HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 274 Special Assessment for Sewer District Number Four on West Babcock Street ~!.I ~... 'ril1iit"~~~~. ...:::.::"~~~.!-Io......,,","'~-'- ~ .. .__...._.......".__....... ...,.,:","..__~_,..l,__~~_ conNonl RESOLUT10}T~!O, .z.. 7 ~ , "~; '/. , " ---ann.....- " ' ',;:,'.;,',~,'.. 11,;'1" ~" ~I~' A R~sor,UTI0N rJ~V]N(} ~pr.'1JA!, A.S:-1l41S::JMF.NTOIl' l'AX!l:fi 'lO DEi'RAY 'l'HB OO~l'r AND ~,"", ,..'. '; 'F.:XPl1JlIT~F~ oq O~~T'RtHlTINt) A pnRT.)ON 0/1' Dl$TRH}'l' SJlJWIo~1l NtJJ.nlF:H 'OOH mot WR.~'J:~l) 14ASOOCKRT!1~;;)T, -I'; '1' , .H1l:~1':AS, t;h", !lit:' 80u"011 ot' tho nit}' of :Bouman, MontHn,\, bY' Co\m.:U Fluolut1on Ho, 2-J8adoptnd on OGtObO~ lIt t 1903, orderM \,h9 cou-.,li 1,'l,.l"lIot1on ot that portion or D1etriot t:lewe~ Nllmbfl1' 11('lllr €tRee-rib"'rl <le tol.. '~ x ,/ . In.,,:,: 3061nn1n6 tit \.,r n6<11" thfl intersection o! or A.y.<<"AV8:nu!'J and Rab" o()cl~ St..t\At. 1'1"0:"1 thenel) running east to fl'm~rth Avanue thar\\ tOl"lQnnAOt with Puol1e ~t""flr~;mnb~H' One, llnd YfH'AlRT<;I\~, the sIlme h.u bean oonatruQt.ld ~lt d, cost of /.f;!, cents pi!lr linedI'" toot to t.he prOlle1"ty bot"d'~I"" .~., Ing thl'tl",_,on and 8p&c1i.\l1;! bflnflf'1 tedtMrnb:r; , "i N()W T.NF.REll'ORF.:, Et\ it ~e!!lolvftd by ~' r.1tyr.otlncll of thn City of~oZAlII4n ,:j if and 1 t 1" h~,..!tby Ql"d"r~d; That \.he !!If'!ve~111 SUI'!28 t set QPod t6 ot' the"':)' . !? , ,~, j .1I!ili: nam.." of thll 1'f6vl!fl"al OwtlGra ilnd tM SiIlV &1"11 1 lots antl !lilreds otb_9 L~ntl ..ll:l dPPlhH':J 1n ',h~ schl'ldulo hE\J"l'l'U I1tt4ehed and n'u:lde a PI.H't h~r~H.,.~i,t bfl and thl'l lidm" tlft8 l"espMt1vely an~u.d and 1e"hd agll1n8t th'9Sd4 ~ . K~ lota clnct par cds of' land to defl"llY t~ cost dnd expenBtt of conllltrUOUUI j. $dd port1on of add Distrht Sewer Humber Pour, and t.hat add several .~, ,I 8umB be '0114'0"8d from the r8lpeet1vn ownera ot add bnd described. tn, add achedul., Thls aue8.111ent 18 in purautmt; to ,aa1d count.lllro801uU.ca . Nurllber2&8, ;alllp l.'\dophcl by the 01t.1' Oouncll ~'OotoMr 1st t 1~03, U . Thillt the .J.... day Qf' June, 1904, .t7::~O o'clook p, l!i, at the 'I' Oounoll ChJ.mbur in the City Hall, is hereb1du18nllted anti utapart,; u thl" time dnd phee at wh10h ob.1ect1ons to the find ,ddopt.ion of tbb ~ ruolut1on w111 be heard bll the 01tllCounoil. The Clerk of thl'l Ulta, <or j"...' Bouman 1s h~!"ebl' dlnetec\ to'she noUce of' the Umo and p14e~ crt' .