ,'1 a. , , , ' , "'1\ 1" ; the north llnllof'B$bdlJilfiltreetrun;' WI'" duly ,v'llsA" 1n the BQZ8raan Ii ron, C.. ,llln!ltheuoe.no~thto-'~II~li~l1terof llweoly ne..paper of general. dl"cullllUon : ::Mainstreet: Snoht,*b~h:l~:fortbe pr'ln ted and publhh8d 1n th~ C1t Y of loz,. purpoae ofdehaylngtbeooat/Wde:t, man Montimaln the taaue of MdY t 26th, pen.e ofOQD8trtlot!ng .uohportion of 1904" .lIid distriot Bewll,l'< ., t t That~heprppertytobe BIl ..~e88<ld In 'Ii tnua Where.t" .. hdve heretm.(II 80 'Ie asf<iltoWB: Lot~16, 1'1, 18,19,ZO my hand on thi8 .!une 2nd, 1904.' ..ud21, In Block "C," Orillinal ~ 'I'TPW,nGlt,e',of tb,e, ',C,'",ltyOf,B, ((,zem.,l\ll,: ,,', ' . ' .', "', Lot 1, Lots 24 , to2S; ,inpluiIlVG, In , ", :..., I Block "A" Ronse'sFirBt Addition tp' ('!] TV "'t""R" I theGity ptBozemsn,' " ",' " .. " ~., ,." I " ,',. Tbe,,1'<l8<lluti~nJevylug' andllfl$8il~- ',: ., i"lI Buoht"",slgn'edbytheMa.;,:or'li/1d ' CtbyOlerk ij,pn:ftlell'lltlle~iftcEl6t ' tbeClty OIetkot"heOitfptBoze- ' zb~, subject to iDJIpeotl<in. ,.TMttJlB Oi,tyCounollhlls..l'J'nne2<kI904, "at,: 7i:89 01010(,k, p,1ti,',atthe " Oon~H ..~Jl"m.ber .' i~ the9itY:RII\~[ oft~"liiff ',9f~Bozfmlan,astJle ,time '" andpl,"""I 'Wh\,n~"tl\e 'Oity.Oonncil wHltak6~aI llPtlou pn qn(\hrs80lntjon' ahd'h~ar , it.ndoou.ldel'Mectlou.;ifal1y,totbe ,1Inaladoptionof,th<l~me; .' " By ordsr(lt, th,e Cit)"OO1:lDull. 'l''.M, PIE~E".Oity,Clerlr, Dated May 28, 1004" ' ';' u___ ...olIII