~'~. ,,' he.ring iU 11 prOvided b1 liaw. ",."....,.,',. .'"""',.,',.,,1,,'.,,',, ,,',',', ",~,i,' pp~~.". ., ~" , . ,,"": , " "'.~::':'.\" "'.>:<;~r..:\" ':~',:":"i,I:::"::',,';<; ", 0, Pt, 8d, ' Mat)', / c.,.~, 1904, ' /, , '" ,', ,,','.'" :"",..,.,..,',t,""'"""'",.',,,,,',:,','J,.:,",',' A:l'Tl<-:~T~' L.-f- YAYO}il, j;~ ":/'14 '. Oay OLERK. :""" ~ 'Itl!;.~\'\') find l:ldopU'On, r,,:l.. .' ,1904, :';,' II . ~~l'f ( ~~"" ~' 8~DUrJfiJ : 0J;r ,$PJ:01AJ'~*9AJilB9H1! OIJ TAXIS !'OR Tn COS, 0" tn QQHSfROl':'rJ ~, flOHOW DJtTR1CT $~wmR NUNS~R 'OUR ON ~ST BABCOOK ~.E~' rIm' r.JNEAR"Rmr.r \1'OOT 43 mlHTI'I. ,,", ......''\11. ,'" , !fAD O' t)..~~ AJf1J BLOme ~"--;;ii;i;;N";Q"'oiT;- LOT "OR T1U~T, 0' IO~IMAN: .0. O",*IT, ~~ . ' . , ASSR'.>>: N~lson Story,.fr, ~...Ih ald. of BllboOdk StrlAt) , ., I.Gte 20 to M 1noludn ud W, 10-1/2 filet :n, "n" I1tory's &40-1/2 . .~.."'~- ... ,:'lillr 'f- -~ -~- -...- .ill.! .. -ml"JI. '''.or."'",,:::_::,,,." ~..."--.iiiiiiCiIiEi"-.""'_."".. -- - -,R". ~""_.,,, , ,...~,,'up.,.'.,_, ~_.~...~, -~~,.""""l .--~ ._~-,~, ,- i Wolv@rtol1, ,1oillnnll , i Lob 40 to 44 I inclusi'n, "Pl" litO 64.50 :1 ' , 11'1 ahBr, nl1;'lJ"lt, 'T . :1 Lots 35 'to 39 un M.!'lO. lnolulJiv&, , , , , Ori1gg, '1'h08. J. ~. ~ GO ~5.eo. Lots 33 <lnd 3", , l ' , South sUo Baboock Streot), Hender8on,J.A.V.O. p~ rk , '70 30.10. Lota 1,2, anlt ~, "a" Rtle 8e, Thol",HI, rIots 7 to 12 1&0 64 .ISO. lnol\lsl'f8, "1" , , Bush Jon E. ROla..'.....,d. 134 07.63. T,ots 10,11 l\nd la, Wylie, W.W. 100 4~~ .00. 1,0 ts 1;, <lod 14, , , , , Or li1 S , (}I'I (). ,~R1 ohcl rd Weet 50 r0~t or th~ "Ord16"'~ "RoUG$" 50 21.50. Truett) , ' , , , Kanole,Olenll, 50 teet of the nra1s .nd Rouse Tracts, ly1ng west or 11ne 190 teet welt or ~o 21.50. li'olJr.th !Vf!lnUA, ' , , , Morr1 a, ,T~III.M, 50 r~6t of thn ~rd16 and Rouse Tr~iCt8 lying west of . I1nd 140 feet w~st or 50 21.50. !l"olJrth A"ftnu~, , , , , ""'t t "1"1, ,J .M. .Mi:,.s*rt.Jfelilke 140 t~ftt of th8 orals , --,~~By.JiL~~~~i'lng '",.", """'.',:.:.,":"""";"'<;I""""~O .:;:,>.,.,d """:"':",:..\ ~'" ',N.(t~etM ''',:< ';",::'.'''''",' ':,"<:';'<':',~,,::,:,' ,," , 140 :N';tlo~ Is',..'h&reby.glvell,;that"th~1 , , , , $I". ,Ollj'e"uJ;lbil'Ofthe;()ityo~~llm8'Il'\: ,I'" A......d. '0 ", :MIi11t&nti,l\ta:,~e~t!nft: ',," reid., "()n ".the 'I l\l~~, d~:rOf J'4I\Y" 1904,bi .~t\ll!Ill"tlon ' , Jevled'&lld lWesseda epeolat taxOf,4e I oe,I\t~perllnElarirolitfoot;oD ,..Ur~al ," I properttbOrdllrlng . oD' I\Udspeoll\Uy. ,beIlefltted by the cQn~truotionoftbat 3tate,Qf !fa.ta...., ) ,portion of m~triot Se'\'l'er; N'um ber ; I Four, on We8t Babo.,ok street frolIi '. ) ..: the oenter ,of Fourth aveu~8' tothtl County of Uallat1n,)' \, , ,,:, , cellte.of8h:tl~ avabne" SUOhtl'X behill ,for the p",rpcll8.ofdefra,liili the 1, t. It. Pitre_.ott, d1erICl"h, , f)ostaud' e;<peu"eOfO~lD~tn10Utig ~uoh nuy of Bozetlilll'l, Montana, ct. hereiYc.l1lt,A: I i p6rtiouof ~i1iddi~trict~'\Ver~; ,." . t 1 f1 t..t 10Re ...x.:... torel.1ngc'ti.. I ,. Tlla.t th"prllpertyto lie.'SQ "l\aseised Will' dull pU'lhhed in the 13c'z.$/naIlCnr:n. ," . . is as follows: '..tOtiS20~'llQIIDClu.B/V"; , .. ..tly; ae"Qat.,. ot,e.lral ..r,u~'.i" and the ,west, JOU !eetofLot31,iu Blq"II", " P " ;l!udt.ot~;Il$tO ~ljnlliijs" . prhte. aad :published; 1. the a1tY(l.(~..: lve,in.Block":S:'h StoiylTJ Addlc/on mall, Montalla, in thfl '1.... .#'...",a...~ ' I to, ,the.iOit:rof~z~~~( i4tS (t.o~; . 1904., " ' ' '" .' ,',.".." }iucl oSlve.,lu;B1?Ok' /'.!'llDd:'L,<ltS:~.' to' ]ftftta..a ,WIt.Fe"", ,1 hli:," hereUI~os.'t' :H2" ,Inclusive, ,.",. ,ill Block' 'rPatk my h~l!l.a oa th.is JUh'1lnd.t\U,Q4~ !'Addi~iOll ,to,~beqi~y:pf,~oz~ll1an<tf~g . , i 19f' tile north .hl\{f, :\l.l'~U:Ile:'Jt::IHt4' . ~ ,I !^ddltlontotbe.qity\ rifB'oiOeDia'Il.' irWellllofFollri:hi\nIl~e;', ' ' , ',',: ......'.' ','.,','.. . :ilTbe'resoluti~ouol~..inll:and' 'l'BlIeS~i~~ , CITY Ctll:llK. .,suoh . t,ax'~i8ued ' "by',,' . the'M.Y<lt~d 'OltyOlel.'k is on flle 111tbe" aft'IlSeGf 'llhe"".,~ty "'~llllk,,,l!f.'.t~,,:pltYllfBO~. :man,' b;loot. to:ilillfjlKlttl'lilll. .Thatthll' ,,ql;~ ,;',P~Ill\ll;.:l)lla"'~~f:i~,~,,\~,d;;;r~(l;:t;,. ~ atl,7:$O,,'O' blO~lt,,'P1;','(l\t. tille.<JllllnOti OhNi1berliltlte:'P.i ' iaMl o!\th/l"Qilly' . ot'inozeili~D,<,/j,,:t}(~}t(tue~pl!i-oe ~it~.tlle\Oi '" ','$[\"" 'lb~'i""l .r...\Y.."...~. I:':;:'.:~:','u:;;:~:,~~,\,."",: ,,,'~ '~~ti~~'!~: "~~ 1.i1tfl '<f"rlf' ,.'..,Jl\, ~j?i~,\:':t: ,'"'i\i;ii;',i~','\,:t,;3:jfi:!;,,,, ~',\j",;~~I"J\~ . .~""i:,J.,:,! :"''''1...\, :'.,)'\"I:.l?.I.,~~:)."I,.'1